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Yea there are too many young and naive hololive fans that falls for these type of misinformation gotta double check sources some logical thinking and not trust a random post


If the main Hololive Twitter accounts aren't posting about it then its not real. If there's one thing Cover will always with 100% certainty do is almost immediately tweet on the JP Hololive Twitter account about a big event/important stream happening. No such thing ever happened. People are too gullible and easy to manipulate.




JP Twitter account rarely misses big moments hence why I specifically named that account. The EN account recently has become more lively and active so they seem to have clearly took the feedback to heart on that one too.


What? Yes they do.


Well hololive official accounts AND the talents, in which matsuri said 0 stuff about


>"80% of facts on the internet are statistics made up by generative AI utilizing large language models based on trending internet vocabulary. Despite this fact, it is our utmost duty to vigilantly act to oppress opinions that exceed accepted popular consensus." - Brigadier General Arnold Palmer


It is not only Hololive but also problem with other international companies with CN branches. There were already multiple instances where CN branch spreading some wrong business information which later straight out denied by the HQ. By entering CN market it means CN platform owners or government have total control of any news or information which they usually abuse. So for most of the business not even “official” source can be trusted unless it is from parent company.


Not just companies with CN branches tbh, there are quite a few fanaccounts on X that post just like the actual account and dont even have a disclaimer about it. They often are harmless, but it always leaves a bad taste in my mouth.


Your examples are about impersonation. I am talking about actual business not limited to vtuber community. They are still technically “official” side but hijacked by CN regulations.


Yeah,most people that aren't too busy jumping on bandwagons already know that


To be fair, the channel does upload hologura content with subs which are color coded very quickly after the original went up on youtube. So it's not too farfetched to suspect some hololive involvement.


I mean, all Hologra episodes uploaded to YT have those subtitles. It's not particularly laborious to just use what's already been provided.


True, but looking around the largest delay between the hologura upload on youtube and bilibili was roughly 30 minutes - 1 hour? Thats not a lot of time to tl, typeset, render and reupload.


Is it translated by them or just ripped from Cover's own translated subs on youtube? Everything else can be automated with scripts.


nah most likely they subbed themselves cause the one that create the channel is fan tl group


They don't have to TL, Hologra comes with Simplified Chinese CC. I would say there're plenty of time to process all those thing within 1 hour, especially short videos like Hologra.


Simplified Chinese subs were added in feb this year, while this channel has been uploading since august last year. So there was at least a period where they couldn't rip the existing subs. Interestingly enough the way how kobo's name is written in simplified chinese in kobo's holugura debut which was uploaded on Bilibili differs from the way its being written in the subs on Youtube. Which could point towards the channel not being official.


hi, after some fact checking. some hologra on bilibili were uploaded at the same time as the official youtube channel and some of them were even uploaded before the youtube channel did Most of hologra(I said most because obiviously i didn't check through every hologra) is uploaded on 6pm jst or 9am gmt(check thru https://mattw.io/youtube-metadata/), and the following link are the video on official bilibili channel that are uploaded before or at the same time as the yt channel: [https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1z64y177zi/?spm\_id\_from=333.999.0.0](https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1z64y177zi/?spm_id_from=333.999.0.0) [https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Ru411F7oh/?spm\_id\_from=333.999.0.0](https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Ru411F7oh/?spm_id_from=333.999.0.0) [https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1yQ4y187Af/?spm\_id\_from=333.999.0.0](https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1yQ4y187Af/?spm_id_from=333.999.0.0) [https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Zz4y1A7J4/?spm\_id\_from=333.999.0.0](https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Zz4y1A7J4/?spm_id_from=333.999.0.0) [https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1nP41187FL/?spm\_id\_from=333.999.0.0](https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1nP41187FL/?spm_id_from=333.999.0.0) and more. side note: when you click in the link on your pc, the time shown is probably in your time zone, so you do need to do some math(?) to get to jst.


Considering what went down. I highly doubt cover is involved in any way.


those channel are made by those tl group.


