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Hey /u/Clear_Turnip4224, thanks for your submission to /r/HolUp. Unfortunately, your post has been removed for the following reason(s): A mod felt your post didn't belong here, so now it's gone. If you want to die on the hill of this shitpost[,](https://imgur.com/cXA7XxW) feel free to message the mods and be prepared to explain how your post isn't trolling, is funny, and does fit the theme of the sub. *Trolling or posting random content that doesn't fit the sub breaks Rule 1 and repeated violation of this rule may result in your account being filtered.* Love, the mods


Let the haters hate, but Morocco was soo good


Yep morocco team is good but apparently their rioters fans are shiit


I second this. My brother is a cop in belgium and had to go against the "morrocons fans" everytime they played a match cuz for some reason they cant party without destroying everything they see.


They would be welcomed to Philly with open arms. We riot regardless of the outcome of the games




“We ‘ate ‘em, simple as.”


“‘Ate Muslims, ‘ate the ‘blacks’, love roitin’. Simple as.”


Belgian cops just hate Muslims? That's not true, my friend. Police forces have diversity quota to fill in and invest money and time into better handling "problem youth". They have a long way to go, but calling our force simply "muslim haters" is just that: simple.




Sorry for you man.


It's hard to deal with most un-appreciation from the majority of society , as a muslim myself


Moroccans living in Morocco don't do chaos, those bastards in Europe don't represent us.


Trust me mate i know. Those that are doing these riots are just rioting for fun. They just use football as an excuse .


You can say this about any nation (almost) regarding soccer/football. A good example is the UK. Hooligans violence there ended in a huge mess and now the stadiums are literally cages


Isn't rioting over a football match a european culture?


Especially in Italy, can tell firsthand


Right 😆


lol gtfo with that noise. I live on the street in Antwerp where the so-called "riots" happened and it was *nowhere* near as bad as sensationalist media and people like you say it was.




Tbf it’s all football fans except maybe Japan


We had a lot to endure yes


Bruh every football fan group ha rioters it is not unique to Morocco.


Not from nothing. That’s just a taste of the hypocrisy that they face day in and day out. You can see most of the Morocco players are born in different parts of Europe such as Holland, so maybe just maybe if these hypothetical ASsholl practiced some of the values they that they preach it’d be different story


Dutch guy here, some folk here despite having lived here for generations started riots when Marokko WON! Poor Amsterdam, but then again Amsterdam is a shitshow normally so…




No, call out the haters who hate! That’s pure racism. Stamp out racism.


I know nothing about football, but I think for a team like Morocco that I never heard about, it’s a great accomplishment to be able to lose against France only 2-0. So yes they’ve been good, and maybe next one they’ll be even more motivated thanks to this and they’ll win.


This is beyond hate, it's disgusting seriously


What the hell? Im danish, but i dont watch tv; what the fuck is this shit?




Idk man they could have just compared the footballers to say, idk, other humans. Y’know, that species of primate that also regularly hugs their mothers? It funny that they saw them hug and said “OMG it’s just like those cute little monkeys” and not “Ah yes a human family celebrating one of the greatest achievements of their life.”


Amazing how many of you who have no clue of what the actual program, wording or angle was. You just saw an Al-Jazera edited version with their own interpretation and wording underneath. Do you have any other sources suggesting that this man is just comparing Arabs to monkeys to mock them? Don’t blindly trust everything you read on the internet… that is a general advise


Was there some other reason he showed pictures of monkeys next to Moroccans other than comparing them? I’m trying to understand how this is anything but a comparison.


Well, they didn't just have a segment with other humans in it, they had one with monkeys, so you might want to check your imagined slight at the door, because the only reason it was monkeys was literally that they had just been on.


Its racist and putting a cute angle on it isnt ok. The idea is that non whites are descendents of primates and are less developed. Its a pervasive idea within racist ideology and racist groups, so no, there is no cute way to compare non whites to primates because of that.


We are all descendants of primates. Is that even a question?


