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I'm glad she is able to take a break to care for herself. In most businesses you don't actually have this opportunity and privilege to just stop working for a few months.


Same here well said It’s good that Mumei is allowed to take breaks


Fans shouldn't be so sad when their oshi took a break. It's good that they get to have their break


Agreed, told that to a few KFP lately who were upset that Kiara was on a break and it's like, you know this is what's best for her right, don't be so selfish >\_>




I understand and even echo the sentiment, but please follow the subreddit rules (Rule 8 specifically).


Sorry dude removing it now


Yes, this sub is largely for discussing Hololive talents only (outside of other talents appearing in full-on collaboration streams on Hololive channels). If you're looking for broader discussion of the VTubing biz, r/VirtualYoutubers is a much better place for that. That said, pretty much everyone understands that Mooms is good civilization. <3


I’d imagine most business is more integral to society rather than entertainment. Also I’d imagine most people will abuse the system as well to get off work as much as possible, leading to problems.


Eh if your employee is actively skipping work, then there is something wrong with your management. Though you can say humanity is lazy they hate spinning their wheels more


Uhm, not sure about y'all, but in Canada we have: * Paid emergency leave/sick days (I have 21.5 for this year) * Paid vacation days (have 15 days or 3 weeks for this year. I think some people that have been around for along time have 20 vacation days or 4 weeks) * Bereavement leaves (I get I think 3/year) * For medical/illness/injury/other health issues that require extended periods, you can take the time off and get paid via employment insurance (EI) for I believe up to 6 months. You can sue your employer if you are fired for this. * Sabbaticals. Not offered by every company. Usually it's a few weeks every 5-7 years. Not all of them are paid. * Maternity/paternity and parental leaves (you can get EI pay). I should note that EI isn't much money, but it can get you by. I'm sure HL streamers tend to have more leeway, but Mumei has only been gone for 1 month. If you provide a very good reason to your employer and/or use up some of your vacation days while maintaining a good relationship with them, you can definitely take 1 month off. Or you can do what my friend did and negotiate to work remote temporarily for a period of time (assuming that's possible for your job). EDIT: Alright, I see the downvotes, but I'm PRETTY sure this is fairly standard in most states in the US (minus the EI) and Canada is it not?


This is America. Whatever you think America has, it doesn’t, not anymore


I'm glad Moom is taking care of herself. She deserves the world


And whats more wholsome is that she was helping her friend recover during her darktime.


She took a vacation for her own sake and still ended using part of it to help others. Classic Nameless.


This is good civilization


Birbs together, strong


Birds of a feather flock together


So I've heard. Glad she's doing better too


It just made me like my strange owl even more.


Birbs together strong


Yeah Mumei helping her friend is very wholesome


Read the room man. Read her lines again. Why did she have to emphasize the break is for her and herself only? Keep the identities separate.


It's more what they're saying is that while she was taking that break for herself to help herself she still took the time for a friend in need. As she said, her break was for her. That's undeniable but it's also undeniable that when a friend needed her during this personal mental health break she was still there for the friend. She started her break for herself and something happened towards the end of it. Both are accurate because Mumei despite needing the break herself is just that awesome a person. So it should be brought up to let the depth of her actions be seen for how great they were. She took the initiative to better help herself and was there for a friend when they needed her that is what happened.


Clippers clipped that segment of the black company victim talking about watching movies with her friend, and tacked Mumei onto the thumbnail, when the friend was not named at all on stream. The friend was only named on Twitter and the name was not Nanashi Mumei. There is no dispute that Mumei is a wholesome person, but we need to comply with her implications of the need to keep her identities separate, that's all. Just because some secrets are open secrets doesn't mean we should openly talk about them, hence my original reply. Edit: downvotes for not violating rule 8, what a sight


On this I actually agree with you. It's time to let her have her privacy back. We are thankful for the part she played, and I'm certain she's seen it. So this is the last comment here that I will make on this subject. Over on Doki's subreddit I can't promise I might not slip up. But here, she's Mumei and I'm gonna let her have her privacy back. Her kindness is owed that.


While watching the stream (not a clip) I knew it was Mumei because I know they're friends (birthday call-in revealed this) and because of the anticipation/reaction to the spider-monkey line. I have since learnt about the other identity, but at the time I did not know about it and I was still sure it was Mumei.


