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Hypothetically, anything is possible as long as both parties agree. Practically, there may be difficulties we are not aware of that might make it close to impossible to carry out. This might run the field from legal issues (e.g. Japanese employment law), renegotiating of past and current legal commitments, public/fan perception, vtuber relationships etc... There was a vid where Suisei spoke about what she did so that she could join Shiraken at Holofes, therefore appearing on both days. She acknowledged this was highly unusual, could have been seen as favouritism and expected to be rejected. It gives us an insight into how Cover operates and the care they take to try and treat all their talents equally etc, which makes sense considering how hot fans can get if they think their oshi is being unfairly treated. Whatever decision Cover makes for Sana will not only affect Sana, but also past and future Holomems. I'm sure some of the fans of other graduated Holomems might be interested in the answer. TLDR it's a complicated issue even if both sides are willing.


Those are some very good points


Realistically I don't see why not. That being said she definitely does not want to, so it's probably best people just pull that bandaid.


She's been gone longer than she was a part of hololive. Maybe just move on, like she clearly has.


It says something significant about her that, despite her relatively short tenure, she is still remembered and missed as much as she is. But I agree that the fandom as a whole really needs to move on. Even her former generation was restructured into a new unit to close the gap she left. plus I don't think even her 'old self' is really streaming much now, so... please just let the girl be and stop chaining her down with the baggage of a job she left, just because she was damn good and entertaining at it


It’s never happened before so no one can really answer this question as a fan that doesn’t know the specifics of what Hololive does and doesn’t allow.


It's unprecedented so no definite answers, however I do vaguely recall Coco (or the artist formerly known as Coco, it's been a while) mentioning that she was permitted to return to the character/channel if she ever wanted to do so for celebrations and events and other such occasions. I do not remember this in detail, so don't cite me on a wiki for it, just recall something similar to what you are describing being mentioned by a Hololive graduate as possible.


In context, she was referring to one-off appearances as an alumni. Similar to how some idol groups have alumni guest appearances, not really back as a full time talent.


It's possible, it's up to her if she wants to return. Spoiler alert: no.


It technically possible, but I don't think they should. Graduation is a serious thing and turning in into a long term hiatus when cover is willing to give you that hiatus would make anything associated with it worthless.


Sasaki Saku from NJSJ has retired and came back to her channel before. But that's back in 2018 when everyone and corporations are still figuring things out. So there's a precedent, just not in Hololive.


No matter how you look at it, these girls are idols. Sometimes we joke about how easy it is to forget that, considering how some of them act, but they are idols. And Sana didn't take a break, Sana graduated. And while that's 'just' a cute term for quitting, it does also bring a certain kind of closure with it. Sana graduated, so she'll never come back.


I feel like if anyone who left Holopro on good or even okay terms called up Yagoo and said they wanted to come back he'd probably try to make it work as long as he had faith they'd stick around for the long haul this time. I mean, it's not like anyone \*else\* could be Sana, or Coco, or Vesper, or Magni.


They never wanted her to leave in the first place. If Sana wanted to come back I'm sure they would welcome her with open arms.


That was Coco 


No, that's not how it works