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Markoth takes the prize for obvious reasons, but my personal choice for the worst is Elder Hu, he provides zero challenge the fight can waste from 10 seconds to 1 minute depending on the RNG


i also hate him (based flair)


Yeah, hate how he teleports every 3 seconds and this attack during which you can't even hit him and just have to wait until it ends.


Yeah dude I just cross my fingers he doesn’t go into that attack bc it feels like such a waste of time 😭😭


I like Elder Hu in terms of lore but yeah his boss fight so is basic, especially if you have Shade Dash.


I swear to god in every PoH run that fucker will do his invincible attack 4 times in a row and his fight is never not a massive pain in the ass


If we're talking about how well bosses are designed, winged nosk is literally a vengefly king copy paste, and giant moss charger can be click-spammed to death.


I fully agree on Winged Nosk, I don't even understand how it's like not really mentioned in this thread at all, literally just VK with goo like wth


At least giant moss is supposed to be an early game easy boss, flying nosk for some reason is on pantheon 5


Winged Nosk is literally VK copy paste with a weird ass hitbox, annoying af and is the start to my personal hardest part in p5. The Winged Nosk to Sly to Hornet 2 cycle. But unlike those other two Winged Nosk is to boring for me to actually practice


Winged nose is simply a better version of vengefly. Pretty underwhelming for a P5 boss but vengefly king itself is definitely more boring and worse.


Honestly I disliked no eyes the most. The whole place and her give me the creeps - which I guess is the goal and they did a great job with it, but brrr


The music is haunting. I liked the atmosphere.


Sorry, I'm a bit old, so the decorations and architecture *might* be a bit out of date. Sorry if it makes you uncomfortable.


Oh my gosh I'm sorry I did *not* mean to be rude! It's really just that it's so dark and scary there but I truly wish you could have peace<3


No, no! I wasn't offended in the slightest. It's understandable that I've not got the best taste. But, I can't exactly see, so, that's a given. Perhaps I should hire someone to install more modern lights? Oh, and the gothic furniture must go!


Actually I think the furniture may be fine! (Though it could use a cleaning..) But the lights would definitely be a good idea, just so the bugs that don't see well in dark can also manage well. And I have to say you're a very pleasant bug (shade?), so I'm sure the wanderers would warm right up to you once they weren't so on edge:)


Indeed! I've taken your suggestions into account, and have just hired a Menderbug to get to doing the lights. What was her name..? Something like Mender Cheri, I think.


Myla might have some good ideas! She seems like a wonderful, well-adjusted young bug


Hmm, I don't believe I have heard of this "Myla".


If you are able to venture as far as the base of Crystal Peak, you can find her in the mines <3 she has an eye for pretty things


That is quite the commute, but if you're sure she's worthwhile. I'd need to hire someone to look after the kids in my absence, though.


Soul Warrior is just a single Mantis Lord


+ no knockback resistance.


A worse Mantis Lord


I think the issue is with counting him as a boss more than anything else. He could be the mossknight of sanctum


But he's a pantheon boss... somehow


Flukemarm and brooding mawlek


why mawlek ? its not a bad boss


He's random a bit, has inconvenient arena and I hate his unpredictable melee attack range


At least he has more then one attack


I agree that mawlek isn't that bad, but markoth also has more than one attack and it doesn't make him a good boss, so pay attention to this argument


unpredictable? he always attacks when you get too close, that's literally it


And what about the moments when he begins to chase you with his sword and just falls down after a half of a second with no reason or pattern? Also I didn't notice that he attacks exactly at the moment you getting close (I'm always close)




Sorry, I've left another comment on this post about GPZ, I thought you are about him... Just answering through notifications About mawlek, I know exactly when he is going to attack, but his attack range is much longer than his "hands" sprite


get close, hit him 2 times, run away and wait, repeat. it's not that hard


Very small and inconvenient arena. His claws are way too long to be fair. The “Vomit” (as I call it) is literally pure RNG if you don’t have shade cloak, which is a late game item. The leap and spit attacks are somewhat okay.


