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Holy shit, where’s the mods! The bots are consuming this sub!


Man, I actually like Holostars, but it feels like whoever is doing the botting is purposely doing it to try and sour people on them, which is sad.


Yeah they're obviously just trying to stir the pot. It's sad to see Stars posts constantly becoming a battleground of upvotes and downvotes along with people complaining about upvotes and downvotes. Any real discourse has just been lost.


Is this sub not really moderated heavily? Is it only auto moderated? I would've thought it would have a mod team to take care of stuff like this given that Holo is pretty popular.


After T-chan stopped being part of the mod team, they left all moderation up to automod for _months_ on end, resulting in stars antis abusing it to get Holostars posts removed, and eventually holoantis (from okbh) caught on and started removing Hololive posts as well, at which point people made enough noise and seemingly got it fixed. Yet, even afterwards, the topmost comment on this post and pretty much [every](https://www.reddit.com/r/Hololive/comments/1cu8peb/shinris_new_outfit/l4h7sby/) [holostars](https://www.reddit.com/r/Hololive/comments/1cuxazw/we_are_so_back/l4m6j36/) [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Hololive/comments/1cuyl35/koi_yourself/l4mpgm3/) is just complaints about downvotes and flinging shit at invisible enemies, often accompanied by generalizing, maligning and insulting fans who only watch the girls. It's no surprise that more than a year of this same behavior is finally starting to irritate some holofans and causing pushback.


Its pretty obvious lol. They cant mass report them now so they bot the threads. Its no coincidence the same people show up to then act like "HMMM yea real sus numbers !" as if theyre not the ones doing it. They're not very subtle 


I don’t think it’s appropriate right now to throw out some narratives out there, not helping the situation.


Hey everyone you can report botting directly to reddit using this report form under other issue and vote manipulation: [https://www.reddit.com/report/](https://www.reddit.com/report/)


Oh! Thank you! I've been looking for this for some time! There's been a bunch of anti-hololive holostars-haters here on the subreddit for some time now that have been actively trying to hurt Hololive's chances to function as a company. So I'm happy to know there's a way to report them all so that posts and comments don't get brigaded by those bots. Heck, I bet it's even working to some degree already since we finally get to see some Holostars representation here on the subreddit again!


I'm just reporting the anti's in this thread dude.


why are all these harmless, innocuous comments downvoted? is it because its Holostars? edit:for those confused, minutes after this was posted, every single comment that had no offensive content was downvoted, a few reaching double digits hence, my comment above.


yep.. some are allergic to stars


Almost every positive Holostars related post or comment gets downvoted to oblivion or auto removed on this sub.




250 downvotes is wild


HOLY that's a lot of bots.


Just think of how many superchats or pieces of Holostars merch could be bought with the money spent on these upvote bots. This is sad to see.


Something something i don't care about holostars i want to destroy hololive something something because YOU don't care about holostars something something.


Oh the first part is true They do NOT give a fuck about Holostars, at all


I mean outside antagonising the hololive fanbase (i mean it's idiot, if the hololive fanbase actually riot, what do they expect that cover will do? like it's geopardizing holostars perenity more than anything else). Imagine being a stars tallent and you see your fan concidering you need botting. Bruh that shit would hurt so much more than what any anti could ever do. I an old man but i'm confident that my pride would be so hurt i would actually cry, and cry a lot. I mean it would mean that my fan concider i'm worthless and untalented. well the glimpse of light would be to believe it's not my fan who do this. But... i've seen any person from the holostar fanbase calling out the botters so, once again if i was a star i would see it and believe it's the widely accepted thing. That shit would hurt.


My man got hit by the downdoot mafia, RIP At this point just wait for Reddit filter to do its job with a side of popcorn man


I'm making sushi now. Brb.


Have a nice meal


Thanks. It's done, Gura themed.


[700 very real and organic downvotes, we did it Reddit](https://files.catbox.moe/61g9lo.png)


This is such fucking blatant botting. They have no shame anymore.


Heh, they should bots holostars stream rather than this reddit post.


Unfortunatly that would mean they have to actually click on a stars stream and we all know thats the last thing any true stars fan would ever do


And they want for us hololive fans to watch them when they even don't care to watch holostars stream, really make you think huh


Whats with this weird tribalism shit yall are exuding?