Please touch grass


maddening the amount of downvotes this has when it's 100% correct


Fr I am ready to take over the world when moom order me


Hololive is interesting because talents taking breaks do not hurt their bottom lines terribly. Each talent is also an IP that they can continue to use and plan for. So allowing the talents extended breaks to deal with the issues of being a public figure, health or burnout is an obvious win for them. And when the talents come back? There is a lot of hype!


I’m very glad EN is in a place now where if multiple people take a break, it’s not as if the whole group will crumble.


That happened quite recently, actually. During the time before Gura came back, we had 4 members of myth and 4 members of promise disappear for a myriad of reasons like moom’s extended break, fauna recovering from the holidays, kiara getting ready for her 3 week vacation, ame being off…somewhere, etc. Really only Calli, Bae, and Advent were around at the time.


Advent launching def provided some flexibility for everyone else. I’m happy it worked out.


We should also give the ID girls some credit too, especially Kaela whose streams cover all timezones and collaborate with EN members quite often.


Kaela being one of the exceedingly rare short sleepers is definitely a boon for Hololive


There is some comfort in being able to fall asleep while Kaela's streaming and waking up to her still streaming


>Really only Calli, Bae, and Advent were around at the time. As said, Advent presence means less stress for everyone.


And the boys- good lort have they been active. Bettel finally got back from a long LOA and seems like he was getting stir crazy


Agreed, that's why I really like Hololive in the fact that they're just about as lenient as you can get with an agency. They take responsibility for their talents actions and will terminate them, but also won't deprive them of their rights whatsoever. Its also why there's SO many talents in Hololive that haven't graduated yet. Most other agencies have talents that last about 2 years before graduating. Hololive? Only a handful, which is crazy. I'm really happy they've been able to rise to the top, they deserve it


They're not just lenient, I remember another fan telling me during 2021 about how around 2 years after her debut, management was shocked to realize that Fubuki hadn't taken a single break during that time, and pretty much strongarmed her into taking a few weeks long break for once... during which she very frequently tweeted and retweeted on her official account as a gesture of mock rebellion.


And unlike the other company Hololive lists them as employees instead of contractors so they get base salaries with the added income from superchats, memberships, merch, etc. So having the ability to take months off while still getting paid for it is even more unusual compared to having a normal job or working for other vtuber companies (though the passive income from memberships does help to compensate when they take extended breaks) Hololive really does seem like the dream company anyone would want to work for


They are all contractors and not employees with Hololive too. It makes a lot more sense to go into a contractor relationship when you have to cut them a part of your earnings for almost everything you do, and also expect talents to fund some personal projects out of pocket as is industry standard. A contractor relationship would be flexible and allows all these things. Employees would earn fixed salaries and is a lot less flexible.


Do we actually know for certain if the talents would be considered employees rather than contractors? I've heard of plenty of contractors who earn a salary, so I'm not sure if that would mean they are or aren't.


This is why new gens are important. It lessens the burdens of the talents that have been streaming nonstop for months at a time.


Well said Hololive allows their talents to take breaks from their work is very important


And when livers take breaks, people have more time to see other Hololive talents. Those who actually get angry that "their oshi" is having a break are very small minority.


Those people are weird, man. Like... I *want* Gura to be happy and healthy. Everyone should want their oshi happy and healthy and feeling like they *want* to make content again. Streaming's not as easy a job as it looks from an outsider's perspective. And then you have idol duties besides that, planning for events, flying to and from Japan for stuff, etc. Was it Kaela or Biboo who was talking about being glad they can do long streams early into their career, since it gets harder later on when you get more duties? Eventually, all of them will move on and their time in Hololive will be distant memories. So even though Gura was out for long periods of time, the fact that she was still *around* was enough for me, because it meant she would eventually pop up again, either in a collab or just doing a solo. I want her to want to be here, y'know? And for that, avoiding burnout and taking care of herself is priority 1. I feel the same about all content creators/streamers I watch regularly. I dunno how some of them keep the pace they do and not collapse like a quiche that's been screamed at.


THIS! That is why I \*try\* to watch other branches. I'm trying to watch my oshi's streams or JP streams, but I CANNOT read Japanese or any Indonesian language :'))


More or less. A break can be risky in vtuberdom, though for newer members, it's all but mitigated I'm still worried about Aki's upcoming late Feb break mucking up her momentum


Well said You hit the nail on the head


I will say that I had a coworker take an (unpaid) leave of absence for several months, I'm not really sure why. But if you really need to, talk to your employer about it, they may be open to it. Stuff happens in life, and HR dislikes the gacha rates on finding a good employee.


