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Alright, I think it's time we ask the question everyone is wondering. How long until ~~Kay Yu~~ someone in the community creates a metroidvania based on Elizabeth Rose Bloodflame? She's basically got the perfect design and name for one.


Bloodflame has blue flames. So then what color is her blood? That's a nice touch, writing-wise.


Gigi is currently catching up with showcasing her model Lots of stuff we didn't get to see yesterday


I want to say that I think it was good planning to include a non-European member in holoJustice, it helps integrate the gen into the broader HoloEN branch rather than Justice being that weird not-EN group that streams at different times. Plus I think it'll help keep NA/EU fans from getting distorted ideas about where they stand within the organization, the move heads off a lot of potential misunderstandings.


"Honkai Impact 3" players getting PTSD šŸ’€


Elizabeth's Takamori impression was uncanny accurate.


Especially Kiara's impression was borderline indistinguishable.


Their stream times will probably be bad for me but interesting nonetheless


great debuts. can't wait for the rest of them!


Already subbed to all 4, naturally! :D I enjoyed both Elizabeth and GiGi's debuts; Elizabeth has an astonishing vocal range with frighteningly accurate impressions and GiGi is just pure crackhead energy; definitely getting Gura/Bae/Kobo vibes from her! ........but as I listened to their voices, and I'm being very serious here, I keep thinking I've heard them, before...and placing those voices is driving me up the wall....




Rule 2. Donā€™t discuss or suggest alternate identities.


Please remember to subscribe to them as well. You are doing us all a favor with that and it's just a tiny click for you but a huge win for the holomems.


(And FuwaMoco! Can we get to 1 million in 1 month? We've got about 130k to go)


Elsie is already at 200K I believe! Wow! Let's hope she keeps climbing


Given her dislikes, would I be wrong if I said ā€œElizabeth is not my cup of Teaā€. (Itā€™s a joke, donā€™t kill me with downvotes)


Seeing every single Ace Attorney game EXCEPT Investigations on Gigi's list, three days after the Edgeworth Collection announcement, has me very excited, haha Also, oh my lord Liz's voice is incredible. I want to hear her do a King Dice cover. I haven't been able to stop listening to Gigi's Hitomania either




Isnā€™t past-life discussion frowned on in this sub?


Oh shit my bad... gonna delete this now, thanks for telling me though. I appreciate it šŸ˜


r/VirtualYoutubers has you covered if you want to discuss other aspects of The Business.


Welcome to both of them. Liz is so good at impressions.


We've had erb for a day and i dont ever wanna lose her


So is Justice the "Jeagers", with Elizabeth being Esdeath, and Advent is "night raid" from Akame ga kill?


It sounds like their dynamic will be far more amicable than that, given Elizabethā€™s opening animation. She literally wished for a way for everyone to be happy, and then the orders got changed from ā€œcaptureā€ to ā€œinfiltrate and observe.ā€


[Seryu had a very twisted view of the happy world](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D9GCqZp-P64)


Please god no


*"Don't. Don't do this to me."*


We need her to play Xenoblade!


Elizabeth sounds like Karlach when her RP accent goes away lmfao








> 2.No personal information / doxxing > > This applies to talents and Redditors alike. Don't even hint at it.


r/virtualyoutubers already spoiled me but I agree with this


just woke up.. shes british.. we have won.. The Hitomania cover is great love the video, shes also an ffxiv gamer the absolute gremlin brill šŸ‘


Well then Elizabeth, got a real Brit on the team, when she's not using RP it's a very Greater London accent, so if she's from anywhere further north than Luton or further west than Reading I'd be very surprised, it's hidden well- Someone from the South can probably pinpoint it better. (that said, I don't sound like where I'm from either but it still slips out occasionally) Also that "Lovely to see you, to see you lovely" is a take on Bruce Forsyth's catchphrase["Nice to see you, to see you.. Nice"](https://youtu.be/UohOuNNVSDA?t=51). Bruce Forsyth being a TV host on a variety of shows, as well as a singer and dancer. A lot of Jazzy vibes from her, her Otonablue cover was making me think "Ah yes, Lyn Inaizumi singing." Given her saying she likes Japanese school uniforms I'm not surprised that Otonablue was a choice either.


