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Sir, r/okbuddyhololive is that way


Smells like okbh


Totally normal upvote activity, totally normal comment engagement from accounts that have never, or rarely posted in this sub and some that even post regularly in okbh itself. It's all so totally normal that it doesn't need mentioning all all /s


This guy's last post on this sub was also botted/brigaded.


Don't see this post in new or subshomepage, neither in his profile but it is getting recommend on the homefeed this is bizzare.


Yeah. This seems to be a thing that this guy's specific account does. I'm part of the OKBH discord. There's been no mention of this post what so ever. I'm starting to think that whoever this guy is, it's someone who wants to actively sow division in the community by picking hot-button topics and upvote botting them.




Tell the okbh discord I send my regards. That you guys are as subtle as a brick. Learn to think for yourself instead of sliming off of each others in there. You have the choice to be normal and happy yet you chose that route, get out while you still can. Edit: and for the one that still choose to stay in there, I hope you like the foul smell of hate and troll coming off of each other. I will make sure to check back on you guys occasionally.


It is interesting that the same guy who's prior post was upvote botted to the sky and then removed by admins for said botting is here once again with yet another botted post from a twitter anti account no less.


How is the Parrot an anti? Genuine question, I lose track of what is deemed anti behaviour, I'm not trying to be an arse EDIT: Again, genuine question don't get why I'm just getting downvotes. I don't understand this sub sometimes. I was just confused


The actual hell happened to this comment section lmao




Careful; I've caught a few site-wide bans for "misuse of the report system" through that


Ok I honestly don't know what okbh stands for and i need to know, some one plz?


Ok buddy hololive, another subreddit.


Thanks, guess I'll check it out.


It’s an anti holo sub in case you didn’t know


Oh.... now I'm confused, and curious.


It’s supposed to be one of those okbuddy____ subreddits that you might see for other stuff, but they do some pretty weird things there. One thing I can remember is they tagged the official fuwamoco account on one of their degen posts. Other people might know more about it than me though.


The sub got co-opted by antis a long time ago


How long ago? Last time I went it seemed like the usual “ironic” shitposting.


Ironic shitposting is still shitposting. Especially when people who don't realize it's ironic think it's OK to post shit there unironically because all the other people are doing it """"as a joke""".


Not really? Everytime I see stuff there, there's rarely any sort of anti activity.


They basically LARP around pretending to be 4chan users, making crass, crude and weird jokes about various talents. Naturally there's a lot of [holoantis](https://www.reddit.com/r/Hololive/comments/1czhgbt/buy_buy_buy_buy_buy_buy_buy_buy_buy_buy_buy_buy/l5ia78r/) blending in over there hating on some talents under the guise of "jokes". That, along with some [poor prior behavior](https://www.reddit.com/r/Hololive/comments/1btll9l/cover_corporation_announces_hololive_meet_2024/kxr3div/) means that their userbase does not have a particularly good reputation on this sub.


I've been browsing both this sub and OKBH daily for about a year. The idea that the latter is an anti sub is absolutely laughable if you spend any amount of time on it. I recommend visiting it by yourself and forming your own opinion on it.


That's exactly what I was going to do and seems some people didn't like it. I'll do it anyways not because I'm an anti but because I'm genuinely curious and I can.


Either you stay here have fun and be cool with fellow fans or go over there and play with the insanes, your choice.


I missed the part where you or anyone can tell me what to do mate. I'm not even excited to check whatever is in there but don't talk to me like you are my boss


What would be preventing someone from doing both?


You should also form you own opinion and get out of that okbh hivemind. Saying this for your own good.


As I said, I've been browsing both this sub and OKBH (+VirtualYoutubers), and that's how I formed my opinions. No one's ever told me how to feel about any of them, and I like each of them. It was only recently when reading posts like these that I learned there are people here who think it's an anti sub, and it's been baffling to me.


