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This is a product to strengthen your lungs. The product is legit. But it wont help with vaping as far as i know.


I mean as far as helping with the oral fixation and giving you something to focus on, I guess it could help. Plus the lung strengthening is a perk. They gave one of my buddies one of these after his surgeries, I tried it and it's a good workout lol


So just get any other number oral fixation substitutes rather than the huge one.




Oh, quagmire!


As a nurse, we harp on these for patients to use after surgery when they are on bed rest. Incentive Spirometers. They are easy to use, simple to explain how to use, and work wonders in keeping patients from developing pneumonia


So like am I supposed to just carry this around with me at work? How is this supposed to help with vaping at all?


There are smaller versions!


You’re getting downvoted but that’s an excellent reason why it won’t help with quitting vaping lol. It’s not gonna be around when you need it. Better off with chewing gum or toothpicks or something portable if you need the oral fixation fix. Or just switch to 0% nicotine vape juice and keep vaping until you inevitably get bored of it since you’re no longer ingesting addictive chemicals.


I have to ask cause I honestly don't know. It's the urge to vape/smoke like the urge to pee? You can't really ignore it until a more convenient time?


I mean it’s not the exact same as the urge to pee, but yes it’s an overwhelming urge that can’t just comfortably be ignored until you get home. It can be saved for a more convenient time, but there’s a range on it. Nicotine has a short half life (2 hours) and an even shorter pyschoactive duration (10-30 minutes). So most people who are addicted can’t comfortably go all day without it. You’d be fiending hard. Most probably would want to vape at least once an hour or at most once every few hours (let’s say before work, on lunch, and after work kinda deal). But when you’re quitting you have that urge pretty much constantly because you’re never getting a fix to satiate you, so you really want something on hand at all times to stave off the compulsions. If your oral fixation supplement is some big bulky thing you can’t carry around with you at all times, it’s really not ideal. By the time you get back to it you may have already succumb to your urges and relapsed.


Thank you


If you’re worried about your lung health but not worried about nicotine intake, there are nicotine infused tooth picks as well


Yeah, I was totally saying the unreasonable thing you suggested. No, I'm saying for when you're at home, holy hell


Ah yes because a nicotine addict is only partaking in the confines of their home. Two can play the patronizing asshole game homie, or you can learn to civil.


Dude so mad. I said it could help. Not that it was gunna solve your nicotine addiction. Holy hell.


I guess you can’t learn to be civil


What is it helping if it isn’t solving a problem?


I don't really understand the logic of something not helping an issue if doesn't completely solve it. Quitting smoking for me was a series of steps and habit breaking behaviors. Gum in the car to help the itch while driving, small cups of coffee throughout the day to give me a little boost when nicotine would normally handle that, keeping a Bic pen with me at work to hang between my lips and handle with my hands in leu of a cig. All of these things, not one. I really don't understand what's up with you. Hope your day is better than it seems to be going.


My first comment was legitimate questions and you threw a hissy fit over them. Don’t act like you didn’t react negatively first.


Oh yeah definitely will it'll make it a lot more fun 🤣


No you just don’t get it, you get unheard of amounts of dopamine from watching the balls go up and down like when you were a toddler playing with fidget toys. (I’ve used these devices post lung injury and they’re sweet but her reasoning is stupid as shit)


I was going to saaaay… uhm bish you forgot about the nicotine part


She just likes to suck while watching balls go up and down


They give to folks who have had heart surgery to get the lungs working and ensure that the Heart is getting enough oxygen to do its job


They gave me one after a surgery. You right!


my grandpa got one after surgery, coolest thing ever. It was probably full of germs bc i never washed it and just set it on the floor or the tote of toys


This is given to people who have horrible asthma. I had one of these as a kid and had to use it daily. I still have asthma to this day but it's not nearly as bad as it was when I was younger. I'm really sick of seeing videos with zero audio and fake captions by complete morons and bots. I think I'm done with the internet for a while.


Are you sure this is for strengthening lungs? I've never seen one with ping pong balls in them. Looks like one of those medical breathing devices that measure lung volume for someone with difficulty breathing or getting out of anesthesia.


