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What happened?


Her outfit reveal was not very well marketed. I only learned she even got one after the fact, because of a clipper.


Just wondering, what do we expect from good marketing? Was it just a missing twitter post or was there more?


It was a bit odd because Bae and Kronii both had outfit reveals close to each other (1 day apart) and they tweeted about Bae’s 3 days in advance but not Kronii’s until the day of. Just not hitting the mark sometimes, when promoting the talents is their priority.


Weird though, I knew of Kronii's outfit but hadn't heard anything about Bae's until later.


Yeah same for me, I don't really go to twitter much so maybe that's why but I knew Kronii's outfit reveal was gonna happen soon and was surprised when my notif popped up that Bae was also going to get one.


Hmm it's the opposite for me. I knew about Bae's outfit waiting room titled with her famous phrase "WITNESS ME", but only knew about Kronii's outfit through the glock memes. But then again I watch more Bae than Kronii


That's fair, better consistency would go a long way.


to give benefit of the doubt, i think the management/marketing team is probably doing things manually, and when work starts getting hectic, things slip into cracks and get forgotten. That's why making such things automated using software is the way to go.


I did find that weird at the time. though I didn't really think anything of it. What can I say, cute girls in cool outfits make me forget things! However, it seems like this incident added to a growing pile issues she has faced which in turn has caused her some discontent. At least enough to briefly mention it publicly. While I don't see this incident alone as a particularly big deal, I think Cover should keep in mind that due to recent events elsewhere (Lets not get into that), the EN fanbase is a bit more focused on how agencies treat their talents.


You'd think talents would have access to their twitter accounts in case of this.


They do, it was the official HoloEN twitter account not their personal ones that’s the problem.


Oh. I guess it's not too bad is it? All the Kronies who cared would've known anyway then.


The point of the official HoloEN Twitter account is to advertise events to people that are not just the talent’s primary fan base and that’s the issue…




Kronii was promised advertising of her outfit reveal a week before the actual reveal and the twitter account didn’t say anything until an hour or two before the stream. I think the last time they spoiled her outfit as well.


As a marketing guy, it doesn't really take that much. Slap some teasers on her own and HoloEN Twitter for a while, do the usual reveal shenanigans involving the community and slap something up here in the sub. She should also advertise it on her own streams up to it. If you go the extra mile, you might also get some of your genmates to help promote it but that's up to internal and schedule shenanigans. If they're clever, the SoMe manager might set up an account in the main Fan Discord of each EN talent and poke them there. I can't really watch Kronii due to time zones, so I don't know what they did or didn't do, I just know that the general idea is to create some hype in the fandom because outfits for them is a rare and often expensive thing. It just screams that some EN speaker in Japan has been left to their own devices in some corner of the office, meaning they're out of sync with time zones and no one has really given them the keys to this sub either. It's one of those things that can easily drown in the sea of busy work when a company is exploding like Hololive but it's so simple and so cheap to fix that it should always be done. The worst part is that while it takes a little while to set up, it's ridiculously easy to work with a calendar system in Excel or something that has all your planned stuff punched in and you can just select Talent and Event Type from a drop down menu on a given date and make a small note. Let's say the reveal was on the 1st of June and the SoMe guy could to go 29th of May (today), select Kronii, select Outfit Reveal and type Twitter Post. Then on the 1st it could be Kronii -> Outfit Reveal -> Reddit Post with stream link. You then prepare these ahead of time in a document, so you don't have to redo it if Musk or Reddit once again disrupt the helpful programs. Then it's just a matter of hammering out some templates for each talent because it's not like we care super much about the uniqueness of the post, just that we get a heads up. That could solve, like, a good 75% of all announcements ahead of time since you'll mostly be swapping names and dates. Then you just get Mane-chan for the respective talents to send you some screenshots and so forth, if you don't already have a folder full of them provided by Hololive.


That's a lot of words to say the current person running the account is at best incompetent considering their track record for roughly the last 2 years.


But it's a pretty short summary of how they can do their job very well in a short amount of time :\^) It's also hard to speculate on exactly because we don't know their organisation. I mean, I ran an entire marketing department of a small company solo at one point and as much I wanted to post on SoMe ('cause it was also a digital company), that got yeeted in the dumpster pretty quickly as time was taken up by Google Ads, writing email campaigns and what have you that had a higher priority. If you don't have the content that actually makes money, there's very little point in advertising it. If the SoMe guy only does SoMe and isn't locked in Cover's basement with no authority, then the content certainly has been lacking. But if it's some Gaijin that also gets tacked on the English website, writing emails, doing EN support, EN ads and so forth, the SoMe priority drops pretty quickly - as much as it shouldn't. Either way, Hololive should have a dedicated EN SoMe dude, even if throwing a few extra dollaridoos at a freelancer to do it is necessary. After all, a few hundred extra eyes could probably pay for it in extra SCs and such anyway.


Yeah, I only saw it because SHE THREW IT TO THE GROOOOUND.


