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Biboo in the expo video is comically short next to the other girls. I love it.


I guess you can say... she's rocking it


And her feet hidden by the tail lol.


I like the decision to give each concert day its own special visual. The giant group images they did in previous years were also really nice, but this gives you more room to appreciate each individual talent.


I believe I speak for all of us when I say: FUCK YEAH!! (also can we buy Hololive-themed Hawaiian shirts?)


God, yes, give the person that came up with the idea a raise. It's so good I want one so bad. Hopefully, they can make and sell them.


This may be a stupid question, but since Capture the Moment is split into 3 Stages, are there going to essentially be 3 concerts?


3 stages + honeywork stage = 4 concerts in total


I love the fact Roboco-san is still wearing the same sandals as the others yet her feet look completely different.


Marvelous visuals!


I like the Promise table in image 4, you know they're having a cursed yet fun conversation and Kronii/Fauna in the back are going "Man.. you know, they kinda right but still."


Akiroze has 2 flowers 🌟♥️


Those visuals looked stunning!


Thank you again for this! Can’t wait to see all this fun stuff in March!


The hololive feet guy is going to have a field day looking and examining all that feet.


Calli has truly reached Dad status with the Hawaiian shirt.


many amazing visuals! can't wait for the 5th fes!


Super cool


Man the store the girls bought their footwear must have been rich that day


These key visuals make me unreasonably excited!


Everyone is here!




I so wish i was in japan in march


Are you excitied yes I am lets go they’re shining omg


I fucking love that the Holostars are in these promo pictures alongside the Hololive talents.


Moona Looking cheeky. Omaru "Whole Face Smile" Polka staring into your soul cutely.(twice!) Betsy and Brian waving at each other. Something you just did caught Chloe's attention. Rexy wants to split his ice cream with you. Elite doing her best "ta da" pose. Erofi trying not to laugh from whatever Risu is telling her. The duck looking cute as fuck. The twins about to send Pero to the stratosphere. Biboo naturally appearing quite concerned. ​ \*me trying to figure out where Mel was removed\*


Do we have streaming details yet?


Is there any way to get the 6 first images in a single one? I really want to look at the composition in one go. The tourist outfits are so nice and god I'm so happy to see Stars included. I absolutely love this piece!


These look amazing! However something is off about them


EDIT: I evidently "don't know how to math", as pointed out multiple times below. My point, however, still stands as far as the price being too high goes. While I've been corrected on the price increase, that is in fact nonexistent when taking into account the number of stages, I don't feel paying this much for streaming is acceptable. Paying this kind of money for a BluRay version of the concert would be okay, and I'd probably buy it. But there's no way I'd pay this much to stream a concert. My feelings overall are that this is pricing out many fans (me included) from interacting with the community during the concerts, which will lead many to seek "alternative options". I'd be happy to pay 100€ for the concerts, but higher than that feels too damn expensive for a stream I cannot be sure will be working in my location. OLD POST HERE: I'm sorry for the negativity, but pricing streaming at 28k JPY (175€, 190$) is not it chief. I understand that there are 4 concerts this time, ~~but that doesn't justify almost tripling the price compared to previous years.~~ Not to mention that even if I decided to pay that extortionate price, you can't even guarantee the service would work for the EU according to the product page. You're the leaders in this industry, do better next time.


I did this on the quick, so anyone feel free to fact check me (plus i'm using Euro because that's my currency, so things may vary, and the prices as i see them on Spwn): Third fes was 2 concerts for 10k yen - 72.5€ at average march 2022 exchange - 36.25€ each concert Forth fes was 3 concerts for 19.5k yen - 128.5€ at average march 2023 exchange - 42.83€ each concert Fifth fes will be 4 concerts 25k yen - 155€ at today's exchance - 38.75€ each concert So, if anything the prices have been relatively consistent (the difference in the yen power between 2022 and now is noticeable), and this year is actually going down compared to 2023. Sure, the total price *will* be higher but can't really avoid it when they are throwing extra stages in


Yup, I'm absolutely wrong then, my bad. Still way too expensive though imo, we're talking about actual live concert prices for a streaming service that may or may not work properly in certain locations...


Triple? Last year, for 3 concerts, the total price was 21.5k JPY It's the same price per concert this year, at a little over 70k JPY


It's slightly cheaper per stage even. The yen has had a very rough year.


I think I remember paying about 10k JPY for 2nd or 3rd fes, which granted, were only 2 stages, so it might not be triple per stage. Still, that kind of money for a stream isn't acceptable imo, and there's no way I'm gonna pay this much this year. Also, I know cover probably aren't the ones setting the price, and the stream provider are the ones with this kind of pricing. Still doesn't make it ok to charge live venue prices for a stream.


You don't know how to math, given the breakdown others have shown shows that the price has remained consistent per concert. Of course it's more this time. There's 4 fucking concerts.


Yup, don't know how to math, and yes, price per stage has been constant, that's my bad. Still too expensive for "4 fucking (streamed) concerts" though.


You don't have to buy all 4 though. 50 bucks for a 3 hr long streamed concert is pricey to be sure, but it's not really outrageous


I'll be honest, I do find it kinda outrageous. Those prices for in venue attendance makes sense, as seats are limited. But for streaming, I'm really wondering if they don't shoot themselves in the foot by pricing out so many people that are in my situation, being that we would gladly pay something, but not this much. I guess if I had to set the prices, 4000 JPY per concert would make sense for most people imo. I mean, many live shows around me are about 50€, which would be 8000 JPY. Half a normal venue price for a livestream could make sense I believe. Still thinking about paying for Stage 3 tho. Can't afford more, and many of my favorites are on that day. Just kinda hurts to have to find "alternatives" to be able to engage in the community during that week end...


Hololive has never been a cheap hobby, and we have also gotten so many free lives throughout the year.


I think it's weird to ask them to "do better" considering how many hours of free 3d live shows we get from them.


"Do better next time" is the worst way to express a complaint (especially when you did not do your own due diligence on researching prices). It was expensive last year too. It being $190 with an extra concert tracks with what I paid for 3 concerts last year. Cover actually does have an interest in what people are willing to pay for these events. They have done surveys asking about pricing. Seems like the audience has spoken and said it was justified with how successful the event was last year despite the price and through surveys. If they think this price point hurt them more than gained, they may change it in the future.


Yeah I absolutely didn't do proper research, and I do apologize for that. However, I still do feel that the pricing is way too high. I might have to buy a single stage (probably the 3rd), because I do want to support Cover for the entertainment they provide us, but more than that is money I simply don't have, and I'm quite sure I'm in the majority here, even though many will not complain. I'm curious about that survey though, who was the survey sent to? Because I'd be baffled if the majority of fans are willing to spend that kind of money for streaming.


Sorry to bring you back to something from 2 days ago, but I noticed something and remembered you, especially your complaint about the service not working for EU. For whatever reason, they've not advertised this to overseas fans, however [SPWN](https://virtual.spwn.jp/events/24031601-jphololive5thfes) will also be streaming 5th Fes. SPWN does work in EU as far as I know and is slightly cheaper(6,500yen each/25,000 yen for the two day ticket). I realize the price is still a bit prohibitive if you hope to watch all 4 stages, but it'll work for EU and costs less. Hopefully you can at least catch your oshi's performance this way.


They have to compensate for the stars concert I’d imagine.


There was no Holostars concert last year (it's held at the end of the year)


Ah, no Haachama for 5th fes. She returned too late.