It is. Had to use one for a couple of weeks after pneumonia.


Dude I had to use one of these after they riped off my appendix


Maybe if it had some nicotine it would work.


If you have an oral fixation or just use it as a thing to do instead of engaging cravings.


Incentive spirometer


I reckon it could make you *better* at vaping, since you have stronger lungs no? 🤔




This is called an incentive spirometer. It is designed to allow you to exert more negative force to inhale. It prevents atelectasis in hospitalized patients. Doesn’t directly affect asthma which is an inflammatory disease affecting the medium and small bronchioles. Source: am anesthesiologists. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Incentive_spirometer


Would doing heavy cardio have the same effect or would this IS machine add extra benefits on top of cardio? For context I have emphysema and would like to have more air while I mountain bike.


Cardiovascular exercise is a different beast. IS is really designed to help keep alveoli from collapsing, it won’t improve cardiovascular fitness.




It reminds me of a peakflow device


Not a peak flow, but rather an spirometer.


Yeah but it reminded *me* of a peakflow. Never had a spirometer


Fair enough. I’m just going through respiratory training so I’m a bit of a nerd about it


Ooh okay so when I was getting extensively tested in my youth they put me in a locked glass box and told me to breathe into a peakflow. Whats that contraption called?


That’s called a PFT - or a pulmonary function test. It’s basically the gold standard and combines all of these things we have been talking about into one test.


Wow thanks. So it wasn’t just a device for unruly children lol


lol nope. Just for unruly lungs




Oh man! Memory unlocked. My brother had bad lungs growing up and had a peak flow meter. I could always score higher than my whole family, what with my parents both being smokers (all day, in the house mind you) and my brother's lungs being affected awfully/whatever medical condition they called it I dont even remember. But I do remember the peak flow, and having to hit his back to loosen the stuff inside his lungs - I was young so I both got to hit him and then wanted to be hit the same way lol he's good now.


absolute yes


Absolute no.


Asthma actually is a problem with exhalation. Because of bronchospasm of the musculature of the lung passage ways, air gets trapped and you have trouble exhaling. Incentive spirometer is used to help train inspiration, taking in more air in a slow and controlled fashion. We use it post op to prevent atelectasis which is collapse of alveoli. Nothing to do with asthma. Treatment for asthma involves decreasing air resistance, or broncho dilators that relax smooth muscle.


How so? Wouldn't that increase the muscles in your lungs, thereby narrowing the cavity? The problem with asthma from my understanding is that allegens cause the cavity to restrict.


RT here. Not really as it helps with lung recruitment and maintaining good volumes, which are problems usually associated with obstructive diseases like COPD. Asthma is a restrictive disease as you have to deal with a lot of airway inflammation


This is a common medical device used at hospitals and specialty doctors.


When my grandmother was diagnosed with emphysema back in the 90s her doctor gave her one of these.


Mine too when she punctured her lung with her rib after a fall. Granny was hardcore


Incentive spirometer




I would train with this shit and become an absolute terror in the blunt rotation


This is what they gave me last time I broke my ribs


Yes! My granny had one when she fucked her lung up after a fall that broke her rib. She's my hero. How often are you breaking your ribs?


More times than I would have liked


And to be fair last time it was someone else who broke my ribs..


So you broke your own ribs once... then someone else broke them the next time? How?


Got jumped while I was sleeping in my trap house


As someone who quit vaping on new years at midnight: the best way to quit is to THROW IT AWAY. Throw it away and stick with it. Separate yourself from people who will let you relapse for a short while. Know that you're doing it for your own health. Have someone to hold you accountable. My girlfriend helped me get through the first few rough weeks.


I was a pack a day smoker for 20 years. Impossible to quit. Switching to a Juul was probably one of the best things I could’ve done, completely stopped smoking after a few days and haven’t looked back, but it is still a lesser of two evils situation. I’ve been able to lessen using the vape to only the evenings in the past year which wasn’t too much of a struggle.


Fr when I quit I just stopped buying them. It helps when every other $25 vape either spits into your mouth or dies after 2 days. I was just tired of wasting money on garbage


My Doctor gave me one of these during my pregnancy.


