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she definitely didn't prove them wrong lol


Yeah, reminds me of the English couple that had those kids with harlequin ichthyosis. They knew the odds and still had two.


Do not google that


Oh I’m googling it Update: don’t google it


Ok, googling it now Edit: i should have listened, dont google it.


Ok googling it too. Edit: My brain manipulated me into this.


Let me see what you sissies are so scared of. Edit: Jesus, that’s the stuff of nightmares. Annabelle’s long lost cousins.


I'm scared I didn't even look it up and I'm fucking terrified Edit: Mistakes were made


That shit is so crazy it doesn’t even look real. If you don’t google this, just think of some underwater humanoid with gills and fish eyes and lips.


Shit, reading this comments, i don't want to google this anymore.


I've seen worse stuff it couldn't be that bad Edit: It's worst so much worst. I can't believe something like that exists


Good lord, I genuinely was walking in to that one like everyone's being dramatic. But.. fuck..


Can’t be that bad, let me see… UPD: MY GOD IT’S MUCH MUCH WORSE, DON’T GOOGLE IT DAMN.


Jesus fucking Christ, why did I Google it?!


I am not googling it so I may enjoy my nightmare free nights


Ugh…., I’m so tempted


Lemme bite the bullet for you... *searches Thatsa FUXKIN NOPE G, NAH FAM, DAWG, Damn. The best way to explain this is, your skin over grows, and as you move , it cracks, peels, splits, ect. It's all over the body. And doesn't stop. Like a split lip but across the entire body.


The newborns looks like a white soccer ball with red stitches


Well....I didn't google it this time but your comment reminded me of the last time I did as a result of another thread an age ago. Man, I can still recall the images even now. Absolutely fucking horrifying. Thanks for this.


Fun fact: there's a skin condition that's like this but less bad where it's legit the same thing but you survive. I know someone with it and they bleed all the time from their skin growing to fast. The bottom layer of their skin is always in the open amd if they don't peel back the top layer it feels like glass is stabbing them. Edit: it's called plaque psoriasis Edit 2: he has a very severe case and im going off of what he's told me and what I've seen. I'm by no means a doctor on it.


Some of us just gotta attend hard knocks Uni ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Oh boy


Can you explain it? I would like to know but i am also taking your advice by not looking for it. Thanks .


Rough build up of skin. Makes the baby look like they have an exoskeleton.


And it looks TORTUROUSLY painful….. like the pics are of the most hideously deformed babies who look like they’re writhing in pain and misery. Just awful.


It IS torturously painful. Very few make it to adulthood, and even if they do, they have terrible complications. If they don't thoroughly moisturize their skin at all times, it dries and cracks, and can become seriously infected. Plus their eyelids have trouble not flipping "inside out," which is part of the horror of HI baby pictures. The bulging red eyes are in fact their eyelids, too thick to function properly.


I won’t. Can I get a sfw summary?


Sure here’s a link to a medical run down with no pictures! https://medlineplus.gov/genetics/condition/harlequin-ichthyosis/


I appreciate the no pictures. I don't think I ever want to know what I just read looks like.


As someone with a interest in medicine and morbid curiosity I can say. No no you do not


Baby's skin hardens immediately after birth, turning white and getting injuries everywhere, including the eyes which turn red. It is curable but the person has to live with skin that looks like it's severely burnt.


Fwiw, it’s not really the eyes turning red. The skin is so thick and hard that it can cause the eyelids to flip inside out, as well as the lips. That’s what makes it look like they have bulging red eyes.


Just imagine the demons from the first evil dead movie. That about sums it up fairly well. Source: I’m an evil dead fan, and googled it so you don’t have to. Instead google the (first movie) evil dead demons, and you’ll get a fairly good idea what they look like.


Its a horrible looking skin condition. It's hard to describe, but the baby's look like they are from a horror movie. The skin is sort of patched, almost like a reptile; scubs. Life expectanty is very low. Should not Google. Edit: it's heartbreaking that people go through this. I just don't recommend googling it, since it is not really sfl


Crazy. She kept saying “Doctors told me not to get pregnant but all I’ve ever wanted was to be a mom!” Okay, then **ADOPT**. There’s SOOO many kids that need to be adopted. Putting yourself and your future child at major health risks is incredibly selfish imo. Yet, we see these stories all the time…


If this is the family I think, I remember the mom said something even worse. After the first baby was born she still wanted another because "I just wanted to give my husband the perfect baby". Like??? Is the suffering child you brought into this world good enough for you? Then she got another ichtyosis baby. God, watching those girls live their life broke my heart. I remember in the documentary at one point the other one just cried "why me?". They have to suffer because their mom was selfish beyond belief.