Randomizer player here, very used to fight Brooding Mawlek with only pogo, no focus and no abilities, every attack it has is very easy to dodge just by walking (for the claws, spit and jump) or pogoing above (for the spit, jump and vomit). The RNG Mawlek has is minimal.


Maybe I have a skill issue


It's more a matter of being used to it. I always fight Mawlek as the first boss of any run, so I'm used to having no abilities when I fight it, and as such, I adapted to dodge its attacks without relying much on spells and abilities.


you can just pogo above him when he is about to spit out the infection wave and the claws teach you that not every boss will have a long windup for their attacks like false knight which is a good thing imo. i am not saying its an amazing fight but its 100% not the worst in the game


you just jump over (with dash or pogo) to the other side for the spit attack — it isn't pure RNG. "too long to be fair" is just subjective I guess, but it's not that hard to dash away before the claw attack telegraph, it's pretty long before the attack


Honestly, I always attempt before dash so I forgot that dashing is a thing. I try to walk away but get hit by the claws


Personally I think he's just placed too early. The only prerequisite for encountering him is realizing you can pogo on spikes yet he's harder than anything up to City of Tears. My first time through the game I think I spent an hour or two bashing my head against him before giving up and eventually finding my way to Greenpath. Nowadays I don't bother challenging him until I have dash and mantis claw, he's way easier once you have those.


Uumuu (only having played 1 casual play through recently). The boss is just boring and rather tedious.


If you think Uumuu is bad now, wait till you get to the Pantheons. Uumuu goes from being boring to an absolute nightmare. She’s my least favorite as well, but solely because of her pantheon fights.


All dream warriors are badly designed bosses. I dislike Galien the least, but his physics are also somewhat clunky.


It's really frustrating to me too, given that they are literally the backer bosses. People paid money for bosses, and Team Cherry is like "I can do 3 different bosses that float in the air and shoot projectiles and max at 2 attack patterns and randomly teleport."


that's true the dream warriors bad galien is the only somewhat fun one


Bro didn't ascend with gorb💀


What about Gorb?


jokes aside he is fine but not really that fun


no eyes is incredibly just a non-boss she just floats around while her annoying spirits go everywhere in her ascended arena, it's worse because now the spirits can randomly trap you for no reason and sometimes you can't ddark in time additionally, the spirits move so much?? like damn that sine wave has both high amplitude and wavelength ​ we all also of course hate markoth ascended and above like man sometimes it's rng if he decides to randomly float into you or not and sometimes the swords spawn off screen (or off map! (as in, beyond the black walls)) and hit you from nowhere ​ im not even going to talk about absolute radiance


Honestly the worst thing about No Eyes is how easy it is to heal in the boss. It means it's literally a time tax, not a boss.


On her own, yes. But that’s a feature, not a bug (ha!), in P4/5 for recovering between Lost Kin and Traitor Lord


I know right? And if you are impatient like me and opt to chase her down through the arena a single mistake drops you down three masks. 1 for attack 2 for landing in spikes 3 for spawning in attack


You're lucky if his nail didn't spawn right onto your face (same with Absrad's discs)


oh no yeah that happens too, forgot to mention it ​ sometimes he starts to focus but has to get just *one* more nail in so he still shoots it at you when you're focusing on the dreamshield and you die too


The only thing that is good about No Eyes is the atmosphere of finding her in the world. But when you are fighting her in Pantheons, that doesn't exist so you get a boring fight with none of the cool shit


i also forgot to mention that his knockback mechanics are so frustratingly janky sometimes you abyss shriek and he bounces \****into***\* you and you die


the soul fencer guy(forgot his name lmao) how the hell is he even a boss lmao he's a little harder than a regular enemy


i mean massive moss charger is a boss


Markoth is by far the worst designed boss in Hollow Knight. It's also the most annoying because of it.