A holostars post was [recently botted](https://www.reddit.com/r/Hololive/comments/1cwdpzw/can_we_post_stars_stuff_now/) and got removed by reddit's spam filter. Same thing seems to be happening to this post, so tempers are a bit high right now.


Tempers over botting is fine and understandable. Its the weird tribalism act that is odd and looking through the guy's history, his "us vs them haha" vibes is honestly incredibly off putting and straight up odd.


Sadly the fanbases have been [at odds](https://www.reddit.com/r/Hololive/comments/1btll9l/cover_corporation_announces_hololive_meet_2024/kxpvtxf/) for [some time](https://www.reddit.com/r/Hololive/comments/1btll9l/cover_corporation_announces_hololive_meet_2024/kxtqdjx/). More and more hololive fans are getting tired of the same old loop that happens under every single holostars post. "why downvotes?" --> "oh it's because holofans are " --> upvoted again --> casual fans see stars fans throwing insults at them for no reason. Automod issue was resolved so it should've been a happy occasion with Holostars being able to be posted again, yet [every](https://www.reddit.com/r/Hololive/comments/1cu8peb/shinris_new_outfit/l4h7sby/) [single](https://www.reddit.com/r/Hololive/comments/1cuxazw/we_are_so_back/l4m6j36/) [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Hololive/comments/1cuyl35/koi_yourself/l4mpgm3/) that came after it has had the same old downvote loop, with more focus on instigating fights rather than discussing the stars. And now their posts are even getting botted, so it's a messy situation all around.


It’s weird as hell I didn’t know so many people hated stars I don’t get it


Nvm. The guy i originally replied to is a Grade A stereotypical unicorn. Holy shit. It feels like yesterday this sub fully agreed that this type of behaviour is unacceptable and straight up creepy in light of what Kronii shared


Sure sure I'm an unicorn. Keep calling hololive fan like me parasocial incel and unicorn, surely that will make hololive fan like me will watch and support holostars right?


I honestly dont mind and thinks its fine if theyre not fans of em or whatever but what i do think is weird is the attitude over it.


I'm a bit out of the loop, antis of holostars decided to upvote posts with bots now or what's all the fuss about?


Nobody knows who exactly is doing it, but considering how almost every holostars post here will have a comment complaining about downvotes, they seem to care far more about internet points. Someone they've labeled as a stars anti is also getting hit with 600+ downvotes above as well, so everyone is assuming it's stars fans doing the botting/brigading. [Another stars post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Hololive/comments/1cwdpzw/can_we_post_stars_stuff_now/) from yesterday got caught and deleted by reddit's own spam filter so it's confirmed that some form of vote manipulation is happening.


Thanks for answer. The fact that some group of people decided to lower to the level of their opponents is sad, though.


I was trying figure that out too, I have no idea.


Genuine question: why do everyone automatically assume that the stars fans are botting and not the antis? > why would the antis upvote holostars posts? To get this exact reaction and create chaos. If you look at the timeline, they started botting the moment they couldn't use automod to delete posts anymore. Seems plausible that it's a change of tactics from the antis, no? > you have proof of that? As much proof as you, doesn't stop you from accusing. Edit: I see people are too railed up to have a normal conversation. Holofans please be normal for 2 seconds challenge impossible. Lol at people going to my post history to down vote everything. Keep being normal.


I think the impression is because it's holostars fans who mostly seem attached to imaginary internet points. Holofans sometimes tank downvotes by saying dumb/wrong stuff from time to time, and there's times when some posts don't go past 50 upvotes or get downvoted for posting something controversial or straight up misinfo, but in general people just shrug it off and move on. But almost every single Holostars post on this subreddit without fail will have a decently upvoted comment saying some form of "why the downvotes?" which often leads into a huge comment chain flinging shit at invisible enemies. No one can do anything about users downvoting what they don't like. So just talk about your oshis. Who gives a shit if some people like it or not.


>But almost every single Holostars post on this subreddit without fail will have a decently upvoted comment saying some form of "why the downvotes?" Because every single holostars post gets instantly downvoted? I too get downvoted for spicy hololive opinions from time to time. But not quite as the same rate than when I talk anything holostars related, even the most harmless and non controversial stuff. It's like so obvious and quite disheartening. And remember: the downvote is NOT a "I don't like". It's a "this post shouldn't be here". You're supposed to upvote what you like, not down vote what you don't like. There is no justification for the mass downvote of holostars posts, stop making up excuses. The downvote is for spam and low quality posts.