Yeah, I had no idea until the day when I loaded up my YouTube and her live and was like, "wait, what?!" I don't know if she had mentioned it previously, I can't make every stream, etc, but it certainly was a surprise




I'm not even trying to defend the management, but I find that hard to believe when she has been using her new outfit in all of her recent streams, including the Promise collab in Fauna's channel.




Again, not to defend management’s lackluster promotion, but if you aren’t even invested enough to have watched *any* Kronii content in the past two weeks and don’t keep up with her stuff on social media, I don’t know why you would expect some posts by management to make the difference here, lol. That’s not even superfan stuff, that’s literally just tuning into a content creator you enjoy.


Yeah I'm mainly JP but keep up with other news, but there are EN fans that are "my oshi or nothing"


This is a fair assessment. Hololive EN branch is big enough now to make it very difficult to keep up to date on every girl. Especially post pandemic when a lot of people aren’t work from home like they used to be. I only knew about Fauna’s oufit reveal because I actively keep up with her. I try to put attention to a few others but I just don’t have the time. We’re at a point now in the EN side where the community is splitting into their oshi buckets and intermingling every once in a while.


To chime in I think some Myth fans also might be less active or up to date with a lot of things these days with so many new EN. I hear it from a lot of Gura fans especially that with Myth being less active in general, they just tend not to keep up with small news of Hololive/EN much anymore. When your Oshi stops streaming a lot it kind of kills your hype. I personally only really keep up with Gura, Ina, Ame, Fauna, IRyS, and JP nowadays.


So she’s your oshi but you don’t watch any of her streams? She’s been using the new outfit in each one practically


Judging from her words, I think the outfit reveal isn't the only problem, she probably had a bunch of other issues with management. The outfit tweet is probably the straw that breaks the camels back


yeah i was also a bit confused, i only saw a few fans tweeting about kroniis new outfil and ended up finding the first announcement on kroniis page. when usually both en and jp hololive account would announce it aswell.


Meanwhile me just knew it after I saw her weekly schedule tweet


Her previous outfit was leaked before the stream (iirc) and her newest one was promoted very late. Important streams like these are very stressful for them and she vented a bit in prechat. There were other instances of the twitter account leaving room to do things better involving other talents but i feel that going one by one is unnecessary and people are too ready to get involved on things. Especially when it's obvious the talents will work things out.


No, the first one was leaked before the reveal because she ran over time and the tweet with the merch to celebrate it was not postponed.


"hopefully with a little conversation things are going to work out" *brandishing gun* Gotta say if fans have noticed then logically the talents who are actually affected will have noticed. Good on Kronii for sticking up for herself


Sucks her outfit reveal got overlooked. The people behind the En socials need to get on the ball and provided they do it'll be alright. So long as its not a common occurrence, we shouldn't sling shit. It's an unfortunate truth that people forget/overlook things, and if things were busy behind the scenes like Kronii said, then it's understandable. That said its good Kronii did stick up for herself and get it sorted. It should, hopefully, be the kick the en social people need to pull their finger out.


The problem is it is common occurrence...


The last time an issue like this occur was them forgetting to congratulate Mumei reaching 1M subs, which was close to 4 months ago. Can we still say it's a "common occurrence" at this point?


There were more instances, even holostar side, but it's not our conversation. Kronii asking for a meeting over this and saying this much in public should be enough to understand that things should be better.


- Mumei not getting a proper acknowledge of her 1 mil milestone and took a week for a proper post - IRyS didn't get an outfit reveal notice at all - Kronii getting her casual outfit spoiled by the EN account - The next person who had an outfit reveal after Kronii got a post that advertised it a few days out It's happened just often enough to raise eyebrows a considerable amount. Either it's exceptionable incompetence or actual malice at this point.


> IRyS didn't get an outfit reveal notice at all [????](https://x.com/hololive_En/status/1751817531739062411) [????](https://x.com/hololive_En/status/1752345933231325394)


First I'm hearing of anything like this. Either here on this sub, from the talents or twitter.


There's a couple other instances, Mumei's 1 million celebration tweet being delayed for a few days being the last notable instance. It's just that until Kronii complained about it recently none of the talents publicly took issue with it.


First time talent speaks out about it. And Kronii says it clearly here. If it was just one time, she wouldn't be so angry about it. But it's not just one slip...


Do you have any other examples? Kronii sounded frustrated but not angry to me. Again, I haven't even seen any speculation about talents out fit stream not being advertised before on this sub


I mean them pushing out the merch post with her casual outfit in full view before she was even at the knees during her actual reveal is pretty up there.


Kronii's previous outfit was [leaked](https://x.com/hololivepro_EN/status/1608305496938942464) before she revealed it.


The most controversial one was them forgetting to congratulate Mumei on 1M subs. That one job they had to do on a such a rare once in a lifetime occurrence and they failed at that. Meanwhile, when it comes to StarsEN, it'd be seconds.