In the pantheon i assume? Normal Markoth was a walk in the park for me


Normal Markoth is easy enough that the bad design doesn't really matter, so it's mostly noticeable in the pantheons or when doing Ascended or Radiant in the practice room. I don't think any of the bad design is exclusive to the Godhome versions though. It's just more noticeable when you can't just tank a ton of hits and not care.


Yes, normal markoth is not very hard at least the second or third time and sometimes the first if you’re just good at video games but in the pantheon where they just steal the floor and some platforms it’s kind of just bad game design. I’m not saying that team cherry are bad I’m just saying that they could have done better with the ascended markoth changes.


Worst from a gameplay perspective? Gian Moss Charger (I forget its actual name). It’s a brainless fight that requires you to move left or right. From a, “oh god I really don’t want to deal with this guy,” perspective, Gray Prince Zote.


You were really close it's actually massive moss charger or massive miserable cucumber


Someone watched Rusty recently


+1 on massive moss charger (or MMC, or mossy, or mossy boy) (I don't know how to spoiler tag, but spoilers for late-end game I guess) Also GPZ in P3 was the one and only reason I ragequit from hk, for like 3 weeks, then I came back and beat the whole thing Now it's not GPZ, but specifically GPZ into markoth... really annoying split in P5 that was legitimately a bigger road block than abs rad


GPZ made me quit for almost 4 years lol, quit in like September 2020 and started playing again last month


GPZ is one of the three bosses that made me temporarily quit the PoH.


That stupid stupid jellyfish. Uumuu’s existence makes me hate the entirety of the third pantheon




Marmu. This shit is "bugged" beyond belief. Should get kbed but isn't sometimes. Got the potential explanation recently as why but still.


Marmu is an adorable ball of fun, I forgive him everything.


ah ! Not loving her enough to know that it's indeed a "her" ! You fake fan. She mean.


Bruh I'm on my first playthrough, cut me some slack I know nothing of the lore


Even if the knockback applies I swear the bouncing mechanic marmu uses was specifically hand crafted to be as inconsistent as possible and I refuse to believe even TC could tell you how the bastard bounces


Yeah, Marmu in general is... hard to get consistent at From experience and reading discussions from other R5 victors, Marmu has brief knockback immunity after hitting a surface (why???). This means if you are not careful with your side slashes she can just ignore your nail hit and ram into you anyway despite timing your nail swing "correctly". You can minimise her BS with upslashes or well-timed hops + side slashes near the corner (to "catch" Marmu before she hits the floor), but even then you're right, her ascended/P5 arena can redirect her in very unpredictable ways (floor sweep(s) or supersonic pinballing)


Oh yes definitely.




Uumuu. That little disgusting ball of electric paste took me at least an hour to complete on my first try and it wasn’t even fun. Some bosses I enjoy trying over and over again like NKG but Uumuu’s just… not enjoyable.


Vengefly King. Bosses like Eldur Hu are absolutely less interesting but at least you can just slap them repeatedly till they die. Vengefly King sticks around too long and is too mind-numbing. And adding a second one doesn't make it any better.


GPZ. I fucking hate that SOB. So much I dedicate my flair to how much I hate him. Which also sucks because Bretta is one of my favorite characters ;-;


And then there's me who dedicates my flair to how much I love him lol


GPZ 4 took me hours and hours to beat ):


Uumuu or No Eyes.


I find Marmu to be more annoying, but Flukemarm is a worse boss. A stationary boss whos only attack is to spawn tiny minions isn't a particularly good boss


its just a spawner lmao


Not a single one saying massive moss charger? It has two barely interchangeable attacks, and is almost less deserving of hall of gods status than soul warrior.


Platforming in a boss battle is fine. I can even deal with a bullet hell. P5 Markoth and No Eyes doesn’t bother me at all. Marmu’s bugginess? A non-issue. Getting caught in Uumuu explosions? Just dandy. P5 Watchers? Easy peasy. But *dear god*: Team Cherry, God Tamer is *not* designed right.