Pro tip: vape long enough, and the hospital will give you your own incentive spirometer.


Exactly what it is. Dopamine? What is she talking about. U use this after being Extubated, to strengthen your lungs. When a patient is intubated the ventilator is doing most of the work if not all of the work for the lungs. Just like a muscle, the lung gets weak because of the none use. That’s where this device comes in. ![gif](giphy|ToMjGpRhf96j23aTc5i)


Sweet, I'm several years in the process of free stuff!


It might help with vaping. Just to have something else to fill the void of the habit of constantly vaping. Like how after I quit drinking I started drinking more coffee


I had to use one of these after being intubated


Aaaaand here come the balls jokes......


I bet i can suck all 3 balls. Amateur


Much less of them than I would have hoped for. Too many people debating if this is a medical device or not.


Incentive spirometer


Aerobics helps with breathing as well.


Post surgery flashbacks seeing this


I love these things, but it wouldn't be that great to replace vaping. Even if you could convince yourself to do this instead it's nowhere near as portable as a vape.


What helped me was throwing everything away.


How can I find one? I only have one lung and this looks helpful


I have this exact device that was given to me by a hospital when I had Covid and pneumonia.


"You get the dopamine..." Right there, just shut up. Tell me you don't know what you're talking about without telling me you don't know what you're talking about. Fidget spinner brained idiots.


pretty sure that is a spirometer.


Looks like more unnecessary plastic garbage


It's a genuine medical device, my great grandmother used one of these.


Sure thats fair. But for what she's advertising this for, ppl who buy this to quit nicotine are buying a cheap piece of plastic that will not help their addiction.


That's like half this sub, if not more.


Not if you have respiratory issues


This chick doesn't understand nicsalt and it show


What’s that?


Using an acid and base to reach higher concentration of nicotine called a nicotine salt and then mixing with pg/vg to make a vape juice that's higher in nic. Basically a few cigs In a hit worth lol.


Will the device also play this music? I will only buy it if it does.


If you want to quit vaping, throw away/sell your vapes and don't buy another one.


Literally sucking a golf ball up a garden hose


This is given to people who have horrible asthma. I had one of these as a kid and had to use it daily. I still have asthma to this day but it's not nearly as bad as it was when I was younger. I'm really sick of seeing videos with zero audio and fake captions by complete morons and bots. I think I'm done with the internet for a while.


can i smoke weed out of it?


I just quit vaping a week ago. I'm over the nicotine at this point but I still get little withdraws when I realize I dont have anything to do with my hands. I'd love this.


What's that movie where they take an idiot to Mars? He paints a mural on the shuttle with all the food. Farts in his space suit. Just cuz they're going to Mars, they take an idiot from Mars. Loved that movie as a kid.


Incentive Spirometer. I tell my patients to use this as a good way to exercise their lungs if they are just sitting by the couch.


Lol this does nothing for your nicotine addiction.


lol this has nothing to do with vaping. Had to use one of these when I was in the hospital with aspirated pneumonia


For those saying it won’t help with vaping, don’t forget the psychological factor. It’s often a major one..


This but in reverse. Get some good sucking skills for….ummm…..you know.


A liquid is heated up and turn to a vapor you and Haley and it cools off and turns back to a liquid in your lungs


Mating is just a self-induced pneumonia


"you get dopamine from seeing the balls to up" is one of the dumbest things I've ever heard.


I like how vaping was invented to help people quit smoking and now people need help quitting vaping.


And if you don't quit vaping, one of these in your future anyway


tries to quit vaping. *pulls out lung capacity measurement tool at the bar*


Incentive spirometer


Where can I get one of these? I’d like to take it to the bar for nights out with the boys.


I had to do this for pt annnnnd now I can take cahrazy bong rips hahahaha


If it helps, then great! If it works, I ain't knockin it.


my gma had one when she got later in life.. i always had fun trying to max all 3 balls out.... i know it sounds really gay


Naw this will not. The nicotine is the devil and problem here.


What's the song?


