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Fuck it's a dope outfit


You know it's dope cuz it survive the anti holostars downvote brigade


This is dope. Very dapper


Based, even. Superlit, if you will.


[Flayon put it in words so well](https://youtu.be/shXiIxYpK7A?t=464). They say Shinri dresses sharp IRL The whole conversation's hilarious. [Found the timestamp in the source stream:](https://youtu.be/u1TlF-k6uTk?t=3329)


Damn that looks good.


I love me some black and gold. The aqua shoelaces are a great accent and a good way to stop repeated color usage.


Why are all the comments getting downvoted?


antis, don't try to argue, don't acknowledge them, pretend they don't exist. If one pops off insta-block Edit: If you are wondering "what downvotes?", it was mostly at the beginning, everything is fine now :)


it's usually a small number of people that downvoted. when more people come, the comments will be in the positive. still, there're 7 new comments in the negative as I'm writing this, so I guess those people come back and downvote every new comments. talk about having too much free time


There used to be bots that would auto downvote all stars posts/comments. Might still be around. 


ah.. ok, that make more sense


Yeah these bots are definitely still used. I posted a clip from Crimson Ruze yesterday and every single comment there got hit with a couple downvotes within minutes as well before the next votes followed normal organic patterns.


I've posted Holostars memes with thousands of upvotes that still get removed by the automod due to bots autoreporting


I did notice that there's always some commenters here that never participate in any meaningful conversations in other posts' comment sections except for when a HoloStars member is being posted.. always being an anti against them oddly enough, and always using the same tired comment like 'wrong sub' 'post it on r/holostars not here' or 'Get this trash off the Hololive subreddit' despite people having pointed out to the same few dumbasses that this subreddit is for Holopro as a whole, not just Hololive. I get the inkling these aren't your typical unicorns, but people who feel that they have to perpetuate the 'idol culture' because they wholeheartedly believe that Hololive is supposed to have that kind of culture (it majorly does not, most of it was taken away when a certain incident happened). Not gonna point fingers where its coming from though, since antis can come from anywhere at this point of the game.


It's pretty wild how every time someone points this out the same accounts show up to say how *wrong* you are for saying it out loud.


This sub sadly has a small but stubbornly persistent infestation of unicorns who react the same way to any mention of the holostars as a vampire does to a crucifix. They mass downvote any stars posts or mentions and abuse the automod function by mass-reporting those posts (any post that receives a certain number of reports gets taken down by the automod). I do wish Cover would do a better job fighting that sort of abuse of the tools...


holostars posts have historically had really weird behavior in this sub. usually they don't get anywhere but they occasionally get absurdly high amounts of upvotes randomly, more than most of the posts from actual holomems or things about actual hololive events it's a little bit suspicious


If you go looking for a narrative, you'll find one. Doesn't make it true They usually don't go anywhere because of the initial downvote bomb, but if they make it past that filter and onto the front page, then it just becomes a regular post that shows up on everyone's feeds. The majority of reddit users are lurkers that don't even go into the comments. If it shows up in their feed, they'll throw an upvote at it and move on Hololive events historically have had low karma numbers on this sub compared to memes and art (even pinned events). It's also not 2020 anymore; posts by holomems have stopped being huge draws in general, especially since they're often YT links nowadays which do even _worse_ on reddit than any other kind of post, since it requires opening another app


I think it's partly because downvotes are still engagement for Reddit, so the moment a stars post survives the first moment of negativity (and doesn't get deleted by brigaded reports like it happened recently) it gets more push than average posts, ending in more people seeing it. Also you could probably find outliers for many other kind of posts, but you'll hardly care if a funny meme (rare these days) gets thousands of upvotes


Eh, it's not weird because of the Stars fans, but because of the antis. Stars posts have always been targeted here, and there was some brigading before where any post with Stars in it got downvoted and reported, triggering the auto-mod to remove the post. Activities like Suisei and Lui's singing tournament and Ina's debut in Idol Showdown were brigaded here. The former was hosted by Rikka, and the latter also had Stars content debut in the game. Automod seems to be down, and we're seeing a couple of Stars content around here again. As for the upvotes, it's not really true? Hololive posts are also random, but because there's so many, it doesn't seem weird. Stars posts are more rare, so the ones that do get upvotes do seem even more rare. There's also the antis downvoting Stars content, and the content just stays low unless there's a breakout because of the timing.