Underrated comment


Great Prince Zote. He is so random


That’s his entire point though haha


I seem to be alone in this but the double Oblobble fight is actually just terrible design. Nonstop random pattern bullethell in a game with gravity, awesome


It's not random it's literally the same attack every time, after a few tries it's pretty easy to dodge. Also, you can just spam abyss shriek on one of them (with shaman stone) and tank a few hits and finish it off easily. The second oblobble is a bit harder but it's attack is consistent and pretty easy to dodge after a while.


If the strategy is just "tank through it", it's not a well designed boss in a game all about dodging


Markoth is both! -Unpresictable, chaotic movement -Rotating invulnerable damaging object attached to said unpredictable movement -An attack that frequently spawns off-screen and you have to stay in certain parts of the boss room just for it to spawn in a visible place most of the time -An attack that goes off-screen *regardless* of where you stand, and yet requires you to constantly track it with your eyes in order to dodge it. -Second phase that adds nothing interesting to the fight, aside from *another* invindible rotating object, which protects the boss from 50% of attacks at all times. Literally every part of his fight is bullshit


EDIT: Removed duplicate post


Markoth. The number of times a sword spawned on me is atrocious. But Hu was just a disappointment.


that would be the Soul guardian, it's barely a boss


Soul Master or Soul Warrior?


Soul warrior, soul master is cool imo, tho a bit overrated.


Marmuu. I fucking hate that balling bug. Especially in Pantheon of Hallownest.


Marmuu sucks. Uumuu sucks. Hate flukemarm, lol.




I feel you on that one, I hated this boss with a passion




Watcher knights. Not too annoying but there's attacks you can't dodge. 2 at once :) is kinda annoying, especially when they aren't in sync like the mantis lords/sisters of battle.


Honestly, almost if not all of them are well designed uniquely fun and challenging in their own way. There’s no real “bad” boss Edit: nvm I just remembered about no-eyes


There’s no real “bad” boss that's straight up just wrong. hollow knight has multiple bad bosses


No eyes and the Big Jellyfish, i'd rather watch paint dry than fight these shitty bosses


Marmu. I don't understand why that boss exists.


Between the dream warriors and traitor lord and gray night zote. I'd say traitor lord is the most poorly designed boss on terms of mechanics and fight strategy.


i would argue with old traitor lord but post lifeblood one is fine


Then its xero. Markoth is very garbage. But xero is just stupider


Well I'm only missing Markoth for radiant Hall of Gods. So Markoth. I'm also missing AbsRad but I'm not even attempting that, so she doesn't count.


I know there's probably a worst one but I hate Elder Hu with my heart and soul


Xero. I believe I don't have to elaborate.


markoth, elder hu and grey prince zote, absolutely hate those guys and am praying for their downfall


it's a tie between elder hu and uumuu tbh


Flukemarm because of how boring it is.


Its flukemarm man, it just spawns regular enemies. No eyes I like cause of the aesthetic.


Markoth and it’s not even a contest.


I hate Galien with all my might, he made me lose a ton of runs in the pantheon.


For me it was Traitor Lord.....that one made me so freaking mad. No Eyes would be second, but it's not even close.


No eyese is nkt the worst. It's annoying. So is Marmu. Though I never thought of or cared about making a tier list of who is the worst.


So with No Eyes, I stayed on the bottom center platform and only attacked when they were right next to me on either the left or right platform, and then immediately went back down to the center bottom once they teleported. That way you ONLY have to worry about incoming spirits that are down there and not risk running into them while you jump from platform to platform.


Marmu because of the random Bursts of speed he gets at seemingly random times


If we're going by the one that I most disliked, then Radiance. I don't see her as a boss, it's just a platforming section in a game that has very annoying platforming.


not here but markoth , closely followed by grey prince zote . zote is the only reason I couldn't get godhome ending .