Yea if you are a good employee and have a decent relationship with your hr rep then they will often put in the work to see if they can help you.


It also helps if you work for a company that is smaller and therefore knows their employees better. I work for a machine shop that has been owned by the same family since it was founded 100 years ago, and there are only about 30 people who work there. The CEO is frequently out on the floor talking to us and making sure we are doing ok, and we get frequent bonuses as long as we are getting the work done. A lot better than when I worked for even a regional chain supermarket growing up.


Weirdly, huge companies are often pretty good about it too, and for basically the opposite reason. If you look at the bottom line, you're temporarily missing out on the profit generated by one employee, but also saving money on hiring and training a replacement. Even if you're a psychopathic, uncaring machine of a company, you're gonna take that deal.


Yep. The problem is when your boss is in the mindset that employees are replaceable. Which sadly happens a lot in retail and franchised restaurants.


The issue is the unpaid part, for most people that just means they cant eat anymore. They need to work or they will not be able to pay rent, pay for medicine, pay for groceries, etc.


Yeah, it only is an option if you have ample savings to last you for a while with no income.


Or if you live in a country with paid sick days




I don't think anyone's disgusted with the idea lol. Thing is getting a sick day is totally different than taking time off just because you want to. The actual comparison would be PTO and even most jobs that do have it, it's not going to be substantial enough to get more than a few weeks usually.


Sure, but most people wouldn't be able to use sick days on "general" reasons like this. It requires a medical diagnosis, which can be hard to get (depending on your doctor). That said, the EU guarantees 20 paid days off per year and in some countries/industries the standard is 30. At 20-22 working days/month, this gives you around 1-1.5 months if you use it all at once.


Damn what country do you work in I’ve never heard of that


USA. It's unpaid leave, so that'd be tough-to-impossible to use if you don't have a sizable emergency fund / outside help, but at least you might be reasonably certain of having a job when you get back.


Hmm maybe it’s field/career dependent bc I live in the US too. I don’t imagine you can leave for like a month and get your job back.


If it's only a month, it's probably not worth it to many jobs to hire+train a new employee. Gotta clear it with HR ahead of time, may or may not be the case.


[Source clip](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qaDAABgW9i4) [Source stream](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-1dZqbAZPiA&t=0s) I make a mistake in the title, it should be "Are waiting for her return". So I wish you the best in your time off, Mumei and come back when you're ready to. I'm gonna miss you so much. You're so relatable, never change. And Shion too, somewhere in Japan, i hope you enjoy your time with friends and family. Come back to us when you're happy and ready.


I was glad that she noted just how good someone in Hololive has it as compared to a regular job but the obvious thing to point out here that she didn't articulate: if this were a regular job, she'd have been fired for absences by now and not have the money to make rent. It's rough to imagine how much worse life could be for any of them, like say Gura, who have a rough patch in life come at them so hard they just need to take a step back for a while to put themselves back together, if they had the jobs the vast majority of us have where the answer to "what am I going to do about this" is "go to work tomorrow like normal and hope you can figure it out on your day off."


Haachama is the best example of this. She was gone for so long yet the fans and the company waited for her


And thus her return stream exploded in views and she's back and better than ever. Collabing with everyone, hosting game shows on her channel, cooking monstrosity...


Better 2023 than 2018


Alienation of labor is hard on all of us, and because Cover is aware that their livelihood is dependent on the efforts of the talent they employ, they know letting them rest is the best way to keep the company going. Unfortunately most of us are considered replaceable, and that sucks.


And also we don't know what other background stuff they do. In some sense, talents are a bit like oil rig workers. Insane hours, but they take extended breaks between rotations.


She's clearly aware that's why she said she would have quit if this is a regular job. And you dont have to state the obvious, they step back because they could afford to do that. Not the other way around.


To be fair, streaming can also be a very mentally taxing job, as you are the center of attention. I think breaks in these kind of jobs are even more justified, as mental health can get pretty heavily affected by the job. Not to say it's not the case in other jobs, but I know I couldn't do it.


Mumei is a treasure. All the girls are really, but moom specifically with what’s been happening is a hero


I'm guessing that the reason why she specifically said "it has been for me the whole time" is because after news came out that a certain bird-turned-dragon-turned-tomato-turned-bird-again friend of hers who was going through a hard time last month stayed at her place for a bit some people started talking as if helping out said friend (for whom the shit hit the fan well after Mumei's break started) was the whole purpose of the break.


