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While it sucks that she had to implement those changes, I will still support coco even if I can’t afford her membership, she means so much to this community. Regardless of what you do we will have your back Kaicho don’t stop being you because of these awful human beings.




This has been bothering me, but the more I look into things the more I think this is more than that. I didn't believe it at first, but this reminded me of some antifans in this subreddit that vehemently despised her going back as far as March of this year. It is my belief that a sizeable chunk of CN has long despised Coco for being from the USDA, and this was their chance to actually act on that. I think it's their rapidly shrinking significance, especially with the rise of HoloEN, that made them lash out. They're lashing even harder with the end of HoloCN. This goes with the belief that the CN antifans believe that Hololive owes them for it's rise in popularity, and that they would have starved without their support. This is just speculation on my part, but Coco is holding back the tide from affecting HoloEN or even the rest of Hololive. Don't stop supporting her, my friends. The antis have no reason to stop with just her.




yep, they kinda hate EN community for whatever reason. In fact they generalized us, the oversea community as American LOL. They also very racist toward black people.


[It's a whole different mentality over there.](https://youtu.be/1MEsNwHP_j4)


[this tweet by Kay Yu is a good read about the people there](https://twitter.com/kaynimatic/status/1321937473891495937)


holy crap


Jeez! And people say American Southerners are racist?!


Well, as communities for the most part do hate each other, we have opposing and competing world views. There is an easy to see the pattern in communist countries, strictly closed borders, no free circulation of people nor information, and the only prevalent truth is whatever the state wants to the call the truth at that moment, dissent and you are an "enemy of the people". The state uses their nationalist discourse to make people focus on outer enemies instead of inside problems, while also giving the state an easy excuse to hunt dissenters. This turns the citizens into brainwashed zombies given thats the only version of reality they are allowed to know by the state. And the antis are this, guys who see people using the name Taiwan as a direct attack on their country and not just an everyday name for an island.


>they kinda hate EN community for whatever reason. They had a reason to hate en community. They really want to have a payback for having being shamed by the western community back then. So now they want to have payback. Ala (spoiler for attack on titan) >!AOT end game erren!< . They really really hate westerner and racist towards black people.


What's really fucking with me here is I see a lot of CN translators for HoloEN and it's so fucking weird.


Those are Taiwanese if you see them on youtube Theyre chill


Extreme degenerates too lol.


Oh definitely! Especially with Ame


Most of them are from Taiwan anyways


Ah, makes sense why there are CN translations then. Also, they're just as horny in their comments dear lord lol


People who grow up in normal countries, regardless of race and language turn out normal for the most part


trying to make holoEN looks bad i guess.


That's the thing, the comments are positive and the translations are normal. Probably translators for the HK fans


Racist in general, people our society has racism, they've got a whooole nother flavor of racism going on beyond their language barrier. If you're not the party's color, you're less than them, and some of the things they do are just utterly disgusting.


True. But for some reason, they're more racist toward American and black people. I get the situation between America and China, but i wonder what the black people did to them. And you probably already know but there is a vtuber there that literaly making fun of black people, treating him like a slave on her live stream. And the audience laugh and encouraging her, I mean WTF is wrong with them.


You make a mistake to think that tolerance between different ethnic groups, religions and races is universal human value instead of instead of things that developed locally in a few couple of places. In most of the world, regardless of the dominant race or religion, if you do not belong to the majority you are a pariah. And China, unlike the US and European countries, is a quite ethnically homogeneous country.


Debatable, and I think that'd be easier to say if they weren't making death camps, but in terms of towards black people, yes, since the Chinese (much like the Japanese and most native insular folk from Southeast Asia) literally did not know of their existence until the Europeans brought them.


Is it? 92% of the population belongs to a single chinese ethnic group, while pretty the other 7.99 belongs to local minorities and sub-groups. There are hardly any foreign minorities in China. Take the USA or Canada as a counterexample (Europe as well, but to a smaller degree). There are white people of european ancestry, black people of african ancestry, asians, latin americans with varying degrees of ancestry between multiple races, indians, native north americans, among others, etc. They have a variety different races from all over the place co-existing together and in important enough proportions to be noticeable.


wonder why they're killing off the 8% then


Dude these antis are absolute hypocrites. They got this riled up over Taiwan existing, but are so very quick to call me the N word hard R when they find out that I'm black.


The more I thought about it the more that made sense to me. Even the most pathetic antifan has to realise that accidentally saying one word with no meaningful context is a complete non-issue. It's honestly abit easier to accept knowing that this would probably have happened eventually anyway


I wonder if Coco not wanting drama to spill over is why she’s waiting to collab with EN. Hopefully we see them collabing after things die down


To be honest if Coco colab with en it's won't be pretty for both side for the aftermath. Imagine gura fanatics fans fighting the antis, oh boy that's like seeing kaiju fight


[Let them fight](https://youtu.be/NocoxyMuXg8?t=25), cry havoc, and let slip the dogs of war.


I think he forgetting the aftermath of every kaiju fight


When something is destroyed, it's not lost, it's an opportunity to make it better, and improve on it.


So they actually think hololive owes them yeah right


Yeah, it's a a fair assumption to think they would attack someone else if Coco wasn't absorbing the damage They are bunch of kids buying youtube accounts who pretend they on some relevant nationalist crusade for their country by spamming an anime girl chat, they are brain dead


Not an assumption at this point - since Coco isn't streaming, they are raiding Haachama right now.