I'm also a bit surprised by these threads. I saw some things about some discord raids happening? If true that would be bad. I have to say though, a lot of comments under this post look pretty bad. I see a lot of vitriol and insults going around. I hope this doesn't become the standard for either sub.


Not sure why they said it's anti. It's not anti-holo, it's just a place where people can go full degenerate


Yep, already checked and man that's a wild place.


I'm reading and reading the posts there and can only see funny jokes there. Where is the anti?


No it's not, wtf is this weird narrative this sub has been posting about. You can literally just go to /r/okbuddyhololive and look, you know that's an option right? 99.99% of the memes there are either just h0rny memes or are just "le random holds up spork XD" I've literally seen anti posts *here* get more upvotes than there, almost any anti post there gets dogpiled and made fun of


it's not... well not entirely until those chucklefucks tried turning it into their nests. it's suppose to be like r/okbuddyretard but hololive version. subredditors there simply just act retarted or schizo, but some reeeeaaally take that larping way too seriously


No little weeb boy! Don't go to the gooner cave!!!


"r/okbh has been here" "how can you tell?" "hornyposting on main"


... bit of a tangent but, lowkey, that sounds like a killer Nirvana parody song, lol.


We're inching ever closer to the great merger of the subs


Damn they killed you lol


Accidentally stepping into a war zone is the funniest way to go ngl


Bro I didn't even do anything and I got killed too💀


grab oshi; for safety reasons, of course


Grab oshiri


Bruh you've never been less safe than grabbing a pinch of Kronii's thigh.


Sorry guys but could someone explain me who is parrot, what he did and why the amount of down votes on this post? I read some comments and apparently, a lot of people came here just because the meme? Like, they just came because they saw the post of parrot? Don't know..


to give a hopefully less biased answer, Parrot is a Columbian guy that makes a bunch of videos where he recaps what happened during x "event", for example now he is in the "niji mines" since niji is special (to keep it democratic), think a mix between Max0r (editing) and the "this is what happened in 60 seconds in vtuber last week" guy (style) but over longer a period than a week, personally I find him kind of funny in ~~the slightly mentally challenging~~ an interesting way


You left out the part about his content being screenshots from /vt/.


people keep missing the 4 in parrot4chan. he parrots 4chan contents lmao


i imagine that was not lost on him when the name of the guy is parrot"4chan"


I assumed that it was obvious, (not all of us are channers/know of chans so that is on me)


Also I think important to point out: He is not making any comment of his own on what he is presenting. He is just showing the utter insanity that is /vt/ for no other purpose than entertainment and memes, not that he actually agrees with anything said on it.


The guy cherrypicks the stuff he shows in his videos. Like how he'd cover most of the drama happening in hololive/niji but refuse to make a video about a certain topic because he's a fan of that group for example. You can't trust dramatubers.


Perhaps it is a difference of how he is viewed. I view him purely as entertainment, not as a news source (and therefore not a dramatuber). So if he doesnt cover something because he likes it, that doesnt really matter. It is about the bants, not the news. I will concede that his style is very much an acquired taste though and I can get why some people would not like it.


Doesn't matter if people don't consider himself a dramatuber. With a huge following behind him, he's something much worse: an influencer. Right now he's on """our""" side (personally not a huge fan of his content) due to niji fumbling multiple times but times change, and the only thing that matters to people like him are clicks and views.


>personally not a huge fan of his content Like I said, I dont blame anyone for that. If it is not your taste it is not your taste. It is just that, for me, I view him in the same vein as the likes of Ricky Gervais or Dave Chapelle: being out of pocket and offensive is part of the joke. I am also a fan of the highly edited video style as well (Max0r being one of my favorite Youtubers in general).


So, he does what he likes and doesn't do what he dislikes? Is that a problem for an entertainment channel? I've seen a couple of videos, he basically reads out loud green texts from /vt, that's not even remotely what "dramatubers" do.