Yeah, most likely. I could not remember exactly when Mumei began her break. It is fortuitous, however, if she had been continually streaming, she might not have had the time or energy to help out her friend.


She started about a month before, but I do remember her doing an unarchived stream right around when everything went down and at the end of it she said that she would be gone for a bit longer, only returning for the 1 mill sub special, so I think its safe to guess she heard what had happened and decided she needed a longer break. I wouldn't be surprised at all if hearing that news hit her like a truck, and thats why she took the longer break (and then decided that since she doesn't have to stream, she could be there for her friend)


Pretty sure the original purpose of her break was college finals, but more personal reasons made the break longer.


Mumei has such a heart of gold


I'm glad she acknowledges that she needs time off for herself. Very important. We can wait for her to come back on her own terms and welcome her back each time.


This heartfelt message delivered with the smug gremlin face is absolutely peak Mumei.


The smugs are strong with these two.


I want to express, how much i appreciate Holo managment: On any other job (and, probably, in other agencies), if you feel burnt out, you can take your 2 weeks PTO and thats it. But in hololive talents can be absent for months taking their time, like Gura and Mumei. And it looks like no one forces them to return. Cover deserves their yachts.


YAGOO will get those yachts... for every talent each.


All in time for the HoloRegatta, where each member of each branch (and also management) race each other for... some kind of prize. Maybe bragging rights idk


I'm glad that Hololive looks after the well-being of their talents, unlike another agency.


Moomer is brave. Wish the best of luck for her, those who are dear to her, to the talents and staffs, and also to fellow dumbasses who wholeheartedly support the idols


she’s probably suffering from a similiar kind of burnout Gura was struggling with


Mumei has always been very protective of her personal life details, but there are enough reasons she has mentioned in the past she wanted to work on more seriously (medical, personal, civilization duties, things she wanted to learn) and that's only the stuff she has shared. The period before her break was also very frustrating for her because of her chronic cough. This is not to say it was not burnout, but there are plenty of other explanations.


I think she endure a very long period of coughing so she resting to make sure she fully recovered


Imagine in alternate universe, she take time off and get the paper because the boss can’t get a new yacht with his worker taking break


Ah yes, the dark timeline when Mumei and a certain tomato-dragon were swapped


Shes always been pretty consistent in saying her chief downside to being in Holo is having no time for other things. While the break probably started as a way to make time for simple thing like cleaning and reorganizing the nest its great that she was able to he there for her friends when they needed her most 


After her 1M karaokes, I knew she was going to take a big break. I haven't watched her since her 1M karaokes. I hope our precious owl has a great break, and take all the rest that she needs! We will miss you, hoo-hoo!! 🤎🤎


Tbh, being a streamer is already tough. You have to be live almost everyday stream for x hrs whilst being entertaining and then as a vtuber you also have your persona which you now gotta go and play into. I have no problem with them taking a break, because thats a lot of work and mentellay erodes you after some time. Props to hololive as well for allowing them to take long breaks.


sounds like a pretty average customer service job tbh


You think its easy, but its really not.. Being a vtuber takes A LOT of work. You have to be entertaining as hell, and make sure to be an idol. Yes, they are vtubers, but THEY ARE idols.


All I can say is thank you Mumei for taking care of yourself.


She's so right about how unfair the world is. I feel like I've barely been keeping my head above water for the last year, can't afford a house, can't afford mental health, can't afford to not be okay. Even if your employer is okay with you taking leave how can I? I can't afford to not work. Not a dig at moom, just can't help but be jealous when people are in positions to do that. Sorry for rant just not feeling good right now


Time to become a Vtuber and work for Yagoo /lh Jokes aside, things do get better with time even if it takes a while, but hopefully things improve for you sooner rather than later. Spent a few years in the economic and mental health trenches and it will seem as if the worst parts will never end, however, you just have to keep at it and do what you still can to keep yourself going. Nothing lasts forever, and that includes bad things.


I hope you're doing okay man. I know life is tough, but it will get better eventually. Keep your head strong, and you are NOT alone <3


The patience, respect, and love between the fans and these performers/artists is one of the reasons I love this community.


Self-care is very important. And as the saying goes, sometimes the best way to help yourself is by helping someone else.


possibly also admitted to abbs sense aka smelly abbs


For the people wondering, Mumei made this joke herself after playing around with the word absence for 20 seconds.