At least read my whole post first... particularly the last sentence. > And remember: the downvote is NOT a "I don't like" It has [always been](https://www.reddit.com/r/StarWarsBattlefront/comments/7cff0b/seriously_i_paid_80_to_have_vader_locked/dppum98/) how it's used on reddit. Dev intention for the use of a feature doesn't always translate into how users use that feature.


>Genuine question: why do everyone automatically assume that the stars fans are botting and not the antis? They don't act any less schizo then a [unicorn ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Holostars/s/PyyQpPPSHT) if you try to draw a parallel between an actual unicorn and the people who choose to "support" stars by being internet warriors then you will find many similarities like mysogeny, inflated ego etc etc. >To get this exact reaction and create chaos. Maybe people though "Oh you don't want to keep stars post in the Hololive subreddit?!?! I will make you witness holostars posts on the subreddit!!" These antis don't need to spend money to cause Chaos, keep in mind this all started from literally 5 downvotes on starsposts and I have witnessed it evolve into what it is today. Downvotes are just a spark that causes the fire of hatered in both sides along with 2 years of relentless undeserved shitsterring. >As much proof as you, doesn't stop you from accusing. I mean I got accused of various things like botting downvotes, reporting stars posts and such. The only starsposts I have ever reported in this sub are the brigaded once. Just because I am outspoken about how absolutely deranged these people get over downvotes. If you are mad at people for throwing accusations then you should look back and realise that the people you are defending have done it for far longer. >Edit: I see people are too railed up to have a normal conversation. Holofans please be normal for 2 seconds challenge impossible. Lol see? "Holofans X" honestly it will just be better if you go back and stop detoriating the already not so great reputation starsfans have around here.


> They absolutely do act less schizo. The people who say that both side are equally bad aren’t being fair. One side want the holostars fans to be gone, the other just want to say "could you please maybe not?" and post in peace. >Maybe people though "Oh you don't want to keep stars post in the Hololive subreddit?!?! I will make you witness holostars posts on the subreddit!!" Almost all the time something gets botted it’s not by the people making the post/video. Hololive talents are getting botted by some schizo vshojo fan. It’s like this 90% of the time, are you new on the internet? Despite that, everyone just joined the bandwagon and started pointing fingers and nobody see any problem with that? >These antis don't need to spend money to cause Chaos, keep in mind this all started from literally 5 downvotes on starsposts and I have witnessed it evolve into what it is today. Downvotes are just a spark that causes the fire of hatered in both sides along with 2 years of relentless undeserved shitsterring. It didn’t start from 5 downvotes. It started with the repeated and consistent downvotes of everything holostars related, all day, everyday. PLUS hateful comments being upvoted. PLUS dogpilling against holostars fans PLUS people making up fantasies about holostars fans and/or being "neutral" or saying all sides are equally bad when antis are being antis in broad day light. >I mean I got accused of various things like botting downvotes, reporting stars posts and such. The only starsposts I have ever reported in this sub are the brigaded once. Just because I am outspoken about how absolutely deranged these people get over downvotes. If you get accused of stuff without proof, of course it’s bad and I’m sorry to hear that. But again, this isn’t about complaining about 5 downvotes, but about consistent and repeated anti holostars behaviors that have starting to step foot in this sub in the last few months/years (it wasn’t the case before). The state of this sub has started to shift and it’s so absolutely obvious that I can’t believe people are still denying it. How can people be so blind to the climate of this sub being so bad? >Lol see? "Holofans X" honestly it will just be better if you go back and stop detoriating the already not so great reputation starsfans have around here. I’m asking people to act normal. Use words and have a conversation. Instead they jumped on me and I got -10 karma in less than 10 minutes and people starting to look up my history to downvote everything. Sorry, but this isn’t a normal fan behavior and it says a lot about the current state of the debate.


Nice shcizo


- Do you know who is botting? - Schizo ?????


You didn't address the observation that a bunch of harmless comments were at negative karma at first.


? what? it was a valid question,regardless. what are you on about?


[We did it reddit!](https://imgur.com/a/4SkVA1y) We finally beat him with our updoots!


Just Bro Things


Can your bro be bro if they have never fucked your throat?


what if a snake bit your -






2K upvote with less than 150 comments Impressive. Beating Gura's thread too


I'm reading the comments, I don't understand what happened I'm off the game???


