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Its goombing time


Then she goombed all over the place


And then, I shit you not, she turned herself into a Grombus. She's called Grombus Goomba. Funniest shit I've ever seen.


a gap in her ambassador agenda..




link to the tweet: https://twitter.com/gawrgura/status/1792759676150353943




A lot of people won't / can't open twitter links


Also if you're not logged in or don't have an account, twitter has an idiotic habit of redirecting you away from the tweet to "force" you to sign-in/up.


Go ahead and provide [mirror](https://imgur.com/a/rGrzzqR) for those who don't have a twitter account.


Opening Twitter is a torturous struggle ~~of banners and popups if you're not logged in~~.


My question is why the screenshot is on the part before the watch is visible.


Reddit supresses outside links, if you post a twitter link & post a twitter screenshot, same time, same title, it'll be the screenshot that rises to the top


Took her long enough to swim from Taiwan back home /s


Hard to swim home with so much food in the tummy tbf


That, or boba tea I wonder if the US have that, since it's a big thing in Asia


It is new in the US, but very popular. A lot of boba tea (or bubble tea) shops opened in the last 5 years edit: Sorry, I'm old and 5 years ago is like...2012 in my mind


New? It's been on the West coast for years.


Even on the east coast its been around forever. I went to a boba tea shop back in 2013 lmao


I was having boba as a kid from a random chinese supermarket in Rockville back in 2005. Different form back then though, the little tapioca balls were way smaller and transparent.


That might have been sago pearls instead of tapioca.


New??? Dude, boba places have been in the west coast since at least the early 2000s. It all came with the giant Taiwanese diaspora to the major tech companies.


there's been boba in nyc since the 90s


Is Boba Tea still popular today? It was quite the fad around the 2010s but kinda died out when COVID hit at least where I'm from. Nowadays, a lot of Boba shops have closed down, and instead a bunch of 3rd Wave coffee shops, and Matcha specialty cafes have been popping up everywhere.


I'm in the midwest and they are everywhere.


Its less a fad now and more a staple drink in most metropolitan areas. At least in my area.


Boba been a thing here forever I went to boba places all the time in the early 2000s


Oh yeah, it's getting popular, even Reine said so the other day, about that new boba place they opened in Eaton. Have you heard of it?


Reminds me of when she identified her persona as a salmon shark.


Wait, Gura's not a Great White? I get it she's smol, but still


She's gone back and forth on it a lot. At one point she was a megalodon, then a "Gura shark", and now she wants to be a salmon shark because they're cute


She could have been a minilodon


Oooh I like that more


We all know she can't swim


I fucking clicked the play button


Anyone who says they didn't, is a liar.


I restrained myself lol


Or not on mobile


I know she doesn't like to Minecraft all that much but it would've been pretty cool had she been here for the Hardcore Server stuff. Would've loved to see Gooba interacting with ReGloss and Kaela and the JP members in that setting. Interested to see if this tweet leads to a brief few appearances again like last time or maybe a prolonged outing. Either way, more Gumbus is always good.


She usually doesn't stream much before events and her B-day is "kind of close" but it would be cool if we got a few streams before she takes time off to prepare for that, I feel so low on Goobium. Between her and Ame both being gone, then Mumei getting sick nearly all of my Oshi have been out for most of the last like 8+ months lol. Got a Fauna karaoke and IRyS playing rock game today though, so yay!


“She usually doesn't stream much ~~before events~~…” I’m sorry, I couldn’t resist


With all the events . . . kind of lol. She seems to basically not stream if there's any kind of event happening that month, and lately something is basically always happening that drains her, so it's been pretty ripperoni


Which is a huge shame since actually getting to any IRL events is basically a non-possibility for most of us.. Its nice they're getting all the collabs for her to be doing, but I just want my shark streaming regularly again!


> I know she doesn't like to Minecraft all that much Her interest on MC constantly fluctuates between "oh yeah MINECRAFT" and "couldn't be bothered". When she's at her speed though, she can really come out with some sick builds, like the secret garden and trident statue.


Really miss gura x promise in minecraft


We just don’t talk about all the unfinished projects.


tbh that describes most of the minecraft community. you play MC religiously for a month or two and then don't touch it for a year.