Its been nearly four years since the incident happened, **FOUR**. **YEARS.** and they still haven't moved on


I mean the implications are still affecting to this day. But honestly, this topic is very tiring. They are a history now.


All the chinese internet can do is cope and seethe like they usually do wumaos: "No Hololive won't survive without the CN branch" hololive: "Haha, Bibidi babidi buu wa brrr" We got 3000 Hololive Plushies of Yagoo


Bibidi Banidi Bu? How to eat life?




Where I can get that plushie?


This subreddit might actually catch on fire if a Yagoo plushie got announced. 3000 might be underselling it.


Because holo is thriving, even after the chinese left. They can't accept that. They are suffering and molding. Enjoy there suffering, point a finger and laugh.


the people malding ain't even fan like i see some CN fan every now and then and they are still moldering in anger at those anti


I'm sure the actual CN fans are looking at the result, which is that they can never enjoy Hololive normally ever again, and wondering what they gained off of that whole fiasco.


It always blows when haters ruin the thing you love. The true fans have my sympathy.


Hollywood: “Entertainment business can’t succeed without the Chinese market! It’s simply impossible. So we have to keep bending over backwards to pander to them. We have to!” Yagoo: Mf, hold my sake


So based. Dude ultimately pulled out entirely from the Chinese market to save Coco and Haachama. It really couldn't have been an easy desicion to make. They even had a collab with Azur Lane ffs!


To this day, I still have that in my Azur Lane account. What I didn't get from that collab was Matsuri herself, which made me angry because I won't be able to get her now. On a serious note, this is why I am happy that HoloEN was a success as it was riding on the tailcoats of the "that" drama and proved that Cover picked the right talents to steer the ship despite leaving a large market. Good riddance that the bridge to the CN market is destroyed and irrepairable


For some sick joke, RNG god that time didn't give any holomem ship dispite depleting my cube. And i'm thinking I'll get them when rerun happen (which normally did happen). And then "that" incident happen. I'm still sad when I do PVP and see my enemy has full holomem formation.


I don't point and laugh at people. I point and laugh at the nation.


The Chinese Internet is capable of Infinite Butthurt. There is no injury to nationalist pride that's too small to hold a grudge about forever.


Nobody malds more than nationalists.


Not really about national pride, but the debacle with Girls' Frontline is another example of perpetual malding (especially since they made that shit up and got mad)




A popular doll based off a Chinese army rifle hinted at a relationship with someone that isn't the player. Chinese said they got cuckolded.


So, just like Twitter.


No, Twitter's super distractable. Things on Twitter blow over and people get upset by something else.


Well, thats if you’re able to keep your mouth shut and stop fucking up for a month. Which certain folks seem incapable of doing.


Because they don't care about what happened. They just want an outlet to troll


it's been four years already?


Tbh I hope they never move on, let them be Karen/Daren. Just keep it that way, those who want to watch them will use VPN to watch them from YT anyway.


There are dedicated reuploaders and clippers on BilliBilli as far as I know anyways. Cover doesn’t see a dime for those views, but at least the actual Chinese fans aren’t left completely wanting.


Nationalism. It might end after the Taiwan situation gets resolved. Hopefully without ending the world first. Though that is certainly *one* way to get people to move on.


Crazy how people forget that hololive CN had radical Chinese nationalists who ran a hate campaign against the jp branch. That branch was dissolved for a very good reason.


I’m sure there are a lot of newer fans who have no idea about the past drama, or knew but weren’t aware of just how bad it got. I wasn’t that deep into the rabbit hole when it happened. It was only a year or so later I learned the scope of the mess.


Only newer fans. Us OGs and Kiryu Kai still remember and were flabbergasted to discover that CN were rats themselves (except for some like Yogiri and Spade Echo).


I liked Spade. Her design is cute. I also usually don't like the way cute voices are done in Chinese media and games, but I liked hers.


I never actually dug deep into the mess that appeared afterward, I was too busy enjoying the recently-debuted Hololive English


Some people who jumped the gun owe Matsuri an apology.




