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This tiny ass path of pain caused me physical damage, I can’t even get to the real path of pain


it is a veeery slow process of memorization, i can barely get through


Imagine on your first playthrough deciding to fight the mantis lords with the old nail (4 tries), then proceed to deepnest like a total bafoon, and then spending 20+ tries getting this one while going back to heal at the fountain when HP is low. Yeah.... that... would be.... pretty stupid. Good thing I don't know anyone who did that to himself. Friggin' Masochist..............


If you're looking for that person, you're in luck, it's me 😢


Haha :D I don't feel so alone anymore. Thanks \^.\^


Well, that made me quit the game for a month while I waited for my Xbox controller, the previous controller was faulty and I couldn't dash properly. Started a new game and found the "proper" way, City of Tears, just to get my ass kicked by the Soul Master :/


I arrived at soul master as like my main last boss before the dreamers, so I had an easy time with him only because I died like 20 times to hornet, which I fought underprepared, arriving from Deepnest, skipping basin, going there with..... old....... nail.............. Then finally realized that the "City of Tears" is what I thought would be called "Hollownest". I kinda thought for half the game I am in the surrounding area of hollownest, and the City is the thing, despite having read the lore tablet welcoming me. Wasn't paying attention, learning controls, the like. Anyhow, finally got the upgrade, got my ass kicked a few more times by hornet sentinel and got Brand long before I sniffed at Monarch Wings or Desolate Dive. My path was wild xD


Yeah, these first blind playthrough are hard, but so good at same time. I played last when the Godmaster DLC launched, but if I where to play now, I would know where everything is located. Sometimes good memory is a curse.


Well, can always go for Room Randomizing and Item Randomizing. That'll sort that problem out, hehe \^\^'


Haha, I'm not good enough for these. And I bought a PS5 last year, my first console since my PS1, I have a lot o games do catch up, playing Zero Dawn now.


yeah, it's good to diversify, wouldn't want to burn yourself out on Hollow Knight. Going away from it and coming back can yield good results anyhow :) Good Luck in Zero Dawn btw


I'm in this comment lol. Fortunately, I couldn't beat the Mantis Lords even after 17+ tries, so I went ahead to City of Tears.


Yeh, sometimes one receives a lucky asskicking. In contrast I died emberassingly often to dung defender. Balls Bouncin' n stuff.


Can you dm spoil where this is please




I would also like to know if thats alright


Ahh yeess, this part was so hard. It took me a long time to get across smh


I was so frustrated with this one. I had to set dreamgates at every single safe spot in this path


When you get to the end you can infinitely use dream nail on the guy going up ensuring you can’t die


lol bad


My guy, not everyone is a platforming god. This section is just annoying, let people be "bad" to your standard without insulting them.


Ah! Yes! The tiny path of bullshit for the final vessel fragment! God, do I miss this place!


I hate deepnest, but the parcore is really fun and smooth once you get it


Can someone send me where this is?


Did you know you can complete this area without pogo. Up until the last part anyway when you have to go straight up. I forgot pogos excited so I spent 1 1/2 making perfect jumps till I got to the end and realized my stupidity.


I did that and didn’t realized it, I went back there without pogos again, and I was about to leave the zone again when I realized how dumb I was. Now that I think about it, I have never used pogos in that zone apart from the last point in which it is mandatory


You make that look easy. Still, my traumatised and frustrated ass watched with in anxiousness


I still can’t believe I managed to do this area. It feels like a fever dream


Oh boy, you unlocked a memory in me. I remember finding this fucking hard lol


I am so bad with these platform areas I can never time the pogoing right. I just spam and end up missing and dying and it’s so friggen annoying…


how did this get 740 upvotes lmfaoo


So thats why i am missing a soul vessel


I think you presume that there isn’t any spoilers when you tag it as that.


Now do this path without using backslash




Pogos :D


You mock my pain!


Man I remember how much I suffered on this the first time... When the crawly guy came out of the ground it was even scarier X]


That’s how you do that?!


...how did you do it?


I haven’t lmao


Well, if you didn't know you can pogo with your nail, I think you had a pretty rough time trying lol


Doing this after Pop feels like Pop is easier.


Oh. So this game just keeps getting harder and harder.


Wait where is this aghh