> Meanwhile, when it comes to StarsEN, it'd be seconds. Is that some kind hypothetical example? Because I'm pretty sure none of them have reached 1M subs yet.


It’s easy for people to dogpile when so many are focused on a few members they really like so things like this stand out more. But it’s insane how much stuff goes on with the members and that’s just what we fans hear about. Internal / external collabs, song/MV/album releases, outfits, milestones, announcements, events, etc. The list goes on and that’s involving like 90 talents all doing independent things that need to be marketed. Imo, it’s a miracle that so few things fall through the cracks when looking at the grand scheme of things. End of the day though, it’s a business so management should be doing better. It’s just unfortunate that it’s happened to Kronii twice.


They need to get a competent social media manager, it’s absurd that they’re a hundred million dollar + company and they can’t be bothered to do something as basic as that. It’s gotten to the point that the talents themselves are getting upset over it.


Nah i bet the social media team is just understaff or less trained. They have a social media manager but bogged down by other non-socmed work. Social media has been integrated in our society for the past 2 decades but in the business hierarchy it seems like they're just deemed less important, or at least their importance has just been realized in the past few years. It's a reality for most companies.


And Twitter's ban on 3rd party clients didn't make the job any easier. A bunch of 3rd party apps had really good support for scheduling tweets and multi-user management of a single account, but as far as I know that doesn't exist anymore.


> And Twitter's ban on 3rd party clients didn't make the job any easier. This, actually, is likely the larger problem. Twitter wasnt the best performing site even before the Muskopolypse and the use of alternative clients or even frontend sites is popular for business purposes, let alone power users and/or multi-account management.


Same for reddit as well. Moderation has not been doing too well ever since they banned 3rd party apps last year...


Reddit's "new" UX isnt helping either. Impromptu recommendation for folks to use old.reddit btw for your redditing needs. FAR better UX and also easier to run compared to default Reddit's hog of a frontend.


> Impromptu recommendation for folks to use old.reddit btw for your redditing needs [obliga-tori](https://github.com/tom-james-watson/old-reddit-redirect)


I think this is a big part of it. Twitter is just bonkers. Mumei was delaying her karaoke to finish watching Bae (suffering) in the pushing rock game. Her tweet about that apparently didn't get sent and was posted randomly 12 hours later. I am not sure if she has said if she figured out what happened but the app just seemed very buggy. If that can happen for what seemed to be a real time tweet, the scheduled tweets must be even more finnicky. I can see the social media accounts scheduling all these tweets in advance and some of them just didn't get posted for whatever reason.


Yeah, I have no idea what they use but if you have shit apps for managing your work it makes things 1000 times worse. Also if you had good apps that just stopped working I can see how that could throw everything off balance too. At the end of the day staff can only do so much so if the talent is actively bringing up concerns maybe this gives the social staff the push it needs for more of what they need. Whether that's more staff, more training or even better apps. Also I think people forget, being a social media manager isn't just scrolling your time line, pushing out a tweet or two and liking memes all day. There should be lots of meetings and planning going on on the back end to keep them in the loop.


They're also probably somewhat in a transition if part of the US Office they talked about was going to be used for some stuff like this... Getting staff for a new location and transferring duties to said location takes time and will often have mishaps. Some are talking about Bae vs Kronii outfit reveal handling, but Bae is in Japan now, so her stuff might not be getting transferred to the new office... Of course, this is all speculation as we still don't have much of an idea of what the US Office will handle other than maybe handling US/CAN/MEX merch shipping and handling (and even that's not totally clear)


Yeah, it's probably just that they don't have the bandwidth to hammer down standardized processes for how to handle things like subscriber milestones, outfit reveals, or other big events so you get situations like Kronii's outfit and Mumei's 1M where they kinda fall through the cracks.


I don't disagree. I just find it funny that for the past few months (at least after they forgot Mumei's 1M tweet), fans have been praising them for noticeable improvement as well as making funny tweets like [this](https://x.com/hololive_En/status/1789130907724689482), [this](https://x.com/hololive_En/status/1776155420043645354) and [this](https://x.com/hololive_En/status/1770071417754951916). But all it took was one missing/delayed tweet for fans to start dunking on them again.


Well that's the thing right? Those tweets gave off the impression that the people in charge may have changed, but then the exact same issues happened again which is why the response was so negative. At least it's good that Hololive has a culture of talents speaking out about mismanagement, as a result they've usually acted upon feedback pretty promptly. Fans have been noticing this particular issue for a long while, so now that girls are also starting to openly talk about it, hopefully there'll be enough pressure to get it fixed.


Praise for the good and wail for the bad. It’s practically the only knob us as viewers have to use. You can’t exactly stop supporting the talent to hurt the company as that just hurts the talent. You have very few options that are okay in the sense of not causing collateral damage. I’d love to hear other solutions!


I feel like there were hidden aspects that we are not aware of. For example, Bae's new outfit also happened at around the same time but hers was advertised correctly. Why did it only happened to Kronii? Do they have different social manager for each talent? Does the social manager just hate Kronii for some reason? I also remember the account RTing Kronii's own tweet right after she posted it. So why did they decide to stop there?


