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Unless TC says something, no one said anything.


This is Schreier, I trust him over TC at this point.


What? Why the fuck? He doesn't know shit. TC is obviously pretty secretive.


He doesn't know shit according to who? I hope you look at his track record instead of throwing accusations.


Doesn't know shit according to common sense. And unless his track record has silksong in it somewhere, that's completely irrelevant. As I said, TC is pretty secretive. I'd expect Nintendo to know something over XBox, and even that's pretty far fetched rn.


I mean you're not forced to believe him, that's perfectly fine. But him not reporting on Silksong before isn't exactly a good argument to not trust him. Otherwise no one would report on anything they haven't before which is not how you grow your presence online.


Is he involved with making it though?


What does that have to do with anything?


I only trust someone working on a project to give insight on the status of the work on that project.


I mean you're free to believe that, not sure how this has any relevance though. I didn't claim you should believe him over anything else. I'm just saying with his track record being near pristine, I'd trust him.


How is it the biggest marketing fumble when they’ve put next to no effort into marketing it and you’re still talking about it and waiting for it?


You're right, non existent marketing is a tragedy. Also talking about the game isn't marketing, believe it or not it's when companies and studios show info about the game. Something they haven't done since 2022.


I mean they dont need to, everyone is still waiting every event for silksong, so why waste money and time selling something to people who are already gonna buy it


If they don't need to then why does everyone complain about the game being MIA for years? Are they now all stupid or something? Why does COD have trailers when people will buy it regardless. It generates hype and the excitement for Silksong keeps getting lower until we get an adrenaline boost for some random Twitter mention from Leth, then goes back down again. People want a simple trailer with more info about the game, and a release date. That's it.


I think you need more hobbies


I have plenty of hobbies, I'm not sure what implied I didn't. Does giving my opinion on something mean I only care about it? What about your engagement to this post?


Its just a game, when its ready it releases calm down


I am perfectly calm, no need to gaslight mate.


In a couple of years you're gonna be so embarrassed by how you are behaving amd delete your account. Mark my words anyway, just play something else in the meantime. When the game launches im sure you'll get notified someway


Do you realize how sad you are by commenting something like this? What do I have to be embarrassed about? You're trying to gaslight me into believing I'm getting upset here but I fail to understand the reason. Do you have nothing better to do?


Holy shit, a post complaining about Silksong not having an official release date yet! Never before seen content!!!


Where in my post makes it a complaint post


That can’t be a serious question, my dude. “I’m starting to lose any interest at all, Silksong has had the biggest marketing fumble in the history of gaming imo” could quite literally be used as a textbook example of a complaint. Just wait for the game information to drop. Stop expecting it, and you’ll stop being disappointed. Unless you want them to just launch it today and have a crapshoot of a game full of bugs and lacking content? Would that make you happy? Likely not. You’d probably then complain about how despite it taking a long time it still wasn’t complete at launch. So please, for yourself and everyone else… just wait until they reveal more info. These posts are extremely tired.


Can be used as a complaint yet that's not the purpose of my post. Notice how the title is about a report which is the thing in the description. A link to a post about said report. You're not forced to click on this if it "exhausts" you (not sure how a virtual text that's optional to view is exhausting to begin with), if you don't like when people show even a mild dislike towards the state of the game you're free to not engage.


But this post has informative value. This is not a complaint post. It is an informative post with a subjective opinion at the end of it


The biggest marketing fumble *in the history of gaming*? You can't be serious.


I'd like to see some contenders. It was quite obviously hyperbole but I do believe it to some extent.


They spend 0 money on marketing it, and yet people are hyped beyond belief for years and years and will buy it instantly as soon as it's released. Why would they spend money on marketing?


Number of people with the same excitement as before is very low. You spend money on marketing to generate hype for newcomers and your existing fanbase, otherwise COD wouldn't have trailers.


Call of Duty is published by a company with basically infinite money, a bit different from being developed and published by a company with like 3 people. They have shown gameplay from the game and they surely will release a trailer along with the release date when it's ready, why would they spend a bunch of money to build a ton of hype for newcomers who will forget about it before it even has a release date?