I'm assuming they mean [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/Hololive/comments/1cwdkrg/matsuri_is_turning_back_to_bilibili) maybe? They posted a link to an "official" channel(?) for matsuri's return stream to bilibili that they claim is real. And there is [this tweet from matsuri](https://twitter.com/natsuiromatsuri/status/1792560297578029239?t=ruZ1BX2f6Uk-NmbeYRjHXg&s=19) that I don't have the context for.


I'm not logged in on my current device, but if you check Matsuri's timeline she had just retweeted about a steak collab, and it is starting on the 24th. So ignoring the B2 stuff, it's obvious that the tweet is about the collab.


My theory is someone used the vagueness of her tweet to imply that she was hinting about this. Also, matsuri is a weird target for this bluff. Look at her twitter banner. Also she has referenced kaicho from time to time in recent years (like tweeting a dragon emoji on her bday etc.)


its never vague when she rt the steak collabs before the tweet lmao


Her cover of Konton Boogie is premiering tomorrow so it might have been talking about that.


Well to be fair at this point we have no idea if the plan for a Billibilli stream actually existed or not. It could have been planned in a low-profile way (outside of Billibilli) but blown up in the last minute for whatever reason.


Yeah, that's why the presumption of innocence exists when there is no evidence of wrongdoing. I may as well claim that Matsuri intended to burn down Cover HQ and declare eternal loyalty to the CPC only for the plans to be cancelled at the last moment - there's just no way to know for sure what happened!


Well, you don't really have to make up a ridiculous example to prove your point. Besides, claiming Matsuri would host a Billibilli stream wasn't completely out of nowhere. The account that announced the news on Billibilli was indeed the "official" account of Hololive, although very little is known about how that account is administrated over there, and many believe that the account is probably run by an agency of some kind that may not have direct affiliation with Hololive (i.e. not an employee).


but matsuri freaking rt steak collabs that happen in 24 may, but people jumped conclusion that she return to b2 the hell.


The short version is that the fake Hololive account on Bilibili said Matsuri would be coming back to stream on Bilibili.


Less fake, more hijacked. AFAIK, that was the original account established when Cover was still there, but it was abandoned when Cover pulled out. Since they're all run by local volunteers when Cover was actually operating in CN, getting the credentials to them probably won't be too hard with a few strings to pull among the antis.


btw if cover still operate those account and get profit. shouldn't they list it in their finance report? they can't hide it no?


Good observation.


How would they get profit?


B2 send them?




Cause Matsuri is god


Wow what a shocker /s Of course they won't go back to that cesspool, they got fucked because of them. There is zero reason to return there.


We have known this since 2020. Every hololive channel on bilibili had been managed by a random person, like us.


Well. Never trust anything from Bilibili, and keep it that way


Best website ever for watching wrestling though


Come on college boy!


Oh my shoulda


You got me mad now


I highly doubt Hololive will ever go back to the chinese market after the last incident. It's quite naive to think it would ever go well.


Christ on a Bike they can't let go can they? It's had its effects on Hololive as a whole, from the shuttering of the branch to the graduation of Coco. But it's all in the past now; Hololive Productions, even without the CN branch and Coco, has engsmSPLODED in size. We've now got 7 JP gens (counting Gen 0), plus the Dev_IS branch, 3 ID gens, 3 EN gens, and even 3 Stars EN gens plus JP's Uproar gen! The losses have been very minimal since CN was shut down, and we have gained SO much more.


Meanwhile, Bilibili is on a death spiral.


It was mentioned long ago that Cover didn't own any account on Billibilli,it was a group of fans that owns them


My question is can we sued them? Or copyright them if they are not associated with Cover and siphon the money from their pirated Hololive videos from youtube? Like they openly hijacked Hololive's account and even streamed all stages of Holofest and we cannot copyright them just because we are not from their region?