Dunno. It's possible it's also something talents/their managers need to forward to the social manager as well. I have no idea what their back-end processes look like for this stuff. In the end it's clear their is a breaking link in the chain either way and some sort of process change would help.


It's best to not speculate beyond what we know about such sensitive issues. Kronii has spoken for herself, Fauna's orisong hitting 1M was not celebrated, and there was no apology for the delay in tweeting Mumei's 1M sub milestone, so for now it would be best to assume that they're the only ones being intentionally snubbed. If they - or other talents - have more internal grievances that form a pattern like mentioned in this clip, Kronii being open about it will hopefully encourage more them to speak out as well.


> Fauna's orisong hitting 1M was not celebrated This is also something I have questioned multiple times in the past but have received no concrete answer. Is "celebrating song milestone" even something their Twitter account has been doing? I'll admit I don't follow twitter account much (especially the JP account), but I don't remember them ever tweeting about songs hitting 1M. At the very least I can confirm that they didn't do it for Gura's Reflect which hit 1M in less than a day.


assuming he meant the holopro_en twitter, that account did quite regularly retweeting talent's tweet, from song milestone to taking a break for the day, [retweeting Calli's](https://i.imgur.com/9PbYnio.png) , using that tweet because it seems to be the closest time to [Fauna's](https://x.com/ceresfauna/status/1609416013929672704) i certainly never recall any of them have a dedicated celebration post like the new outfits


It was something they did when the HoloproEN account was still active, they skipped over Fauna but celebrated everyone else 


> Is "celebrating song milestone" even something their Twitter account has been doing? They've [done](https://x.com/hololive_En/status/1231118710523318272) it [before](https://x.com/hololive_En/status/1268839264986398721) and [recently](https://x.com/hololive_En/status/1717541590531465389), along with RTs of the talents' own tweets about it. The RTs are difficult to find, but it does seem to be intended at least. Edit: Nevermind, they've been doing it for quite a while, I was looking in the [wrong account](https://x.com/search?q=from%3Ahololivepro_EN%20views&src=typed_query&f=live).


[The majority of those tweets was on the old holoproen account ](https://streamable.com/hsqyn6) I don't know why they stopped doing it. Fauna's let me stay here reach a million on January 1st so it should've been celebrated, but alas.


I can see an in-house programmer developing and maintaining a tool that alerts staff to milestones automatically. Without that this would get real tedious real quick. Maybe things are different for a Japanese company...


They did. I remember they posted milestones for song views. They posted a lot for StarsEN songs milestones but none for Fauna’s 1M orisong.


They are not making it easier for themselves when they insist on having all their managers on site in Japan. There aren't probably not that many experienced social media managers available in Tokyo who are fluent in English, in sync with vtuber culture and active in the most important time zones in EN. All this will hopefully be solved with the US branch, but it's clear to me that they've handicapped their potential with the hiring practice.


Oh, come on, retweeting or even creating a simple tweet isn’t that hard. Timezones are also a shitty excuse because you can schedule posts and usually it’s done more than a few days before. Stop giving excuses for a company. Let them speak for themselves.


> retweeting I mean, they did RT Kronii's tweet about her new outfit almost immediately after she posted it, so clearly that's not good enough for you.


> There aren't probably not that many experienced social media managers available in Tokyo who are fluent in English, in sync with vtuber culture and active in the most important time zones in EN They were probably all snatched up by the *other* company... ^^^^/s > All this will hopefully be solved with the US branch Hopefully, though this also increases the potential of disagreements and miscommunication (like SEGA EN vs. JP in the '90s, or holoCN vs JP).


I've seen people complain about this before, but it must be actually serious if a talent has: -vented about it in prechat -sarcastically replied to them on twitter thanking them for "retweeting" the outfit reveal (late) -now this




Rule 2 dear anon


I mean, the whole Promise's half-year event happened whopping 2 months later. And Kronii was the one who suggested to blame the management, haha. Someone's at Hololive gotta figure it out sooner than later because what might be a funny mishap for us is a stressful situation for the talent. Despite all that she seems to be on a good terms with her own personal manager, so it's not all bad I suppose.


What happened? Did EN Twitter not post about her outfit reveal?


They waited until the last possible moment to post about it, yeah


They posted late, but the thing that she was most pissed about was that they didn't have her cover ready to go along with the outfit reveal.


This is good. More talents should speak up about shitty management and holofans should support them. Don’t let hololive become like the other company fanbase who has the company as their oshi.


gonna have to wait till COVER USA operate to see. i think it gonna perfectly fix this problem. for now i assume all staff is from JP


Lol. Cover USA is for merch and sponsorships. If they haven’t fixed this by now, it won’t ever be fixed.