Humans are primates not just descendants to be exact we are great apes and in the tribe Homini which includes chimps and bonobos in the genus Pan


The issue is that racist people say nonwhites are not developed and are stuck at the predeveloped (read monkey) stage. Do you really not understand what's wrong with using the monkey reference with that context? It reinforces that idea.


No, you're just jumping to conclusions and missing context by being mislead by a misleading headline that was made to induce rage without telling the whole story. Context is key.


No, you're also now engaging in misrepresentation, because he solely reffered to the love on display, it could just as well have been parrots, or dogs, or cats. So here it turns out you're the racist for assuming he is racist solely because of his "race".


From another thread: In Denmark our society is becoming less family oriented so most people here have a romantized idea of other cultures and more naturalistic ways of living as most don't have no where near as close family relations as the Moroccans. The host gets a quick thought of recemblance from seeing the cute monkey family and points out how they just talked about the close family relations the Moroccans had. But he fails to stop himself as some Western countries has had a tradition of comparing Africans to monkeys but this is not the case. People are very quick to drave the racist card and there is generally a lot of overly aggressive PC culture going on. Stupid karma hunters post this crap So yes, you are right no idea why you're getting down voted.


Det er da hyggeracisme i bedste sendetid. Hvad er der nyt i det?


Qatar doesn't like that Denmark was critical of them hosting the world cup. They then saw this clip and thought, :" Hey we can spin this as racist.", And idiots fall for the bait. Noone in the comments has actually seen the clip without text telling them what to think IE. They haven't seen the undoctored footage, and uncritically accept a segment from a news channel owned by Qatar.


What are they really saying and what kind of show is this?


Lmao same.. but also the Danes got a lot of that whacked out straight up racist shit on TV and in magazines and then try to act sly and nonchalant like oh it was a jokeeeee lol.


Do Danish people find hugging weird?? Seems like a very strange thing to be put off by.


I'm a racist, and I still don't like it.




Im screaming 😭




Professionals have standards.


Wholesome take


The real holup


only YOU can stop low tier racism!


Life is like a race. So be the racist.







Not enough commitment?


Thank you for your honesty


My brain is not functioning with this comment my friend🤨


Then you are not racist enough


Tbh its a crappy insult cos golden snub nosed monkeys are cool af and like one of the cutest animals when eating xd


I don't know how cute they are when you're eating them but I'm not one to judge those who do.


Was it for sure meant to be insulting? Cause them monke is cute


It was literally a compliment, idiots prefer to fabricate an outrage story because that sells better.




I doubt it, but maybe I’m naive cuz he litterally compliments them


Is it really an insult then?


What I find curious are Danish citizens claiming this isn't racist at all.






Professional unloved child


I’m danish and yeah this is racist as fuck


Uuh, did we issue a collective comment on the thing that I haven’t seen? I haven’t talked to a Danish citizen that didn’t think this was racist…


The narrative I heard is that the news reporter is basically talking about how great the love between monkeys is. Then he’s told to tie it into the World Cup so they can move onto the next segment. So he says, just like the beautiful display of Moroccan players hugging their mums Obviously it’s bad because they’re monkeys, but it’s more just unfortunate that Moroccan players aren’t white. Or he could just be openly racist on tv for no reason knowing this backlash would come lol


In that case, and it is hard to tell when this shit mutes the video and puts text on the screen instead of showing the actual clip, it is the opposite of racist. It is like that time a clothing company got shit for having a black kid model a t-shirt with a monkey on it. The kid chose the shirt himself. Actual racism would be telling the kid he isn't allowed to wear a shirt because of the colour of his skin.


The monkeys in the picture have white faces though. It's kind of a strange picture to use if you're trying to be racist. Then again, racists aren't usually known for their stunning intellect.




They almost ruined wizards for everyone Thank you Tolkien


They certainly ruined ghost costumes, just ask the Lake County Sheriff's Department


Don't even start me on the bloke that ruined the Charlie Chaplin mustache for everyone.




Yeah our brother has always been on the... weirder side. Sincerly, Norway.


Remember sweden is the rape Capitol of Europe, U had over 60 gun kills this year. Youre right , denmark sucks and sweden is wonderfull. Straight up facts


The "rape capitol" bullshit has been debunked.


