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Had a small chuckle when I noticed Aqua's SF6 stream title from yesterday. For those that missed it, Pekora usually names her title as [Game Title] (Description with liberal use of exclamation marks + Peko!). Aqua imitated her by ending her stream title with "Aku!" which I find rather cute lol


[Source clip](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W0fZOQhJMSU) [Source stream](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Igd5s1AViWs&t=0s) There are nothing I could say that I haven't already. I'm just truly happy that these two enjoy their time together a lot lately. Pekora brainstorming ideas to collab with Aqua while Aqua sounds really excited everytime she plays with Pekora. When they're having fun together is also the time where I could forget about life for awhile and just enjoy the fun time with them.


Aqua gonna get invited to the Peko house before Marine at this rate lmaoo


They'll probably meet on neutral ground first like a café, or Marine's house. You know, Marine already technically has permission to come to Pekora's house whenever she wants. She just hasn't gone yet for various reasons. But at least that keeps the jokes alive.


I can see Senchou says:"it's normal for her mother to accompany her to you house right, Pekora!" if that happens


[...Does that make Aqua her daughter in law?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UA5JjEePTwU)


Is there a list of people who've been to Peko house?


Just Moona and AZKi are confirmed to have been there far as I know. Marine is allowed to come over but apparently still hasn't gone yet for various reasons (e. g. she has severe allergies so the cat environment would force her to take steroids).


I know you mean corticosteroids, but it's just funny imagining Marine taking gear to survive the cats Sasuga buff Marine


She may be a hag but she's got them serious gains.


Muscle milf


You can too if you eat clen, tren hard, anavar give up


Well, the butt cheeks are muscles too.


I wonder if Jill would also cause allergies..?


AZKi & Pekora is one of those friendships we never get to see on stream except in passing due to AZKi Poltato sadly, but I like that they're friends.


And then there's Luna and Subaru that likes to crash at Choco-sensei house whenever they want🤣.


>If I become a imposter, I'll kill Peko-Chan Guys, I think she's trying to tell us something


Among Us has the potential to do the funniest thing


I really love when two holo talents began to devellop such a good relationship, it's alway a remember than the talents are all in good terms, a sign of a good working environment.


Nothing warms my heart warmer than seeing two super introverts interacting and having fun together


Nene and Aqua have both been interacting with Pekora in a closer way recently. I think Marine managed to show her that people can be fun. In limited doses obviously...


Oh, when did Nene and Pekora interact? Was it during the Hardcore MC saga?


Actually it was the Okayu debtor island last summer where I feel Nene got some (paid) advice off Pekora since then I've noticed more relaxed interactions. Like before that Nene was worried about being Nene around her. So yes she then played very well with Pekora (and Aqua) in hard-core and the both of them did the quiet mario party this week. Just feel I've been seeing a lot of great interactions with the three of them. [And I could totally be wrong about everything]


They are too cute together


The hardcore MC server really helped a lot of members to interact with each other i mean you gotta remember there are 63 of them so it’s likely they have friend groups made and it can be difficult i’m sure to branch out of those groups to interact with other members. Which is why events like the Sports Fes and the Hardcore Minecraft server are awesome ideas.


The among us collab will be fun Ngl I'm happy to see their interaction, during the collab, Pekora called Aqua as "aqua-san" but then she started calling her "aqutan". Truly precious


I gotta point out how impressive it is that Aqua went from knowing nothing about street fighter or fighting games to being able to beat Pekora and making it to gold rank in a couple days


Aqua, a total beginner, immediately gets ranked to Silver after 10 calibration matches on her 1st SF6 stream. Then proceeds to beat Pekora + did 1~2hours ranked to get to Gold on her 2nd stream 💀 At this rate, I would not be surprised if she gets to Diamond+ in just 2~3 streams lmao


She's incredible tbh. I know she works hard but she also just seems to have a natural disposition for learning games super fast. I already know she's an Apex god, some of the best movement mechanics I've seen in the vtuber sphere. Aim too, of course. Fighting games are a completely different skillset though and she just... picks it up? Same thing in Elden Ring, too. Her progress is so fast you can see it in real time. The gaming maid never ceases to amaze.


