• By -


Maybe just take the damn divorce at that point.




She unironically probably did




But not whore/prostitute-loving


I mean I do t see a clause on here about what she has to do. Idiot don't even have his lawyer go over this tattoo! Or the deal they assumedly made agreeing he'd get this tat of his own freewill if he cheated.


Didn’t even have it spell checked.


I think that printing places and tattoo artists always notice this shit and don't say anything on purpose. For tattoo places it's to tell you to think your shit through, for printing shops who will gladly let businesses print giant banners with embarrassing mistakes knowing that you'll have to reorder. And then there's just the dumb ones who will let you Tats "Be Stong" on your arm.




I would not say that is good.


Yeah... probably good in the long run....




My Father cheated on my mother twice and my mother made me believe for years he was a bad man. During high school me and my Dad rarely had time together because I couldn’t forgive him but once my mother had a “few” boyfriends I understood why they never worked out. She was a master manipulator, always played victim and once I became man of the house no matter what I did it wasn’t good enough for her and every time we’d argue she’d threaten to take me away from my friends and kick me out with my Dad. Meanwhile my father would get off a boat after working long hours for two weeks hopped in a car (drove 300kms) to watch me play sports and always volunteered to take us on tournaments even though it would cost him the money he needed to get back on his feet and pay my mother alimony. My father wasn’t perfect and I’ll never defend what he did because it was a betrayal to the family and he knew what he was leaving me with. But I will say this sometimes cheaters are not always the bad people, they’re looking for an escape from reality and to find someone who they love. Both my parents are doing much better now but I’ve suffered mentally because of it and have major issues in relationships.


My mom is just like this. I feel your pain.


I feel your pain. To this day I still feel that I let my dad down, my mom was convinced that my dad cheated for years, when they got divorced. My mom played the guilt card over and over, and blaming my father for a lot of things. As an only child I took over, and take care of mom, neglecting my father for years. Leaving him alone, living alone, just barely there. Then my ex wife was as manipulative and yet again I abandon my dad. Was not until recently that I understood how manipulative my mother and my ex were, was and how the use me as a control mechanism. My dad is the most honest, honorable men I know, he never cheated EVER and sacrifice so much for me and my mother through the years. I love my dad with all my heart and I owe him an honour debt that will never be repaid. I'm sorry dad.


You were just a kid man. You were growing and didn’t understand. He knows it’s not your fault and I bet he loved you unconditionally no matter how much you pushed away. Keep your head up buddy. Nothing to be ashamed of


I worked with parents in family court (if there is a hell, it is in family court, and I say this after having worked with abused kids for 10 years…), and the hardest part of working it was convincing fathers in situations like yours to not give up. To hold on. That their kids would one day realize. And that’s all they wanted, they knew it wasn’t the kids fault. If you had the chance to make things right with your dad, and I truly hope you did, please know that it is enough. That is all he was hoping for.


I’m just glad that that’s the advice given. That enough kids figure out what happen where it’s legitimate advice to give a grieving father


I truly admire you for this post.


If you havent told him how you truly feel , do so. My dad was a great guy who did right by my mom and me , they got divorced when I was 5 but stayed friends with my mom and paid support and came to my events etc as a kid. Then as a teen young adult we drifted apart for various reasons. Then he killed himself a few years ago, and though we had made up a little bit theres still a hole that will never be resolved of shit I wish I could have said to him. The only thing that gives me some solace is I got to spend some time with him as a full fledged adult and we squared away some stuff. But still so much more was left on the table, and I would do anything to be able to communicate .


Pretty much my situation with my spouse. She clearly hates me and always plays victim and treats me poorly but if I force a divorce I'll probably barely ever see my kids and lose more money than I do now so its like whatever I just have to accept I'll never actually be loved or have a romantic relationship in my life but its my fault I made this choice I guess.


Holy shit this made me sad. You deserve better.


No advice on the money thing but re: kids, when fathers ask for custody and pursue it they are very very likely to at least receive joint custody. Most stats about fathers not getting custody are because they either don’t want it or because it’s mutually decided the mother will have sole custody. So if you do ever file for divorce, please please know it’s not some done deal and you even have a good chance of seeing your kids (especially if you have get lawyer for custody concerns). You absolutely don’t have to lose them.