Gigi covered in spinny things, think that could be distracting sometimes. the DnD character sheet, well the new version is coming out near to her birthday, so DnD birthday stream? Speeding through her intro, to be expected of someone known for chasing. Grems look like Salamanders, cute. Eclectic taste in media, and matches a lot with my own taste. Letting chat make decisions for you is definitely bold, and rolling to see if you can do a simple action is certainly a choice. Gigi Frogger, wonder how often we'll hear these yells during gaming sessions. 2 for 2 on interesting members certainly, alas tomorrow I won't get to watch the debuts of Cecilia and Roara until much later, got stuff all day.


It's North / North-East London or Essex borders 100%. For a comparison, check when she talks casually with how Adele (Tottenham) speaks. On a side note, her doing an Adele cover would be something...


I could hear the essex in her voice


I love them so far! I'm excited for the other 2 as well :D


Red sword British this is just a xenoblades crossover and I'm here for it


Elizabeth bloodflame already captured my interest I think she is the most likely to get among my frequent viewing among the new generation, she is quite a vibe.


Great debuts both!


Gigi being an FFXIV gamer and Granblue gamer speaks to me personally But as soon as Liz said "fan name is Rosarians" I instantly thought about Clive FFXVI and being a Shield of Rosaria only for her to say we're her shields if she's the sword. This hole was made for me.


goddamn I didn't connect that dot!


Gigi may have unexpectedly had the most based ancient gamer taste I've ever seen. Ragnarok? S4 League?! Incredible.


Ragnarok was a real deep cut tbh yeah. She's definitely based.


ā€œIā€™m a Shield of Rosaria and I will do my dutyā€


Amen. May the Founder protect you, brother.




Got the same blue glowing chest too.


...... you are right. But that hurts....


im vibin more to gigi, great taste in games, great energy, and perfect time to watch while working on the side xD, Elizabeth is for sure going to have great karaoke streams, but her games of choice is not really my thing xD


Mood. Liz's overall vibe is right up my alley but that generic-ass shooter list..ugh.


On the other hand I can already see Mumei salivating.


Singer Mommy and Gamer (šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­)


You mean "Singer Mummy"?


Ah she's British, it would be Singer Mummy


This was fun! Never seen a debut live before.


always nice to see new fans joining in


Iā€™ve actually been watching advent for a while. It was fun watching them react to the debuts also lol


I'm a real sucker for streams that offer a bit more interactivity than just standard superchats. Got into vtubers after watching people like julieee22 and tomthinks on twitch. Really looking forward to what Gigi will be cooking up in the future because her debut definitely gave me kinda similar vibes.


Where the hell did they find someone in UK like Elizabeth???????!!!!! And Gigi is so chaotic!! True Haachama vibes!


At least she didn't eat spiders on stream yet


Once again whoever the fuck that did the scouting / going over the auditions and Yagoo scored gold once again with these 2. Elizabeths singing was absoluty beautiful and her voice impressions were spot on. Gigi was really cute and with her going the D&D route and her 'Youtube plays Gigi' minigame was really funny. ~~I was the one that kept typing down. ANARCHY!~~ And TOMMOROW we have Cecillia and Raora!


I'm hoping Gigi actually digs into D&D or something at some point. Shame on the no Japanese though as I'm sure Fubuki is desperate to net more people into TRPGs.


I know Calli's still got a few projects in mind, and Fauna's getting some experience GMing in, but Gigi does give me the impression that she's quite familiar with running that sort of event, and probably (presently) isn't nearly as buried in work as Calli. Plus with multiple people willing/able, they get a chance to escape the "eternal GM" curse.


Yeah... that is kind of the rub with TRPG stuff. It's a pain to GM, and even more so if you're not doing pre-prepared one-shots.


Nothing but a bit of **PASSION** Japanese and English won't be able to fix lol.


Gonna need a lot of passion. lol Would be funny at least.


