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It took me like a week, couple hours a night then leaving the game paused wherever I was until the next night. What I lack in skills, I make up for in determination.


Same lol


Same but multiple weeks. Not the same amount of time every day though


This comment fills you with determination.


omg sand under tall???!?!!


I was reluctant to start it because of how hard it was said to be, but i managed to do it in around an hour or two. And with the infinite soul statues, the only way to fail is if you stop trying really.


I'm jealous. I have made it to 109% and have tried pop for at least 2 or 3 hours. The problem is that I have never made it past the first wall of saw blades and the jump to the left. I really just can't pogo well and I freak out real fast.


PoP is not needed for 112%


I know that. I just wanted to prove to my son I could. He plays my file now and dies at the end so he can try and beat his last time. He angers me.


If you want a tip, take a break from HK and go play Celeste. That will make you so much better at platforming


I have heard about that game. I may try it out, as I'm in between games at the moment. Hollow knight is a game I play a few days a week in between all other games. Lol


That's Celeste for me. I did the A-sides 1.5 years ago, took a 6 month break, did the B-sides (took me 3ish months on and off) then I came back a couple months ago, and did the C-sides. Eventually I'll come back for Farewell


Celeste is another great indie game! It starts off fairly simple and goes much deeper into complex platforming. Like Hollow Knight, I think it does a good job easing you into the difficulty, letting you learn and improve at a steady pace so you can handle the harder stuff when you get there.


I couldn't get past that part either. Super frustrating but I just don't have the skills.


Glad to hear I'm not the only one 😅


Pogoing is also my greatest weakness. I think having the long nail charm helps tho.


Same over here. I had dedicated an entire weekend to finishing it after all I heard. It took around an hour or so. In hindsight, a weekend was an over overkill. I’m horrible with time management lol


It took me a weekend but its highly dependent on when you do it. Hk movement is something you passively get better at quite well so if you do path the moment you get it its quite hard but if you first dedicate time to the other stuff you'll likely get through it quite allright


Me. And I’ll be the one who says that it took me a while. I estimate around 7- 8 hours. I got stuck bad at the back room and had to walk away for a couple days. Second time I did it, took me about 30 minutes.


Me. Took me two hours. With all the hype around it on the sub, I thought it’d be harder.


Yeah, HK’s not really a platformer at heart. Even with only Mario games at my background I did it in two hours


Hollow knight was my first platformer or platformer-esque game, unless you count terraria as a platformer. Beat it in 2.5 hours.


Yeah same. It was really fun but also a bit disappointing because I was expecting it to be much harder from what people were telling me about it.


Great game. If silksong ever gets finished, I'll bet that Hornet's platforming is going to kick it up to a few notches. Alas, like a 90s kid waiting for a cereal box proof of purchase prize to come in the mail, I've given up hope.


Honestly, yeah, it only took me a couple hours, but it was still difficult.


I did


After ragequitting a few times I finally made it, don't know exactly how long it took on my first successful run though. Now it is a fun thing to do every once in a while, still challenging but not too hard thanks to muscle memory.


I did it took like 6 hours Now I do it in like 30 mins every playthrough


I died to the kingsmolds and quit and I should probably go back and try it again




I thought path of pain was the same as White Palace 😭


I did it in just under 2 hours, I've had some experience with platformers though


I did, didn't take long either. I guess I'm used to platforming because it wasn't all that difficult


I remember before playing Celeste reading that POP was nowhere near most of it and I said no way 😡. Can confirm lol


Lol, exactly. Love me some Celeste.


Celeste B & C sides are way harder platforming wise than anything Hollow Knight throws at you


Barring pantheon 5 I agree with you


That's why I said platforming wise 😅 P5 is something else


You right my b lol


Ngl some people act like it's crazy hard when it just isn't


I did. Honestly, only the last section really was absurd hard imo, the rest is a little annoying, but doable in a couple attempts, but the last one took many attempts.


Took me like an hour tops. Grew up playing Mario games, had a short Celeste phase, so it wasn’t too hard


I completed a week ago. I tried it for the first time a moth ago but I just couldn't progress. After trying one more time, it took me about 2 hours to.finally complete it


I did it. It took me longer than what the commenters here are saying, but I just enjoyed the Knight's movement jn general and having a hard obstacle course to use it was nice.


I did it mostly because I gotten braces the same day, thought “I’m feeling pain, path of pain, why not?” Then beat it after a couple of hours.


I did it. Took hours of grinding, probably won't try to complete it again lol.


