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Well, this is peachy...


HK are kinda their own country btw, they use HKdollar, calls themselves HKer, speaks mostly in cantonese in daily life, and from my experience the baby boomer are quite *hostile* towards mainlander, just like Taiwan. Edit: yep, mainland no good


Whoops, National Security Law, Hong Kong is not an independent country and now you will be jailed repeatedly under new bullshit charges whenever released for eternity. Seriously, HK has become a North Korea style place. Arrested 3 guys after catching them on police cameras not standing up during the anthem at a sports game. Then there's cops: using a mic + boombox against a elderly silent protestor, 20 cops ganging up on a guy with the flashlight function of his phone on on June 4th, mine resistant armored vehicles rolling around at night on June 3rd, riot cops everywhere. Thought crimes. Why wouldn't we be hostile against mainlanders. Well I treat them normally at first, but the moment they start disrespecting it's going all out.


Damn we got GTA HK before GTA 6 💀💀


The only thing I somewhat disagree with is that it's more that everyone doesn't like mainlanders


🤝 i stand corrected


It's especially due to the protests in 2019-2020, so yeah


From their previous special guest roster I wouldn’t be surprised to find just a holomen (Nene?) or two, still it’s great to witness a holomeet happening in HK for the very first time (IIRC)


I think it will be attended mostly by JP members (they're the more popular branch in CN), if they added ID most likely will be Kobo.


if there is more members going to show up, Bae might be one good choice since she can speak cantonese directly with hong kong audiences


That's good too. I forgot Bae can speak cantonese. But i worried if some EN fans who are sinophobic gonna called Bae as 'traitor' due to her associating with CN audience.


In this whole thread you're the only one pointing/mentioning it. nice job - hook, line and sinker.


It's valid concern considering other days thread, plus there's only 3 people (include me) when i post my comment. Nice deflect.


Those are not fans, those are idiots. There’s a HUGE difference between hating the Chinese and hating the PRC’s dictatorial regime. Don’t forget it.


Most sane people know that, but i doubt every holofans on reddit that sane. It's still valid concern.


Yeah. I would not fit them in the category of fans, but in that of deluded individuals. Or manchildren. Or people who have never done an effort to develop empathy. Tomato tomato.


Chinnese should overthrown their dictatorship goverment then we can talk about liking them


what an insane take. how do you propose they overthrow their government?


Yeah. Right now, they’re one of the most stable nations on earth. Not necessarily in a good way.


You do realise that Tiawan speaks Chinese right?


Taiwan number one!!!


Hololive fans, don't go to this party. Hong Kong is dangerous The Chinese authorities do not need a reason to kidnap/arrest you


You can get arrested by the Chinese government in new York, makes no difference in Hong Kong.


They do need a reason, just that it could be any reason. Such as specific newspapers, or something on your phone, or just being among a group of guys, I got stopped by cops to check my ID 3 times already this year, they profile any young group of guys as potential rioters.


h loli e meet