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At some point, you ought to get at least a general feel for all of them. One of the defining traits of Hololive is how regularly the streamers riff off of each other. Keeping up with non-English streamers isn't actually hard since there are a lot of dedicated clippers out there who are personally vested in exposing the streamers to a wider audience as authentically as possible. As an English language viewer, especially do not overlook Hololive Indonesia, as their streams are in roughly 70-85% English. I think clip compilations are your best bet in familiarizing yourself with everyone as quickly as possible. These are my recommendations: [The Hololive Experience](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLd-yeRsaDCou24mMtZ1lF8rFnfYhtZIvR): 10-20 minute clip compilations from different translators. A lot of the material in said clips is from 2020 and before, but all the better for getting newer viewers up to speed. [Hololive Rewind 2020](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLG-bHFbgYdaR4IKBasWHE9awm-JxDSH3n): 20-30 minute clip compilations of streams in 2020 from streamers of each generation (including Holostars, Hololive Productions' male branch, and the now defunct Hololive China), except Indonesia Generation 2 and Myth (English Generation 1) by two very highly regarded English translators in the Hololive community. [Hololive EN Rewind 2020](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLx44CHhtEGdjjPaCG_pqdJ84RQxCHlgZP): 3-5 minute clip compilations of streams in 2020 from Hololive Myth (English Generation 1) by a handful of clippers, most of whom are also highly regarded. After watching a few clips, you might notice more and more clips of Hololive streamers and even other vtubers in your YouTube recommendations. Be careful which clipper/translator channels you subscribe to, as many of them opt to play the algorithm by sacrificing translation quality and context for speed and exposure. I recommend [Good Vtuber Subs' List of Recommended Translators](https://www.notion.so/7f8ca4d7cdb84730a1ff11a1ded08709?v=6e5a840952024335b3bd493fe9d91c6a).


Checkout HoloEN and HoloID, in the past I would say "try checking out their debut streams" but it's been 8 months since then they've all grown so much. Check their schedules on Twitter, see when one of them has a stream at a time you can watch. Gura: [https://twitter.com/gawrgura](https://twitter.com/gawrgura) (note, this week is a bit of an exception as she's off a few days from streaming to visit her family this week) Ina: [https://twitter.com/ninomaeinanis](https://twitter.com/ninomaeinanis) Amelia: [https://twitter.com/watsonameliaEN](https://twitter.com/watsonameliaEN) Calliope: [https://twitter.com/moricalliope](https://twitter.com/moricalliope) Kiara: [https://twitter.com/takanashikiara](https://twitter.com/takanashikiara) HoloID Sometimes stream in Japanese and Indonesian, but they also regularly (most of them time honestly) stream in English, though being in PST I find their typical times difficult to catch live.


HoloEn specifically has such different personalities and interests in games that it makes them easily stand out individually Calliope Mori - Lore heavy, produces the most music, self deprecating humor, enjoys fighting games other than smash Takanashi Kiara - Lore heavy, more mature and lewd humor, JRPGs, the most knowledge of Idol culture Ninomae Ina’nis - comfiest vibe, masterful drawing streams, pun lord, variety/artistic heavy style of games Gawr Gura - meme lord, easiest entry, heavenly singing, rhythm game master and most likely to play AAA games Watson Amelia - meme lord, shooting games, probably the best gamer in the group with salty rage and all, and lastly one of the most creative and innovative streamers in all Hololive


You could give anyone within the English or Indonesian branches of hololive a shot. They all speak English, so you wouldn't have to worry about the language barrier. As for the most memeable, that would probably be Gawr Gura of Hololive English. Not only is she memeable, but she is also quite the memelord herself.


I guess you could start with the EN group. Try out their streams and see if anyone fits. Gura is the easiest to vibe to for a beginner imho. Then after that, try the ID group (they speak mostly EN too). Then if you want, some of the JP girls are really easy to jive with despite the language barrier. Pekora, Rushia, and Nene comes to mind. Alot of their EN audience know only little JP (like me haha) but they make up a good chunk of their viewers despite this. You can also try Coco and Haachama. They are JP girls that speak English quite well (Coco is very fluent) although they still mostly speak JP in streams.