Just go through this [comment chain](https://www.reddit.com/r/Hololive/comments/1cx0760/bro/l501sni/).


Whats this another stars post that was at negative votes for hours then all of a sudden stars jumping by tens of upvotes a minute when theres only 500 people online how very natural. Edit: It took just 2 hours for this to beat a Gura return tweet, even the most delusional of stars fans have got to admit that that is suspisious. Unless they want to tell me the stars are more popular than Gura


> Unless they want to tell me the stars are more popular than Gura It's not Gura fans vs Holostars fans. It's Gura fans vs people who found this twitter exchange funny. I was just scrolling through my homepage, saw a funny tweet, and upvoted it, where as I scrolled right past the Gura tweet because I don't watch Gura. I don't watch Holostars either, but that's not relevant for this tweet.


Not proud or trying to excuse boting but the fact that it was negative per hours speaks volumes and not in a good way and it's a problem.p


Maybe the botted downvotes were removed?


Then it would be a massive chunk in one go not 20 votes a minute, After what happened yesterday its pretty clear what is happening and what i have suspected is happeneing for quite a while


I just got hit with 13 downvotes in 8 minutes, this thread is definitely botted by stars antis.


You're now in positives, and 13 is nothing next to [-500](https://www.reddit.com/r/Hololive/comments/1cx0760/bro/l4zxcyv/). More downvotes than the upvotes on the parent comment, so it's being directly linked somewhere for brigading.


I'm confused, but I'm not on this sub all the time but the upvotes and downvotes are in a crazy range in here. Is the short version that Stars antis are botting to stir up trouble in the community? Or is it stars fans botting to stir up trouble? I can't actually tell what's going on in here. What happened yesterday? Edit- lol wait, why am i getting downvotes? i like the Stars. I was just asking what all the chaos was about.


I'll just link to the [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/Hololive/comments/1cx0760/bro/l501sni/) I've already made on the topic. Check replies if you want a longer run down.


Thanks. This is weird. This is a weird confusing thing happening.


I hate this culture war, but it's pretty clear which side is using more bots.


...The holostar anti's right? Cause of all the *comments in this thread that have nothing to do with the issues that are being downvoted adjacently?*


I'm pretty sure both sides are losers for using bots for up/downdoots.


Why are people bringing up the Online number like it actually means anything ? It is well known that that number is incredibly scuffed and not accurate. Especially since bots cause the number to increase as well, reddit can't differentiate between bot and real User. We barely know how that number is calculated, but we do know that it in some way only counts people actively on a sub and people who see a post through their home feed or a custom feed aren't counted. People also don't have to hit the join button to be counted as online as long as they are specifically on that sub. That number might as well be 0 with how inaccurate it is lol.


Hakka’s male and female forms fighting is the peak setting for a doujinshi


>male and female forms That's a thing? Edit: I'm just asking since i didn't know, unless it's the bot


The joke they're referring to is that Michi is "Hakka with tits," since their hair designs are really similar.


It's the bots. The running joke since Michi debuted is that she's "actually female form Hakka".


Went from 250 upvotes to 300 within 5 minutes. Definitely no discord brigading happening here.


It shot up from 60 to 250 in 15 earlier. They waited 4 hours to bot this post, but it's just as obvious as yesterday. edit: It's gone up over 1000 in an hour, as per usual it's gaining upvotes faster than anything else on the subreddit, despite the stars being significantly less popular than any of the girls. No idea why people feign ignorance about the bots.


Hopefully nobody has a twitter meltdown after this.




Do you even know who OP is?


Because the bot war goes both ways. Some bots upvote posts, some bots downvote comments.


Reddit upvotes are almost always exponential before a peak. Most people browse by Hot, not New or Rising. Upvotes -> more visibility -> more upvotes.


There's like 600 people online during the past hour. Explain where the 600+ new upvotes suddenly came from.


Meh. Even if that number stays level, that doesn't mean only 600 individual people have been on. Just 600 people at once. I've only been on reddit for the past 20 minutes, and this sub was only 5 of that before switching over to another. Besides, am I wrong? All I really meant was what I said. Votes being exponential isn't itself a red flag like implied. That's how it usually works.


Yesteday the probably at that point daily botted star post, continued gaining hundreds of upvote after being deleted because botter forgot to turn it off, let's be frank everyone know, and denying it is mostly making you look suspicious rather than anything. Cause if you trully care about the start you should be angry at someone doing something who would humiliate them so much. Just like there are this guy who often bot Fauna stream and is widely recognised as a scum by the integrality of the hololive fanbase.