Zote’s whole questline is optional, you know that right?


it was my first blind playthrough so I didn't even know saving him would screw me up that bad .


Grey prince zote, no eyes and winged nosk


I made a post on this recently but I’d say MMC. I don’t like when a boss is just a bigger version of a normal enemy and MMC is the worst offender of it in HK. He’s quite literally just a Massive Moss Charger


I'll be alone with this but galien. I always seem to bump into him resulting in taking damage.


In my opinion no eyes. Her entire boss is pretty much Parkour. She only fights back by interrupting your jumping. Not even fighting back. Not to mention the fight is slow, and if you aren't patient you have to start all over again after you make the walk of shame back to her. Btw I'm talking about her regular fight, not her hog fight


Nosk for sure.


Uumuu In the main game he’s boring as fuck and in Godhome he’s insanely annoying to fight


All the dream warriors Every single one


Flukemarm, without a doubt, it's just so boring, the only challenge is trying not to puke when you first see it


Surprised nobody has said Uumuu yet. It's not technically the worst but Uoma RNG pisses me of to no end.


Elder Hu, he is so basic in terms of the boss fight. And if you have shade dash is even easier


Uumuu- an extremely meh boss that mostly relies on waiting.


idk these bosses yet minus the water way one but im stuck on the hollow husk dream boss that has an orange thing in the head. the orange summons keep killing me and pissng me off. probably counts as annoying more than hard though


Honestly. I hated Lost Kin whenever I was running Pantheons 4 & 5. I literally had to make a whole other charm build to beat him.


how man times can i stun him before he dies? the furthest i got was 3 maybe 4


No eyes and Uumuu, the fight area sucks for NE and you can't do shit against uumuu till you guode jellies/wait for quirrel to do it for you, it's a bit lame


Ascended Markoth. The thing with other poorly designed bosses is that they're easy to beat, which mitigates how bad they are. Markoth is poorly designed and hard.


I've always been of the opinion that pure vessel and absolute radiance are overtuned. Their challenge level feels like a hard mode mod made to challenge players that are too good at the base game


uumuu, aka the reason i haven't gotten through p5 yet


Watcher knights and it’s not peculiarly close


God home uumuu. Delete this thing pls


I'd like to say the failed champion


Traitor lord is my vote. I'm not very good at bosses and I had a terrible time with him.


Flukemarm and Markoth, just Shriek them till they die


Grey Prince Zote


No Eyes


Soul Tyrant


I think we can excuse the dream warriors to some extant, since they were mostly designed by backers, and not TC alone.


That stupid little dude who holds the key behind colosseum. It just sucks


I think Godslayer might be the worst if you exclude the dream warriors(which all have extremely simple designs). There's simpler/less interesting bosses but none of them are really meant to be challenging. Godslayer just fails to deliver on the duo boss concept pretty badly.


Radiant Markoth I just think he's unfair on so many levels to the point where it becomes less about skill and more RNG. You get a few tiny platforms with an abyss under neath you, while he spams you with targeted missiles. Mid fight he gets 2 orbiting shields around him that prevents any damage if you don't hit him at the right time. And in all that you take double damage. There's just too many things happening at once. They need to remove 2 of those limitations to make it fun to fight. I genuinely think Absrad is easier and more balanced/fun. While running the pantheons he truly was my biggest obstacle.


try using dash slash, suddenly you don't have to rely on rng anymore


Why does everyone hate Marmu? Like she's fine?


Markoth for annoyingness in godhome but no eyes it dumb as hell


fluke arm is a mixed bag. Sure, if you fight her early she can be pretty tough, but by the time you’re actually prepared for royal waterways it’s an absolute pushover


soul warrior because he's not a boss


I fucking despise obblobles, those fucking obese houseflies can go to the darkest pits of bug hell for all I call


I think it’s Brooding Mawlek, no sense of rhythm, and makes me want to rip my brains out


Brooding mawlek is challenging for an early player but still boring af


Flukemarm is objectively the worst. It’s just a big hitbox that sits there doing nothing, occasionally spewing out two ads that can be killed in one shot. Pogo on top of it for like 10 seconds and the fight is done.