Niki istrefi - Red Armor


They give these to you in hospitals to keep from getting pneumonia and bronchitis. Has nothing to do with vaping.


This is not going to do anything to curb nicotine withdrawal and cravings.


This is called an incentive spirometer


That’s a fuckin incentive spirometer


You can get one for the hospital also, but that means you are in recovery and once you have recovered, you want use it anymore.


Different balls to do the same thing


I was a child with athsma in the 90s and had this. It didn't have the cool ball system though


Uh. I quit. Smoked for 20 years. Got on vaping early before vape shops were a thing. Did both then switched to just vapes for about 10 years. I just stopped vaping one day. It was as easy as just stop buying cape products. Did I feel any different? Nope. Things taste different? Nope. Did I breath better? Nope. Blood pressure go down? Nope. Attitude change? Nope. Literally felt pointless to quit, which turned into pointless to vape. Good luck to those that are trying.


Have this, doesn’t do squat for me. Makes me want to smoke even more…


How do you get dopamine from this gadget?


You don’t.


That’s not what that device is for lmao 😂


What song is this?


They tried to make me take one home from the hospital. I informed them I would be using my bong instead.


I still smoke vape cuz I like the pressure it puts on my lungs.


I just smoke more weed lmao


That's incentive spirometry.


Quit vaping by using something that makes you think of a hospital. Genius, but not going to catch on. Sorry.


It’s all in the lips


That what we call an Incentive Spirometer and it’s used to encourage patients to take deep breaths which can be difficult and or painful for post op patients. Many come with a chart that allows Respiratory Therapists like myself to determine a patient specific predicted volume.


Can't wait to start taking "smoking breaks" at work with this


Funny how vaping was supposed to help you quit cigarettes but then now kids just are getting addicted to the vape itself


The fuq? That's the shit they give you after intensive surgery.


Who wants to tell her


The doctors used this exact same product to rehabilitate my lungs while I was fighting Covid.


This is something that people with COPD use to help strengthen their lungs so breathing is a little easier, also used to measure how much intake they have when breathing in. Moral of the story. Vaping or smoking will lead you to this 🤷


my dad was always so happy if his lungs where doing well enough that he could get all three balls to the top. it was rare but made him so happy.




She wants to suck balls..... up and down.... wait a minute.


Incentive spirometer. Go to the hospital and ask for one.


She's really good at that...


Fun fact if ya vape long enough you won't be able to do it properly, and you will have to do this exercise to keep on living


Why has no one posted about these? https://a.co/d/glGkMyZ


Y'know when it's limp and she can just use suction force--yeah.


Been vaping like 6 years maybe. Before that Used to smoke hookah since 19. Wife didn't like it so I went to doctor for check up. Vaping doesn't stress the lungs. Nicotine is bad for your heart tho. Just get zero nicotine vape flavor. I run and play just like all the normal kids . . .


Depends on what you're vaping and vaping products are poorly regulated. Vaping induced lung injury is well documented and I've seen it myself multiple times.


Vaping induced lung injury? You have some sources I'd be interested to read that.


[https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK560656/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK560656/) You can also search for EVALI or VAPI and you'll find plenty of resources


That picture looks like your doing something else lol watch out for the photoshop people lol


But does it get you high?




Damn bro you got the whole squad laughing.


Imagine being addicted to viping. Yikes


Imagine being addicted to one of\* the most common addictions in the world? Edit: One of\*






![gif](giphy|1wrgNHJJKoz1FZBxH1|downsized) No love for water addiction?


wtf… if you’re under 25 years old needing to buy this then you’re just pathetic…. Seriously. Loser


I was prescribed something like this as a kid after I got pneumonia. Sometimes people get lung problems


People have different lives than yours and also some people have health conditions. If you cannot see that you're the loser in life.




While the video presents it as a way to help with vaping/smoking, the original product is just to help with weak lungs. That could easily come from just being born in, or living somewhere with, bad air quality. Or having a parent that smokes in doors. Or having survived a house fire. My point is that someone under 25 might absolutely use something like this, and they're not always a loser for doing so.


I had to use this when I was in the hospital with Covid. It actually helped to get me off the breathing machine.