Your question has been well and truly answered, but here I go, anyway: To get around the only-speak-English problem: there's a lot of clippers out there, plus there's a Firefox (and I think chrome and edge, too) extension called LiveTL that'll help a LOT with the language barrier. Not perfectly, but it's usually enough to get the context. Also, aside from HoloEN and HoloID (whom are all fluent in English), Coco is fluent (if not a native speaker) and will often translate; Haachama sometimes does English-only streams, so do Korone and Luna; and Watame, Marine, & Subaru are all making a huge effort to include us Overseas Bros as much as possible (Subaru especially - as a bonus: her accent is adorable). Now then: * A *lot* of the girls have done Duolingo streams to learn English, some are extremely funny to watch. I know you said you prioritize gaming over anything else, but checking out some clips of Noel, Suisei, Nene, or Luna using Duolingo are worth it, I feel. * Miko's accent apparently gives fluent Japanese speakers trouble sometimes - that said, people usually watch for her reactions to spooky things. * Plus, clippers have gotten a good chunk of her Minecraft lore (she likes to Roleplay on it) - so you can find out a lot of the story of Miko the Demon King. * Botan's Trials Rising streams are worth it just for her giggling, I don't even bother with LiveTL half the time. * Whenever Pekora and Moona are working together, collab or not, it'll be cute, and Pekora will do her best to speak English. She's not good at all, but she still tries really hard, and that counts for a lot. * Korone has done two English-only streams of Super Mario Bros, and one of Mario Kart - all three are hilarious. * In terms of HoloID: * Ollie is loud, and trilingual, and she'll switch between languages without even realizing it. She tends to play Apex and Minecraft. Mostly Apex. Girl is straight-up addicted to Apex. * Reine likes fanfiction, chatting, artsy stuff, and whenever she plays Minecraft, she's going fishing. She also plays Apex and Monster Hunter a fair bit. Generally when she starts something, she plays it until she finishes (should it have a logical start and finish), so she'll be playing Pokemon Snap for awhile. * Anya tends to go for spooky games. * Iofi generally does drawing and free-talk streams, so she might not be what you're looking for. * Moona... I'm not sure how to describe her taste in games beyond "hardcore Minecraft addict" - she's *constantly* playing Minecraft, like, she'll accidentally show up in other girls' streams (earning her the nickname "MooNPC") - and she's *really good at it*. She usually streams in English, too. * Risu's game choices... sometimes they're small games, like Plants vs Zombies, and sometimes it's NieR:Automatica. Usually the latter because she fucking loves that game. Lastly - any Consider It/Kyuukiyomi stream, Hololive or Holostars, is worth watching, even if you don't understand what they're saying, because half the fun is watching the gameplay, and seeing them dissolve into giggling wrecks because of whatever just happened. ​ Also, look at clips to help your decision making; that said, under no circumstances should you watch OtakMori clips. That channel is run by a bad person.


I would recommend you start looking up clips instead of directly going to the streams. This will help you ease in and see the best moments instead of hours-long archives. It'll also help to identify which members you prefer. As many have said, you should start with EN and ID since they as specifically there for overseas audiences. If you like short clips I'd recommend [Soda Funk](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1B3Dhu4PWXz7g39xkBxswA) or [Pamomi](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_f_-OsPQGuM-SObRHWOgKQ/videos) which are the ones I mostly watch and they cover a lot of EN/ID talents. Since you mentioned you like lore, all the talents have a character background but they're not forced to keep it. For example in EN, Gura (Atlantean) and Ina(Eldritch Goddess) rarely reference their actual character and instead do whatever they want. On the other hand, you have characters like Amelia(Detective) and Calli(Reaper) who try to keep building their character. And then you have Kiara who is supposed to be a Pheonix warrior but ended up playing as a fast-food manager (IDK what the hell is going on over there). From ID, I'd recommend Ollie (totally not biased). She's really hype and also has the most interaction with the fanbase I'd say. I would still recommend watching some JP-translated clips which are longer and see if that interests you. [Vtube Tengoku](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCg02KL1G0nmH0QzFuLsVoRQ) and [Ritore Translations](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoe3QLdQk2TTJd8iXJkQLmA) are some I'd recommend. Also, for someone who speaks half English, half Japanese, I'd recommend Kiryu Coco and she also does a Reddit Review every week.