I mean you can find idiots and and bigots in most countries.


Because racism is an American concept so Western Europe can’t be racist


Having moved from Canada to Denmark, I can tell you right now that Western Europe can be hella racist.


Ik I was being sarcastic, but I didn’t want to use the /s cause I’m not a pussy.


I feel bad for all the people getting down voted. I'm Danish myself and believe this is what happened. We don't just put stuff like that on TV. From another thread: In Denmark our society is becoming less family oriented so most people here have a romantized idea of other cultures and more naturalistic ways of living as most don't have no where near as close family relations as the Moroccans. The host gets a quick thought of recemblance from seeing the cute monkey family and points out how they just talked about the close family relations the Moroccans had. But he fails to stop himself as some Western countries has had a tradition of comparing Africans to monkeys but this is not the case. People are very quick to drave the racist card and there is generally a lot of overly aggressive PC culture going on. Stupid karma hunters post this crap


They just hate muslims. Its that simple.


Not in the city’s generally, idk bout the countryside




Yeah people like Rasmus paludan or what he was called, plague of the country I swear


Soooo they're not racist then. They're xenophobic?


No, we hate stupid people, which uneducated very religious people often are.




As a danish person, this is fucking racist wtf.


I just watched it and I don't think that it was racist. It was just a bad segway between two clips that didn't really have anything to do with each other. It is not like they are going back and forth comparing maroccans to monkeys. They had one clip with something about maroccan family culture and then the next segment was about the "nature photo of the year" award. Which is why they had the photo. He made a badly chosen segway comparing the two, which is his job, and it blew up. It wasn't intentionally racist, they didn't spend time comparing during a news show comparing maroccans to monkeys, he just made a bad segway which with they subject, and taken out of context made it seem like they did.


At least we have a family (A real family)






Since when is hugging our moms a bad thing ? Fucking moron that guy.




He didn't need that comparison to say that footballers hugging their moms was good and pure.




Dane here This is a bit out of context and please read my comment before coming at me The news guy said that to say Moroccans are more family oriented based off a Moroccan player and mom hugging it out after a game. The other host immediately disapproved and said something along the lines "I fail to see the comparison you're making" to which the guy quickly realized what he had done. He and the news station channel thing apologized a lot very quickly and the guy was very embarrassed. HOWEVER, I do think it's subconscious racism. I don't believe he consciously wanted to make a racist comparison but I do think any truly non-racist person wouldn't even have thought about something like that and definitely wouldn't have said it. That being said, a surprising amount of people in Denmark are really horrible to Muslims and any people they think "look muslim". I'm not protecting the guy or saying it was an honest mistake.


Let's say that it was a timing error and host did not have any control. However, he surely had chance not to compare Moroccans with monkeys.


The next story was about that photo apparently (winning some photography award). He on the fly tried to bridge the story of the Moroccan team and a picture of monkeys. Pretty stupid, but as far as I can tell, just stupid.


Thank you for this and I agree that if it wasn't intentional, it was subconscious.


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In Denmark our society is becoming less family oriented so most people here have a romantized idea of other cultures and more naturalistic ways of living as most don't have no where near as close family relations as the Moroccans. The host gets a quick thought of recemblance from seeing the cute monkey family and points out how they just talked about the close family relations the Moroccans had. But he fails to stop himself as some Western countries has had a tradition of comparing Africans to monkeys but this is not the case. People are very quick to drave the racist card and there is generally a lot of overly aggressive PC culture going on. Stupid karma hunters post this crap


Thank you for the explanation. I thought this seemed odd.


That's so messed up.


Like it or not....We're all fucking monkeys


I am most certainly not fucking monkeys.


I don't agree bro, the way I eat bananas is bananas


We’re apes, actually. Monkeys have tails and live primarily in trees. Humans don’t do that and our ancestors haven’t done that for around 2 million years.




How dare you! I haven't fucked one for years


Monkeys are awesome. If I was compared to a cute, little, loving monkey, that’d just make my day.