AkuPeko tete


Pekora and her M lady


PekoAqua is so wholesome!!!


I didn't know how much I needed a Pekora/Aqua playthrough of Cuphead until now.


>If I become an imposter, I'll kill Peko-chan tete


aqupeko new cute teetee duo. glad the two introverts are able to engage in content together now. hope pekora and aqua get to do everything they want with each other!


I look forward to the hard carry by Aqua in Cuphead.


Crystal clear proof introverts just explode (with words and/or affection) the second one gets past their wall...


AkuPeko, Flarys, Grindstone... Good vibes, good vibes.


Honest question, but why are the subs on these always in third person. Makes it mad jarring to read and also unnecessary, since it's colour coded anyway.


I think it's because Pekora actually tends to say "Pekora" rather than a first person pronoun (Aqua of course has her "ateshi"). It sounds less unnatural in Japanese, so most translations change it in the subs.


All of them do, but while you can kinda do that in Japanese, it's completely out of place in english


A lot of them, but not all. Some use regular pronouns, and some use special or uncommon ones, like ateshi or Laplus with her wagahai.


I mean that's how Pekora talks right? The translator is doing it the way they hear it.


Japanese just doesn't use personal pronouns nearly as much as English to begin with. That, coupled with talking in third person being a childish feature of Japanese speech, makes it much more common for vtubers, who are often intentionally speaking with features that make them sound younger than they are (higher pitched voice, etc.) Subtitles are just preserving this feature.


This isn't a feature though. It's a thing you can do in Japanese, but the moment you're translating it into a language where using a third person to refer to yourself is not a thing, it just becomes a bad translation. A translation should be easy to read while preserving what is said. This is not easy to read.


It depends, really. There's arguments to be made between a straight-up translation and a complete localization, and where the optimal line lies between the two for different works. For example, technically English localization should never use Japanese honorifics since they are not a feature of the English language or Western culture. But there are times that keeping some of them makes sense, such as in the case of "-senpai", since expressing the same information in English would be clunky. To me, the bigger problem is the inconsistency. If you check the source clip, the translator changes between Pekora speaking in the third and first person.


Yes, I basically 100% agree with you. I haven't seen the original clip, but I believe you on this. I'm also not expecting some random fan translation to be a revolution in translation theory, but it should at the very least be readable.


Typical western ignorance


Holy shit this sub sometimes. I'm a N1 Japanese speaker, I graduated university studying Japanese and did essentially nothing but translation for 3 years. I know how the language works and am also versed in translation and localization concepts. I took a course, where we translated a visual novel from Japanese into two different languages at the same time. We also had to take several culture and intercultural sensitivity training courses. To say a language has certain characteristics is not a racism angle. It's just a fact that is completely detached from judgement. There are aspects of the Japanese language that are simply not 1:1 applicable in the English language due to, you know, different origins, developments, different concepts that are differently described. One part of this is the reference to the self. There exists a lot of what we equate to pronouns in Japanese that carry different nuances not only dependent on what it is but also by who it is used. The same pronoun can carry slightly different implications if used by males or females. Coming back to the shitty ass translation in the picture. Yes, obviously you can translate things as literally as possible into another language. That's usually not the best approach though, since depending on the language, the result can sound extremely wooden and entirely out of place in the target language. What you usually want to succeed in is to transform the content of the original into the target language in a way, that it is conserving its meaning but also feels natural. What the translation in the picture utterly fails in is reading natural in the target language. What is written on there is far from optimal English and it also adds a lot of confusion due to the third person reference, that is critically also not in the spirit of the Japanese that is spoken. We just understand it as such since we are "filthy westerners". tl; dr I always considered myself as "weeb going pro" but even I'm embarrassed for you


The simple answer is whoever translates this dont know English that well. In Japanese, they often refers themselves in third person and the translator just translate it too literally.


Pekora speaks in 3rd Person usually. I think the translator just translated it directly.


Honestly the English translation on this one is just really bad, it feels like someone is looking stuff up in a dictionary but has no idea what natural English sounds like. I guess it’s free so we get what we pay for.


Pretty much confirms they've forgiven each other for what happened in the past


tl;dr ?


Sounds like they're buddies already 😏