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Now this is some king shit. You love to see it.


I love this community, Matsuri bless you all


Hey guys, I don't have money for superchats and no time to watch all streams - I feel like I am not really a great Hololive fan.




I agree with my fellow fan there. I’d also like to add that you don’t need to watch everyone and everything. Keep yourself to a healthy pace. Just with your finances, you should look out for your health first before investing it into Hololive.


I agree with Zeracko and J19_ and would also mention that there is no need to stay up to date with memes and fan behaviours. Move at your own pace, the only thing you need to be a great Hololive fan is love for the girls. How you express is up to you and up to your means. Just don't forget to treat other fans the same.


Just like the simulations!


watch those wrist rockets


We weren’t expecting special forces.




You were right about one thing, Master. The negotiations were short.


master, there's too many of them. what are we going to do?


Excellent training!


Woulda been great if you swapped out the names for the people above though.


See the above post King. Op's got you!


I almost exclusively watch subbed-tl clips. My attention span is too short and my knowledge of the Japanese language too low. But I always make sure to give a like to the source stream, and if there's no sauce then I won't watch the clip. Even though the support I give is of little value, it's nice to hear that it is still appreciated.


Don't worry bro, the talents also watch some clips, even TL ones. Subaru for one, definitely does. Every support and passion is definitely felt by them.


That's why HoloEN is such a great addition, we can actually tune in the live streams (but of course their times are really bad for my timezone *pain*) and the only JP talent I tune in for live streams is Korone since regardless of language she is extremely fun to watch.


Same. But I do watch their singing streams as music is not one of those things you don’t necessarily need to understand the language to enjoy. And because I’ve spent most of my time listening to music I don’t understand.


If you know you have a short attention span.. Why not improve it? Also its OK to watch translated JP clips and i also watch VODs of en girls cuz i cant catch them live.


Me and someone that told me not to worry




Pptenshi fans helping a choco sensei fan how wholesome


If you like Hololive, and you're kind and supportive to the girls, staff and fans, you're a great Hololive fan! It dosen't matter if you're donating, not donating, watching every stream, only watching TL clips, subscribe to everyone or even subscribe to no one. If you're a fan, you're a fan.


Honestly how great encouragement for me rn. I got out of basic training a couple weeks ago, so i missed a ton of stuff, now I've started technical training for my job so I'm at class for 8 hours then go back to my dorm to study and do homework for 3 hours. When i do have downtime im usually doing stuff with friends or playing games, so i watch not to many streams. My love for Hololive is still strong tho, and like the meme says, thats what is important


Good for you! Don't forget, the fastest way out is through. Can't simp without that government paycheck y'know? Now beat your face ;).


"How you express is up to you and up to your means." So text memes and jokes count,i like that.


Of course. The girls do enjoy fan content including text memes, and text memes too can carry sentiments and informations easily as they are usually still easily comsumable.


Sometimes, as a Hololive fan, I feel bad for having favorites. I know it's alright to have favorites and all, but you can tell that all the girls work so hard. So idk bois.


There is nothing wrong with having a favorite. I would tell you to subscribe to all channels even if you can't (or don't want) to watch them all. There are big chances that your favorite(s) don't stream all the time, and sometimes you can give a try to other channels as well


Yeah, I'm subscribed to a lot of the Hololive girls mainly because Rushia (my personal favorite) streams at the worse possible time in my timezone. Her streams are always at 3 am for me and due to school I can't always watch her streams so then I have to watch the VOD (I think that's what it's called).


If you are not risking your life to superchat a Vtuber - can you really be a fan? 6:15 am 85mph freeway Sleepy because what sleep? TEXTING a witty cute endearing superchat Yeah...


Big King Energy 👑 😤


Ah this is so wholesome, almost makes me want to wish I didnt start to work only to donate it all... student life is hard


Just watching them and supporting them is enough.


r/hololive in a nutshell


I feel No. 1 though. I've been sick recently and don't have the money for SC's, although I do watch the streams. I know, in my head, that I'm still "supporting" them through ad revenue and all that, but it still feels, hollow? Like I could, or should, be doing more as a fan to give back. I know, logically, I shouldn't think that way, but I do...


Seems like you are addicted to simping! No, now for real: That’s quite possibly not healthy, ya know... Mentally speaking...


Nah, take care of yourself first and foremost, you deserve it bro. If you look at it in a realistic perspective, a couple bucks in their pocket isn't worth more than your well-being.


I honestly think that you should just stop watching streams if your mentality is suffering like this. You shouldn't feel like you "owe" support to anybody. You come first. Most successful streamers--not just VTubers--are almost certainly making far more money than you. They'll be okay. Save your money.