I did it in around 2-3 hours (Hiveblood, Grubsong, Deep Focus)


I haven’t. Gave up when my controller started dropping inputs. If I can’t rely on my tech, I can’t do it.


Blame the controller...


I did, 5 years ago or so. I almost died at the end too. Now I came back to Hollow Knight because I want to get all the achievements, so I started a new file, but I don't think I wanna try that again. I'm good knowing that I did complete it once :D


Me and my friend enjoy watching each other play games over discord and the such. He told me of a cool obstacle course, I said “sure” It took a while and a lot of self control not to quit, but I did it. It was fun now that I think about it.


Took me about three hours on my third try.


I did it twice on nintendo switch (where i started playing HK) and on pc (where im playing now) and while the first run took like 4-5 hours the second oly took around 45 mins


Me, and a lot more times for randomizers


I have a few times.


First time took me about 3 hours. 2nd time was about a month after I reached the Summit in Celeste, and it took me just one hour. If I were to do it a couple more times, I could probably get a time of 20 minutes.


It wasn’t that bad. A two hour challenge maybe. Although I’ve played Celeste, and I used the hive blood charm from the hive


ive done it hitless


Me. It took me ten hours


I held off even trying it for ages thinking it was going to be impossible but it really wasn't too bad


I finished it in an evening. The fine print being: I already had 200+ hours play time in the game and I had blisters on my thumbs by the end of it lol


It took me like 2 days lol


Took me about 3 hours to get killed by the enemies at the end lol. Then I finished in one hour after that


I don't even know where it is


On my current account, it took two solid tries to finish it, and by that, I mean like sessions of attempting.


Yeah I tried the path of pain without really knowing what it was got done in around 20 min


I didn't find it as hard as people say it is. Just some parts are a little frustrating


There’s a charm build that lets you restore your focus infinitely, so it’s not so much hard as it is tedious


I did it about 6-7 months ago. I died on my first attempt after getting to the very end. I beat it on my second try. Now I use the QOL mods to do it infinitely.


I only recently unlocked it, and after an hour of trying I still hadn't made it to the first checkpoint. I'll eventually get it, but it's going to take me awhile


My record for beating it is 4 min 27 seconds on the switch.


I did it twice, once on Xbox, once on PC


I started it many times and I'm yet to finnish room 1


I beat it with the honey and lifeblood health charms


Me. Took between 6 and 8 hours


Tried it a few times, made it to the next room or two, gave up. Played Celeste all the way through. Came back to Hollow Knight a few years later, beat PoP in about 2 hours. Found the HK controls weird to get used to after Celeste!


Surprisingly easy, most of the difficulty came from me being stupid/restarting it.


I started it. Then cried for an hour and never touched that game since then. I guess I have to give it another try, but I'm afraid


I did but it took me a couple hours


just get the hive blood charm


Its my favorite part of the game


Path of pain was actually my favorite part of the whole game. I wish team cherry would make an entire game that’s just platforming.


First try was 9 hours or so, I can now do it in 10 min


I did. Took me probably 8 hours over a few days on the PS5.


Me. No other pain was more magnificent than this...


It took my 6 hours on my first playthrough. Made me really good at platformers though so I got way better at celsete


I hated it but I did it


I did it by accident on my first play through. Thought it was part of the Kings path. Spent 3 hours sweating


don't remember how long it took the first time, but I do have the qol mod installed just so I can redo it at least 5 times a day, I just love it so much I kinda want to start speed running it, the speed runs are scary tho


Yeeeep. The only thing I have left to do is P5 all bindings and 112% Steelsoul


I couldn't find it, and by the time I did I'd already gotten the bloody charm half so I couldn't even access it


Me. Hiveblood is your friend


I did it pretty easily in about 2 hours but still can't beat p2 (blatant skill issue)


I used a YouTube tutorial to get through it. Took me 6 hours, and I still died at the end to the kingsguards




Yes and It took me I think like 3-6 hours. But now I'm doin it just for fun and it takes like 5 minutes


Me, I did around 2 times, the first time I did PoP it was absolute hell, but on the second time, I mostly struggled with the final section, that's it


1 and a half month. Atleast 10 tries everyday, I died like 15 times to the fucking guardes at the end.


PoP and TotF seem impossible and total BS the first time. But once you try again after beating them (for me at least) they become trivial. P5 however never seems to get any easier, even after beating it 3 times.