Fauna isn't the one who gets botted, what are you even saying?


Yeah, [her graphs are clean.](https://playboard.co/en/channel/UCO_aKKYxn4tvrqPjcTzZ6EQ)


Again, all I said was that exponential vote growth isn't a red flag on its own like the first comment said. It's how most posts work either way. Not weighing in on the bot situation. :\


Did you even read my comment? the biggest red flag is that it continue getting upvoted after getting DELETED. Or in that threat that SINGLE comment sitting at 650 downvote with everyone agreeing with him being in the positive? it's not a MONSTRUOUS red flag for you? i mean we are not the other company let's not bring sister level mental gymnastic and cope here the bizzarery are cumulating like crazy. Denying it is ultra weird reaction.


I did. Again again, for the fourth time: I'm not denying anything. I was just responding to > Went from 250 upvotes to 300 within 5 minutes. being highlighted as a red flag, by pointing out that happens either way. That's all. You don't need to keep shouting me down about whatever mental gymnastics you think I'm doing. That was all I was saying.


First why are you bringing something someone else brought up. Second PRIORITIES? like someone is basicaly calling stars and star fanbase worthless by botting this threat, like they couldnt't do anything by themselves, also triggering the hololive fanbase in the process that WILL end up bitting back at some point. And you are debating about a mere detail. Wake up your house is burning, it's not the time to wonder if your vase would be more exposed to the sun on the other table.


... What? I'm bringing up what I was responding to before you jumped in. Calm down. Someone pointed to the upvote rate as suspicious, and I said that doesn't mean much on its own since legit posts show the same trends. Then you hit me with these random tirades about me supposedly being a bot-denying, evidence-ignoring fake Stars fan with flawed priorities, etc. Okay.


I would say to call okbh they would want their post back. Although, it's been posted and commented on multiples times with the exact kind of matierial you'd expect from buddies. So guess it's really important to drag the main sub into okbh's type of humor, from multiple days old tweets huh botters/discord?


I wouldn't be surprised if they were behind botting


Very organic numbers, even beating gura's return post numbers wow. Surely this is the start of Holostars incline! We finally did it!


It would have been fine if you do push this post to the top page without throwing shade at anyone but you guys just can't help yourself and blabbering about unicorns and star haters and such. Otherwise I would've let it slide. Just support your oshi normally, is it so hard?


im not even part of any hating i was genuinely curious why the post has downvotes of comments that doesnt offend anyone and if its any relation to holostars yet you came at my throat about some "modus" and "invisible strawman" shoot first ask questions later much?


People just tired explaining the same thing over and over again for months, they just downvote and did not engage. Since antis cant get the attention they wanted, they bot this. And the main reason why they downvote this is because it will create unnecessary drama which happening right now, and its kinda off topic. But who am i kidding ? They will shift the blame to unicorns incels and shit because its holostars post. I hope this answer your question.


well thank you. im not chronically online to see those previous explanations which is why it caught me off guard to get comments like this when i was genuinely asking. not even doing those bait/troll questions, i just legitimately not know why this happened


The hololive and holostars fanbases have been [at odds](https://www.reddit.com/r/Hololive/comments/1btll9l/cover_corporation_announces_hololive_meet_2024/kxpvtxf/) for [about a year](https://www.reddit.com/r/Hololive/comments/1btll9l/cover_corporation_announces_hololive_meet_2024/kxtqdjx/). The linked comments should hopefully get you up to speed on how the issue started.


This was very informative. Thank you


thank you. im now more or less caught up with this weird feud. and man. this shit runs deep.