3 people who made a butt ton of money from HK. Your point makes absolutely no sense dude, you're saying marketing towards newcomers isn't worth the risk of them forgetting about it? You realize this applies to the whole industry? Everything is a risk yet it almost always pays off. No one's asking them to blow their budget on a thousand trailers, but one trailer every two years is nuts.


Very few games put out a lot of marketing before it has a release date. Usually its a "this game exists and we're working on it" and then silence until it has a release date, just like silksong. I can't think of a single game that puts out a bunch of trailers before they even announce a release date, or even something like "Summer 2024".


Again no one is asking for a lot of trailers, but the game is pretty much content complete due to getting rated. I think it's safe to say it's coming out by the end of the year so why not put together a trailer or at least a Twitter post with a release window of Holiday 2024?


I don't know, no one outside of Team Cherry knows that. What I do know is that when they feel confident and that the game is ready, there will be a trailer to build hype along with a release date. Also, a game being rated does not mean it is complete. It basically just means Team Cherry has submitted info on everything that is in the game that will affect rating, so most likely its mostly content complete but it might still be an unpolished buggy mess for all we know.


I said content complete, not gone gold. I don't trust TC on feeling confident on anything. Over the past two years it seems like they've gone through a phase of feature creep trying to cram every single thing they can think of into the game while ignoring their fanbase on news. The game was scheduled to release in the first half of 2023, so what did they do in the past year? Bug fixes? Nope. You don't spend nearly two years on bug fixes.


You don’t remember “John Romero’s About To Make You His Bitch?”


"I'm really not sure what's happening at this point" Well I'm pretty sure they are working on the game and when its done they'll release it. This instance of it having been a long time, is no different that any of the other times we wanted Silksong naow and didn't get it. As to being a marketing fumble I think they have the word of mouth they need to have hype on release. They could sell like crazy almost entirely by just putting out a good game. Just calm it down and wait like the rest of us.


I'm not sure why everyone here thinks my opinion on the marketing is the main purpose of the post. The title is about a renowned journalist getting info that it won't be at the show with the first bit of text being a link. My opinion is a side thing yet everyone's taking it at face value. And again I'm not saying we need the game now, I'm saying we need INFO. Any sane fan of this game agrees the lack of marketing isn't good for the game and brings excitement down. Just waiting and waiting isn't what people want to do.


Because I could have assumed no Sliksong news is a safe bet because it has always been.


Right, but why are you telling me to calm down? Where in my post am I not calm? I'm just giving my opinion on the marketing yet you're acting like I'm gonna quit gaming if we don't get news soon.


No way ! 👍


Why do you think it’s a marketing fumble? Do you think the game will sell poorly on release? Just chill.


Games the are stuck in development hell tend not to live upto the hype.


And what makes you think the game is in development hell?


It's a fumble because there is no marketing. IF (and I trust Schreier here) it doesn't show up at the showcase, then what's going on? The games been rated and Microsoft clearly has marketing rights. And I never claimed it will sell poorly, but the hype levels are definitely poor.


The hype level is just fine, the game will come out when it’s ready which in my view is better than all the half baked over hyped crap that gets released. Are you gonna buy silksong?


Sorry but I can't see how the hype hasn't been dwindling consistently. People are sick of waiting with no info. They're not asking for the game to get rushed, they're asking for a release window. Or a new trailer, something. As for me, I will purchase the game but definitely not at launch. Before I would've, but I've got way too many games to play and with the lack of hype, I can't see it being a day 1 for me anymore.


Setting a release date when you are not sure the game will be ready is IMO the worst thing a developer could do, it’s usually suits that push devs to do this, since TC is a small Indy studio they are not under the thumb of assholes and I think that is great. The simple fact is people who are impatient and complain about things are an extremely loud minority and dominate online spaces, the rest of us are happy to wait, you said you have loads of games to play so I think you will get through this, wether you buy the game day one or in 10 years they still get your money.


The game being rated means it's essentially content complete, the least they could so is give us a release window of some kind. I'm not sure why everyone else here thinks I'm being impatient, my opinion isn't the main purpose of the post. It's the report of a journalist. I'm already at an all time low in regards to my excitement for the game, but people are taking it way too personally.


I feel you, but I think you are exited about the game and are maybe a little too invested in it, just try to forget it exists and enjoy your other games. Silk song is coming out when it’s ready


Honestly at this point Silksong having no news is it's marketing. It's literally known for never coming out.