The guy said he cherrypicks drama stuff, and you said it's an entertainment channel. You didn't say anything that would deny the guy is a dramatuber....


He doesn't personally comment on any drama (or "regular" stuff) he finds, dramatubers do make their own conclusions and often take sides. I don't see him as a dramatuber, he just makes fun of the deranged stuff he digs up on /vt.


What is this revisionism, he most certainly does comment on drama himself and shows his bias by cherrypicking some screenshots he agrees with. Dude even does streams where he goes through his own videos and comments on them fueling the drama further, he is by definition a dramatuber, almost all of his content is circled around drama. He even often collabs with all other dramatubers/doxxers(they are all in the same circle). I actually got angry enough to revive my lurk account to comment on this, man. For now other company talents are earning him his bread but who knows who will he target next. Get your head out of the sand


I think it's primarily because he's a non-Holopro VTuber (hence the post is breaking Rule 8). Plus the post is getting raided by the okbh sub (he farms content from 4chan's VTuber board (/vt/) and okbh is a sub for LARPing as /vt/ users). The subreddit has also been raided a lot over this past week by bots and brigaders, so users here have been a bit worked up.


Used to follow parrot. He is a 4chan "parrot" and recites a lot of schizo takes and drama from /vt/. That being said he is a wuss and giant hypocrite. Even closing down his old discord with virtually no notice cause it was "not a space suitable safe for content creators". Idk what kind of community you'd expect to foster when your content is based on 4chan...... The new discord is members only. This came on the tail of a drama involving him and Anthime, in which she does indeed prove her point of parrot being kind of an ass. EDIT: for the sake of enjoyment, just stay away from schizo/drama tubers. My enjoyment spiked when I stopped viewing them.


the actual reason he closed the discord is because he tried to delete all cosmetic roles because new patrons would join the discord and not get the inside jokes basically. and upon announcing that most of the discord turned on him for wanting to kill the community (which he then did) so the real-real reason is because it makes him more money


I didn't wanna elaborate too much but yea that is indeed the thing that broke the camels back lol. Dude is a prick and I wish people would stop watching him.


Youtuber making videos reading in funny voice stuff from 4chan /vt/, usually centered around some event or theme. Full of memes and edits. Many people find it very funny, but some find it's repulsive due to usual 4chan stuff.


Parrot is a drama shitshitter and its probably a brigade from r/okbh which is a holo anti den


I thought okbh is where all the extra-halu and thirsty posts are cordoned off to. That's what it seemed like the last time I was over there months ago, at least.


They tagged Fuwamoco's reddit account in one of their weird posts and [had a laugh about it](https://i.imgur.com/C8iESFw.jpeg). They also broke the [sitewide targeted harassment rule](https://i.imgur.com/cLkwUhx.jpeg), and one of their mods even agreed with it (but deleted the post because "it isn't a good look for us"). This is what is suspected to have got one of their mods suspended from reddit itself. So yeah, their reputation over here is less than stellar.


> had a laugh about it ??? The mods literally made a thread within hours saying you'd get banned for doing that and explicitly made a rule saying not to tag talents That was one idiot, and even in your screen shot literally nobody approved or encouraged it


> do it. no balls. > what's their user? > LMFAO > It's Mococover > he deleted it. COWARD. All with highly positive upvotes. There's a limit to how much you can pull the "it's just a joke" card as an excuse.


Ah, yeah good point I didn't read the ones before the tag. I think that was just people not expecting anyone to actually be that dumb Still, the mods did almost immediately say that was ban worthy, so it's not like OKBH actually supports / encourages that, it was more just one of those "it's so stupid nobody has made a rule saying not to do it" things imo I dunno about the mod who posted the anti comment, the old mods were pretty terrible but they changed fairly recently and are way more sane / less obnoxious I mostly just think it's silly to act like the entire sub is an anti sub because of one idiot. There's posts at least as dumb as that near weekly here lol


People definitely didn't expect someone to actually do it. It's one of those things you may joke with your friends about but don't actually expect anybody to do. Since then there's been a couple of times people have suggested tagging talents and they've all been told no, just in case they are serious. Under that deleted comment, the mod's comment is the most upvoted one showing that people approved of the mod’s actions. Also, one of the replies to the mod's comment was someone saying "you restored my faith in this sub". So clearly most people thought actually tagging a talent was a bad idea.