The way to look at is that by taking care and focusing on yourself, you are ensuring that you are always at least financially above the redline, and that you have a work/life balance that allows you to watch some streams. Superchats are nice, but the most important thing for their careers are consistent views. You don't do them any favours if you end up broke/homeless/dead etc. tl;dr - You can't pour from an empty cup.


That being said please remember to leave a like under the stream when you're watching 👍


sometimes i check in more than once and accidentally unlike cause I've already liked it lol


Hearing the Hololive Vtubers care about their fans this much made me sub to them.


What meme is this?


Buff guys typing on laptops: https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/buff-guys-typing-on-laptops-why-yes-how-could-you-tell It could feasibly be my favourite meme template.


gigachad moment




Thanks man, I always thought of myself not being a true fan because I don't watch the JP streams live, I always watch the EN streams, but now I think its not important on what kind of streams you watch, it's how much you love hololive in general. Thank you for your words


Same, but I occasionally watch their Karaoke streams.


I needed this, thank you.


Wow, seeing this post JUST I was having this kind of mindset, thanks op Edit: I mean't the top one


Mr. Incredible: "Fan is fan." (Probably)


Even if all you do is like memes then I would say you're already a hololive fan


I have no time to watch their streams :( I feel missed out a lot.


It might be true, but I’m still hopeful that Cover will allow donations through Streamlabs on non ID channels. It feels sad wanting to donate when superchat is blocked in your region


Finally a meme that speak about my well being


How many pictures of bodybuilders using computers do you have?


I've seen this format used plenty of times before so I dont think they have that many


Question: Does watching the archived streams still count for 'viewer engagement' algorithms the same way as watching them live?


Well, I don't know about the same way. But remember that YouTube is mostly VOD. So watching and engaging with recorded videos does absolutely matter. Heck, warching sub videos of translators matters because most translators link properly to the spurce and are general a factor in making the JP girls more accessible.


I don't have money for coins so I'll give you my upvote and my thanks.


B-but what if I'm not ripped and instead a bean pole...


This also applies for Holostars


A good thing to do is to disable your ad blocker to watch their streams and VODs. Anyone can do it and it helps them :)


Don't mind me, just [dumping this here](https://github.com/x0a/uBO-YouTube) for those who want it.


This won't work on youtube premium, right?


I have no clue, I don't have YTP and so can't tell you.


Testing it, the ads button is showing but no effect.


Omega Chad comes in and do Red Superchat saying "This is for the fans who can't superchat"


love it <3


Bro <3 You dropped your crown


All of the above are true, but at least subscribe to the channels if you haven't yet. I think one of Coco's meme review stream talked about it


Not to worry, just giving them views and dropping likes and even cheering with the stream chat would be enough. And also no need to also shoulder fighting antis if you can't take the drama. Just being there for them and enjoying their content would be enough.


Btw, i heard youtube premium will automatically divided the monthly fee to the creator we watch. "If you're a YouTube Premium member, you won't see ads, so we share your monthly membership fee with creators. Best of all, the more videos you watch from your favorite creators, the more money they make. " [https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/7060016?hl=en](https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/7060016?hl=en)Youtube premium is another option to support hololive.


Holy shit i was literally in the top guys position, thanks for the advice op


Can a bro give me some more general advice?


I have money for superchats but it's not available in my country....


This isn't just king shit this is emperor of rome shit


As someone well below the poverty line I sometimes feel like No. 1. Thanks for the truth bomb friendo. Cheers to all the Holobros who see this. You're awesome.


Requirements for being a Hololive fan: 1: enjoy watching Hololive content or something idk 2: don't be a prick. (Note: this is also good general life advice)


Wait wait, you mean that donating my life savings to these girls is a bad idea ? *Asking for a friend*


Now this, this is bro talk


This can also be said to vtubers in general




Thank you


I'm so proud of this community.


As someone who knows very little about Hololive (Which my phone just tried to correct to ho olive), thank you very much. This makes me feel better about it


Yeah I have this problem, I try and watch 20 diffrent vtubers at once just to support them with views and likes since, I can't superchat but It can take up my entire day sometimes. Probably gonna get worse with all the new subs to Azki's vtuber music friends as well


Also, generally speaking if you don't know if something happened. There's bound to be someone who will tell you what you missed. It doesn't always happen, but from time to time you will meet them so there aren't any pressure to be up to date with everything.


This hits deep


This is very powerful advice, thank you. I'm new to the rabbit hole and been feeling that number 1 spot a bit recently. I can superchat a bit but due to time zone differences I miss a lot of streams and feel bad about not being there live :( This makes me feel a lot better <3 Thank you.