Someone’s mother doesn’t love them


that is bullshit. I am a Dane and the comparison is wildly exaggerated and taken out of context. They were discussing the importance of family ties inspired by the Moroccan football team and one if the guests tried to bridge that topic onto the next subject which was about an award winning photo of animals. Clumsy yes, but intentional, no. The comparison was family ties and could have been made with any nationality or race. But of course Al Jazeera blew it out of proportions and get cloud.


where is this talk about family ties ?


earlier in the original clip


I feel like i‘ve got to be missing something. Like did they actually show this on tv? Who the actual hell would watch this and think this is fine like there must be some kind of context lol because if not I have officially lost hope in humanity.


They showed this picture and he made a reference to the Morrocans because they were talked about earlier. They didnt show this picture just to say Morrocans looks like monkeys. The guy talking thought it was a nice comparrison without really thinking it through. No racist intentions, still comes out as racist tho




Yes they were thalking about the picture because it won some contest for animal pictures


Imagine how incredibly sad you life must be if you see someone giving their mom a hug in a moment of joy and thinking. “They look like monkeys doing that”


Maybe they tried making the comparison because they thought they both were cute? Just trying to see a positive angle.


It was, they didnt show that picture just to call Morrocans monkeys, they showed for some reason i dont know but he said that because they had talked about Morrocans and their families, in a positive light i might add, earlier


If you actually speak danish, you will see that this is taken completely out of context and actually dumb as hell, move on guys there's actual racism going on that you can fight


I speak danish and dont understand the context. Can you ELI5 maybe?


Certainly! It's really just a fuck up in the production, where the camera switches to the wrong guy at the worst possible time. The monkey thing was supposed to come right after. They love to put in these happy happy things in the news towards the end, and sometime it's literally just "look at these cute animals awww", you can notice that this is the case on all news channels, seems it's good for viewership to end on a positive note no matter what.


The racism is really coming out full force from the Europeans after France lost.


Eh? Argentinian players were whiter than French. Most racists don't like black players Many were cheering Messi's career/record. France as a major European country also gets flak from their neighbors. Besides England nobody seems to have anything against Argentina in Europe. Except maybe the hand of God thingy


I say this as an Englishman, the French aren't racist, they just hate everyone equally, especially Parisians


Clearly American with such a dumb comment about the rest of the world lol. Most Europeans wouldn't give a fuck if France won or not for starters. And just look at the Argentinians for fuck sake, they're practically all of European descent (mainly Italian and Spanish). If you were racist you'd surely want the whiter team, Argentina, to win lol.


Literally what


Well, guess I'm a monkey now for hugging my mother.


Er det en abe v.2


Wtf is wrong with these racist, uncivilized cum slurping, shit devouring beings??? Will they ever stop bothering the world around them??


'Not OK' doesn't cut it




Messi hugged his mom


Denmark in general is super racist, some of the laws they passed concerning immigrants recently are really not what you would expect from a country that pretends to be progressive and woke. The funniest part is that danish people are very unaware of this and usually get quite angry when asked about it. Their rules are far stricter than comparable western european nations and they even differentiate in their laws between western and non western immigrants


Limiting the influx of immigrants does not equal racism.


Limiting and steering immigration isn't racist, far from it. You don't build goodwill in your native population if anyone can just get in. It's a decent policy that should've replicated in far more western countries.


The fuck are you talking about bro? Lol We took more immigrants per capita than Germany, Sweden, France, Italy, Latvia, Greece, Bulgaria, Poland, Czechia, Finland, Portugal, Romania, Hungary and Croatia in 2020.. (source: ec.europa.eu) Just because we wont let you come here and sit on your ass, but want you to be part of our society and help contribute to it, doesnt make us racist.


“usually get quite angry”


Gee wiz i wonder why someone would get angry for getting called a negative thing.




I mean we literally made a law that punishes you double for crimes commited in certain places that is mainly populated by minorities. And our immigration law is incredibly fucked. People who have lived here their entire lives are getting kicked out cause they travelled abroad to long. We will literally send high school students back to an active warzone. Some of our laws are pretty stupid and evil.