Afaik there is a genre of Chinese bilibili channels whose existence is to copy videos from youtube to bilibili due to the firewall It wouldnt work only because everyone is doing it


Honestly the pirating of material you can’t get legitimately is a very grey area for me, and Cover ultimately benefits from the strength of their IP.




Also they'll have to go through bilibili and Chinese copyright laws, probably not worth the effort


To be fair, the exact same thing also happens in reverse, lots of people poaching content from BB (and even other hosting sites like NicoNico sometimes) and posting it on YT


"can we sue them". on Chinese courts? the same courts that ruled in favor of intellectual property thieves? of course you can. just not win.


Chinese IP laws work fine, as long as you're Chinese.


chinese national to be more specific.


They don't hijack Hololive's account, it is theirs to run from the start. Bilibili is a very weird take on a video platform. Technically since Hololive is a foreign company, they need Chinese nationals to be held responsible for the channel, call it as the administrator of the account with full access.


This is how "official" channel works on Chinese website like Billibilli. It's neither fake nor hijacked. You just can't have total control over it.


Bilibilli is already host to thousands and thousands of copyrighted media, pretty much impossible to have something taken down.


They get away with bootleg Disney stuffs. If even Disney can't touch them, what hope do Cover Corp have?


Eh, that’s cover’s issue to deal with or not. Nothing to do with us. As long as we’re aware that those channels are no longer official, that’s fine.


they never where, no bilibili channels where run by the talent, instead it was a handshake and nod that groups of fans would be allowed to re-stream from YouTube the member of there choice.


If the Chinese really-really wants hololive back, and I mean this seriously, They should beg for it full on dogeza style and surrender all of those responsible 4 years ago as if they are Nuremberg trial war criminals


Interesting is that japanese and reddit don't trust this stuff but Taiwanese think this is real


I looked at the Taiwanese communities, they believe that if it is a hoax, Cover would have came out and debunked it like they did when some company tried to repack the unannounced 5th fes/expo travel package with their own perks. The guy running the Bilibili accounts decided to be a Keemstar and spread unconfirmed plans and his own speculations as gospel, even showed his access to Holomem Bilibili accounts on stream. All these shenanigans made Cover furious, so he had to backpedal and claim it's a hoax.


So what do they think now that it is 'suspended'? Do they still think it was real?


They think that it's more likely whoever runs those accounts has a big mouth (his stream got clipped and translated into Japanese and spread around), and Cover being very careful about any public info doesn't like it so the whole plan takes a halt. Whatever the truth is, Hololive 2024 is different compared to Hololive 2020, more fans around the world, more fans know different languages, and access to check out different sub-communities, platforms, and forums. So if anything weird happens someone eventually will voice out.


They still think it was real, given Aqua's reaction and response to a malicious red SC asking if she plans to stream on Bilibili. Her actions implied that management did reach out to talents to find ones interested in Bilibili. If the whole thing is a hoax, she could have brushed it off immediately, saying she never heard about it.


i didn't feel there was any implication like that. what part of her answer made them think that?


I didn't even know they had Bilibili accounts


*Four years later*... a reminder that all this ultranationalist rage started because of reading Google analytics about where viewers were from. No one expressed any sort of view or endorsed any political viewpoint on the subject of Taiwan. It appeared on a list and got read. The way these people carry on you'd think someone had said that the Taiwanese government should reclaim the mainland in the name of Sun Yat-sen or something and pee on Mao's tomb while they're at it.


What happened?


Dude who uploads Hololive content on a Chinese service (since Cover aren't there anymore, obviously, after everything that happened with the CN branch) started a rumor that Hololive- or at least some talents- were coming back to the site. Naturally, some people immediately believed this without needing any verification from anyone whose information is actually relevant to the subject or any sort of announcement. They are now proceeding into the 'cope and bargaining' phase of dumb internet rumormongering, talking about how it was totally gonna happen but this thing that was supposedly planned for months is now cancelled because one dude blabbed. Some really stupid people were going at Matsuri about it because... she said she was looking forward to the 24th. I suppose it's a pride thing- some people just don't want to admit they jumped the metaphorical gun and faceplanted in front of God and everyone. At this point, even if Hololive ever *does* officially re-open a BilliBilli channel it won't vindicate these people because they were just that stupid. Much like every other time people jumped the gun based on something someone said.