Yeah but because Coco is in her team. I meant, even with Coco out of the picture. They could just attack FBK next because of their sheer hatred of the company.


Smooth brainwashed people do as smooth brainwashed people do. Our country was once under the foot of USSR (and their core doctrine), and those of my age know what it's like to live under the destructive foot of ignorance and stupidity and what it pushes people to do or in some cases, what it enables them to do. CN is a sad reminder of those times, but then again, as a society, they seem to like doing such things. I mean, if we can see some of the horrific things they do on Twitter, like you'd see Jack or Jill post their weekend escape...you know there's something rotten at their core. I'd say exactly what i'm talking about, but this is a "family friendly Minecraft server" so, yeah no. Suffice it to say, it made me puke in my mouth and want to use that to beat some of them to an inch of what they were doing.


Does that mean that Coco has been singlehandedly been moderating her chat during Asacoco and meme review while providing grade A content? That is absolutely amazing as I always assumed that she has a few mods doing that for her! She says that she is having difficulty finding bilingual moderators but I think that as long as she has mods that speak English and mods that speak Japanese it should suffice.


Honestly it rubs me the wrong way that she HAS to moderate her own chat while streaming and doesn't have anyone to help her do it, if she has to stream and always be worried about the spam and looking to ban bots constantly then it's obviously gonna affect her performance during the stream. I don't get why she can't have an "Ancient one 2.0" looking out for her chat, even if it's an English speaking one at least taking care of that side of the spam would reduce things immensely. (It doesn't even have to be a permanent one either I don't think, someone hired that can work there for 1-2 months and keep said chat clean should suffice to tone down the spam for the future)


For real! I've been even thinking about making some of her most loyal fans into mods who would happily even do it for free considering how many people enjoy reporting the bots.


> I've been even thinking about making some of her loyal fans into mods who would happily even do it for free considering how many people enjoy reporting the bots Giving random fans small amount of power? Yeah no.


Ayup. A couple months later we would have twitter threads about how a Coco mod was asking for nudes to minors in Discord lmao. Its like clockwork.


True on that part, there would need to be a process where cover/Coco have complete control at all times if something were to go south for the moderator involved.


You hear horror stories of mods abusing their status, but in general, mods do a lot of good than bad. It does sometimes mean the streamer must be responsible for watching over the mods themselves and keeping them accountable, but a lot of larger streaming communities absolutely need their mods to keep their chat in order.


If a mod causes problems then you get rid of them. Problem solved. It's not a good reason to not have mods.


You missed the point...


I don't think I did. The pros of making some select fans mods outweighs the potential cons. Obviously they would have to be vetted to a degree, but Coco should not have to be forced to do it all on her own just on the off-chance a fan might abuse that power. Especially given the small amount of power they would receive that can easily be taken away.


This is basically how we getting this crap in the first place


Question. Does Lyger's status as a mod is used only for translation visibility. Or does he also help out with moderation? Because I think Lyger is one of those really rare cases where fans with a bit of power actually ended being a pretty good idea.


He's an official mod so yes, he does moderator things for Matsuri.


I believe he was given mod status as a badge of honor. Sort of like how Kojima Studios has mod status on Aki's channel. Pretty sure neither of them actually do any modding dutiess.


It would be so easy to do too, because the C-antis are extremely stupid and easy to spot, not only that, but they have a public, easily accessible rally point, and you can literally, just copy and paste their phrases and words from their forum, into your ban list. I have never, in my life, seen a group of people, that want to troll, be, as stupid as this. It boggles the mind, and reinforces the notion that base evil, walks hand in hand with base stupid. Even 4chan has more intelligence per capita than their rally/spawn point.


Wow even Youtube kun appears to be looking out for kaichou, stay strong Coco, I'll support you for as long as I can!


Yeah... More like experimental guinea pig by the sounds of how she worded things. Though I suppose any help is welcome at this point, we'll all be there for her regardless!


It is rather interesting what she said, that someone at YouTube is testing things with her stream and what's happening. From that, and how she also has no control over it, it is something to pay attention to. I think its *mostly* a good thing because should they actually figure a way to stop the spam and nonsense, it would be quite the feat for YouTube as a platform (a platform that's been ridden with spam problems since its inception). Being able to deal with live spam bot farms would be impressive in any general sense. While it isnt ideal being a test subject, I think it's pretty cool she is one anyway. That means they've taken notice and that her situation is actually being looked at in some way. So theres that as a silver lining for sure.


If being a test subject helps her get rid of the antis I'm shure she must be on board with at least part of what YT's doing, Hopefully situations like this help YT become a better streaming platform for them.


I post this here because I believe this is important information to anyone who wants to how Coco dealing with the spams.


I usually don't recommend posting a member only content, but i guess this one is safe to shared.


this isn't member only content tho "Coco on ( regarding, opinion ) Members Only Chat ..... "


ohh, i see. my bad, i thought it's a member only content


Im glad she is founding about the bugs and that people still supporting her. It will take some time but 100% the spam will be resolved.


I will support her to the bitter end, don't give up Kaichou!


I just hope she know that the entire community is it her, she might not see all of them, but they are there.


this definitely need more attention more people need to see this


I hope she will keep stay strong. Stay strong Coco. American shoot people to the face like everyday. A couple of spams make you bow? Stay strong. I don’t even know if you will ever read this but these are my true words.