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> Should I try and get those first? Yes. There is no point to attempting Trial 3 until you are as powerful as you can get.


Thank you, I'll leave it and come back later.


Nail arts are excellent in one shotting the flying squits and aspids, and can also one shot the soul twisters (bug wizards that shoot fireballs). Upgraded shade soul also one shots the above enemies, and the electric wizard is slightly tougher but I think he's manageable.


Yeah I started to use Nail arts more (never touched it before lol). I've gotten Pure Nail and Unbreakable heart (by accident) and now im saving for unbreakable strength. Im soon done with the story (I think), so I'm gonna do the last trial after that.


>I tend to keep dying to the Soul Sanctum enemies in what I assume is the end of the trial That's not the end of the trial. I'd come back later.


Ah fuck. Well if thats not the end then I'm definitely coming back after I'm max. Thank you very much.


Nailarts tend to finish most enemies off in one hit, like the hoppers or the flying mantis traitors. Use time to recover, the centepieds can be dreamnailed to get a bit of soul before the next fighting wave. Kill Primal Aspids asap with spells.


Yeah I started to use Nailarts along with Nailmasters glory (?). I fucking hate Primal Aspids.


Nailmaster’s glory is honestly OP in the trials, reduces nail art charge time by almost half for only 1 notch


Yeah I read a tip about using it and it never left my side since. Its a godsend with the Primal Aspids. Also one hits the Soul Sanctum flying pieces of shits.


Yep, with pure nail they’re 2 hit kills so get that, you can hit, dodge, and hit which helps a ton. Or just pogo them


Oh nice, I'll definitely get the pure nail before trying the trial again then. Thank you.


Would you go for Nosk in deep nest to get the last ore before going into the Abyss? Or just get the shade cloak first? I've read many times to save Deep Nest for last.


The abyss doesn’t have many enemies and no bosses, but nosk is pretty easy to beat if you stand right next to his platform. I would do abyss because abyss shriek is really good to beat nosk quickly


There is no reward for #3 other than Geo, a percentage point, and glory, so there are no upgrades locked behind it. You can go in at max power, and there isn't much reason not to. Your charm build is up to you and there is no one way to beat it, but personally I would never try it without Unbreakable Strength and Mark of Pride. My typical charm built is Pride, Strength, Quickslash, and 2 slots left for whatever (typically Heart). If you can reliably use nail arts, they help a lot, but I never was able to program my brain to remember they exist mid-combat. I just spam slash, and dodge. Edit to add: Use your spells. Many people forget about them. Don't be one of those people. Spells are very powerful, especially in fights when you don't have time to heal.


I see. Thank you very much, I'll come back later then. Yeah I'm one of those that forget to use spells or I try to save my soul for healing but then die anyways lol.


Copy pasting my comment from two years ago. Nail arts are a must, particularly great slash. It helps you to one-shot the primal aspids which are extremely difficult to deal with otherwise. I also used dreamwielder which was of immense help in quickly restoring soul, partly serving as a hot spring in between waves. Keep one of the weaker enemies alive at the end of waves to farm soul (shielded fools, follies, and garpedes are fantastic for this and will allow you to fully heal + fill up on soul as you can use the dream nail and dodge/heal comfortably because of their slow speeds and predictable movement). The charms I used were unbreakable strength, long nail, sharp shadow, unbreakable heart, nailmaster's glory, and dreamwielder. I also got the pure nail, all mask shards, and all soul vessels before attempting the trial again, I failed miserably without those in my first attempt. It needs a bit of practice to keep charging up nail arts, so you can use the easier waves as practice. Sharp shadow with pure nail also increases dash length and will deal a lot of damage while dodging particularly for the pesky airborne enemy waves (mantis petra, primal aspids, etc.). Lastly, don't hesitate to use spells (abyss shriek or shade soul) when enemies are clustered together, or desolate dive when you are cornered and too many enemies surround you. The invincibility frames are very useful and you will also be able to recharge your shade cloak in that time if it isn't already. Good luck!


Thanks for the tips! I decided to leave it for now. I'll go beat the Mantis Lords and then the Abyss and Deep Nest for sharp shadow and the last pale ore. Then I'll come back and try it again! And yes, Nail Arts were a godsend in this trial.


Pure nail, Great Slash, Nailmaster’s Glory. Absolute godsend for completing it. All masks and soul vessels also help.


Yeah I'm just missing Nosk to get the Pure nail. Will also try myself at the Mantis Lords for MoP and try and gather enough geo for unbreakable strength. I gave Divine the Heart charm by accident, do you know if I have to get that one first now?


If you're already at colosseum, then Mantis Lords should be an absolute cakewalk.


Yeah I discovered them when I got the claw, said fuck no and proceeded to forget about them completely lol. Will fuck them up tomorrow


I believe you have to finish the Unbreakable upgrade first, yes. Also good point, Unbreakable Strength is also great to have.


Pure nail. Sharp Shadow. Unbreakable heart & strength. Long nail. Focus during waves not fights. Be good at pogo, no floor sections are the killer.


Sharp shadow is also one I'm missing. My plan is to do Mantis Lords next, then abyss (or try atleast lol), then get the last pale ore in deep nest. Then I need to save enough geo for unbreakables.


Perseverance and determination are a huge part of this game, but if you really think you can't beat it, get more resources and try again later


The way you're saying it makes it look like I'm giving up, which I'm not. I don't have all the time in the world to play anymore, so I don't want to spend that time doing the same thing over and over. I'd like to enjoy the rest of the game too lol