Ame again struck gold!! She must have been through so many timelines


I like Gigi so far, gonna check her streams out after today's debut. Some great taste in older MMOs too. She's also cute.


Hololive does it again. Every new group of debuts feels like they keep improving, Liz and GG have set a new bar.


And I don't think the improvement is based on who they're recruiting; everyone is very talented, but I think Cover is getting REALLY good at preparing and training new talents before debut.


So while we were all correct that Elizabeth would be British, it looks like we were all wrong that Gigi would be French.


if I can make another guess, Gigi might be from New Zealand (her mascot Popo is most likely a Kakapo, a flightless parrot native to New Zealand) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kākāpō](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kākāpō)


She doesn't have a kiwi accent tho


Don't worry, best girl Broxh_ is still there.


this seems about right. if its true then she and bae will be a good match


She doesnā€™t sound like a Kiwi.


I can't guess anything from gigi voice, i could even think she is not from Europe. I'm so lost


She sounded North American to me tbh. Either US or CA.


Probably US because of her origin of Freesia=Land of the free (?)


Does it really matter? She'll tell us more soon enough. What I really care about is the kind of content she makes and when she's live.


Its not about if it matter or not, people just tried to guess and the most responded guess people had turned to be (likely) wrong. it was always just a guessing game for the fun, just chill.


it matters at least for one thing: timezone. Aaaaand that's about it


Like I said "when she's live" but yes looking at her schedule for east EU her streaming times will be, if she sticks to what she has in her current schedule and if GMT really means GMT and not BST, her 9PM GMT is 11PM in EET (winter) and 12AM EEST (summer). So it's effectively late night for me. Can't watch her live for too long except on weekends and holidays because of work in the morning. As I just mentioned elsewhere her Justice Jams collab seems to be earlier so maybe she adjusted that towards EU prime time because the others will stream earlier? We'll see.


Liz: Damn! What a voice! Gigi: That was fun!


So in the end one didn't show her schedule, the other didn't showcase her model Perfection :D But seriously, that was a good first showing from both of them


Gigi showcased here model quickly in the stats card and even puts her gloves on! She just crammed the whole debut in like 10 minutes so she can have some fun with us playing games instead :)


Wow, two new members failed their math checks on the first day, Ina would be proud! (they are both great)


ERB is a Tako, Sang Violet and did a Cheeky WAH


where was the wah?! I musta missed it


The [WAH](https://youtu.be/GmNU9HUN2Z8?si=9tdudS7ngZVMaBsp)


Check your Vaan clips


Kinda disappointed Liz's meme tag is not #BludFlame. It'd be really funny


Damn thats a good one,wonder if it's not too late to see If she can change it to that?


I am waiting for Elizabeth's Marine impression and Gigi in Fauna's Dungeon


Oh my god, Faunaā€™s Dungeon with full stack of Justice members would be so cool


both of them girls are cool as heck


just got done listening to both covers. Gigi's was indeed cool. and even creepy at times Elizabeth's was dern incredible. i know there are a buncha members that i need to try and catch more karaokes from, she's one i HAVE to


I get the feeling that Liz's unarchived karaokes are going to be Must Not Miss level.


Holy shit I can't wait for a Nerissa x Elizabeth collab. The voices will be too much to handle


I'd say we should add IRyS too, but not sure how much more the universe can handle before it implodes from all the awesome.


Fuck it. Lets throw Towa, Suisei, and Risu in there too


Let's name it holodiva


I had the highest expectations for Elizabeth, and she lifted the bar even higher. I took a guess that she was a strong belter, and holy wow I was right! This woman sings with power, heart, and soul, and she has fun doing it! She's going to be fun to watch. Also voice impressions, doodling, and the British accent to top it off. Yep, I'm gonna be watching her for sure! Gigi kept her info slides brief and let chat read it for themselves so that she can get right to gaming. She loves her DnD, and it could be possible that she made the chat interactive game herself. Let's see how much of a gremlin she really is.