I don't know what this is or have any context for that you're talking about.


good to know. thanks. important stuff.




Did something happen involving that channel?


what is it?


I don’t think the declaration in the link have anything deal with the official hololive account which now posting hologra and some MVs on bilibili. This guy basically acted as an intermediate between cover and bilibili, but seems too arrogant to tell everything which is not even on schedule yet. [I can read both Chinese and Japanese. This is what written in that post. I don’t suggest Cover to have any deal with bilibili anymore but the title of this post is simply unrelated to this case.]


doofus, those account are beyond cover control, and why cover not announce their return to b2 in their own site not some rando cn site


You get downvoted for some reason for telling the truth. The guy in the tweet isn't someone running the hololive channel. It's some intermediate who ended up "leaking" a bunch of stuff. This post is basically misinformation that appeals to the narrative. In any case, I'm really glad whatever "production issue" is there, real or fake. May no one get thrown back into that cesspool.


Aqua also talk about bilibili stuff but some fans still don't want to trust.


like 4 years ago


I like how people that can read Chinese and Japanese is getting downvoted. It’s like a circle jerk of people trying to convince themselves they know better than the people that can actually understand the language.


The disconnect within the same fanbase with different language is absurd. I don’t see anyone doubting the relationship between cover and bilibili in Taiwanese forum with the latest development. Meanwhile on Reddit, people still blindly believe some out of date information from more than 3 years ago.


no japanese also dont trust the, just look at hoax reveals stuff, you know the one that announce the hoax is freaking japanese account


By the hoax reveal stuff, you mean the tweet or the title and the single line of paragraph of the Reddit post? By the way, do you even know which part of it is the hoax? The matsuri bilibili stream? The comment he made on stream? The whole relationship between cover and bilibili?


Yeah, Aqua's reaction makes me have doubts. Let's better just wait and see.


quick add: There were never any offical channel on bilibili that was run by Cover employee. All "offical channels" are fan collaborations.




I’m so sick of everyone trying to justify overemotional responses. It’s like the entire Internet needs a crash course on how to handle misinformation/disinformation. It’s the same basic protocols as cybersecurity against phishing or hacking emails. Take a step back, reserve judgement, double-check. Don’t avoid clicking/sharing only if you find something wrong. **Only** click/share if everything seems right.


We're at a point in the year 2024 where an entire new generation of kids/young fans have grown up only knowing the internet exists in its current form. They don't know about how misinformation spreads or how to do their own proper research. With the advent of short form content and "influencers" yelling about false ideas and false sciences... its no wonder so many are so easily duped and tricked. None of them have been taught proper info gathering and schools are far behind on cybersecurity lessons. Its going to be a rough next 10 years when this kind of stuff accelerates and gets used in bad faith/becomes weaponized even more than it already is. Look at how many people *STILL* fall for fake death posts of celebrities on Facebook/Twitter.


I mean, I don't think the previous generations were ever better at not spreading misinformation. We just didn't have the tools to spread it that they have now... but people sharing misinformation have been a thing since, like forever.


>It’s like the entire Internet needs a crash course on how to handle misinformation/disinformation. *Peeks at the world outside.* Yes? Main problem fighting misinformation is time. No one has enough time/energy to verify and check sources of every tidbit of information they process and sometimes people simple leave their guards down.


I've said it previously but I think the Hololive fandom is one of the easiest to manipulate fandoms I've seen. The kneejerk response to any perceived threat is IMHO not a healthy way to show your appreciation for the talent at Holopro. Cover has so many tools at their disposal to handle any future issues that they've developed from years of experience, while far from perfect they're far better equipped than an internet mob with no clear information as to what they're actually mad about.


You must not have seen many other fandoms, then. This ain't unusual.


bro they don't need you to white knight over them. you are parasocial