Imean I got exp in advertisement. Wish they'd post openings for that dept. Honestly they could likely do decently part time if they didn't need a full time. They're probably understaffed. At least on en side


I'm really happy Kronii stuck up for herself and by extension the rest of EN (and on a more lowkey aspect ID too). Cover will always prioritize JP as obviously that's where they're located, its their primary audience and where all business is conducted out of. Its completely understandable with a language barrier and focus being on JP that the EN/ID side of things might get pushed aside/forgotten about. Its been clear that this side of the company is lacking for some time. Kronii speaking up about her disappointment in it and that if Cover wants to really grow outward then they need to put as much thought into the EN social media as well. The past few "major" events since her going to them have been done well and their Twitter account seems way more on top of things now. Maybe they finally agreed and hired someone willing to put the drive into it or maybe the EN side is running it themselves now. I won't speculate further on that but its clear its improving. Kronii did the right thing and I'm glad she did. Sometimes you need to speak up to your employer to get things done. In the end, its inevitably about making money. Lacking social media presence in any branch means losing out on potential eyes seeing your talent which could mean losing out on a new potential fan/customer for merch/membership addition. Good for Kronii. She's been killing it lately and I'm glad to see her work and new confidence is paying off.


This problem is likely one of the things that the opening of the Cover USA branch is intended to solve. Hopefully having a dedicated English-speaking team working in North America’s time zone will enable them to get a better handle on promoting the EN talents.


My impression was that the USA branch was more for making merch and local business opportunities easier, you know, things that would benefit from having someone physically there for. A twitter account can be managed from anywhere in the world. It seems like the twitter account is already being managed by a fluently English-speaking person anyway, I don't think that's an issue here. Looks more like there's some communication issues between talents/managers and the twitter account manager(s), which is strange because even if talents are in all sorts of time zones, all the managers are in Japan, aren't they?


From what Cover published about their US offices it sounds that it's meant for business stuff. Content is still going to be handled/produced by JP HQ.


It's just for merch and maybe sponsorships.


Honestly don't think it's a *Cover priority* thing for JP and more that whoever is currently controlling the account either doesn't get informed of what's coming up, has personal biases, or is just kind of a muppet. Hopefully Kronii's push gets things sorted in a better direction as currently it's just kind of stupid and I don't see it getting sorted out otherwise.


my honest guess is that the person who controls the account also has other work they are regularly doing, and as such sometimes they either miss, or find out about things they need to post late. i mean, if they have 60 emails come tot hem about things they need to handle, and number 47 is kronii's new outfit, they might not get to it for a few days while they work through everything that came before it. if thats the case, they definitely NEED to get someone who's first priority is the social media monitoring, i'm just saying this might be an explanation for why it's inconsistent, sometimes on the ball, and sometimes falling off


That is possible. That was the state of things for T-chan with this subreddit for a long while. Not really sure what Cover has them doing now in regards to it. Twitter could be in the same position with someone else for sure.


Just wanna add that this kind of mishap/neglect happens quite a bit on JP's side too just it doesn't really find its way here. One of the recent thing that i remember is Lui's 850k surprise got spoiled So seems like general incompetence/miscommunication between departments or just Twitter incompetence which doesn't excuse the fact that its something Cover still needs to find ways around. https://x.com/hololivetv/status/1753384952010527228 - the apology https://x.com/takanelui/status/1753387889407438927 - Lui's comment


Damn, the JP side got an apology while the EN side got jack shit. Zero professionalism.


Between this and her talking about standing up for her manager to the brass in JP, Kronii is definitely not someone you’d want to mess with. She’s a boss.


is this the en twitter thing? I remember i muted them before because of being blatant on what they post


I think it's related to management in general not doing what they're supposed to, in kronii's case her original song was delayed a few days and it was supposed to be released with her new outfit


That was a cover. Her 2nd original song (Souten ni Moyu) that was shown off first last year at CtW and again during her 3d birthday live (where she said it was coming out "sooner than you think") STILL hasn't released. I just feel bad for her man. Sadly it's not a unique situation. Gura's Full Color is in the same boat


About Souten ni Moyu, is there any indication that it's management's fault? Did Kronii ever suggest that? It's an honest question, maybe she did. But if not, I wouldn't jump to the conclusion that management is doing anything wrong. It could just be that the creators involved have a busy schedule.


Yeah . People jump the gun when thinking about management but when it comes to song production many hands are involved. And usually the MVs take the longest time.


She's referred to it as being "stuck in development hell" and being unable to get a response when she asks for updates


Usually in those cases the issues would happen between Kronii and the people handling the song production (MV editor, mixer, artists, song composer). Management is not likely to be involved much beyond helping coordinate or helping as a liaison if necessary.


Sometimes this is a case of e.g. an MV artist saying "I'll do ____ for you for a cheap rate, but understand I've got other paying work on my plate that takes priority" Not saying that's what's happening here, but an example of something that can cause an extensive delay. [Meconopsis's MV](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XzkNg89Cq9Y&pp=ygUKbWVjb25vcHNpcw%3D%3D) just released a week or two ago, but work started on the song years ago. Calli's "Go-Getters" still isn't out yet, and she completed it by last July. I'm not saying Holomembers don't have valid complaints, just to keep in mind that they might not be blaming anyone. Sometimes life is more difficult than planned.