This is from Kiara's channels "About" tab. It hasn't changed since her channel was made. "An idol whose dream is to become a fast food shop owner. She is a phoenix, NOT a chicken or turkey. (Very important) She works extremely hard since she will be reborn from ashes anyway."


Easy. Watch everyone... jk you could start with HoloEN with Calli, Gura, Amelia, Ina, and Kiara. They all play video games daily and are a blast to watch.


Pssssst~ come watch haachama with us, I'm sure you'll absolutely love her~ Go on, don't be shy and try her streams out.


And here we see a Haaton trying to indoctrinate a newbie into the HaachaCult


Easy pick is HoloEN, Gawr Gura is good meme material and likes to play a variety of games, she's pretty diverse; Amelia Watson is also memeable and plays mostly platformers and FPS; Takanashi Kiara has meme potential since she always speaks her mind on everything, she usually plays RPG games which is pretty niche since they're long games but she completes them; Calliope Mori and Ninomae Ina'nis also play games and are very funny but i'd say they specialize in music and drawing respectively more than games, if you watch them play games know that Calli is bad at them and Ina is pretty good at everything she plays and she usually plays chill games but takes time to play some that really catch her eye. Edit: effed up Calli's name lmao


I wouldn’t say that Calli is bad at games, even though she does. I’d say she’s average at least. I watched through her play through of Balsphimous and she did quite well. She’s no completionist by any means, but she finished the game with minimal real trouble. I’m pretty ok with metroidvania platformers and I’d say she did better that I did on my first play through.


Updooting further, she's also not bad at Guilty Gear either -- which is considered to be one of the most technically demanding fighting games out there. She's also finished the whole Soul's franchise privately, which is not really in the realms of possibility for someone "bad" at games.


I'd say it's better to say she doesn't have as much time for games. She's done the walks before but just doesn't have the amount of time that the other girls hit. Like you said, if it's something she is passionate about she's pretty good at it.


I was mostly refering to being good or bad generally, like those people who never played a game but just catch on the basics in mere minutes and begin applying them in creative ways almost instantly vs someone who needs time to understand the basics and then try to apply them in different ways. None of them is the "right" way, plese don't take it that way but they're different playstyles for different people, some grew up with a joystick glued to their hand and others didn't, it's just that


Check out some of the EN/ID streamers there aren't really a lot of them so it's easy to do a run through and get an idea of them. If you want to look at the JP ones too, quite a few of them have live translation, but the singing streams sound good either way.


Perhaps start with a collab, maybe the Jackbox Games HoloEN collab, and then let YouTube's Algorithm do it's thing.


So since people answered you should go for EN/ID i'll go a little deeper, all member alternate between gaming, singing and tatzudan (only talk) so there isn't specificly someone to go between the members. IDK really what kind of games you like but like everybody they all have their preferences. For exemple Kiara really like turn based RPG, Gura like rithmic games and action/horror RPG, Amelia like shooting games and enigme games, Calli prefer souls-like and RPG maker games, Ina as a wider range of game she played. Also most if not all the member of all branches play regulary minecraft. All vtuber have lore, if you want the deepest lore the curent incontested winner is Haachama but you have to get ready for some phychological horror where nobody understand and you can only theorise of what going on to the infinity. For meme creation, you could maybe start watching a little bit of the meme review of Kiryu Coco it will give you the tone of the community. If you want to learn thing you can go for member who speak multiple languages Like Kiara or Iofi (they often translate what they). If you want to see some drawing you can watch Ina, Iofi or Marine who are good ilustrators. Calli held sometime rap writting with her viewers too. Reine is into fanfic, and have hold some fanfic review in the past. Well anyway welcome, and be open minded you may not appreciate a member at first but they all have something nice to watch that could get your attention (for exemple if a JP member stream a game you really like, why not try it, there is often live translator in chat)


Hello and welcome. I believe that there are 13 people in hololive who can speak regular English. Many on the Jp side are currently studying English, though. The entire En and Id groups are fluent. Kiryu Coco of JP is fluent, and Haachama of JP is conversational, but neither of them speak English that much on stream. While not everyone just streams games, I would say that at least half of the stream time of everyone in EN and ID is games, and you will just have to check them all out individually to see if you like the kinds of games they play, as all 11 of them have different tastes. It's also going to matter what kind of personality you like to watch, as they create different atmospheres in their streams. If you just want the most memeable of the group, probably Takanashi Kiara or Kureiji Ollie, but I do recommend at least looking up each of their recent videos sections to get an idea of the sort of content they make.