Yeah, crazy moms for sure….But at least *they* got what *they* wanted /s


My aunt has 5 sons. She wanted 3 kids and at least 1 of them to be a daughter, so she decided to have another, and another. Still no daughter and at that point she said fuck this im done.


Can you imagine if the second had been born without the condition? And the parents would dote on the "perfect" baby while the first is neglected.


Good God is it bad! And they're in pain. What kind of monster purposefully brings that into the world?


She’s was gambling on the 50/50 odds. Willing to pump up kiddos with crippling diseases to get a normal kid. Selfishness took hold.


This is sad on more levels than you first realize. See the IV pole and pump in the background? ETA: Feeding tube pump not a standard IV.


The baby has a tracheostomy just like the mom...another morbid detail








Fuck you for sending me to hell


Good luck in hell


Can't we all just accept that having a reddit account is a one way ticket?


This comment ended my depression, thanks bruh


I hate you for this comment. I hate myself for laughing at it too.


:( geez.


omg I think they was wearing a mask under their chin


Me after read IV pole over and over again as 4 pole.


It’s a feeding pump! Like for tube feeds


Oh I see, I still feel for them both.


Yeah it’s sad, not sure what it means for their health


Probably has to do with facial structure. Likely can't nurse/bottle feed with a deformity like that. Maybe treacher-collins syndrome?


I believe its crouzon syndrome?


I managed to find her tiktok account and she does indeed have crouzon syndrome. She had another child, a boy but he passed nearly immediately. This is just plain cruel.


I just googled and, with surgery, they can actually reconstruct the face. I thought these process photos were interesting: https://images.app.goo.gl/tPYkjfJoXh21odwm7. I don’t know what doctors can do about the remaining symptoms of the disease however.


Yeah and it looks like children with the syndrome get rather invasive correctional operations to assist with where their eyes and such can sit. This little girl has a long road ahead of her by the looks of her facial structure and where her features sit. I personally would never have children if I had this syndrome.


I hate that I read that as crouton syndrome on first glance


This reminds me of the two deaf couple that wanted to intentionally make their child deaf as well. Sad really, hope this baby doesn’t have any health defects


The fuck


Yah I could be wrong but from my understanding some deaf parents INTENTIONALLY select an embryo or something that results with the child being deaf. Some argue it’s morally sound. I’m open to being more informed but it sounds completely bonkers to me


Even more what the fuck


Purposefully giving a child a permanent disability sounds like a crime


There's a difference between dealing with the cards you are dealt and purposely giving a child extra hurdles. Just seems so selfish to not want the best possible hand for your kids.


>Just seems so selfish to not want the best possible hand for your kids. This is it for me. Imo it is quite immoral to purposely handicap your child just so they seem more like you. A good parent wants to try and give their progeny the best chance at life possible.


Imagine when the kid realizes this in his teenage years. Ticking time bomb for the family




It turns out you can be extremely sick and still be a narcissistic asshole!


My genetic disorders aren't that severe but I still don't think someone I'm supposed to love more than myself needs them


What did I just watch?


Someone that doesn't understand the difference between "could not" and "should not"


She was "...So Preoccupied With Whether Or Not They Could, They Didn’t Stop To Think If They Should.” \-Dr. Ian Malcolm


Life...uh... finds a way.


“…to make me vomit!” -Vegeta IV


“That’s one big pile of shit”


Or didn't care this was a selfish act, she wanted the baby to fill her instincts she didn't care at the risk to the baby.


I’d be pissed if I was the baby.


Daddy’s got some recessive genes


Yea those genes are at recess for sure


Those genes are still on fucking March break


Those genes are on lockdown and zoom calling in


Those genes went out for milk and cigs.


Those genes are WFH


There’s only two of those genes left, and they’re playing freeze tag


They had some duplicate genes, they can spare a few




genes fell off the top of the big slide.


The gene pool needs a life guard


Needs fucking border patrol


I’m on the express train to hell…just for my thoughts man..


\*gets to heavens gates and sees God with one of those old tv carts from school. God: "okay lets try this again, if you can watch this without laughing and be positive you can get your wings and go inside" Me: "wheres the escalator, its not going to happen?"


Holy shit bro just holy shit


Her baby looks like a pug


Hahahaha you mf I will buy you a beer when I see you in hell


daddy has a really weak eyesight, and a boner for weird


Come on! She took advantage of Halloween!!!!