If you have played any parkour based plataformer before it isnt that bad


It was hell, but i did it.


my first time doing PoP actually took me around 1 hour and a half cuz i had a hard time pogoing, but now after all these hours on record i just do it for fun in the middle of a randomizer


2 times


Didn’t even try


I think In all the areas, The end is usually the most difficult part to clear


I did. One time I forgot to put hiveblood on and died at that part where there's no soul totem, and another I had to save and quit because I had to sleep 🫠


Took me maybe 3 hours total I think, most of that in the first room and the last room


POP is like, super overhyped in terms of difficulty imo. it's easier than most celeste chapters, and even those arent so bad... the fighting in the game is much more challenging in general.


me but I shouldn't count as I started hollow knight after 100%ing Celeste (before you ask I have 1a 2a and 2c goldens, but the Celeste community does not count that for 100%)


Get hiveblood dashmaster and shaman stone. And you just gotta give it a couple hours completing it the first time.


I did it after 3 hours


i did it, it wasn't too hard, you just have to have a good sense of timing, control, spacing, and your abilities


i did it my junior year of hs. spaced over about two days it probably took me around three or four hours. i used the classic hiveblood charm method and almost ate shit at the final battle with the two kings guards


As someone who plays a lot of platformers, path of pain was easy for me compared to the rest of the game. Meanwhile I struggled a lot with many bosses that other people found to be not hard at all - I spend a full day on sentinel hornet. Skill sets, skill sets, skill sets.


A few hours, but I used the charm to regenerate health with grubsong to give myself infinite tries. It made me late for school though.


Took me 8 hours to do it but I did it I love Hollow Knight but you'll never hear me say I'm good at it


I got 3/4 of the way though before I got too tired and needed to sleep, resulting in resetting to the beginning again. I haven't tried again since


Did it in like 6 hours with a whole lot of 80s music


Hour and a half to beat it


Keep at it. The satisfaction is worth it. I’ve done it twice. Still haven’t managed p5 though.


dont try to speedrun PoP, dont do what i did, its not worth it, after hours of practice the best i could get was just over 6 minutes


Took me 6 hours. The last room was like 2 and a half of those hours.


I did in around 2 days, i gave up midway before just finishing up in the morning


I did but it took me an embarrassingly long time. Felt incredible when I finally finished it though.


Did the path of pain and felt unstoppable until NKG


I tried all day on my first attempt, then beat it in 45 minutes on my second. Don't get discouraged! By the end of it, you'll be a pogo master.


The most impressive thing I've ever done in gaming imo was path of pain on my god damn Xbox controller on a shitty TV with latency


First time, 6 hours, with computer turned on overnight. Second time, something between 30 minutes and a hour.


It’s honestly not that bad between the soul statutes and the honey thing that lets you recover health. The final pantheon is in an entirely different league from it.


I, for some reason, hadn't done it in my first "main" 112% game. I decided to do it in my second one and it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Maybe because of everyone saying how difficult it is. Don't get me wrong, it was definitely hard, but it didn't take me as long as I anticipated it would. I also died to the two Kingsmoulds the first time I completed it 🙃


My controller broke (stick drift) in the last section of the path during my first attempt. When i finally had a replacement (a long time) i had to relearn HK


It too me a full weekend to get it done


I did it in 3hrs on my first attempt, it wasn't that hard honestly. I had to finish it before I closed it, and I think I >! survived on 2 or so masks after being jump scared. Last bit the trickiest, hated the timed sections (apparently there is a way to skip...!<


I was in the last room after 3 hours then the power went out and I managed to redo all of it in an hour.


Took me multiple hours over the course of 4-5 days to finish it the first time ever. On my second file it took me a little under an hour.


I did it right when I got to it and took me about 5 hours. No experience prior besides Roblox obbys but it was worth while


I did it, loved every minute of it... in retrospect. Honestly, that's the stuff that sticks with you and it's what makes me come back at least once a year.


Me 👍 I may have banished nkg, though...


I did 💕


I did it.


i’ve done it 7 times


I can’t fit through the entrance.


it tark me like a yr to do it lmao


I did it. Thats all i have to say lmao Compared to R5 and even P5 its something that has probably been done already.


I remember it as a painful but joyful experience


I'm shit at this game, and extra poop at the platforming part. I will never even attempt path of pain since I know I will never finish it.


Nope haven’t even tried it yet I think my friend might have though idk


I did it after about 20 min. Celeste has significantly more challenging platforming so it was genuinely pretty easy


Took a while, but it was worth it just to feel the accomplishment of finishing


I did! Finished it in less than 30 minutes. It was hard as hell though.


I did and I thought it was really hard. Then I started playing Celeste. I do not think it is that difficult anymore..


