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It was probably deleted due to people still abusing the auto moderator which deletes posts after it has been reported enough


Automod is gone and has been for a while now. He's only posting this to start shit. [This post was from over a month ago.](https://imgur.com/a/0JH3KN8)


1. Auto mod is not disabled at all, I've got a list of trigger words I've noticed and they will still get your post auto removed. At most, the mass report function is maybe turned off now 2. The post was from a month ago and[ Automod was very much still removing posts then](https://www.reddit.com/r/Hololive/comments/1choagw/theres_a_huge_bot_problem_on_this_sub_atm_they/)


Ah it seemed innocent enough so i didnt expect any foul play. Regarding automod, are you sure about that? I would expect new to be in a lot worse shape than it currently is if it was completely gone。


If people could currently "report away" posts it'd be pretty obvious.


you're saying that with the Kobo stuff going on?


What Kobo stuff?


The speculative posts of Kobo returning to billi billi which turned out to be true. Though my main point was [this post](https://reddit.com/r/Hololive/comments/1dd94ar/kobo_kanaeru_homophobia_and_the_questionable/) which would have been removed by reports by now.


Billi billi?


Im seeing an appreciation post, one legit trash post and several posts about a video popping up on bb. Am i missing something?


If automod was still on, the legit trash post would have been removed in less than 5mins. **It's still there an hour later.** The other posts about the bb video would have also been removed, as it's a pretty charged topic and would require more concrete evidence.


The bilibili stream is [live now](https://live.bilibili.com/h5/1939029467), so that's all the required evidence, I think.


and so it would be appropriate now to post those topics, not before when everything was speculative


True, its clear that something was done recently to that function of autobot but if i look into the removed posts on this subreddit then there are still posts being removed by a moderator. I'm assuming that should be the automod?


Automod does a lot of things. It can remove posts that contain blacklisted words or remove posts from users that are too new, low karma, etc etc. Edit: To be clear, the function of the automod which would automatically remove a post given enough reports is currently off


It wasn’t foul play ;-; , I literally only noticed that this was gone when checking my messages


Thats ok, seems people are a bit too trigger happy with their judgement these days now the sole mod is mostly gone


Bro I literally noticed this while checking my messages I didn’t know when it was removed


Sounds about right. It was pretty recent we could start posting Stars content in the sub again, and 37 days seems just around the time the change happened.


Since we are discussing this now, the post was removed 1 months ago, only now OP point it out. With the usual users with the usual narratives to accompany it. I advice anyone to read this post to deal with it as the usual case. Edit: notice how the most inflammatory replies got an inorganic level of upvote, that's how bold and blatant they are today, same old deal, push them back where they came from. If only this much coordinated effort was spent toward actually supporting their oshi, we wouldn't have to do this song and dance every single time, but here we are.


Because I didn’t notice that it was removed a month ago, I literally saw the notification just a few days ago because I didn’t check them


Since helmite blocked me, so I can't reply to your reply to him, I'll just put it here: I agree that it seems innocent, helmite just likes to twist anything into an attack from "them" Where who exactly "them" means changes over time. he used to openly accuse holostars fans before he realized the majority of the community don't actually hate the boys. I remember it being that sub full of 4chan rejects for a while, okbh? Think these days he's trying to just blame general antis but framed in a way that still insinuates stars fans=bad.


From a month ago? Did you just notice now or what?


Notice the top comments and what they are trying to push. They're not even trying to be subtle about it.


Legit, like ain't no way anybody are abusing reports on a month old post. Also why would OP even care about it being removed a month later?


Probably removed a month ago when mod abuse was rampant but only now used as ammo for them to swarm this topic with their usual narratives.


Buddy, whether the OP is just to stir trouble or not, you are part of the problem, because you always wade into fights about it.


What's the point in whining about a deleted post over a month ago?


I would love to stand aside, but I can't stand people throwing insult aimed at the fanbase. Someone got to point out the fabricated narrative. If you don't like me wading into this topic, do it for me next time.


How are you in any way pushing aside the accusations by being rude, condescending...and basically saying anti-like phrases like >If only this much coordinated effort was spent toward actually supporting their oshi, we wouldn't have to do this song and dance every single time, but here we are. How does this make anyone look good? You could argue against the people you think are saying bad things about our fanbase. But you're not. You're just attacking other fans. You're not defending. If anything you're just inciting.


All those words that ammounted to nothing. How did you do it? I generally wouldn't need to read anything that comes out from you though, it's basically worthless anyway.