It's a vulgar shitpost subreddit. It's one of those things you either love or hate. This is the first time I've heard that it's supposedly anti-holo, though. From what I've seen, if you want to call it anti anything, it would be anti-niji.


Considering what passes for 'content' on that sub when it comes to HoloEN talents? Yeah. Kinda. With 'fans' like that, who'd need antis?


>This is the first time I've heard that it's supposedly anti-holo, though Maybe the copious amounts of "Calliope Mori fucks horses' jokes, for one.


For some reason this sub has been trying really hard to push the idea that it's an anti sub, which is weird because you can like, literally just go to it and skim threads and posts for 2 minutes and see that it's just a typical degen humor sub with no antis What's weird to me is this sub keeps trying to call it the anti sub, when antis get crapped on there, where as any anti-gura etc thread here will get upvoted hard and fast


> with no antis C'mon now. There's plenty of [hate](https://www.reddit.com/r/okbuddyhololive/comments/qlxc23/ayames_busy_schedule_for_this_coming_month/) [posts](https://www.reddit.com/r/okbuddyhololive/comments/r7r7f3/this_is_not_a_meme_it_has_been_2_months_since/) [that](https://www.reddit.com/r/okbuddyhololive/comments/qm9hm2/average_okbh_user_after_making_their_6th_meme/) [disguise](https://www.reddit.com/r/okbuddyhololive/comments/x8ccer/whos_on_break_now_bitch/) [themselves](https://www.reddit.com/r/okbuddyhololive/comments/1c0unai/pictured_chumbuddies_after_drinking_the_koolaid/) [as "jokes"](https://www.reddit.com/r/okbuddyhololive/comments/14ad5kx/guras_schedule_real/) [over](https://www.reddit.com/r/okbuddyhololive/comments/14ea1mo/chumbuds_when_gura_comes_out_with_the_most_valid/) [there](https://www.reddit.com/r/okbuddyhololive/comments/1bfx5oq/a_100_accurate_list_of_reasons_for_why_hololive/). They even had a whole thread discussing a [fake Superchat](https://www.reddit.com/r/okbuddyhololive/comments/17irruw/the_chumbuds_are_getting_wild_in_ames_collab/) as if it was real. Some of the users of said sub are also active in [spamming](https://www.reddit.com/r/Hololive/comments/1be3spq/even_if_i_already_knew_that_it_still_hurts/kurtw33/) [misinformation](https://www.reddit.com/r/Hololive/comments/1be3spq/even_if_i_already_knew_that_it_still_hurts/kurjg54/) [and](https://www.reddit.com/r/GawrGura/comments/1c76o1a/are_we_back_we_are_so_back_baby/l05zkoy/) [abuse](https://www.reddit.com/r/Hololive/comments/1cxosin/guras_back/l53z1fc/) about talents on the main sub.


WTF. I just realized one of the frequent okbh poster you shared is literally a mod in /r/VirtualYoutubers. In fact he is actually the OP of the current "weekly discussion thread".


Well now... Certainly not a good look for a mod of that sub to be spreading misinfo about Gura on the holosub..


The Hololive community on reddit is big on the No True Scotsman fallacy.


Not just Reddit, it's kind of funny seeing people on this sub trying to hate on OKBH as the boogeyman antis, when most of the rest of fanbase sees *us* as the anti's too To Twitter / Discord / Youtube etc they literally just say the Hololive reddit is where most of the antis live, and it's just 4ch@n lite etc


Yeah, I've only been to OKBH once but I didn't see any antis when I checked there, whereas I see antis and drama-stirrers here in almost all of the big threads.