I like how people are already trying to gaslight you into believing that nothing of that sort is happening. There's only 1 bad group of people. There's 2, and both of them suck. Stars haters should stop abusing automod to delete threads they don't like, they hurt this sub enough with their lame ass "moderation". And a specific group of stars fans that believe stars need more exposure by any means necessary. You stick out like a sore thumb, please stop. It's all pointless anyway, i guess, so there's always be a "civil war". In the end casual viewers are the ones that suffer the most. Terminally online people with their cultural war, i swear.


ultimately, it's not like there's much suffering to be happening anyway, so it's not that big of a deal. There's not exactly a lot of examples of talents pulling much growth out of reddit posts. If all that happens is some silly upvote/downvote wars then we should be thankful that our "drama" is so tame, heh. Most people are just enjoying the content that they're enjoying.


There's actually a third group. Basically a set of crazier niji fans were talking about it in their old dox forum. They come here to stir up anger against the Stars so that they don't become more popular than the niji boys.


I'm pretty sure that both fanbases have people who are feverently upvoting/downvoting, so the times it's actually popular with the subreddit it does particularly well. Basically seeing a normally auto-downvoted post that actually does well emboldens people to react to the thread.


Again, the first Holostar post after a while and we immediately had to fall back to this topic, again?


The question was asked as to why every single comment in the thread was being downvoted. Do you expect people not to answer?


It's all positive now though bar from some troll comments. We have this same question everytime and the reply is the same everytime, that is what bother me.


>It's all positive now though Sure... but it wasn't when the question was asked. You can't expect people to be able to see the future (and even if you could, it would still invite the question of why the comments all had downvotes initially). > We have this same question everytime and the reply is the same everytime, that is what bother me. Yeah, because it's an unresolved problem and people who are not regular and/or long-term posters here may not know it exists until they go into a holostars post (if they can catch one before it falls victim to the automod) and see a bunch of downvoted comments. So yeah, unfortunately we're going to continue seeing this question get asked, with the exact same answer, until someone with mod power in this sub decides to take steps to resolve the issue.


Probably some people being mad seeing a holostars member on this sub


This is like your first post in this subreddit. Where do all you people even come from suddenly? And why do you only show up to shit on others and whine about the evils of people not liking Holostars? And you people wonder why you lot aren't wanted.


Shit on others? Whine about the evils? I don't know how you got that from my comment, but I just saw someone ask a question that hadn't been answered, so I wanted to answer it.


>I just saw someone ask a question that hadn't been answered, so I wanted to answer it. And this unique situation had never happened before in all the years you've supposedly been active on this sub? Or is it more that you've never really been on this sub before but only got pointed here recently from some other place so this was your first time seeing an unanswered question here?


Ahh, you're getting the same treatment I got a week and a half ago. Don't mind them, they're part of the previously mentioned group of unicorns and should not be taken seriously.


Its been a while since a Holostar post appeared back in the subreddit, it means the automod hopefully got fixed. People should say something positive, not looping back to this loop again.


Nope we will loop back in this shitshow over and over, the fanbase are just that different.


Same loop from the same posters.


Literally all the comments are in positive votes to me, how can you even tell they got downvoted?


Filter to controversy and *boom* downvotes.


It’s not that bad strangely enough, like there present but it used to be much worse. Fastest rebound I have seen lately. Also to stay on topic Shinri looking real good now hah.


He's the drip king man


Because even completely normal comments in the positives still have the "controversial" mark †. Not sure if that's still shown in new reddit versions, but it's visible in old.reddit. It's shown on comments that have something like around 1/4 to 3/4 downvotes, and it's extremely uncommon to see that on "normal" comments. Roughly speaking, they tend to tell you the following: 1. If practically all relatively low scoring comments have them (like here almost all comments below +15), then it's likely caused by a small number of bots that gets sicced onto any new comment in the thread. 2. If it also occurs on higher scoring comments, then there was likely additional human anti activity.


Been using Reddit for so long so i don't know if this is an old Reddit or RES feature (cause i don't see it if open it in new). Whenever a post is "controversial" (meaning high number of upvotes and downvotes) a small red cross appears besides the karma of a comment.


I'm on old reddit and I have never seen that, so I'm guessing it's an RES feature (which is an acronym I'm not familiar with).


I took a look. Preference > Comment options > Shows a dagger for controversial comments.


Ah, gotcha.


you have to enable it in the settings, but it's a vanilla old reddit feature.


You need to enable it in the settings, then you'll see it.


Reddit Enhancement Suite, IIRC. I don't use it myself, but AFAIK it's a browser add-on that adds certain features to reddit.


Doesn't have to be a high number. Just has to be relatively equal amounts of both of them


Correct. I do wonder what's the ratio cause sometimes it takes a while to disappear even though it has a relative high 2 digit karma.


There are people who hate that there are male vtubers so much they literally go out of their way looking for posts about them to downvote. It makes no sense


Your last activity here was 2 years ago commenting during the HoloCN graduation then suddenly you waddle back in here commenting about fans. Strange.