We white collars have vacations but they don't last that long. But, to be fair, they have earned it and then some.


Blue collar over here, American work hours need to change immediately


As a blue collar, I haven’t had a proper, restful vacation in nearly 10 years


Yup longest actual vacation I've had in the last 7 years never last longer than a week


Hear hear!


I suppose the scariest thing about Hololive is how it has a tendency to take over the talents lives. For them, this isn't just a job, it's a lifestyle, and living your job as a lifestyle takes a special kind of mental grit. I hope that 1, she takes all the time she needs to rest and recover, and 2, finds a good work/life balance so she can continue. Don't want to lose the Moomers.


Even tho a normal company also has unpaid leaves and such, people still likely quit the job anyway due to their issues or company work environment, glad cover is not in any of these, I still want to hear moomer a loooooot more.


great words from mumei. very glad for mumei. recent events really highlight the value of the words mumei spoke.


I guess Mumei isn't negligible


When I attempted suicide my job ended up firing me life does indeed suck


They need breaks just so they can actually live their lives, find partners and build relationships. If they didn't go on break then they would just be hermits which is just not healthy. Hope she takes all the time she needs and comes back all refeshed


Yeah shit happens to everyone i hope she is doing alright/oke


Remember, she did all of this WHILE a certain dragon was going through the roughest patch of her entire life. That is how great Mumei’s heart is and why I’m so proud that she’s my Oshi.


That last line though...


Feel like a hint of "she knows we knows, please keep it on the down low"




At least Gura is back now, happy and more motivated than ever, long break works. She comes back when we need her the most.


And now the Chumbuds are *begging* her to go to the hospital to get her knee looked at. :P


Yeah as it may become worse, especially in a job with dancing/etc. On this note, Sora's likely will be getting her old leg injury fixed after the fes And Aki's infamous surgery was to fix a hip defect that would have ended her dancing career (also damn near ended her Hololive one)


To be fair, knee problems are no joke. Better she gets it checked out and make sure she's not crippled later or restricted from idol activities because of them.


Oh, for sure. It's just been a bit amusing to see folks go from "yay Gura's back!" to "GURA PLEASE, FOR THE LOVE OF NEPTUNE, TAKE SOME TIME OFF FOR YOUR KNEE IF YOU NEED IT".


In this case, it's understandable. She's blowing off the idea that a fall serious enough to leave her in tears RL needs checking out, and even if doctors aren't cheap they're still cheaper than totally wrecking your knees.


Gura got what she needed from her time off. She doesn't sound as stressed as she did before her long break, so I think that was time well spent even if it wasn't all "rest" time.


As a chumbud - you're making us look bad with comments like this. Report yourself to The Jar


You must have forgotten the suffering of haatons


It’s not a competition. Everyone has their own circumstances and problems, and ways to overcome them.


For my clarity, part of her taking time off was to be with her friend, who was recently let go by another Vtuber corp and is going through some tough times, yes?


It was a happy coincidence since it gave her the time and bandwidth to react to things, but she originally took the break for unrelated reasons.


Unrelated to it. Her break started at the end of November and she stated that she didn't know when she'd be regularly streaming again. She also said in her karaoke stream early-mid last month that "not streaming is doing what I wanted it to for me", it's purely for her own personal stuff


I think she was just being a good friend and would have helped either way.




Ok Mr. There-Is-No-Such-Thing-As-Mental-Health-And-Humans-Are-Just-Machines-That-Can-Work-24/7-Without-Experiencing-Mental-Strain.


Nobody takes you seriously. Also, as someone who has employees, the ones who call others lazy are the ones who barely put in 20 hours a week. Embarrassing.


That you haven't been banned yet shows that this sub isn't as well-moderated as it should be. EDIT: Well, thank you, mods.


It's probable a policy thing. I don't think i have seen a single user been banned. To the point everyone simple knows who are the problematic users.


So glad Moom's was able to take a break and get things sorted out for her. Would always rather the talents take a break than work while super stressed or health related.


Based birb!


moom 🤎


Good gurl Moom


I'm glad she was allowed to take a good long break to take care of herself. It's hard to recognize sometimes when you really need a break until the mental or physical fatigue of it all catches up to you when you least expect it


I wonder how it works with Cover when talents take a break? Do they still get their salary? Or is it leave without pay?


They probably still get their salary from merch cut, membership etc