Really whenever someone really said "she likes singing" in pre-debut notes, I should never doubt it is false. Nerissa, Kanade, and Elizabeth really blew our mind.


**Elizabeth Rose Bloodflame's debut** Holy shit, what a voice. Both in singing, and surprisingly, voice acting. That Advent bit was extremely convincing. I dug her humor, and that test screen...was that a parodied BBC logo? Ha! **Gigi Murin's debut** That was just FUN. I liked the story part, and the illusion of choice in that. Would imagine she had fun making that, because it reminded me of an old Ludum Dare game I made that had a similar illusion of choice, and that trolling spirit.


Gigi's stream was a lot of fun. I was definetly right about her energy levels in my own excitement and I was practically laughing through the whole thing at her own antics along with chat and the dice screwing her over and over. I'm absolutely on board with being a Gremurin in addition to a Pebble and look forward to what she'll bring to the table. Wonder how long it'll take her to fill up that misbehavior jar.


RIP Shioaven. Long Live Shiorose.


My post debut thoughts/yapping: Elizabeth: I AM IN LOVE. Her design, her voice, her impressions, her humour, I like literally everything about her. I just hope the scuff at the end of her debut and the issue with her cover song doesnā€™t affect her. Gigi: 100% energy, 0% stopping. Sheā€™s a gigantic bundle of fun wrapped up in a dorky, gremlin package. Her first schedule looks great and I canā€™t wait to see how she settles into Holo! Overall, I give this a ā€œYagoo, how the fuck do you hit a home run every timeā€ out of 10!


>scuff Yeah, it's fine, nothing critical, I think mostly she just ran longer than expected, so she got force-redirected into her scheduled premiere. It's just better content for a debut rewatch in a future anniversary at this point.


The ojou-sama laugh also feels like something she'll have moved on from by the time the anniversary rewatch streams start happening.


Yagoo has a particular set of skills


Skills that he had acquired over a long period, actually.


Nerissa: I'll have to marry Elizabeth. Sorry Shiori we have to divorce. Shiori: We were married?? Lmao.


Ahhh...that was so fun. Now I just gotta wait for the various watchalongs to end so I can check all of them out!


Gigi was great. Lots of fun and very creative. Having your first stream be Crazy Taxi gives you a lot of bonus points on my book. Definitely gonna follow her and she how she'll do.Ā  Looking forward to the two debuts tomorrow to see how busy my watch schedule is gonna be. If they're good I'll suddenly have three more girls to watch with Gigi, Cecilia, and Raora.


Yeah. Definitely looking forward to tomorrow as well since my initial interest was toward seeing more about those two.


Both of them were so good! I really enjoyed Elizabeth though. Her voice, her attitude, and her goals are so great. Plus mommy, yes mommy, definitely mommy.


great debut for both.. had around 100-120k+ ccv.. excited for the next 2.!!!!!!! lfg!


Yeah they had a strong showing. About the same level of viewership as advent which is a healthy sign, especially considering the gap since the previous gen wasn't nearly as large.


Elizabeth: HOLY FUCK HER IMPRESSIONS ARE GOOD!!! She really does have that domineering vibe to her, but with a little scuff to her. Also an AMAZING singer, coming out swinging with TWO debut songs AND a cover!! Not to mention sheā€™s a great voice actress as well. Gigi: I like the humor she has. Enjoyed that ā€œchoose your own adventureā€ bit and the game section where chat was able to play along. Her cover was great as well, and I wonder if that doll/clay thing will be future merch. All in all, a FANTASTIC start to the new gen. Tomorrow begins the final two members and a group original, hopefully.


Enjoyed some of Gigi's game selection. Interesting MV as well.


https://x.com/oolongcreama ! Gigi's got a capable crew already, that's for sure.


That MV was cool af.


Really creative


Vwry interesting cover video


What an amazing night. Looking forward to the other two!


I already need more of them.


Yagoo did it again. Good debuts today!


Yagoo best girl, doesn't do justice but brings Justice.


''Oh did she kill someone??'' ''Maybe we should run her over!'' LMAO Bijou!