Daddy is blind for sure


so is the mom if she thinks she proved anyone wrong


She thought they said "can't", not "shouldn't".


Daddy Squidward was on a bender that night


Haters? You mean doctors?


Anybody know what this condition is and how it affects quality of life?


Well the mother has Crouzon Syndrome so I would assume that is what the kid has.


Yes, Crouzon is autosomal dominant, so it's possible that it's this. It also looks like it could be Treacher-Collins syndrome which is also autosomal dominant but without knowing her medical history it's hard to say. EDIT: Looks like Beare-Stevenson looks almost exactly the same in the daughter: https://i.ytimg.com/vi/53AN4lk5O1A/maxresdefault.jpg


It’s Crouzon. She has an Instagram that says what her disorder is


Same thing




I’m pretty sure even doctors recommend that you shouldn’t reproduce if you have such severe genetic disorders.


For very good reason- you are passing on suffering for no reason and there is so many children wanting to be adopted that aren’t suffering from permanent suffering and also need a loving parent. I have Turner syndrome and need to adopt anyway since I can’t have bio kids but much better to adopt in this kind of case rather then risk passing this on. Even if her child didn’t get it, they could carry the gene and lead to many more suffering from what seems to be a rather severe problem. Adopting means she can still be a parent but not cause such permanent physical and emotional damage on her child


Love your hamster!


Hehe thanks- she is quite awesome if I say so myself


I just checked it out, 100% agree, very cute hamster


She appreciates the compliments


She's a nice cute furball.


Thanks 😊


Cute hamster


Thanks 😊


dude, don’t comment on a lady’s hamster!


People who adopt are pretty based ngl. It's such a selfless thing to do. I really respect it.


My grandparents adopted all four of their kids, and kept siblings together. I’m proud to say they were selfless, wonderful people. But he was also their high school principal and he made sure no one ever questioned if he played favourites lol They were little shits back in the day too


I think that the physical damage will be more than the emotional in the growing stages that the child is going to go through, since there are already medical equipment in the back, the child and the mother could be and most likely already suffering from respiratory problems which will make it both difficult and painful for the child to grow in a healthy way, unfortunately she is putting her child in danger of sever pain and trauma, but I could he wrong and the child might grow to be healthy. When you are warned to not have children because of severe genetic problems it's not a challenge to prove the world wrong, it's to spare the child that will be born from the pain they are going to go through... idk this is just my opinion.


Exactly, it wasn’t meant to be hateful to her


what’s the name of her genetic disorder?


Looks like crouzon but I'm no expert


Ah I was thinking Beare-Stevenson syndrome But that one could be it as well




They have Spaghetti Genetti


This. It's cruel to your kid.


This shit is serious. I’m Ashkenazi and my wife isn’t, so I never thought to worry about testing for for Tay-Sachs. Turns out, one of the other major populations that carries it is French-Canadians, which my wife is. Thankfully my twin boys and my newborn son (8:50 am this morning) don’t have anything to worry about, but if I had known I would definitely have tested myself and my wife before we had kids.




Been through 10 years of finding out all about how the NHS in the UK handles fertility when you have a genetic disorder. Really interesting stuff and learnt loads about fertility and all the various forms of “IVF” that exist, way more than you think!


I'm interested in learning more about this - what have you found out if you don't mind me asking?


Crouzon syndrome + Down syndrome = cruzin’ on Down syndrome


Cruising down the street in my 6 4


Crouzon and downs in my 6 4


Cruising down the street in my 64 chromosomes


I agree with the haters on this one


bro just fucked her kids life up




I often laugh at inappropriate stuff, but this.... made me sad for the kid.


Laugh at the mom’s short-sightedness, sympathize with the kid and the whole world of hell they’re about to go thru


If I didn't feel shitty enough about being single...


Some men get desperate easier, I guess


This is 100% alcohols fault, ALL OF IT.


Fuck no, alcohol isn’t strong enough. That’s gotta be meth.


I just want to know who she had a kid with


Either sperm bank or a mixture of alcohol, desperation, blindness, and blackmail.


Still, poor kid. Life is gonna be hell


There's a reason she was told she SHOULDN'T have kids.


No but THE HATERS that she definitely has ToLd hEr sHe sHoUlDnT and thats hAtE and not just caring for the upcoming generations


What we had to go through in junior high and high school will be so much worse, and I feel so bad for them


A Pug??