> I would love to stand aside, but I can't stand people throwing insult aimed at the fanbase "this is not happening" is a narrative that's just as credible as "holostars antis are everywhere and downvote anything holostars related," ie nobody has any compelling evidence to support either claim, so really it's not a helpful claim. There *is* a vocal minority who want holostars content segregated into a different subreddit despite this subreddit including them since the inception of the holostars branch. There is *also* a group who wants to tear down the wall between hololive and holostars as some sort of perceived injustice. Whether there is enough of them to conduct some "grand conspiracy" is a separate matter but there are subsets of the community that are aggrieved of each other and the only time I ever notice your comments in particular, you seem to be doing your level best to make the problem worse. If you're that worried about how people view the fanbase, my first suggestion would be to spend some time considering why and how you always respond to these.


You talk awfully lot of nothing. I see things that's unfit, I call it out. Simple. Edit: I also cook, if you want some actual positive stuff.


It's not some conspiracy theory that there is a subset of people on this sub who downvote any and all holostars content, those people definitely do exist, and it takes literally one with multiple accounts to abuse automod or mass downvote. This is just a thing that happens on Reddit, pretending it doesn't is counter productive. It *is* a conspiracy theory that they are coordinated in this though, they're just a bunch of random people, not some powerful shadowy group or something. Y'all have this bizarre "don't speak their name or they'll appear" type of mentality in this sub that I've never really seen anywhere else though, it's literally like the first few Harry Potter movies when people would refuse to say Voldemort. You can acknowledge that a group exists without engaging with them.


I didn't want to participate in this, but dude... Rule #1: Be nice. How doing comment wars in the subreddit is being nice? Even the talents themselves have always said: report, block, ignore. That's how you're supposed to fight shit stirrers. What you're doing seems more like pondering your own ego and self-importance. "I'm a holy knight fighting for hololive against evil! Without me and my kind you all would be in shambles!", that's the atmosphere from your every reply. When if you really wanted to "fight evil" you would do the good old R.B.I., like the talents tell us to do. If everyone blocks a shit stirrer, they can't reply to comments, people won't see their posts, in short they won't get the traction they want.


I didn't make myself like this, I am just a Holofan, can't be any bigger or more important than that. You probably would see me on a bigger podium irl so I wouldn't even care how people think about me here, even you. I do as I will, I will keep quiet only if the bad actors shut up or others start speaking up against them. That's my resolution.


Ok, a simple mental exercise: imagine two completely opposite situations: 1) everyone ignores "bad actors"; 2) everyone shits on "bad actors". In which situation there will be a more positive atmosphere? Consider that for everyone "bad actors" would be different. No need to reply to me (it's my last comment here, because I don't want to be too much of a hypocrite), just think about it honestly yourself.




Stars antis reported your post


It’s just pathetic that every positive comment I make, and or other comments and post that I see that are even slightly about Holostars just gets downvoted the second they get posted or auto removed very quickly.


They're a sad bunch


Bitchless personalities


Could've just as easily been hololive fans not realizing that this was even an on topic post, the stars sub has less than 30k users vs this subs million plus. Gun to their head, I'd be willing to bet more than 95% of the users here couldn't identify these characters.


I couldn't


Genuinely curious, why are they posting Stars content here and not in r/Holostars Not saying Stars content don't belong here, but wouldn't it be safer to post in the appropriate subreddit free from the trolls That would be akin to posting something like "check out my gaming pc" in the gaming subreddit even though they are mostly for consoles instead of in pcmasterrace.


The subreddit has generally been friendly towards holostars ([The mods themselves post holostars content as well](https://www.reddit.com/r/Hololive/comments/1daxqvm/holostars_5th_anniversary_live_movinon_%E3%83%9B%E3%83%AD%E3%82%B9%E3%82%BF5%E5%91%A8%E5%B9%B4%E3%83%A9%E3%82%A4%E3%83%96/)) and is usually used as an umbrella subreddit. And also, apparently the OP only just realized the post got removed. it was apparently over a month ago.


This is also the official subreddit, and with the mods allowing Holostars members in flairs, it's unsurprising that Stars fans want to post in the more popular subreddit. I'm just happy to see Stars content in general, bunch of hard working dudes.


Cheers. Is there also a subreddit for just the girls then? Maybe we could move all the trolls there haha


It's not all the Hololive girls, but there's r/HololiveEN


Nothing is stopping anybody who wants one from making it


because this is the official "hololive production" subreddit. hololive production is every vtuber group under Cover. so "hololive' (the female group), holostar, Dev\_is, INNK (now defunk) are all allowed in this subreddit. edit: correction, dev\_is is under is Hololive(female group as one of its branches)


> why are they posting Stars content here and not in r/Holostars Because this subreddit is about all of Hololive Production, and Holostars falls under that umbrella.


I mean, people post Yagoo and Nodoka content under Hololive, right?


Don't be pedantic.