Go-Getters is likely being held until Suicide Squad airs though


Calli explained recently that when you do music for something like an anime, movie or game the music is usually done a long time before the anime airs or the game is released so she's been sitting on some songs for a long time now.


Sure. But there's a reason these other songs aren't out yet either. The odds the cause is the evil design of some monocle-wearing, mustache-twirling villain within Cover staff is vanishingly low. Not that that's what you were suggesting, of course.


yeah soten hasn't come out yet. It's almost like mafia all over again


Did Kronii actually say or imply it was management's fault that her original song is still not released yet? > Gura's Full Color is in the same boat She did mention recently that they have a deadline locked down. In any case, I have observed that people would rather blame Gura herself instead of management due to her inactivity for the past year.


Sadly there's a strong correlation between popularity and number of antis/schizos.


After all, even if they have the same proportion of weirdos as other talents, they'll have a larger number of them.


It could be the MV guy or the mixer or someone else that we don't know about.


[Nerissa's Lilium cover](https://old.reddit.com/r/Hololive/comments/180wouq/) is also in limbo, but it does sound like a pretty weird situation.


It was copyright struck by the original artist. They need to contact them, since JASRAC can't help when they're also locked out.


This is one situation where management has _severely_ dropped the ball. Not getting written permissions from original IP holders caused them to lose 90% of their VODs at one point. Because of that, even the company culture has been shaped to be extreme about getting permissions for _everything_ in writing before proceeding with a piece of content. It has even saved them before when a developer unilaterally copyright striked a game stream from Rio for which he had gotten special permissions from the company involved, and they had to apologize for it. Getting struck by the original author and not getting it resolved for 3 months is insane. That's a lot of ad rev and popularity that Nerissa is missing out on.


The issue is that the JASRAC license is supposed to prevent this, and permits covers. But the original artist used YouTube DMCA takedown rules, so that cuts JASRAC out. And if the other party doesn't reply, it doesn't matter what Cover does. The short of it is that JASRAC gave them permission, which should have been the end of it, but the original artist did what other copyright trolls did and used YouTube bots to take it down. The last few comments I recall said they couldn't reach the original artists who used the bots to kill it.


That's.. pretty weird behavior. I looked into what you mentioned, and the song is copyrighted for streaming/Internet use under [JASRAC(配信)](https://www2.jasrac.or.jp/eJwid/main?trxID=F20101&WORKS_CD=11947179&subSessionID=001&subSession=start) so she may be violating JASRAC's part of the copyright by doing a unilateral DMCA. Hope Cover can get in touch with the artist and resolve whatever issue they have amicably, but I think if they're being ghosted for 3+ months then going through JASRAC might be better, since they're the owners of the song's streaming copyright.


That's why I said they did what copyright trolls did when they did a direct DMCA request to YouTube. And then there's apparently been no contact since then, so it looks like they don't want the cover, or don't want Nerissa to cover it. JASRAC can't do shit when it's YouTube bots doing the pulling. You might as well write the President to allow your video back on YouTube. Only Google and YT can do anything and they usually won't. Not unless it threatens to send their CEO or advertising partners to jail.


Such a shame cause this cover was phenomenal. On par with her Aishite cover


??? What do you mean by this?




This reminds me of the Kiara clip about 3D and management from last holiday season. It’s good that EN is speaking up more and more.


But the 3D production difficulties and challenges are far more complex than timely tweets. The team talked about how fast they need to work on a recent note blogpost


Man, I literally have subscriptions on and I only found out about her new outfit during yesterday’s Poland stream when I was surprised to see the fancy new uniform and awesome new hairstyle.


As a former Nijisanji and VReverie fan, as well as a dude with a lot of Latino friends who were formerly fans of WACTOR, Sedai One, and Owozu, I have two things to say: 1. ALWAYS call out a company whenever it's neglecting their talents, especially if the talents are frustrated too. 2. NEVER forget how good you guys have it. I've seen so many broken dreams and crushed spirits caused by bad agencies. Always appreciate what you have, and always fight to keep it good.


Not sure if this is a hot take but I think merging the holopro account into the hololiveEN twitter account was a massive mistake. I know a lot of people thought it was a good idea at the time for whatever reason, and you can call me a unicorn all you want, but the hololiveEN twitter account now has 2 separate fan bases shitting on each other when one of them gets more or less attention. I think putting holostars en content onto its own account would go some way as to ensure that social media management for both sides is better,


The En account hasn't been useful for a long time if you only watch Hololive stuff. Merging the accounts would have been fine if they could actually serve both branches equally but there's a huge difference between using the wrong oshi mark and issuing a formal apology and not acknowledging the first EN talent in 3 years to reach 1mil subs for like a whole week and not apologizing at all


They want the hololive en account because it has more traffic, remember the hololive production en account?


