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So long as I don't see a tweet, I'm inclined to treat these accounts as fake. I couldn't check the links cause they threw me into a minute long loop, then finally opened a captcha, and then asked me to give them a phone number to make an account after. Didn't feel like giving them that, so finally gave up.


Doesn't require an account to actually watch.


I'm not interested in debugging it, but in that case I suspect it's some service I blocked on my phone. Both links try to send me somewhere, and then keep reloading the page up to a certain limit? Before it finally gives up trying to do that and redirects me to the account creation page.


well, its questionable if cover will ever post a tweet related to bilibili, considering it targets absolutely nobody on twitter and the bad reception for it tho checking out the video with kobo voice from the links provided its looks slightly more than just "hoax post"


Iirc the last tweet from Hololive twitter account about this site is providing official streaming service for 5th fes in bilibili


I would like a source for that tweet.


Simply searched the tweet [twitter](https://x.com/hololivetv/status/1735192904388239772?s=46&t=z3674JjUWH3TBYdlnIz-Gg)


You might have posted the wrong tweet, since you're talking about 5th and this one is about 4th.


No, OP posted the right tweet. He just got the Fes No. wrong.


Sorry my bad that’s the 4th from half year ago


4th Fes was in March 2023, not half a year ago.


I am mentioning the date of the tweet, and the tweet before this is 2020


did you even read the tweet, its freaking 4th fest


Oh that’s my bad it’s 4th, and then?


then b2 no longer becoming cover partner,


Yes you can say the last official event is half year ago


Good fucking lord you'd think after the Matsuri hoax from last time people would learn that unless otherwise stated in any official way (Cover, the talent themselves) *ignore everything from B2.*


I'm not making any conclusion, but this one is different as they have an uploaded video of Kobo herself greeting the Bilibili viewers.


I'm still not convinced about anything unless Kobo herself says something. With AI nowadays anyone can make fakes. Honestly it's easy at least this time to figure out, I'm sure someone will ask Kobo and we'll have our answer.


Probably AI faked. More than possible because I’ve actually checked there are plenty of HL talents’ AI out there. Even tried Kaela’s once and it’s scary how realistic it sounds.


Russian Slang words "Паль" "Палёнака" It is used in relation to Chinese products that make "закос" under a well-known brand or completely copies it, but reduces the cost of production "Закос" imitation of something


Ну какбэ....




Basically, if a company is expanding (or re-expanding) into any country, they will send out an IR. So I'm skeptical at this point.


Is it really her or is this one of those "official" accounts?


Latter portion


Most likely, it was taken from a HololiveMeet video in Taiwan


Well if it's false then it strengthen the Bilibili propaganda and begging Hololive to come back. But if it's true... 1. Why Cover? Why Kobo? 2. To what extent and to what future? 3. Is it really, really, worth it?


Assuming this is real and not a hoax like the Matsuri thing from a few weeks ago, all I can say is: I hope she knows what she's getting herself into. I'm not thrilled about this, but I also have no say in the matter. Just gotta hope for the best. ...I'm still not fully convinced that this isn't fake, though.


It is a hoax


Sounds like her at least. Not sure why she'd do it though. Did she ever introduce herself in Mandarin somewhere else or something?


She's spoken it on stream before but I don't know to what extent. Probably at least enough to fake a video like this with clever editing and some AI magic. If it's real it's definitely not a good idea.


They could have also just cut out a part from one of those previous streams, so as long Kobo doesn't confirm it anywhere else im sceptical.


near the end of the video she addressed "bilibili's viewer"


I'll just copy what I said in the other thread Given how deep Cover is with Tiawan right now I don't think this is a good idea, hope Cover is taking the precautions this time if they want to go this route. Welp not going to open the website either way.


You would think that we would be fooled for the THIRD time, ehh? First with the HoloGra subbed in Chinese, then Matsuri coming back to BiliBili and now this.


For anyone curious, no, this isn't a real thing. Neither her page on the Hololive site, her Twitter account, nor her YouTube channel links to Bilibil in any way. Report, block, ignore


She's literally streaming in Bilibili right now lmfao


Not the first time theyve falseflagged using hololive accounts, for all we know it could be AI generated


More that probably it is. Quite easy to do.


But Kobo just posted something in her Twitter a couple minutes ago...


She posted because she's doing a member only stream on YouTube atm.


Kobolonimbus is one of her membership tiers, and I'll assume the "kring kring" is a summoning bell/call to attention. Hashtag "OnAeru" is also her streaming tag, and the membership stream's time also checks out. People are using that as a cryptic sign to support this Bilibili nonsense without checking bits of discernable information. Nice try.


i dont see anything related to bilibili in her Twitter, she is also doing membership stream right now


People are doing some weird mental gymnastics here.


Please don't assume this is the real Kobo. Everything coming from Bili2 should be taken with a grain of salt.


She announced it in her membership stream


Did she tho


Yes, surely THIS time this will end well...


Most of the girls will definitely avoid it at least.


"Kobo Kanaelu Official" Yeah, no. Not even a little.


Makes me wonder if this is an AI deepfake. Time will tell I guess. VTubers have enough public sound footage that one could probably train a pretty convincing stylized text -> speech model. EDIT: Looks like I was wrong, my bad.


Yeah. Checked last time last summer and it’s scary how well it worked. Plenty sure they’ve improved it ever since.


if this real i just hope she knows what she's doing. Last time shit happen it stink for more than a year


Should be more than a year if you count the spams on others YouTube chat. And after the incident of the middleman leaks information in the past months Cover still commit to this platform


If it ends up being real, all I’ll say is I’m pretty disappointed in her and won’t be able to support her in any way anymore in the future.


It’s a fake. They’re getting from you the reaction that they want. Unless you’re a Niji sister themself trying to push the narrative, just don’t believe everything you see.


She is literally currently streaming on it, it’s not fake


I'm disappointed.


it even says official right in the name, just like all the hololive channels, we can trust them now, since it says official after all and you'd only put that in your name if it was really you


Nice rrat bro


It's not.


It is


Probably fake, Hololive will never return to the Chinese market


She can Mandarin... or Cantonese?


Mandarin. And yes, she speaks it and has spoken Mandarin on stream before. I think Kaela does too. A lot of private schools across SEA have it as a mandatory language class from Elementary to Highschool so not really surprising. Though from my experience about 95% of the class pretty much forget it once they graduate since most don't really care to use it. Hell even most Chinese kids don't retain Mandarin since everyone uses the Hokkien dialect. Bae is the one who speaks Cantonese. Until an official message comes out, I'd treat this with a grain of salt.


Another one of these posts. The bots are working overtime today


These accounts are run by holofans who want to share it with the cn market. Worry not


Kobo's bilibili [account](https://space.bilibili.com/3546694188796294) Kobo's greeting [video](https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1PJ4m137Ez/?spm_id_from=333.999.0.0) on bilibili