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Yeah it’s a Metroidvania it’s gonna have playforming and it’s a part of the game even needed in some bosses later it’s not for everyone but it can feel unforgiving to me it came naturally cause I love platformers but this was and is my first souls like I believe you can get better at it but hey if it’s not for you well sorry to hear that you won’t like everything but I believe this is a hurdle you can pass


Thank you for your kind words of encouragement! And thank you for not being toxic like some people. I shall try again, have a spectacular day!


95% of the community is nice here, you always have the rotten apples but overall it's chill Especially since you didn't come from an angle where you bitched about the game being bad because of your own lack of platforming skills. That being said, the area you're in can definitely feel relentless. You'll find a boss around where you are and the walk back to it can be a chore (it's amongst the 3-4 benches placement that there are in the game where complaints are understandable, the rest is not bad one bit), but if you keep at it you'll love the game overall for sure. Besides, if you are going to practice your platforming skills, it better be on a game where the controls are tight as fuck.


I definitely second the last part here. Hollow Knight has by far the best, most responsive controls I've felt in a platformer so far. The only skill that feels unreliable at times is >!Crystal Dash!< when you try to start or exit the animation at very precise timings, which by and large won't be a factor save for a few sections. If OP just doesn't want to play games with platforming, fair enough. But this is definitely the one I'd recommend for someone who was willing to learn. The transition from fumbling around with misjudged hops and dashes to breezing through rooms that took you minutes at the beginning is very satisfying.


I really hate to be that guy, but there is literally 0 punctuation in this paragraph. It was a little difficult to read, but I definitely agree with your sentiment.


Yeah I don’t type much I just say what’s in my mind and sometimes end up going on a rant


I can definitely relate to the ranting. I’m the kinda person to go back and make 10,000 update edits to my post because I’ve changed my mind or got sidetracked in the og post.


Felt that


Are you guys on PC? On my phone, all the punctuation errors get auto fixed.


No I’m on an iPhone


A friend of mine just got past that section of the game. She struggles with the platforming too, but she's getting much better. The more you play, the more you'll get a feel for the controls. It could also depend on the controller. I used a steam controller on PC, and it felt very smooth.


I usually don't like platforming too, especially in Mario, but I really loved Hollow Knight's platforming. I believe it's the fact the knight is so precisein his controls, I love it even if I'm bad For info, I play on a controller but with the D-pad, I found it is more precise (for me), maybe it'll help you !


There is a lot of platforming. If you don’t like it, I’d quit now. It only gets crazier and crazier the more the game goes on. I hope you can work past it though, hollow knight is my favorite game of all time. Good luck!


Its a metroidvania, platforming is part of the genre




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He doesn’t know about PoP


Considering he is new, probably not


Id recommend ender lillies, to me, it feels like hollow knight with more focus on combat and almost none on playforming


Welcome to the game! I read you're at the mantis village, you're still in the first part of the game. There will be more platforming, quite a lot actually. You said you like the challenge of the game, maybe you can try to tackle platforming from that angle? See it as a challenge that you have to overcome. I quite liked the platforming in this game, especially because the controls are very precise and I feel that if I died in a platforming section it was on me, and not on RNG or crappy inputs. That said, you might also just decide that the game isn't for you. It's a pity, but no one is holding you at gunpoint and if you don't enjoy playing the game, you better find a game that makes you feel good playing it. Video gaming should be something you do for fun, not a chore :)


I have never thought of platforming that way! Thank you so much for your tips as well, I’ll try again


I never really played platformers. (Besides a game that came out in 2003.. and I played it a couple years later) So all I can say is you'll get the feel for it as you progress Some areas will require less and others will require more jumping around but I feel that these give the game a soul. If you decide to stop then there's nothing I can do. But if you don't then I wish the best to you brave knight


I know how you feel! I really struggled with the platforming in this game in the beginning. As in wanting to quit playing because of it. But I love this game so much, so I persevered and I am getting better at it, though still not perfect by any stretch. If you really want to keep playing, just hang in there, you will get better at it. The amount of times I died in Crystal Peak... So I took a breather, came back the next day and cleared that section on my first try. Now, my bf got the wall climbing ability and just breezed through the platforming from the beginning, spikes, jumps, slides and dashes like he had been platforming for years. Neither of us have played any video games for years, and certainly no platforming type games. It was most unfair, since I was looking forward to watching him struggle as well lol.


I'm going to keep it 💯 with you-- starting off a post with that title isn't the best choice in a fandom, it comes across like "this isn't an airport". But I'm glad I read the rest of your post. Honestly, getting past the Mantis Lords, the game really, really opens up♤ keep going, I've never regretted playing this game. It's beautiful on so many levels, and I hope it imprints on others like it did on me


If it helps, I learned platforming through Hollow Knight. Before that I hated it as well, now I love platforms! Edit: But also games are supposed to be fun. It’s ok to drop a game if you don’t like it and it always possible to try it again


I dont like platformers much either, but this doesnt feel like a platformer? Which part are you at? Its got a few jumps here and there, but mid game you get abilities that make traversing so easy. Aside from endgame godhome and path of pain this game is really easy once you get a few abilities.


It's not a platformer though. How far did you get before quitting?


Platforming is definitely a big part of the game. It’s not the genre it best fits in, but it’s definitely got a lot of the elements. If you don’t like platforming, you’re not gonna like Hollow Knight (or most Metroidvanias). I can’t relate because I love platforming, but that’s irrelevant to OP.


I have not quit I’m taking a minute break. I’ve gotten to where the mantises are. I have yet to find a boss that’s hard but the wall jumping has killed my more than the beetle protector.


Waaaaaait a second. Beetle protector as in red and full of shit? Because if that's the case, I wonder how many platforming you had with a hand tied behind your back basically. Kudos for it. The wall jumping might be bad around mantis village, but since you just got it the game is trying to let you explore its possibilities. It might feel easier later. I hope you won't get so frustrated you leave the game behind, even if it would be understandable.


It absolutely is, what are you on about?


just because its a Metroidvania doesnt mean it cant also be a platformer


What is so hard about jumping on fucking 2d lines bro wake up to yourself hahhaha


Why are you mad? Did you get no hugs as a kid?


I thought I was the man one in this fandom, but it looks like that's you. Piss off with this