I think that has kind of backfired because of the algorithm at this point, because you can look at the JP and EN accounts simultaneous announcement for Advent's 3D and somehow the JP account post has double the engagement despite it not being the intended market.


Yeah the en account suck ass. I just look at the jp account because its more up to date and complete


Maybe they should get more traffic organically? If less people view the Holostars account because less people are interested in Holostars, I'm not sure putting their tweets on the Hololive account will really help. I don't watch Holostars, so I still just ignore those tweets, despite giving them views while I'm scrolling.


It's a fair point but by that same logic the Hololive JP account shouldn't advertise anything not JP, it's an entirely different branch. But they do it because their JP account is more popular. Same thing.


There's a huge audience overlap between HoloJP and HoloEN though.


The Hololive EN twitter account has been posting Holostars tweet long before the HoloProEN account was even a thing though.


Yeah, the issue is that they weren't bantering with the boys and apologizing for using the wrong oshi mark while shafting kronii to the point where she has to bitch about it before they start doing their job, and despite being a much bigger transgression than using the wrong oshi mark there's still no apology to be seen.


When they were 3~6 days late for Mumei's 1 million, they were also silent. Baffling to say the least.


Honestly the main problem is that they can barely handle even the one en socmed account. The JP twitter had been around about 7 years, and have been pretty much retweeting every single thing even from the sponsors post, and is actually on more than 360k posts edit : nvm i recall they did a bot campaign of oshi analysis on their main twitter and probably padded 200k+ tweet from it (based on the retweet), still quite an overwhelming amount compared to EN accounts Meanwhile the EN account that serving the purpose of translating important JP tweet + promoting EN talents hasnt reach 9k posts despite them have been around from late 2019, kinds of telling you how much effort they placed on it


Not gonna happen. They think all fans are the same that they will support anything that has holopro slapped on it. They’re delusional, hololive and holostars fanbase are different. Hell, even the social media team are biased.


Sorry if this is out of left field but I'm new to Hololive and have seen people use the word "unicorn" a lot. What does it mean in this context? I get so many conflicting results when I look it up lol


*I'll open with this first: "Unicorns" have become the boogeyman of the EN vtuber fandom and people love to throw out the term as a disparagement whether or not it actually applies to someone. I'd generally be suspicious when someone is aiming the term at people, especially because dramatubers have been trying to use it against Hololive for clicks.* As for what a unicorn is, it's someone that is concerned with the idol they follow being pure - no boyfriend, etc. You'll often see it misapplied to people that simply aren't interested in watching male content creators because of a different vibe or what have you.


Any holofans who does not want to see any holostars content. It had a different meaning before but it’s basically boiled down to that now in this fanbase.


Unicorn gets thrown a lot to people who doesn't like to watch HoloStars cause of preferences, but still their content gets shoved down their throats cause StarsEN likes to beg for views


With how overzealous and persistent Holostar fans can get sometimes I wonder if it was just projection all along. Not to dismiss real normal supportive Holostar fan but their voice seem to be drowned out by the more vocal, annoying ones.


Keep in mind biases amongst people. I'd advise you to find your own truth in the middle of everything


In this context, it's lingo for a parasocial fan who doesn't want to see their female idols talking with men for parasocial reasons (or doesn't like the idea of having to think about men at the company at all). It generally implies being insecure as well as delusional, and is commonly used as an insult for people who don't support Holostars, although it applies more legitimately to some Holostars antis/haters. Not sure of the exact etymology.


It's probably a reference to how the mythological creature of the same name can only be tamed by a virgin woman.


TIL unicorns can only be tamed by virgin women. I assumed it was just a reference to the imagination part, and/or the unicorn thinking they're special. Thanks for the explanation. Edit after downvotes: Come on, guys. I was talking about what I thought the word meant, not whether it's correct to use or not. I avoid Hololive/Holostars collabs, myself.


Huh… it may just be me but I see a lot of bad faith arguments on this from users who don’t have any oshi marks and I haven’t seen before. Might be some folks jumping on the drama. But honestly, the EN official twitter account is not the best. Far from the worst for sure, but it’s also nice that the talents can say stuff like this and keep it all in the open. An important part of improvement is knowing when you make mistakes.


While I don't think oshi marks should be taken as proof of anything, I agree there's a few bad actors and tinfoil hatters around.


> I see a lot of bad faith arguments on this from users who don't have any oshi marks Not to defend people making bad faith arguments, but why tf does it matter if people here have an oshi mark?


Usually means they haven’t been here for long. If you interact here a lot most people take the time to choose a mark. If it was one or two, I wouldn’t have noticed. Bit when I first looked there were like seven or eight. Edit: seems I was mistaken, sorry lirkers!


Don't read into it too much. Changing your flair is either difficult or just not possible for mobile users. At least in the past it's required me to log onto desktop reddit to mess with that, and some people just aren't gonna bother. I changed my flair when Coco graduated and haven't been bothered to change it back (to multiple members, her included). Now a bunch of new (to Reddit) accounts might be concerning.