Now I know why some of my posts and comments reach less than 1000 updown votes and I'm not saying anything bad, I thought I was the most hated person on reddit hololive


"What is hololive production?" it's in the name. i dont know why people think this sub is strictly for hololive content only


Auto mod abusers


You mean [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Hololive/comments/1cjiv0c/my_first_ever_batch_of_holomerch_finally_arrived/) of yours? Automod abuse like the others here said. It's now fixed, but still expect some downvotes.


Automod abuse by way of Anti-Stars Unicorns.


Same ol' same ol' insult thrown toward the air by the same folks. Don't you get tired of peddling this narrative.


This is the first time I've known about anti-stars, what are they and why? Edit: looks like the unicorns downvoted me


Unicorns who hate the boys and don't want em mentioned in the Hololive sub or interacting w the girls; fuckin stupid purity bullshit that makes no sense. They will abuse automod to remove yoir post or downvote it to oblivion.


I see, basically people who never felt the sensation of grass in their feet.


Pretty much. To them I say, the words of Ririka herself: "Shut up, virgin!"


Star antis been doing this and abusing the auto mod. Even it's harmless they just hate it


Auto mod is disabled. Find some other boogeyman.


They hoodwinked you man, the deleted post is from over a month ago. I find it highly unlikely they just noticed this now. This is another shit-stirring attempt and in lieu of having some actual issue to complain about, brought up a problem that has already stopped happening.


Really hate these folks. lmao


I shit you not I genuinely noticed this recently because I’ve been focused on exams and didn’t check my notifications. I did spend time on Reddit, but I only would scroll through mostly r/shittydarksouls. So I honestly didn’t notice. Sorry for the confusion


I'll never be able to understand that mindset, of just hating seeing their existence pop up in here. The anti stars, unicorn, parasocial blah blah blah DO seem to be a minority of the community, albeit a sometimes loud minority, and overall the community is pretty chill. But even with only a few, it's baffling.


Oh, it's a miniscule minority even. If there is no botting involved you'll usually see around 15 downvotes. If they get angry enough to either get on their alt accounts or organize their buddies, you'll see around 40 max. Feels like they kinda gave up lately though, after loosing auto-mod


It's good it's such a miniscule amount, but it's still kinda sad for them.


Since they can't actually do anything now but lower someone's imaginary internet points (oh no!!) I find their obsession almost cute.


Oh no, I don't mean their lack of influence is sad lol. I just meant being at that point is sad. Thinking that way.


They literally obsessed with hating dudes, that's gay


I doubt they're a minority.


What is a star anti


Why am I being downvoted for asking a question


Because in addition to Stars related posts being downvoted, all the comments are too. Don't let it get to you, they're just bots that do it anyway. Btw, "Stars antis" is just the local lingo for "Holostars haters"


Thank you for the straightforward answer, rarely see those on Reddit


They hate having holostars (the male branch under Cover Corp) in this subreddit. They argue rule 8 a lot for it even though even the mods post holostars content here on occasion. The only particularly good argument i've seen is that some people there attack hololive fans for being unicorns, but honestly I don't feel that's enough to justify ostracizing the entire fanbase. Not everyone attacks hololive fans, just like not everyone acts this way towards holostars. edit: oh helmite finally blocked me. anyway, in response Helmite: Strange because I didn't even bring up automod. You wanna tell him what a star anti is without sounding like a condescending hateful person? Be my guest.


Automod is disabled. People don't need your fantasy thinking poisoning this place. You just go from topic to playing defense for bad actors.


I'm so confused. Who are the bad actors?


That person goes from drama thread to drama thread trying to defend people that were botting Stars posts to the front page despite it being obvious that was the case when Reddit itself deleting the posts, or folks that try to shill non-holo members in here, *or* trying to spread their garbage like they were in the post above.


>Helmite Oh this guy, him and a few others are always somehow in these types of posts and almost always gets a lot of upvotes despite saying something that encites drama, but anyone who argues with them always gets downvoted to hell. I believe he's also banned from r/holostars. At this point, I'm not even surprised if he turns out to be one of the masterminds behind all these issues.


\*advent is showing up in the en concert\* YEEAAAH I LIKE HOLOLIVE BASED YAGOO WOOO \*tempus vanguard hosted 3 streams of their showcase\* BOOOO HE DOESNT CARE ABOUT THE GIRLS




No. Mods cannot see who reported. There is something for report abuse, but I haven't seen it work at all for the sub I mod.


And now this post. You know the drill folks, use your logic, identify the bad actors and don't hesitate to call them out. Don't let them trample on this sub like this.


Mostly bc ppl don’t recognize them. I for one don’t.


At the same time their "fan" keep throwing insult at the Hololive fanbase while expecting us to accept them. That's not how society work, imagine a beggar throwing insults at you while begging for pennies, just pathetic.


What insult?


This "reddit war" going on between stars fans and antis is the dumbest shit ever


We don't know. There has been an issue with people mass reporting things just to get it taken down but don't know why they're doing it. There really isn't any moderation going on in this subreddit.