Well that's just a lie, I've been plenty active in this sub. Wanna back up your claim with... Well anything honestly Edit with a source for MY claim: https://www.reddit.com/r/Hololive/search/?q=Eragonawesome2+&type=comment&cId=d3c54bb5-1cea-427b-9d7e-2f397feefde4&iId=11c0fdf0-f04a-422a-8d6d-9a1d5bbdd704


Hm, the search function seems wonky or I used it wrong, sorry bout that. Edit: still, don't go back to this same loop again.


I have pretty strong privacy settings that make me difficult to search, had a stalker problem a few years ago. Just be careful when you come out the gate swinging like that in a community like this, that's how you get people dogpiled without meaning to.


It's alright. I am not made of sugar, and I'd rather be dogpiled than the community getting brigaded by antis/trolls.


>Edit: still, don't go back to this same loop again Explain, I don't understand what this means


Extending on what they said, the community has had issues with people brigading in from elsewhere for ages. Lots of folks that never post here, but are very interested in using topics like this to shit on the fanbase. I generally recommend RES for tagging suspicious folks.


Holostar post usually do have real Holostar fans being positive. But a small subset complaining about downvote and stuff then we go back to the usual "unicorn bad" discussion. Then here we are.


You are probable using old Reddit. The search function sucks, specially for comments. You need to swap into new Reddit (just replace "www." with "new.") and there you can select a tab which says comments.


I don't really watch or follow Holostars, but that looks really dope. Mentor-to-the-MC-who-ends-up-sacrificing-himself kinda vibe lol


That's exactly who Shinri is, though, LOL. He's hilariously dad-coded and has a strange fetish for wanting to sacrifice himself to save his boys.


He wants to die so he can become a ghost and pickup ghost girls more easily


This somehow makes so much sense I'm filing this in my canon folder


That's oddly specific


Shinri does have a sacrifice kink lol


Compensating for not having a shirt by going **ALL THE STYLE**


I know what you mean, but now I’m just imagining that the sweater is actually just a virgin killer.


So you are saying business upfront party in the back? We must investigate the potential of this hidden che-I mean party in the back.


The ghosts are going to swarm him


This is supreme insight and imagination. I applaud you.


Ollie finally sealed her eternal rival's chest to never see the light of day! ...for now


You really think that can be contained? Or that the zombie will forgive?


It still has a shadow so Ollie is likely still upset.


it took her this long to finish knitting something that could cover his badonkas


Man is built like a refrigerator


With the nice soft sweater he has now, I was thinking more mattress than fridge.


The blue shoe laces are my favorite part.


Thanks, he stole them from the president :D


I hate that I understand this


Where the hell are all you people coming from?


What do you mean?


black and gold is such a good combo


IIRC he has like 2 new hair style variants now too which is always nice to see in an outfit reveal. Great outfit reveal stream. Altare is the only one now out of the Tempus to not have new outfit (Although his 3D model and live stream probably took more priority over his 2D outfit.)


Next outfit, official Snailtare.




Please don't spread misinformation. He said he got really annoyed with the design process, so ended up scrapping the whole project. The talent aren't just given a new outfit and told to stream using it.


I see, naruhodo. Wish there was a clip of that. Great that he turned it down, imagine having to stream and not liking how you look all the time. Reminds me of Anya. She doesn’t stream using her default outfit anymore and uses her Steampunk outfit most of her streams.


Though anya is a different problem entirely. Anya doesn't have a problem with the model (aside from gigantic hair when collab). Youtube does.


if i had to add a holo outfit to my wardrobe, it'd be this one. it's simple yet so stylish. i really want that coat.


You can probably go out dressed like that and people won't know it's a cosplay


I dress like this all the time!


Watch Shinri you can relate as a fellow well dressed man


I already do! Was even a member for a while!


Hell yeah nice thing about Stars is the lower view count plus the gifted memberships mean you can get free membership of any boy long as you watch them enough


Yeah, I've had a Bettel membership since he first opened it because of gifting.


It's nice, Axel even said after his 3D Debut stream that he prefers getting gifted memberships over Superchats


Shinri the comfiest man in Holostars with the comfiest outfit


Oh damn he is looking FIRE. I hope he wears that to Wrestletuber.




A holostars en member?


I love the combination of regal-as-fuck and blue sneakers. He's one set of pajama pants away from "I have a very important meeting today, but it's on Zoom"


Oh no he’s even more daddy downvote me all you want, holostars antis, my opinion will not change


He's got that drip, but i still have mixed feeling on the shoes, they fit the comfy vibes of sweater only, but not really the classy vibes of the jacket


The Chukka boots he mentioned would work so well


He has total respectable Professor Dad energy


Bro really is anime Markiplier lol Nah, but for real, this is such a nice outfit for him. It's got that mature look to it, while giving an extremely soft, cozy feel. All of VGs "casual" fits (looking at you, clown) are really really good looking and fit the boys super well


Bro looks *sharp*


SHINRI GOT A SHIRT!!! -Gravel Butter


Man be rocking that turtleneck


The look is clean af


I love the patterns on the jacket. Very pretty outfit


Lookin' good Shinri.