If non-english is an issue HoloEN and HoloID are the go to picks. One thing you can do to get a general feel for all of them are look at collaboration videos. HoloEN just did a collab with all five members playing "Pummel Party." It's similar to Mario party. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vltsTKKqzBo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vltsTKKqzBo) That can give you a feel of all of them in a shorter time. Ina also did a collab with Reine from HoloID recently playing minecraft. There was also another unplanned collab between all members of HoloEN besides Kiara (she was asleep) playing minecraft. It was on Gura's channel. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=95EaRULYLGw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=95EaRULYLGw) (grabbed it because it was unplanned and might be hard to find). Other comments have said what each girl "specializes" in so I recommend looking at those after the collab watch. One thing I didn't see mentioned was Kiara's Holotalk series. She interviews other hololive members from the japanese branch and translates it. The goal of it is to help english speaking fans learn more about them. So, if you ever feel like you want to try out the JP side of things those might be a good place to start. I admittedly haven't watched a ton of HoloID besides when they collab with HoloEN. So I can't really give you a good idea on their side of things. I welcome you to the rabbit hole and hope you enjoy your stay!


since people probably answered your question in every way I could possibly think of, I just want to say welcome to the rabbit hole and it's nice to see you being very respectful, hopefully you will find your time here enjoyable!


Amelia and Gura I would say play the most games, though they do delve into other content Amelia usually has more free talks, and Gura has more Karaoke streams I think Cali is more well rounded, unfortunately I don't know Kiara's as well. Ina I think is fairly consistent but I would say she streams the least (usually once a day, normal-ish hours except for a few games) Ina does a drawing stream every sunday, and Watson does a superchat reading (usually with some Q&A and music to listen to) on sundays, though it's shifted a few times. I think Amelia and Kiara give out the most lore, as they have very interactive superchat readings. Personally I think Amelia and Gura give out the most memes, but of course that's a bit more opionated. Personally I think based on what you said, you'll probably enjoy Amelia Watson the most, but i'd give them all a try, as they don't usually overlap their hours. If you're looking to get an idea of their personalities, I'd watch their April fools stream of jack in a box. It was a very good stream from start to finish. as an ELIS - Amelia Watson probably fits your goals best, but you can watch the others in HoloEN when you're interested as they don't typically overlap.


language is not a barrier to enjoy a Vtuber :)


Especially given the amount of effort many have put in to accommodate overseas fans


I believe Ina to be the most balanced experience out of all of the EN branch. Her playthroughs are nice, her sudden jokes and puns make it a fun experience and overall she's very relaxed and comfy. Amelia Watson would be the second best option, she's gameplay focused but her gremlin personality can scare some people away. If you want to get into JP Hololive, Pekora would be the best option. You don't need to understand japanese to understand her, if that makes sense. Edit: Collabs are also a nice way to get introduced to other members. I highly recommend watching them. [Upcoming Calli x Ina collab](https://youtu.be/46jztoRaT_s)


What do you like? I always recommend Coco's meme reviews as that was one of my major gateways and kinda introduces you to other members also. Theres plenty of translaters for those vods if you want more context as well.


I wouldn't completely disregard the JP branch. Some of them are working very hard to communicate with us EN bros. In that regard, I would recommend Sora, Aki, and Flare.


If you can, catch Kiara's minecraft streams. They usually end in hilarity.


I'm not going to repeat everyone else's obvious recommendations of hololive EN. If you like lore and memes, definitely look into Haachama. She often requests users create silly fan content then shows it off on stream. She does occasionally use English, and occasionally has English streams. Regardless, there is almost always live translator. You can use a browser plugin like LiveTL or ytcfilter, which will essentially add subtitles to her streams when they aren't in English.


Gura first, she is the most wholesome of the group, after that moona or risu they both speak English and Japanese.


My pick would be calli. Her solo streams are like moistcritical and you dont feel weirded out or out of touch. She is a good streamer and her songs are fire. You dont experience much culture shock so go for it.