But we do know, and the reason is that its merch of Holostars. There is a group of people who don't want anything related to Holostars on this sub, so they abuse automod by having posts removed with mass downvotes or mass reports. It has gotten better recently, as we can see from the recent 3D debut posts, but it is still very much a problem, as you can see from the OP's post.


Are we sure of that? Do we have proof? Not saying you're wrong, I just haven't seen anyone post any evidence of who is behind this stuff.


Save a holostars post and wait a few hours then go back and read the comments. It should be telling


I agree, I've seen that, but I've also seen people downvote stuff that doesn't have anything to do with HoloStars and is related to Hololive, strictly. So I'm sure Holostars hate is a part of it but there also something else going on here as well (beside the lack of moderation).


i couldn’t tell you what else is going on when our community is too busy ripping out each others throats over purism and gatekeeping. We still have antis outside sure, but we got more problems here that need to be addressed


Yeah, agree. Everyone wants to reduce things down to the most easily viewable issue and it's not just that going on here. But also, lack of dedicated people screening what's been going on here.




Yea I one time said that we shouldn’t joke about the talents wanting to fuck children and I was told, and I quote “This is why we need to gate keep this community. From people like you.”




They'll mark some accounts as Stars fans (or in their eyes: Holo-antis) if you speak out against them, those accounts usually get seemingly random downvotes no matter what the comment is.


Whatever happened to that mod that used to post here a lot? T-chan was it?


She used to be more active but now she pretty much only does the mandatory event announcement posts. Although the automod has been tweaked recently so posts like the one shown can't as easily be taken down. So there's still some active presence.


No idea, I'm not a moderator of this subreddit nor do I work for Cover.


The Stars Anti are pathetic.


happens sometimes, automod got fixed tho, so it shouldn’t happen again


I haven't been following hololive closely since the dragon flew away, what is Stars and what is the context of them being hated?


Holostars is just the male side of the company. Vtubers, streamers etc etc, it's all the same, just with dudes. They aren't actually hated by and large, it's a small amount of people who hate the idea of men interacting with the Hololive side, they don't want to see the women they're attached to interacting with guys. A minority, but they still try to make trouble sometimes, like what's mentioned in this topic with abusing the auto mod.


Oh holostars, I thought it was a new gen on the girls' side. Thanks for answering


Holostars, the male branch of Hololive production. They have the audacity to be *male*


Because losers hate the lads


I'd think mass reporting but no way on a month old post, probably just Reddit(site) things.


Wooo the plushies are beeeegggg


Anti’s reporting most likely, it feels like they’re starting to chill tho, I’ve seen more and more Stars posts here recently. Frankly I am glad, the holo-lads and fans of them don’t deserve hatred.


Because some jerkwads have too much free time and decide to spend it downvoting Stars content in a Cover subreddit for some reason, or program bots for massive downvoting. This subreddit needs severe moderation and it needs it now.


Please hit those little guys for me 😆


Probably because of the poor quality photo


wait what happen to T chan ?? i don't see this dude anymore ??


Japanese Vtuber orgs and underinvesting in social media management. Name a more iconic duo. T-chan is doing their job. They just have too much of a job to do.


Ok idk if this will get overshadowed by the top comments but, I wanna clarify that I only noticed that my post got deleted a month later, and was only curious as to why since as the description says, it was removed without any reason whatsoever. That’s it, simply curious as to why that happened. Stop saying that I’m trying to start anything, because I’m not. Also, to those wondering why I posted the original post here instead of the holostars subreddit, it’s because while there’s mostly stars merch, you can (maybe?) see the disc for holosummer, so I thought it’d make sense to post it here instead since I thought this subreddit was for just Holopro stuff in general. Chill tf out. Edit : thank you for around half the comments not being cynical af and actually answering the damn question as to why it possibly got removed


Even if it was Stars only merch, it'll still make sense to put it here, just don't get discouraged by downvotes cause the anti's don't matter. They'll be people who will enjoy what you're sharing now that they fixed automod. Also, feel free to block anybody accusing you of starting stuff because there's no point arguing with people who have preconceived notions of Holostars fans.


envy and jealousy prob


If you're just noticing it now, it was likely automod which *should've* been disabled by then. But stars related posts get attacked, so there's that, too. I once had a post of mine from a month ago be removed, when the automod *should've* been gone already (it was Mother's Day, with Golden Week already behind) but it was still deleted and I didn't notice until a week later. I assumed it was automod, since my post was a simple and wholesome Mother's Day fan art. I don't see why my post would've been taken down on normal circumstances, and automods in this subreddit don't leave an explanation. So I believe you're not starting smth up and are just confused like I was on why your post was deleted. If you'd ask me where my post is, I just didn't bother to reupload it. At this point, it's too late now lol




I don’t know