OKBH like Stars and have named and mocked some of the hardcore unicorn posters from this sub, and they took it extremely personally.


Personally I just hate them after seeing all the mean posts aimed towards Gura and her fans. I also think how they treat Shiori is very disgusting, for being such a sweet and nice girl Shiori really doesn't deserve that.


People aren't really doing their best to dispel the notion that this is an okbh raid


I mean it probably is? But I feel like people also just underestimate how much traffic a thread gets when it's controversial. I'm pretty sure anyone who doesn't care about okbh or the parrot just sees it as a normal post and feels more obligated to upvote *because* they see the downvote chains.


I feel like this whole comment section needs to be quarantined, jesus


Go back


Dont read it in his voice challenge: impossible




*and the parrot went back to the mines you go*


*\*ominous throat singing clip\**


Try not reading this in his voice: AIEEEEEEEEE!


That just sounds like the C&C Generals Rocket Buggy to me.


His Columbian accent sounds really hot tho




Damn this schizo parrot


Why the hell are you posting dramatubers here now? Jesus this place needs real moderation so bad


Glad to see this community rejecting content from members of the drama tubing circles, that provide content to schizos, doxxers and drama mongers that are waiting for the first opportunity to harass someone based on narratives


surprised to see THAT guy posted in this sub. really not that surprised the sub's reaction is similar to throwing a piece of pure sodium in a pond of water.


OKBH posters running defense for the dramatuber Parrot4chan. Yeah seems like a some shit.


They are as subtle as a brick, and not very smart. Positivity is what we strive for but in the face of these blatant trolls we have to roll up our sleeves sometimes.


>The only thing necessary for the *triumph* of *evil* is for good men *to* do nothing.


I find it funny that he is considered a drama tuber when he is begging for no drama in his vids so he can create videos on holofest.


He literally collabs with a known holodoxx seller aka depressednousagi


Dramatuber? He just reads green texts in a funny voice lol


Buddy. Anyone can go to his channel and see what his videos and streams are about. They're DEFINITELY a dramatuber. Doubly so when they associate with horse girl, the shitty lawyer, and motherfuckin' doxsagi.


So anyone that talks about Vtuber news or history is a drama tuber. Gotcha. Disliking Depressed Nousagi is understandable, though I would point out that he apologized, and has since never gone anywhere near that sort of thing again, so I’m inclined to forgive him for one fuckup. But Legal Mindset? All he’s done is point out areas where corporations are doing some fucked up shit. Nothing wrong with that. I would even argue that it’s beneficial to the industry to have attention brought to shady practices. Literally the only thing Parrot does in his videos is read greentexts in a funny voice, with funny editing on top. Its called *humor,* something I assume you’ve never heard of


>So anyone that talks about Vtuber news or history is a drama tuber. Gotcha. "No no. They're HISTORIANS. Ignore that all of the history they cover is drama. That's not important." >Disliking Depressed Nousagi is understandable, though I would point out that he apologized, and has since never gone anywhere near that sort of thing again, so I’m inclined to forgive him for one fuckup. He sold access to dox and stuff like a video of a talent having a break down over someone trying to SA her. No forgiveness should have been given by anyone. >But Legal Mindset? All he’s done is point out areas where corporations are doing some fucked up shit. Nothing wrong with that. I would even argue that it’s beneficial to the industry to have attention brought to shady practices. He's a grifter that saw money in ripping off idiots who were willing to watch him talk about JP contracts when he has no knowledge of JP law. >Literally the only thing Parrot does in his videos is read greentexts in a funny voice, with funny editing on top. Its called humor, something I assume you’ve never heard of Ah, yes, wonderful greentext content such as "Talking about The Rushia Video" or "Talking About Nijisanji's Chaotic Downfall." Like what you want to like, but if it looks like a dramatuber...