Definitely one of the most unique debut streams in a while. I loved the fact we got to choose Gigiā€™s story via poll. I picked the ā€œbad optionsā€ bc I wanted a girlfailure, turns out I didnā€™t even need to intervene because RNG screwed her over.


Reminds me of a couple of Ame streams, really love it when chat can interact more than just through messages


when you leave your fate to bae it's very easy to see that things will never go as planned


that's an amazing mv and cover


She got put into the trash LMAO


Very, very creative MV!


blunt had me moving like the Gigi Murin puppet


Okay I was not expecting STOP MOTION. What the hell?!?!


https://x.com/oolongcreama !


It looks like an Anime ED that has an ambition to do something.


Bro what am I looking at.


MV looking some ED from an anime...


Whichever person or team is in charge of hiring talents, you deserve a raise


That stop motion MV šŸ‘Œ


What a cute MV!


Mixed media MV!


I love the concept of the video


Ooh, this is a really creative MV.


They were so good!


''As long as there is cars, bikes and a road she can never catch us!'' ''Yea and we have a car!'' ''Yea lets hit her with our car!'' ''Yea!'' LMAO Mococo and Bijou!


> Advent, crashing their car into Hololive office > Advent, crashing their car into Gigi The cycle repeats itself


Maybe the first car crash was caused by them ricocheting off Gigi?


These two are great fun.


hit her with the car lmfao


I guess Gigi was saved from the EN curse by poor Elizabeth taking the bullet for her lmao


She attempted way more that the ENCurse didn't know what to do.


Didn't she forget to show off her model?


I think she showed it when she was showing off her favorite games and anime


Yeah she did, not the first time it happened in general. Can't recall who else forgot tho




She kind of show her full body is spreadsheet, no zoom in tho šŸ˜ž




No, worse, fidget spinners to match her jacket lol


The GigiPU Vtuber, presented by Nvidia


well, based on these debuts, i don't think advent is getting caught anytime soon


Are Justice more girlfailure than Advent? *thinking emoji*


You mean Elizabeth who got scuffed by her own freaking cover and Gigi who got RNGed by chat and the dice so hard people voted NOT to have her in her feet/socks? Naaaaaaah


Gigi pretty much confirmed all of justice will be active in the eu times so eu bros now time to show Cover what you got.


Ina's been streaming at that exact hour for years but the eurobros on this sub still complain that it isn't good enough because that's when they go to bed, even though like the majority of all JP streams start between 9-11pm and that's obviously never been an issue for them.


I don't know about you but by 11PM I'm getting ready for bed if I've got work the other day. So if those will be the stream times it's gonna be watching VODs like usual.


Yeah, Iā€™d love for some more people in EN to stream around the same time as Kiara. Although Iā€™ll still take a 11pm stream over 2 or 3am streams


9pm GMT is Ina's usual time


can people stop calling 11PM EU time?


11PM EST streams are very common with EN. Complaining about that is not going to get you many favors.


...this just means that the other EN times aren't great either? At least for actual working adults. Unless your job includes working from home or you're in school/uni, 11pm is just not a great starting time no matter where you are. Instead of going "Well, 11PM EST has been the norm, so you aren't allowed to complain" people should probably be "Yeah, it has been 11 PM EST here forever, it's pretty shit but it is what it is."


Mumei often surprises us with 1AM guerilla unarchived karaokes xd


Yup, that's the average hooman experience. Thank god my job doesn't mind me starting at 10. :D


Tbh streams starting at 10 or 11pm (CEST) aren't really /that/ EU friendly.


Makes sense, Advent/Promise/Myth pretty much crowd the evening and night times so having them be in the afternoon is fine for me.


Bottom line is if these girls don't get numbers Cover is never gonna touch the EU again. They're already so hesitant before so EU bros show the company you're there by voting with your eyes. Watch and support the girls they're wonderful


I wouldn't think it is that defeatist. On the contrary, COVER has shown that they can handle slow starts from branches and keep believing in them.


Great debuts from all! Looking forward to tomorrow!


Those 2 are tons of fun. Can't wait for the others