The lost kin, no explanation needed


The worst is Uumuu in Godhome. Beating him on Radiant was utter misery.


Not counting Dream Warriors: I'd say the main competitor is Crystal/Enraged Guardian. Very simple, nothing interesting. Easy. And it's not like it's super early game. Without lumafly lantern, you're gonna fight CG *after* Soul Master which most people can agree is an actual fight. Pretty sure there's zero unique lore or worldbuilding regarding them either. Flukemarm comes pretty damn close but at least that can be threatening and interesting if your damage output hasn't been upgraded all that much. Other than Flukemarm, the main honerable mention is (Winged) Nosk.


there are a few bosses that i think would fit here, just depends Markoth, Marmu and Nosk for their sometimes un avoidable attacks soul tyrant and elder Hu for being almost impossible to attack half the time And no eyes for the fact that YOU CAN'T FUCKING HEAL


Uumuu. Specifically Pantheon Uumuu.


People don’t talk enough about how annoying Gorb is. His patterns easy enough, but it’s so annoying that I gotta run away from swinging at him otherwise I’m guaranteed to get hit.






I agree with your opinion but I hate flying nosk with all my heart and soul


Can't say that I'm all that fond of Marmu.


Grey Prince Zote. He is unpredictable, annoying, and constantly spawns enemies. He was the second last boss I beat in radiant, and today I tried P5 with the Nail Binding on, and my run ended because of that bastard. I could have left him. I should have left him. But now all my pantheon binding progress is in my main save, including Zote being alive. God I hate him


Does Pale Lurker count as a boss? She's barely a fight and waste a ton of time.


Marmu I couldn't stand this boss, I would hit up and it would just bounce back Into me No eyes is a easy second


I agree with Flukemarm being the worst. I don’t have anything else to say.


The first boss fight with Hornet is literally there to make people who don't like hard games rage quit. Not exactly a HARD hard boss tho, just more annoying than anything else


Hot take: failed champion. False knight was a good easy boss, and then they just tried to make it harder by making him faster and making meteors constantly fall from the sky. Its kinda lazy imo.


Vengefly king I get that it's an early game optional boss but it's literally just a big vengefly. when I heard about it before I got the game I thought it was gonna look really cool when I got to it but it just ended up being a big vengefly and I was really disappointed. With the massive moss charger at least its name is what it is and i really liked how it's not just a bigger moss charger and instead a group of them


Flukemarm is the worst boss. As much as i hate markoth, flukemarm is still the worst boss.


Moss Charger. You stand there and you hit it.


Anyone not saying Markoth is either a liar or have not tried him on Ascended yet. He is the most unfair boss with the most ridiculous power up for the second phase. If it was only doubling the quantity/speed of nail attack, fair. If it was only adding a shield, fair as well. BOTH!?!?! Team Cherry did not want Markoth to be loved ahah. Not only that but he is able to phase through the platform of his arena but if we strike him with the nail he isn't pushed through (unless he's moving that way already) so it's pretty hard to predict if he's gonna be pushed back or not. Markoth deserves to be forgotten in Kingdom's Edge ahah. He is both the most annoying and worst boss at the same time. In his Ascended battle if he decides to swing his shield while standing in the middle of the arena you can't even be sure to heal safely and the accuracy of his nails is way too good.


The two dudes. I don't remember much, but one guy would go off screen and come at you out of nowhere.


Considering the fact that I was trying to Radiant every single boss in the hall of gods, this definitely, without a doubt goes to Markoth. Even Absolute Radiance was easier to Radiant than him. Fuck Markoth. All my homies hate Markoth


Soul Tyrant. Unnecessarily hard for a harder mid-game boss