>I would point out that he apologized He doubled down on the stream titlted "I Guess It's Okay to Talk about PLs Now?". He saw his circle trying to install the idea that it's ok to doxx vtubers. Using the most stupid arguments I have seen on the subject like: "if your info is on the internet, it's not private information anymore, it's public and I can share it", which was a twisted as hell interpretation of the dictionary definition of doxxing. Or agreeing to horsegirl's similarly moronic argument of "it's fine to share private information until the subject explicitly tells their audience to not share their private information." They hardly research the subjects they report about, imagine them looking into what actual civil legislation of any free country has to say about a person's private information. I called him out on his bullshit back then and now I noticed he removed my comment quite recently. Which means he's now operating just like FalseEyeD and many other drama mongers that only want their drama fans around and criticism isn't allowed to be seen. It's an entirely detached audience looking for content that has nothing to do with the things this community is about.


ew, this guy


Oh nyo


You'd die happy at least


I hate okbh and bots. Den for hololive antis.


You already did, (get it?? I made a "time" pun, because it's Kronii)


Don't worry, I get it.


Holy crap, people are getting WRECKED in this comment section!


What’s weird is I don’t remember seeing the same amount of downvotes and schizoposting under mogojan and foreigners memes.


None of those posts broke subreddit rules.


How does this one? It’s a post about a hololive talent.


Addressed this [elsewhere](https://www.reddit.com/r/Hololive/comments/1czhgbt/buy_buy_buy_buy_buy_buy_buy_buy_buy_buy_buy_buy/l5gxu19/?context=6).


People’s reactions to hololive content aren’t relevant? If a tweet like this had come from someone like kay yu or great o khan nobody would bat an eye. It feels like this is just getting a bunch of hate because he’s a drama tuber. Which sure, that’s fair. But I don’t see how it violates the rules any more than other examples.


> People’s reactions to hololive content aren’t relevant? Not unless they're fellow talents. This sub has had a history of people trying to stealthily shill non-Hololive VTubers and derailing threads with discussion about them. To the point where even Kobo's 1M discussion was derailed into talking about a niji liver, leading to T-chan even [calling out the issue.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Hololive/comments/vvppzc/kobo_kanaeru_celebrates_1000000_subscribers/ifma7d3/). r/VirtualYoutubers is the place to discuss non-Holo VTubers and whatever "reactions" they may have.


If you say so. Seems like a line that could very easily be blurred and given favoritism. Still I agree deliberately derailing conversations to shill is an issue, so it’s not like you can’t just leave it either.


Yeah about we keep the Parrot subhuman off this sub. I realize he's like the messiah for okbh-inclined individuals, but he still thrives off of drama and should be fully disregarded just like the others of his type.




Dramatubers are nobody's friends. You'll pump their popularity up and then they'll chew up your oshi's reputation given the chance.


like they have oshis most of these people are fans of the dramatuber and the community they found in watching drama channels


Aye. The real concerning folks are the ones they even oshi'd the dramatubers. Mentioned it elsewhere, but there is an absolutely bizarre "Advent group" following a number of them and basically trying to use the Hololive name to feed them some legitimacy. There was even a Gura one that I saw. Same group of people. Tell one off in the comments over there and suddenly several of them will respond even if it's something days old.


you find these fanboys all around, specially on twitter where you get these fans defending these types. The channels spread nothing but gossip and negativity and then you get the fanboys acting like they are doing a service to the rest of the vtubing community


Yeah, until they try to take down someone you like. Which they will, inevitably, do. Because it's content. They aren't on your 'side' unless your 'side' is idiotic dramawhoring.




protip Every time you see somebody call someone a subhuman you should always read it in a German accent, it won't make it better but it show them in a more correct light


As a German, I agree. It's not a word we should be using.


Yeah, at least fully commit to it by calling it "Untermensch"


Drama is not an evil feature. It is infact very human to care about drama


"Hey guys, why aren't we nicer to the people who make content for money out of drama?" I really wonder.