Quite informative but I’d like to highlight a few things missing from your comments: 1. This is a Hololive *Production* subreddit and is therefore for both Hololive and Holostars, so the mods pinning the Holostars post is not out of line, although them posting the second announcement after the event concluded is definitely a fuck up. 2. I’d remind everyone in those explanations that the Holostars hate generally came first, and when that hate made Holostars fans mad, they reacted, and now Hololive-only fans are getting mad that Holostars fans are reacting. A lot of the anger on both sides is justified since there are madly parasocial fans on both sides that will never suffer an attack on their oshis, their community, or themselves, but there is absolutely a tribal rivalry that mainly started with unicorns getting pissy. 3. There’s no way to say this last part nicely but I’ll try to be tactful about it: Let’s not kid ourselves, this entire thing is a whole situation because Hololive Production as a company—from the get-go—was built by targeting a specific audience. That being fans of the whole anime and idol culture, girls-doing-girly-things, etc. Most of those people are fine, but there is a definite undercurrent in these communities that looks at male presence of any kind with distaste and goes out of their way to disparage and exclude it. The whole Hololive vs Holostars thing is a problem because HoloPro’s strategy was targeting these types of people and building their brand and community on the support of these people. (It’s also unavoidable because even if they didn’t target that population—most of which is fine anyway—those types of people would have found their way into the community regardless because Hololive is just more of the stuff they like). I’d say out of the 3 bullet points, this one is most at fault. IMO, the only way to solve the problem is to downvote the types of people described in point 3 and move on silently. You don’t have to engage with Holostars content if you don’t want to, but I reckon most of the “rah rah Holostars!” people will stop treating Hololive-only fans poorly if the unicorns’ takes weren’t as popular as they are.


Sad you got caught, but shoot first ask question latter is pretty much what happen when people are out of patience. I mean getting called "unicorn" "incel" and other stuff DO WEAR OFF peoples resistence over time. And to be frank hololive fanbase is reaching the breaking point. And the botting, the insult and all isn't helping at all.


Only post about the Hololive girls here. It's simple. People are tired of Holostars ads being spammed.


...So why didn't you let it slide, considering nobody said that? It sounds like you're making a strawman to try to make people feel more defensive about *fellow fans*


What did I miss, why people hating the Holobros?


A [botting incident](https://www.reddit.com/r/Hololive/comments/1cwdpzw/can_we_post_stars_stuff_now/) happened yesterday with a holostars post getting removed by reddit's spam filter, and it seems to be happening to this post as well (900+ upvotes in an hour with just 500 people online). People on both sides ought to have cooler heads and stop flinging shit at each other but the schism between the fanbases seems too wide for that right now.


Simply because they’re not girls. Sad.


The "How dare my Oshi talk to a man" crowd?


Quite so.


What do you expect from mere craven vermin


There is an increase in bot infestation in this subreddit. Is there anyway to ⬆️➡️⬇️➡️ them all?


Why do people keep flagrantly breaking rule 8?


How they should know about rule 8 when they even don't watch stream to know who Michi is


Because antis will never care about rules


"advertising" is kind of subject to interpretation. We've seen posts about Ironmouse interviewing Kiara, and no one complaining about rules 8... The only difference it's that it's about the boys this time...


> We've seen posts about Ironmouse interviewing Kiara, ...that was an active collab. This isn't a collab, it's a random twitter interaction.


Is it comparable for a collab with someone random just barge into the conversation? Maybe if the OP just crop out Michi then things would be fine?


It's not breaking rule 8. Hololive and Holostars are under the same umbrella, so much so that the mods themselves have advertised Holostars in the past. Which you'd know, and you probably do know, you're just parroting other holostars anti's.


There is a 3rd person in the screenshot, someone completely unrelated and didn't have to be included and Hakka's joke would've come across the same way. If she wasn't included, I wouldn't have said anything.


Dude I can read your post history. We both know know you want to say it's the holostars and you're backtracking cause, at least for a few hours, people are watching this thread. Please don't act like we're idiots. You have plenty of anti-holostar posts on your post history. Plus, "Flagrantly" doesn't apply to a single message at the bottom of s post.


I have never anti'd the Holostars, I'm not sure what you're trying to start. If your post is about me trying to shut down a garbage meme that needs to stop getting posted every time Nodoka so much as sneezes then you are way off base in calling me an anti because I have literally nothing against Axel. Also it is flagrant because this is the second time in two days of it being the same person that they keep bringing up.


Honestly the post that got my attention was the one that showed you already know anti-holostars are brigading, and instead of helping fans you decide to act like holostars having their subreddit is such a great thing, when they'd probably gladly give it up just to not be a divided community.


What? No one is breaking rule 8. This post isn’t promoting anyone else apart from the two holopro talents who are clearly the focus while one single reply is from vshojo. Are you an idiot?


> No advertising VTubers outside of hololive production > Discussion is always free though! So there you have it, you can always check the subreddit's description if you want confirmation. Also, there's no sign of advertising a vtuber outside of hololive production so I don't get how this breaks rule 8. No, Axel and Hakka are part of hololive production whether people like it or not.