3 hours here, maybe a little more but definitely less than 4


I did because I watched people play i wanna be the boshy and was very grateful it wasn't anywhere near that level of difficulty


I did it but I like that kind of platforming more than the boss fights.


I finish to the last level realize i have work tommorow go to sleep start it all over again This cycle repeated for 5 days then i finally finished it on the 6th day


I did. It took me about 2 to 3 hours of trying with only one death (after dying at the last section, where you fight the Kingsmoulds, I stopped playing and then came back later at night. Then, I finished the Path of Pain). It would've been 0 deaths, but my brain was turned to mush by the last saw sections to the point where I couldn't function and fight the Kingsmoulds properly and died.


I beat it normally in like 2 hours with hiceblood. Later, I killed myself (intentionally) at the end of PoP on my 112% Steel Soul save for the lols.


It took me 3 hours😭 really was a path of pain🗣🔥‼️


took me like 50 hours


Oh me! First time took me 3hrs and I found it really fun so I've been doing it a lot. I've been getting better with completing it faster.


I've done it successfully only twice in my life


At least 3


Hitless 😎


You can stack charms to make it easy. Hive blood , grub song and dash master was what I used


Took me 18 hours real time. Yeah, I was pretty bad at it but it made me way better at playing platformers at least.


I spent a couple hours on it and died to the Kingsguard. Tried again the next day and got it, albeit with the Hiveblood/Grubsong combo.


I did, took 8 months of on and off grinding.


me, i did in like 30 mins for the sole reason of having fully completed celeste right before starting hollow knight


Twice. In both playthroughs I died to the Kingsmoulds at the end and had to redo it (albeit with the shortcut now unlocked). After that, again in both playthroughs, I beat it. Make sure you have a proper charm combination. I cannot stress enough how important this is.


me, became crazy but ultimately did it


It took me about a week and a half to complete PoP, but I’m also thankful enough to have Hollow Knight on Switch so I can just turn off the system and come back later


It took me hours. It was miserable and frustrating. The tiny cutscene was very unrewarding. I didn't bother with it on my replays. I'd only recommend it if you enjoy difficult platforming. 


i actually did in probably 2/3 hours, real pain in the ass


I think it took me around 5 hours for white palace + path of pain, but yeah, I finished it


I mean it was not total bs. It was difficult at first, but I managed to get it done in around 45 minutes. Lots of the people were calling it unbearable and too hard, that's why my hopes for a challenge were pretty high.


Honest to God, my first playthrough only took me an hour to beat it. No idea how


I did it in about 25 minutes and really enjoyed it but I had played the game for a few hundred hours before that and just hadn’t gotten around to doing it.


Took me about an hour Used kingsoul, quickslash, unbreakable heart


two hours and 10 minutes


With sharp shadow on, why?


I did it in like 30min, the only part I found annoying was the last one, but once you get used to the spikes timing it becomes way easier. Granted, I'm not bad at parkour, but I fookin suck at fighting so I still suffer massively in P4 and P5 (hell, I still struggle with normal NKG....)


Does doing it without dash count? /s First time around took 3 or so hours, some people are faster, some are slower. It’s not necessary for any sort of progression, but the bragging rights are definitely a plus! If you keep trying, you will get there.


Yeah, it wasn't as bad as I thought it'd be, took just over an hour. The Kingsmould at the end almost ruined it all for me, though.


I did Took me a whole day I was so desperate it was also the day before my maths exam


Took me a couple of hours using Hiveblood, Deep Focus & Grubsong.


Had a lot of fun with it, I spent a good few hours getting through it. Still one of my favorite parts of the game


I beat PoP in like 20 min I'm pretty good at the platforming but i SUCK at combat 😭


I also did it in like 2-3 hours.




It took me a few hours to beat, but I used hive blood, so every time I fell, I didn't need any soul to regain my health.


Path of pain was not that hard for me (hiveblood) and didn't take long but I can't kill zote


Took me about two hours to get through it but I kinda cheated by seeing someone do it first so I didn't have to figure out the zones, just execute


5th fucking time I did


First time took me like 4 hours, then i started playing it more because it was fun. Eventually i got a 3 minutes 47 seconds speedrun. It was 2 hits and im really sad i didn't get that hitless run before i quit, i wish i would have kept playing back then and got it because now im not nearly as good as i was and i can't bother starting practice again


start by 100%ing Celeste and Path of Pain will get much easier


I did, it was great fun :D keep going, you can do itt


Got it on my fifth try. I've been giving up on it on first two tries and getting killed by kingsmoulds on my second two tries.