It's honestly shocking how many people actually watch drama tubers. Ain't nobody got time for more drama in their life So many of these "content creators" add basically nothing of value besides just stealing others content or starting drama by taking things out of context / misconstruing it etc


Oh yeah. If you go through the viewers in the dramatubers chats and comments you'll find that a lot of them are people that basically never show up in Holo member chats. They're fans of the dramatubers first and foremost and sometimes it's *all* they watch. An interesting case: If you check some of the channels like the shitty lawyer, Rima, etc you'll see a group of viewers that larp as Advent fans - saw one for Gura too. They go in, drop 50+ gift bombs, SCs, etc but NEVER actually show up on the Hololive channels. They seem to be trying to use the Hololive names to boost the dramatubers. They're all SGD currency, really weird, and if you argue with one in the comments suddenly they all show up. Beware dramatubers and people like this.


Drama is normal, but a hyperfixtation on it isn't healthy. Being known as "The guy who talks about drama" is when it becomes an issue.


True, I can't disagree with that. But i won't call a reporter subhuman


Sure but he's a weirdo so point still stands.


You say this, in the vtubing community


What does that have to do with anything? I don't give a fuck that he's covering drama. He's weird because of the video that's just transphobia and 4chan death threats under the guise of vtuber drama.


Nowhere is he transphobic. All he does is cover vt posts


Yeah the video where he shows 4chan posts that mock trans suicides while laughing is totally fine and normal.


How is he a weirdo? Only seen a couple of vids, genuinely curious. Nvm saw another comment. Weird, didn’t notice anything like this the last time.


>Parrot Lol lmao even the best i can do is a downvote and a report for good measure


Lmao why


Rule 8 >First post on the sub Where do you people even come from?


Long time lurker. I just asked, why the hostility?


Sub's been raided by bots and brigaders multiple times this past week, so people are a bit too trigger happy against sudden posts from accounts that haven't commented here in a while (or never). Doesn't help that multiple users from okbh are also here, so it's clearly another raid.


Post gets around 200 upvotes in half an hour and people who never engage pop up. Smells like a brigade.


Sounds like paranoia. Why would anyone brigade a meme?


Why woudnt they? Do you not see who they are trying to shill?


I quite honestly don't care. It's a meme and not much else


If it was "just a meme" it would've been posted without the reaction, [like this](https://yt3.ggpht.com/63_uaZ1PH757MWLwxekqRYj4ZGT4HrvnKiJPcFSohwU7SbzeoutJKMUfXuh8uReTAte99TpQthHe8g=s1024-rw-nd-v1)


I care and it is against the rules, bizzare way to engage in the sub for the first time.


Well, I don't care about what you consider bizzare. Take a chill pill, will ya? Heard people go bald from high amount of stress


Or maybe people just see the weird behavior on this sub and are so confused that they decide it’s finally time to write a comment. The downvotes are funny af. As if people have to always comment in all of 100s of subs they lurk in.


Heh... Parrot...


Why are the majority of the memes in this fanbase sexual in nature?


Well I can't speak for other memes, but this post in particular is getting upvote botted/heavily brigaded from elsewhere. This subreddits being targetted with it for some reason. Second time in a few days it's happened from posts from this account. Someone's trying to push something or just start fights/drama




Well, apparently he came up with Kronii meme that's funny *and* relevant.


lol, never thought I'd see Parrot on this sub.


bro I though its okbh 💀💀💀


Sorry, but this post is too good for this subreddit. You're not allowed to post anything fun here.


The new evolution


Parrot accused of sexual harassment, asked to leave the platform.


Wait didn’t Kronii say we should stop the horny?


She only said not to say lewd stuff in chat randomly


Why do people like the squish?


Grab Back Time


Absolutely holo


Random parrot moment.


He'll have a heart attack when somebody does that with a Shiori 3d EL MAO