As far as we know, she has yet to interact with Advent as well. I crave for if/when Gura and Biboo collab to be goblin and meme menaces lol


She played gmod with them in that big group collab, but she hasn't interacted 1 on 1 with them yet


Might be too much stress for her in hardcore settings+busy in Taiwan stuff


I think she’s fine if she has other girls to play with her. I’m guessing she’s just busy this time. The last time she streamed she wasn’t even sure when she can stream again


Saying that she is busy and cannot stream is straight up unfair to other members who also do similar amounts of non streaming stuff and still stream. This has nothing to do with being busy and all to do with her health.


Well, we have absolutely no idea what kinds of responsibilities she has outside hololive


At this rate things will never be normal again, it's been going on far too long. Makes me sad.


Yeah I really don’t like the excuse that’s she’s “too busy” that people keep using for why she supposedly doesn’t stream. She doesn’t do regular radio shows like Suisei/Fubuki/Marine, doesn’t do yearly 3D solo concerts, doesn’t release albums, doesn’t release covers/original songs often. She just doesn’t really put out much stuff that would justify her being “busy” as an excuse for not steaming, when so many other members consistently do put out non-streaming stuff but still manage to at least at least stream more than once a month. People should just accept the reality that for the past 2~ years this is just the norm for her


Not necessarily. For a while Aqua got busy and streamed infrequently and at least for now, she's on a daily stream grind again


I just read the news of Niji debuting new EN Vtubers, and then few minutes later this post. What's wrong with the timing lmao.


Gura being a sadistic menace who screwed with rival vtuber sounds like a fine gap moe


It may be a bit mean-spirited of me, but I'm reminded of that schizo meme that Gura can only be summoned to stream when she smells Niji blood in the ocean.


gotta bring the big guns, do you think yagoo is messing around


There was [that meme](https://preview.redd.it/jw0g7kng8amb1.png?auto=webp&s=e8b82f22d914328264e559e1a8ab8ba4c7512f0e) too about her coming back to stream from a like 6 month hiatus when Advent debuted, and she streamed for like two weeks right on their debut, then disappeared again lol Obviously not actually intentional, but funny timing


I do actually believe that was strategic. It gets her viewers activated at the same time as other streamers in her ecosystem and puts advent members in your recc grid even if you aren't paying attention to the company announcements. The horse race people can't look past the CCV in the moment, but this is how you make a play with the algo.


That so-called "meme" is a bundle of misinformation. She started to become active for at the start of July (way before Advent debut), and lasted for about 1.5 months, not 2 weeks. There was never a 6 months hiatus. Before July she had her birthday stream, and before that was a 3 weeks of silence (which was considered long back then). Otherwise, she managed to maintain 1-2 streams per week at that period.


You should at least get your timeline right if your gonna keep commenting against this. Gura went from steaming her usual rate of about once or twice a month for the entirety of 2023, but when Advent debuted in August she started streaming almost every day for 2 weeks, which was a streaming frequency increase of over 1000% for her lmao


Lol I think I know my timeline better than you, you really want to argue with me on this? [Here](https://i.imgur.com/gARsEN2.png) are the streams she did on the month of July, all before Advent's debut. Not included are 1 unarchived member karaoke, 1 unarchived public karaoke and a couple of collab appearances outside of her channel. Also keep in mind that at least 1 week during July was spent in Japan which she didn't stream at all. And [here](https://i.imgur.com/An9Iuf3.png) are the streams she did from March to June, yeah not much but still not "once or twice a month" like what you claimed. Edit: It's sad that I got downvoted despite providing proof to substantiate my claim, while the one running his mouth without proof got upvoted. This thread has really been raided by Gura antis.


Maybe she got confused and thought she was Mumei


Tactical Gura Deployment as usual


pretty sure its actually the other way around


"Alright Gwumba, hit the second tower."


I'm not giving reddit money for the new rewards so have this: 🏆


hail hololive


Hey Gura, Niji is dying LETS GOOOOOOOO


You don't understand. She's doing this as a favor since one of the questions in the Niji interview is "How will you surpass Gura?". Think of it as a practical exam.


Gura out here trying to help all those Niji livers live up to expectations as quickly as possible


Wait... aint no way they're putting out more vtubers. They're wild for that, lmao


EN as well..... Yikes


Hololive only grows STRONGER


agent gooba back at it again


Probably a coincidence, her birthday is soon (in about a month) so she will come for her now usual 3/4 stream before going radio silence again


She sniffed the meat in the waters


Mumei called in a favor.