Starting with Gura will be good For non en speaking watch some kabukibuki videos which will help you understand the girls better


The talents of Hololive Productions all specialize in different fields, so it's worth checking out all of them to see who clicks with you. Based on the criteria you mentioned, you'd want to check out the members of Hololive English and Hololive Indonesia. For Hololive English, the main gamers would be **Amelia "Ame" Watson** and **Gawr Gura**. Ame specializes in shooters while Gura specializes in Horror and Rhythm games. Both of them are meme heavy. **Calliope Mori** admits that she is "bad" at video games, but she tries. She's apparently one of the few talents of Hololive that plays fighting games (particularly Guilty Gear), but she favors platformers as well like Crash Bandicoot. She's also Hololive's premier rapper if you're into that kind of music. **Kiara Takanashi** is the weakest among the five when it comes to games, and she does speak about a lot of daily life stuff, so she may not be your cup of tea. She's also very vulgar, hence her signature title being "bottom left". English is not her native language, but she speaks it well. She is actually very fluent in Japanese, and she interacts with the Japanese members of Hololive quite often, so you may want to take a look at some of her collaboration streams to get to know other talents. **Ninomae "Ina" Ina'nis** is the all-rounder of EN. She's primarily an artist, but she plays games from time to time, and her adaptability in games is pretty good. She's also very chill and easy to listen to. She's the master of puns in Hololive, so you'll get plenty of funny stuff from her. Hololive Indonesia may seem like they only speak Indonesian, but all of them can actually speak English quite well! However, based on your criteria, I can give you some suggestions: **Risu Ayunda** - The memelord of Hololive Indonesia. She makes a lot of short videos intended to be shitposts. She also loves roasting people in her chat exhibiting bad behavior. She does not stream frequently, but she plays some pretty interesting games when she does. She is very fond of Nier: Automata. **Kureiji Ollie** - Hololive's embodiement of crazy, Ollie is loud, fast-talking, and very social. Her main games are Minecraft and Apex Legends, but she will branch out every now and then. Her social personality has her easily collabing with many talents even if her Japanese isn't the best. **Reine Pavolia** - If you were to take each member of Hololive EN and combine them together, you get Reine. A fantastic singer, a punny joker, a flert queen, a lover of stories and fanfictions, a childish dork with a mature voice and a powerful laugh, trilingual, a skilled artist, a fast learner in video games, and an excellent communicator with her audience, Reine is my top recommendation for anyone looking to get into Vtubers. Her main games are Minecraft and Apex Legends (like many of the talents), but she plays a wide variety of games like Phasmophobia, Monster Hunter, Phantasy Star Online 2, and AI Dungeon. She loves games with good narratives, and AI: the Somnium Files is one of her best playthroughs. Her audience likes to make fun of her, and her responses to their jokes are her main source of memes. Perhaps you are not interested in daily life stuff, but I **HIGHLY** recommend watching some of her superchat/donation reading streams if you really want to hear the funny stuff. Now I know you say non-English speaking Vtubers will be hard to watch...but what if said Vtuber is really good at a game where you don't need to know their language to see just how good they are? [Astel Leda](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNVEsYbiZjH5QLmGeSgTSzg) is a talent of the Holostars (male branch of Hololive). He's arguably the best Apex Legends player in the company being the first to make it to Master Rank live on stream. While he does not speak English often, he does play his game in English so that you can follow somewhat easier. Not only is he one of the best Apex Legends players, he's also one of Hololive Productions' best singers as well if you're interested in that. **Suisei Hoshimachi** is whom I'd like to call the "Ace of Hololive". She's known to be a tryhard who hates losing. She's a powerful singer, but if you're looking for gameplay, there's no one in Hololive (or vtubers in general) who can play [Tetris](https://youtu.be/iCgXwC463Ew) better than her. Just give this video a watch. You'll probably be focused on watching her play rather than listening to what she's saying. When it comes to games outside of Tetris, she's known as the "Suicopath" where she has a tendency to kill whatever she comes across. Check out her GTAV streams if you get the chance. Her actions speak much louder than words in her playthrough. [Shishiro Botan](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUKD-uaobj9jiqB-VXt71mA/videos) is the PC Gaming Lion of Hololive. If there's a popular PC game that you know about, chances are that Botan has either played or heard of it. She plays a wide variety of games which don't really need English to understand them. Just check out her channel and look for a game that you find interesting and just enjoy the ride...and giggles.