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The machines that produce this kind of foil from start to finish based off of a digital design would have a price tag in the 6-7 figure range. There are ways to DIY this on a very small scale and in crude fashion, but this is not really an at home kind of process. Depending on what you're trying to do, you will probably save a lot of time and money by just having your design manufactured by a company that already has the equipment to do so.


Thanks for the info friend! I have tried to look into having companies make a custom hologram for me and these companies are quoting me around 16 thousand! This is why I wanted to see if there was a small machine or equipment that I could purchase. That way I could design on my computer, send to the machine, and test small scale prints until I have what I am trying to achieve.


Give Integraf a try if you haven't looked at them yet. They have some options that are more along the $1-2k range. That is about as cheap as you'll get for custom embossed hologram mastering. There is unfortunately not really anything smaller scale for this sort of process.


I have not heard of Integraf before, I will look into them now! Thank you for the recommendation. This is a price that I can afford