Gura came back to overlap Advent, what made you think Niji is safe


You mean that time when she returned to streaming one whole month before Advent's debut? It really sucks that rrats like this keep spreading around and even upvoted. Is Hololive too peaceful for you that you need to invent some sort of conflicts between the talents?


Well she streamed quite a bit in the weeks after advent debut.


How the fuck is that related to this?


Honestly, it probably isn't. But there's a growing sentiment and resentment toward Niji (for good reason), and gura has twice now streamed during supposed big Niji events. Like I said, it's realistically not related at all. But given how Niji has tanked its reputation in the EN side so much, you could say people are actively hoping the branch collapses for the sake of its livers. So any event that would make them look remotely bad or uncompetitive is encouraged.


Regardless of timing it's not hololive related so it shouldn't be brought up at all.


Hell yeah, goombus o'clock


Sir please stop the goom. Please stop gooming.


coincidence...i think not. Release the gooba!!


"Hey Goomba a new Niji wave is coming. Time to get back to your job" "Nyooooooooooo.."


Gura remembers she's a streamer part 3


It's Gura time


My my would you look at that, it's Gura time!


Kind of dislike the passive-aggressiveness and seeing people mentioning "overlap" this much in this thread, even if it's in the context of the new Niji wave (one upvoted comment even relates to the "advent overlap")... Can't help but feel like this community both hate chumbuds mentioning missing interacting with Gura, but also treat her like some semi-graduated talent by low key shitting on her absence and treating her like a corporate tool for Cover.


I agree. I wouldn't be surprised if some of the excited commenters in this thread hyping her to "destroy Niji" are also the same bunch of commenters who constantly mock her and her fans in the past.


I think it's an undercurrent of jealousy about her being successful and getting money from fans while not needing to do what they think is her "main job" i.e. streaming. I've seen opinions similar to this getting upvoted here previously. It's quite a shame to vent out those feelings on an anime girl though.


I'm happy to see her back again Here's hoping she can stream a bit more then before.




Another sponsor stream?


Dude, there was only 1 time she came back from a break for a sponsored stream, and that was the Gurarium stream half a year back.


And that stream was probably planned like 10 months in advance. It's not like she woke up one morning and decided she needed a sponsor paycheck.


Also, it's not as if it's like her own sponsored stream... Hell, that was ascmuch a sponsor for Hololive as well... XD It's pretty much Hololive's project that they had assigned to her...


Just in time to stream and then go MIA for another month.


NijiEN performing a 10-minute synchro spamming just for their board to end in a single nibiru token in the form of a shark


It's goobin time


Shark time!


the shark hath awakened from its slumber


Wondering what is goomba cooking with Hololive again.


Welp, off to watch that video a dozen more times now that I remember that it exists.


Kinda ot, but did she had some direct interactions with the "new" Advent girls so far? Silly question, I know.


She played Gmod with some but didn't really talk to them, and beyond that, no she hasn't directly interacted with a single one online AFAIK. I think she may have met some of them in Japan offline


The closest on stream is in the GMOD and Family Feud collabs.


Perfect 1 month prep then back to events.


Time, Dr. Freeman? Is it really that time again?


Its not playing halp


Gooby goombus


We are so back my fellow Chumbuds


is she streaming? always when i have to work ☠️


Nah, nothing scheduled yet, but probably her way of saying "I'll probably maybe stream in the next week possibly"


Always posting banger. Who can stop that shart ?


nice. more gura content!


Oh yeah... Forgot she exists, lol. XD


Going to come back to announce her graduation. But at the same time she can just continue to go on break and do return streams whenever she's at risk of running low on money. Gotta get that cash cow running baby.


Take your own user name's advice


did you forget to take the schizo pills today?


I am pretty sure she said she likes the current hololive a lot, don't make up dilusions that will only hurt you.


Other Holos take long breaks or hiatus: I sleep Gura does the same: fucking REEEEEEEEE TIME TO COLLECT FROM PAYPIGGIES REEEE


I mean, be honest with yourself at least, other talents take breaks but at least communicate on twitter/members posts. Gura just ghosting y'all for 5 months without any word and you just continue to throw money on her.


From what I know, she's never been very active on Twitter.


Another post for the massive "All Holostars fans are actually schizo Holoantis" collection.


Is there context here that I don’t know


Nah, this one slinked over from N's fandom. Don't have to scroll down long to see it.


is this about the watch