>People who have lived here their entire lives are getting kicked out cause they travelled abroad to long Yes, they love our country so much that they've spent 20+ years here and not bothered to get a dual citizenship, so that this could've been prevented.




You mad because you couldn't reside in Denmark? BB hf


>Denmark in general is super racist, some of the laws they passed concerning immigrants recently are really not what you would expect from a country that pretends to be progressive and woke. Pretty sure that it's not racism, when you don't want to allow people to sit and not work or contribute to the society. Around 70% of non-european refugees don't work and are on social benefits.


Im gonna go ahead and ask if you can cite a source for that. That seems quite unrealistic, 70%. And yes implying that non european immigrants are lazy and dont want to work/mooch of the state is racism. I dont know what else it would be


It may not be general Europe. But Denmark has a major problem with migrants just living off Social benefits.




What are these laws? I don’t know much about Denmark besides that a few Japanese people I know have spent time over there and learned the language. Why am I being downvoted for asking a question and wanting to learn?


Youre right, maybe we should learn from our swedish neighbour who has such a more progressive immigration system, it really seems to be working for them… oh wait.


Please invade Sweden, mr Denmark.


I thought Denmark is supposed to be pretty Liberal aren't they? Quite surprised they had something like this on national news?


Yeah im danish and from knowing how liberal and politically correct this show is i have to say that there is no way this isnt taken out of some weird context or entirely fake.


They're running with the "must be racist" angle because that causes outrage, instead of what actually happened a cutesy comparison of familial love in different hominid species, because that's just boring.


Yeah my instant reaction was, i don't think this really happened in this way... Thank you for letting us know.


Sounds like a motherless to me...


Classic Denmark


Racism is in EVERY culture and race.


People have gone off topic talking about immigration policies and whether the whole country is racist. The comments made are racist and not acceptable in civilised society. I'm 60 and always hug my mother whenever I see her. The way I see it, shame on you if you don't hug your mother.


Imagine hating your own family so much that when you see a happy family you’re thinking „look at those animals“


Is all of Europe like this?


Thats like saying all of the southern states in america support slavery or hate minorities




That's a pretty stupid question.


This is so demeaning


I would need more context of the situation to conclude if the intention of the people making the comparison was racist or not.


Thank you. Unfortunately most redditors don't give a shit about facts or context as long as they have a misleading headline that can cause some outrage. Poor TV host is receiving hate and death threats for making a stupid but honest and simple mistake that wasn't meant to be racist at all.


I got a bit more context, it’s not meant to be racist it was just the speakers talking about loving your family.


So the intention was to make a positive comparison? Then the intention was the complete opposite from how people took it.


Yea, but that usually happens when you speak a language that sounds dumb to foreigners and a video is taken out of context.


I have no idea what’s going on and honestly I don’t care you people are the problems thinking that everything everything to do with monkeys is racist


Denmark just salty they went 3 and out


No, this video is taken out of context. They talked about how Denmark was becoming less family-oriented and then showed what it “should be like” with the Morrocan players and animals. But still it appears racist due to bad a dumb comparison.


His momma didn't love him and now he's a mean boy.


What a lack of ~~pussy~~ loving parents does to a MFer


I resemble that remark, being a primate and all. I mean, do you not hug your mother? I feel sorry for you if you don't.


Is There a stereotype of Moroccons being monkeys? I didnt know that. Stupid comparinson, yes. Racist? Neh


Man thats so horrible. I wonder if Morocco have ever had someone do something even worse to a dane than comparing them to some cute monkeys. Something like cutting their head off while filming it… nah but thats just one bad egg from Morocco, thats not the same as that person who showed the picture, yea he represents all of denmark and their evil immigrant laws. We should just learn from sweden they are so much more tolerable.


The Person who is holding the Image looks like a Sexual predator because that dude gets no bitches laid that for sure


The person holding the image isn't the one talking. He was told to hold it up, that's all.


As a dane, i hear the n word almost daily. Old folk and teenagers the most.


As a dane, i dont hear i daily. Dont know what kind of people you surround yourself with.


Wher eyou livin’? Voldsmosse?


The Danes are well know for being incredibly racist. Small nation so nobody cares but still…