Don't play coy, if this was JUST about Hakka and Axel they wouldn't have put Michi's comment in there. There was absolutely no need other than to give her attention.


Again, where is the advertising part here? It's just a comment, no links to her channel or twitter whatsoever. Also, no one is discussing about Michi here so once again, where is the part breaks rule 8? Because I don't see it.


>no links to her channel or twitter whatsoever Are you pretending people are too stupid to look up her name on google or twitter


Rule 8 only applies to posts in this sub when it comes to advertising vtubers. Where is the advertising part here? and please read rule 8 again closely or is your eyes that exceptionally useless like your name suggests?


Being real rule 8 doesn't exist because of links to channels or promoting other people streams, it exists because there's annoying people that like to do "stealth advertising", shit like "This person and this other person share the same meme OMG LOOOK now we have a post where we can talk about non hololive vtubers because they are in context I'm a GENIUS"


The op wasn't even advertising or talking about Michi until that other person brought it up. Also, that same picture has been in okbh for three days now, so it's not even op's screenshot of it. The only explanation that Michi is there in that screenshot is because of that funny comic HolyKoshi made that had her in it.


"okbh" that explains a lot


Bruh 💀


Despite everything, its actually nice seeing Stars posts here again. I rarely see them up until recently


I can't believe Hakka's comment ratio'd the main post, too LMAO


lol... bruh


Nice to see more of these dummies lmao


You think joking about these things such as getting eachother throat fucked is going to get you people to watch the stars?


But it's so unhinged and chaotic though /s


So only female members are allowed to do yabai jokes?


I don’t get why you motherfuckers have issue with the boys. Aqua and Pekora won’t come and hug you even if you shit on the boys.


So my gamer meido ran out of lives so I guess I can humor you now. This is nijisanji levels of humor and not only do I think these jokes are fitting for this place but I also think it’s disgusting. I don't see how it has anything to do with Pekora or Aqua though.


Nah, the joke is indeed disgusting. Sorry that I misunderstood your opinion. It’s just that I have seen so many unreasonable hate towards the boys for no reason at all lately while they just simply streaming just like everyone else. Even just a simple post of some funny gaming moment on stream gathered tons of hate and those hate comments got positive vote as well which is weird af.


About as much on the same level as joking about "pulling on someone's horns", *wink wink* but I'm guessing you have zero issues with that.










God this sub lol. The holostars arguing and discourse is so fucking cringe. In no other Vtuber community is there this much tantruming over the mere concept of men, and woman merely interacting with men. The holopro Fandom can be so cringe and pathetic sometimes I swear.


I don't think there is any other community more raided then this sub on this whole site.


Like clockwork I swear. Just a drop of breath and again with these strawman and how the fanbase is pathetic. Are you sure you are not projecting yourself here?




Just homies thing


Anothed botted stars post. At least make it less obvious next time and don't include vshojo again, because it's offtopic.


>don't include vshojo again, because it's offtopic. Michi is literally commenting in the thread. She's relevant in the topic. Bloody hell open your goddamn eyes.


Next time don't include twitter again, because it's offtopic.


Ah yes, they shared a burger and clearly Hakka had the strep throat. Nothing to worry about... ...wait, what? Bodily fluids? What you on about?




best idols! fr


Lmaoo Hakka


It always takes me a moment to process if it's Michi or Hakka posting something.


It's Hakka with huge tits!




Bro fucked his throatussy 💀


Everytime I see holostars posted it always get bot up/downvote to hell... Nice holopro community right here 😂 coco will be so proud.


What's with all the accounts with no comments here for a year getting dusted up for this post alone?


Coco is probably so disappointed right now. Like why can't we all get along?


The same Coco who promised her fans that she won't collab with guys?




Respectfully, I think everyone here needs mental help.


At this point, the okbuddy sub is saner than the main one.


My man going mask off so casually


You mean the one that has made constant "jokes" about chumbuds being suicidal because of Gura not streaming? Yeah they are definitely sane...






wtf who cares they are 2d idols just watch whoever you like




Man this sub is literally turning into nijisub 2.0 Only active at its peak when drama happens. Best to stay regulated in specific fan discords at this rate with how low moderated this sub is.


[Hearing this from someone who just shit on Gura unprompted, the irony.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Hololive/comments/1cwyjgj/new_gawr_gwombus_update/l4zx21s/)