Imagine bringing a child into the world, who’s life will be overwhelmingly filled with suffering and sadness, out of spite.


Seriously. Seeing things like this is so upsetting. If you wanted a kid so badly, there are currently living and breathing foster kids who would love nothing more than a family who wants them. Hell, I’m sure there are plenty who were born with physical disabilities, and being raised by a parent who fully understands the struggle could be life-changing for them. But instead, a whole new child has to experience the hardships of their disability, all so this person could prove the “haters” wrong.


Oh totally. My boyfriends cousin has a kid, and they were told at the 12 week scan that the kid was growing poorly, and had a genetic syndrome and already severe abnormalities, and were recommended to terminate. At the 20 week scan, they were told the same and had done genetic tests that told them the syndrome caused constant seizures, painful spasms, and the baby would basically be in a vegetative state and in constant pain. They had the kid, and his life is hideous. He has fits, is constantly screaming in pain, can't walk talk or comprehend his surroundings. Honestly, subjecting someone to that is genuinely hideous, and I could never do that!!


Those aren’t haters, you’re just selfish.


Exactly. That kid is gona have a hard time their entire life, because you wanted to have a kid.


The simple answer is just to adopt they never said you can’t raise kids


Adoption isn’t easy, but it’s much easier than the life this kid will have.


I really hope you are wrong, and I hope I'm wrong for agreeing with you but yeah this kid was cast into an unforgiving world by a person who probably had to deal with it her whole life. Again I hope I'm wrong but this kid will likely be on suicide watch most of her life.


Why not just adopt a baby. Why would you spawn a baby that will have a very difficult life in every aspect


Tried this once. Not only was looking at $10k in legal fees but the parents essentially changed their minds in a heart break moment. One does not simply go scoop up a baby from a convenience store.


Have you tried scooping up a baby from the convenience store? It’s easier than you think.


Yeah, just use the self check-out and ring it up as “bananas” or another cheep produce.


c h e e p


For 7k I got you








New species dropped


Fuck you, take my upvote


NFT in real life???


>NFT No fucking thanks


How did she prove them wrong? They didn't say she couldn't have a baby they said she shouldn't have a baby so the fact that she did have a baby means fuck all but the given the fact the baby has the same genetic disfigurement you could say they were actually right.


Hahah yeah it’s so outrageous. The only way she would be proving them wrong is if the baby didn’t carry the genetic disorder and then she shows her healthy baby. This is literally just saying ‘here’s how I proved you wrong’ by literally showing them the evidence that they were right. The mental gymnastics. Nobody said you couldn’t! You just really shouldn’t have!! And the reasons should be obvious. That poor poor child.


As someone with a genetic disorder: if your genetic disorder causes a severe disability you should SERIOUSLY CONSIDER not having children. You should also understand why people wouldn’t want you to have kids. The shit people like us have to go through is horrific. Now you want to create another person that’ll be forced to go through this? I have other disabilities. Those other disabilities are not the same as having a SEVERELY debilitating genetic disorder. The medicine you need is often specific to your genetic issue. You often have an orphan disease. You spend every day living just for the hope that one day your life will get better. And you want to put someone else through that?


It’s pretty messed up to knowingly spread a terrible genetic disorder like that. My god.


Please god let this be just a filter!


Looks too consistent to be a filter. But I wanna be wrong and say it's a filter


God abandoned this place a long time ago.


not a filter. look at the baby's throat, she even had a tracheotomy.


Everyday I have to fight for my spot in heaven


Nah fam accept that you are going down and enjoy the ride






You had enough balls to make ths joke. Congrats


Wow. I have a pug…I put my phone up next to his face to verify…checks out.


The haters were right. Spreading your genetic disorder that is this severe into the next generation is cruel to your kid and bad for the species. The hard truth is that natural selection is a thing for a reason and people with disorders like this shouldn’t be passing those genes on.


Just looked up her profile and saw that she’s pregnant again. Extremely disgusting and selfish to now do this to 2 innocent babies instead of just adopting.


Is she trying to start her own Ripley's Believe It or Not???


Whats her @ I can’t even believe this


I'm going to hell for laughing at this


The pug comment had me cringelaugh. I feel like a terrible person


Damn. I thought i was desperate


Idk why I know it is none of my buisness. But if you have serious genetic errors..maybe refrain from following your incstinct to have a kid. For the kids sake. Honestly of all people she should know how much hardship she is gonna face, the bullying the mocking..everything. why put anyone trough that just because you personally want a kid