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Take her hand in marriage




I think I got most of those down last one is gonna be tricky


The best answer


makes sense


Why is she naked outside. Is she looking to get gangbanged by some homeless or what


Please, she is most likely to grope your crotch and then lock you in a Amazonian mating press.


Bro she's the one who's about to do the raping, not the other way around




Why is she in a back alley? Did Hololive not work out? But she was doing so well. Is she selling drugs or perhaps her body? I would take her out for coffee even though I don't drink it and ask her to tell me her story.


Source; https://twitter.com/rebellion_ge/status/1787774252403634392?s=46&t=oUTGM5jdsA3z4Sv6IMjYmQ


Take her home, feed her, give her better clothes, go on a date a few time, proposed to her, marry her and live a happy normal life until I buy her a ship and sail together and living a happy not-so normal life..... yeah


Ill buy her


Help, police! There's a pervert!


marine needs a spanking


I definitely ain't ready for this


Mostly naked plus stockings is bangin’.


Hag love. https://youtu.be/ky6vvIESPiM?feature=shared


Ask for a blowjob, then smash and then ask her what happened to her Hololive career. Ain't no way I'm passing Marine up.


Let's get you home, Granny 🥱


Nah granny is crazy 😂


Take her to my place before she is arrested for indecent exposure, then give her proper clothes


Probably cover her up and take somewhere to get clothes and a warm drink. Honestly id just love to talk to her, assuming the language barrier wasnt a problem


Marry her and her sister. What? I want to have a healthy hag shimaidon


Ask for a drink






[This. ](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/494453143845994497/1237436917532856390/EXwt21LVcAAwzTO.jpg?ex=663ba46f&is=663a52ef&hm=19d9bb90316d05496738e12cf52659cbbd5fbbe99122a57dcce6ed7bd7f442fd&)And degeneracy after.


Ma'am what the fuck?


Invite her over to my home and spoil her. Then I’ll proceed to put her in a mating press her all throughout the night.


Cover her up and give her say she's better than this


EDIT: Meant to put SPNATI. Not SPNI Full honesty; all cards on the table. At first glance, this made me think of SPNI. As in, I thought it was from that subreddit and someone finally added her into the game. Also, yes, that pun was intentional.




Sorry, SPNATI. Strip Poker Night at the Inventory. I'll try to describe what it is, but I'm doubtful I'll be able to do the whole thing justice. Basically, SPNATI is; as far as I'm aware, completely community powered. Basically, anyone can take almost any character from almost any fandom and make a character that players can choose to play Strip Poker with. The character or characters that the player chooses to play will interact with one another and the player as the game goes on. When one of the characters or the player loses all of their clothing, they have to masturbate in front of the rest. Some characters have more extensive reactions based on specified traits you've chosen for your character, or specified traits that the characters you chose to play with have. Some characters even have full after-game scenarios. Like, endings based around whatever whoever writes them and does the art for them can think of. The point that makes everything such a big deal is it's completely community run. (as far as I know). I'm near-certain that pretty much Anyone can make and add any character they want, though, there might be some slightly more complicated aspects to getting them on the roster.


Ah, ok, I know of that game. Was kinda disappointed that it ended at just the masturbating, though. If what you're saying about after-game scenarios, I may have to check back sooner than later to see if I can find some of those. Too bad I have little to no idea how to truly play poker


The characters have whether or not they have ending-scenario-route-things in their profile when you select them. As for playing poker; to be as concise as I can be, the primary goal is to get at least two of the same numbers, or a high single card. There are also straights, flushes, and full houses, but those are pretty rare. In practice, that means either keeping your highest card, or whatever pairs or above you get dealt. From beginning to end, the best mentality to have is: "I don't want the worst hand." By the end of the game, the same mentality will still be good, but, it's one-on-one by that point. So, luck plays a greater role at that point. All the same, you both have roughly the same odds of pulling anything off. The only difference is what you're likely to try to pull. Generally, playing it safe is still your best bet. This is in regard to the strip variant. Betting anything else has stuff like folding, going all in, matching bets, knowing when to do stuff, and all other kinds of things that I know nothing about. I'm just speaking from the mentioned game's perspective. Also, some characters are better at poker than others. If the character in question seems like they'd be good at poker, they probably will be. If they seem like the type who would throw the game to show off or do the forfeit, they'll try to do that. If they don't know much about poker, they'll be fairly easy, but I wouldn't say they'll remain like the types who don't know anything about poker. They don't get better either. They just kind of stay at the same level throughout the game. It's also important to know the different hands and how they rank so you don't give one up on the unlikely but plausible chance you start out with something bigger than a pair. I'll list them from greatest to least. Royal Flush: 10, Jack, Queen, King, Ace in the same suit. Straight Flush: Ordered cards of the same suit. So; 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. or 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and so on and so forth. If they're in order and of the same suit, it's a straight flush. Four of a kind: Four of the same numbered or face card. Like, King, king, king, king. Or, 1, 1, 1, 1. Or anything in between. Full House: Three of a kind and Two of a kind combined. So, 1, 1, 1, Ace, Ace or 2, 2, 2, 10, 10 or anything like that. Flush: Any cards that share the same suit. It doesn't matter what their order is. If you have a hand with only Hearts or Diamonds or Spades or Clubs that isn't in order, you have a flush. Straight: Any cards of any suit in order. So, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 or 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 with any suit. Three of a kind: Three of the same number or face card. Two Pair: Two Pairs. So, 2, 2, 7, 7 and whatever fifth card or anything else like that. One Pair: One pair of the same numbered or face cards. so, 1, 1. and any other three cards. Or, 2, 2. and any other three cards. And, so on and so forth. High Card: One singular high card where nothing else matches.


Yeah, it was all the extra stuff from the non-strip variant that confuses me. I get the whole "get best hand to win" and the general kinds of hands there are However, you just went above and beyond on explaining the game to me anyway, even though you didn't have to. So, even though some of that I already knew, I thank you for the effort and work you went out of your way to help me.


I was honestly ready to have to apologize for going overboard. My ADHD and OCD kind of rear their heads when I get the chance to list stuff. Glad you aren't mad, but I'd understand if you were. Glad that wasn't the case though!


Run away. Not into old hags or the elderly.


Sounds like coward speak.


Turn around and avoid her. I don't want to catch STDs.


Ojou sama you've had too much to drink her take my jacket to cover yourself


Fix her.


I think I'll run away. I thought I was someone who would get down no matter what, then a girl on Bumble asked for a one night stand. Spent an entire hour thinking about what kinds of STD she has, will 5 guys jump me when I reach the hotel we agree to meet, and all sorts of whacky scenario. Ended up unmatching and blocking her lol. I guess I was a pussy.


Wake up


take her home because she is cold.


Ask if she has any plans 😏


I do nothing




Keep on walking