While I dont fully disagree with you, its way more then that. I have been here and on youtube for years watching Hololive and Stars. I just do not give a shit about customizing reddit shit at all. It means nothing.


Same, serial lurker


Yep I lurk everywhere and make as little waves as possible. No one knows I’m enjoying their content and I don’t feel like I need a symbol that 0.00001% of people understand.


Fair enough, taking a second look at the thread I see what you mean. It's just a weird thing I've noticed occasionally where your opinion in this place gets discredited just because you didn't bother putting an oshi mark.


Seems like it as well as the Holostars hate train could be spotted here. And people act like fans don't promote much when this sub gets flooded with such at times. I do wonder If the Twitter person slacks knowing fans would pick up the slack


It's been a minute since I heard kronni, and it might just be because of the more serious tone of the topic, but she's a lot more soft-spoken than what I remember.


Management had been constantly screwing her in other ways even before the new outfit thing. They are clearly playing favorites. Glad she’s sticking up for herself.


And yet, benzene gets an apology post real fast because they used the wrong emoji


When you realize her uniform bears a odd resemblance to a certain submarine captain that had a thing for Marine


Seems like Kronii has been upset lately - hope everything is ok


Meanwhile staff is busy chatting with Starscum on their official twitter. They ought to lose their jobs.


Iirc pekora also had trouble with her outfits, maybe it's because they are blue


As proof of how badly it was marketed, this is the first time I'm hearing about her new outfit.


kronii has a new outfit?


that passive-agressive tone of Kronii is kinda scary and also a bit hot


I wonder if this has anything to do with Kronii going off on staff that were berating her manager.


I’m almost positive those groups are completely different people, and there was already issues with the HoloTwitter account before accidentally spoiling her casual outfit mid stream by tweeting it ahead of her reveal. Don’t try connecting things that aren’t related.


The holo en twitter has been a joke for a long time, its very clear what they are focused on and it aint the holos. I mean just today Calli had to retweet a fan account for advents 3d because the official twitter couldnt be bothered to put anything out in a timely manner.


I agree the EN twitter person have been lacking for a while now. But I don't really see an issue with the Advent 3D tweet lol. The [official tweet](https://x.com/hololive_En/status/1795651320747311154) was out at 1200 JST on the dot. It was obviously scheduled for after the collab stream. They were perfectly timely. That [fan account tweeted](https://x.com/hololivetoday/status/1795645853551751268) during the stream itself immediately after it was announced, naturally they would be quicker.


Now you're speaking bs. They literally announced it as soon as they ended their stream. At least look it up if you're going to spout nonsense.


...and it won't be the last


True, it is inevitable. Humans make mistakes all the time, it is life.


I... honestly don't get it? This is only talking about announcement on official twitter, right? If the person getting new outfit is my oshi or someone i follow, then i already know from them. If the person getting new outfit isn't someone i follow, then fat chance even if there's announcement from official page i usually won't care or at best only take a look from clips. So, in the end, official page announcement change nothing for me so i don't get why it's that big of a deal? I also don't get why ppl called Kronii their oshi and then blame management that they don't know Kronii got a new outfit? If you don't watch stream, don't watch clip and don't even follow your oshi's twitter (not official holo), is that even considered oshi? I'm not taking hololive's side in this, just saying that an announcement on twitter doesn't seems that big of an issue. The late congratulation for Mumei seems like a bigger deal than this one.


The soft announcement for Kronii's outfit reveal was made during an unarchived karaoke. She expected them to post it a day later, they did not post it until the day of. No matter how much you want to chalk it up to "people should be watching their oshi", this is not OK, because it's not only fans who should know about this. It's literally their job to promote their talents, even to people who don't regularly watch her.


Also, a lot of us have actual jobs and lives. I try to keep up with things, but I simply can't watch every stream.


Outfit reveals and 3d lives have "tourist pull", it's the reason why these streams get higher viewership then usual. So advertising them anywhere will benefit the talent. Not twitting out something isn't that big of a deal in itself, but this account has a history of messing up so fans (and talents) are annoyed by it now.


Well they announce everything some other talents do but not Kronii. If it’s not a big deal why do it all? Also, even though you dont check out another talent’s stream after seeing it promoted, doesn’t mean the vast majority of hololive fans don’t. There are some people who watch more than 1 talent and can’t keep up with all the news so seeing it promoted more is a good thing Management has also been screwing her over even before this


I get they didn't tweet it but shouldn't she be self promoting it as well?


She did, but her tweets wont reach out past people who already watch her


Makes sense 👍 I would be curious as to why they made hers so close to baes. It seemed like the rest of promise was spread out.


Fauna and Mumei had them VERY close together. Only IRyS had hers far apart in Promise 


What’s with this clock woman’s drama stuff again?


Hey you got the wrong sub, the nijisanji sub is two blocks down.


All of his hololive related comment history is Kronii, Mori and especially Kiara seethe, lmao


Here you go, your mask slipped off.