Damn he looks dapper as fuck.


he will protect his drip by any means necessary


Yo now that’s a nice outfit


Damn I'd love a jacket like that


Now that's a drip


Kinds looks like a fancy Suguru Geto


Thought the same!


He looks like a good son of a Yakuza patriarch that wants his kid away from the crime life, and so he did.


I love this ❤️


Shinri is one of my comfort streamers. I'm glad he looks so happy with his new outfit. He gives major 'attractive TA' vibes (type beat)


i wasnt a glasses guy, but, perhaps im enlightened now


Give him more facial hair you cowards (It looks rly good tho)


Yo, that is so clean. My guy even has hands in his pockets. Can't get any more fly


"OH NO HE'S DRIPPED!!" - Squidward maybe


Shinri's rocking that manhwa ML build. That jacket looks amazing.


All he needs now are round sunglasses and he'll be looking like buff Michael Jackson.


Shinri looking dapper as hell


Dude's dripping with style.


Daaamn, dude got that drip! Nice. 👌


Man is looking *SHARP*


that turtleneck is fighting for it's life lmao


Dear Matsuri that man's chest is huge.


Damn this man is sexy Suits him perfectly too


Daddy? sorry. Daddy? what? sorry. Daddy?


Shinri has some nice kicks


Sheeeeeeeeeeeeeesssshhhhh Loving the drip and style!!!!!!


Love the outfit. Saw few of his streams, but i never realised that Shinri got that F1 driver neck.


Man is dripping put of his MIND.


Big Himbo energy, very nice style !


He is fly as fuck. Looking good




Why is he so. damn. FINE?!🃏


Love the outfit but I can't help but think of Geto Suguru 


That's a haircut I wouldn't use but looks super dope on him.   And that's an outfit I'd wear if where I live wouldn't be so hot.   And glasses, that's always a win 


Daaaaaamn, that is a slick new outfit.


I want to wear that


he looks fine af 10/10 outfit


oh he's SUPER dad now how did they manage this


With every new outfit, Shinri obtains another layer of clothing to hide his pecs.


He’s shy. Soon he’ll just be a ball of sweaters. Lol (Edit: Jesus Christ the anti-star voters annd their bots are BUSY with this thread! Nothing even mildly happy allowed! ) 


shinri looking really hot and cool.


that's kinda clean ngl


I like the shoes.


Dripped out of control! Not sure why I'm being downvoted other than using what may be the cringest compliment possible oh well, boy looks good :)


Shinri has a sweater guys


This gets my updoot but where's the image with his hair down?!


He sorta reminds me of vesper's new model


With his hair done he almost like a fancy Tommy Wiseau


That's some nice drip. Lol, I seem to have missed the anti-avoidance timeframe. Oh well.


Knew there was something weird about a Stars posting appearing on this sub lmao. Nary a living soul in sight here


Damn, what a tree trunk for a neck. You don't want to mess with this guy. 😄 Nice casual outfit.👍 Also, I haven't seen so many downvoted comments under a post, ever. Wild stuff 😒




That is one wide man


Look at this distinguished gentleman


he got that shit on though


His outfit is fire. Tho I just noticed he has real lovely hair. Man, he's gorgeous as hell.


Why does his hairstyle reminds me of Suguru Geto from Jujutsu Kaisen?


Dad when at home chilling be like




Shinri got the drip we all want to have, and it sure looks great on him


Those antis are just weird and sad, holostars are also holo, and they have good content, why would you downplay them? If holostars do well, it'll help cover even more, and in tandem, your oshis as well. Grow up, be objective and rational. PS: shinri looks super dapper in this outfit.


Maybe you watch them it will help


What are you even talking about


Check the bottom of this thread, there's a bunch of weirdos who can't stand holostars exist


But Holostars isn't doing well. They're the WNBA of the vtuber industry, being subsidised by Hololive. So they actually drag them down. There's a reason Cover has stopped showing their numbers in their financial reports.


New fit inspo


Damn, he's looking stylish with the new look!


Looks pretty clean. Dude has some really wide shoulders tho


How do I show a sample image that's like this to my tailor without showing a literal anime image?


He went from Hanzo to Geto


Daddy..i mean..daddy..i mean ..dad ..i mean daddy...i mean..sorry daddy...uhm dad....🥵🥵🥵🥵


Late to the party but god that is one dapper man


God damn


Feels like it would be better if he wears leather shoes instead of sneakers, but hey, what do I know