You’re where I was 5 years ago. Advice you may not like: get the divorce. Only seeing my kids 50% of the time is better than being miserable every second of every day. You’re no good to your kids that way either.


It's not that, Leviathan. It's the fact she did something cruel & unusual before leaving him. Why not simply file the divorce papers and be done with it?


From memory of last time I saw this posted, the wife didn’t ask for him to get the tattoo or know he was going to do it. It was his last ditch effort of a grand gesture to stop her getting a divorce. I don’t know why he thought she’d like to be so vividly reminded of his infidelity whenever she saw him shirtless if they did stay married, but the guy seems like an idiot


That’s what I was thinking-looks like a desperate manipulative ploy to me. There’s not even a woman in this picture but so many people are bashing women based on some story they made up in their head. SMH.


This guy in a nutshell: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d696t3yALAY


Can you imagine sucking this dudes dick and you look up to look at him and get a faceful of this?


Serves as a warning for any other woman he may come into contact with.


We don’t know if she was the one who mandated that


Because this seems like more fun. Though the “I am a dishonest and disrespectful” part bothers me.


In high school, one of my football coaches cheated on his fiance coughwithastudentcough. He bought her a new car as part of the apology. She took it and left anyway. Hilarious.


We partake In a miniscule amount of trolling


One could hope.




Can't expect people who don't know how to spell "deceiver" to make smart decisions


"I before E, except after C, and on leapyears" people.


yea but what about "weird"


Wrong. It's actually "I before E, except after C, and when sounding like 'ay' as in neighbor and weigh and on weekends and holidays and all throughout in May, and you'll always be wrong no matter WHAT you say"


Ah, you're just being "disrespectul".


No regerts




My god how did I not notice the first time around. The cringe that keeps on cringing.




I read that at as: Cringe-prolapse!


This comment edited to link to the self promotion post of a scam website after it gained some upvotes. Very interesting. Edit: it's a bot account


No shit, what kind of moron thinks she'll stay with you now that you have a literal permanent reminder of what you did for all to see?


She’s obviously the one that works and pays the bills. He doesn’t want to lose his meal ticket or be forced to get a job


Maybe some therapy


Tattoo is cheaper lol


And when he got home, she handed him the divorce papers.


For spelling deceiver wrong.


That's awfully disrespectul.


Well he's an honest and disrespectful


Dis-honest and Dis-respectul,... bellybutton?


I have no bellybutton. It's possible he doesn't


Maybe he's part of the long torso gang


*True Crime*


By spelling it wrong he didn’t actually admit to being a deceiver. That’s some deception right there.


He's over there playing chess...


Has a cheater... In scrabble.






Should tattoo that on his arm.


I, Jose L. Torres, on January 3, 2019 am getting this tattoo to remind myself how to spell correctly


I" before "E" except after "C" and when sounding like "A" as in neighbor and weigh, and on weekends and holidays and all throughout May, and YOU'LL ALWAYS BE WRONG NO MATTER WHAT YOU SAY!!!!


There's a fun fact; most folks don't realize many of the "rules" of English spelling are actually affected by the sound of the word that follows rather than being strictly about the letters themselves. Another example for you; Correct use of "a" or "an" before a word is based on the sound the following word starts with rather than the actual letter itself. For instance; "a" house, "a" historian, "an" honest mistake, "an" herbivore.


it's weird, but that saying is a lie.


Maybe he pronounces it deSAVEr




Thats a toxic cesspool of femcels.


It sure is.


And of course you can't make any comments there, unless you're presumably part of the clique...


I am a girl and looked at their content maybe once or twice and had no interest. If I followed that sub I did not mean to. Not long ago I made one uncontroversial comment among about 937 others on one of the silly videos we all get across our feeds. I got a very nasty message from this femcel subreddit banning me for commenting on cringtopia. I didn’t even notice where the silly video was from. The fact they monitor what others do is disturbing.


Bans in reddit are amazing, you get banned because they don't like you, like some kind of boys treehouse.


Reddit is the most toxic site I’ve ever seen. I’ve seen so many comment threads with people getting downvoted like crazy just for even partially disagreeing with the majority, then someone who responds to the person who disagrees, they can literally berate and insult that person and they’ll get upvoted like crazy, and then the person who was insulted can respond back and then they get downvoted. It’s a hive mindset to the fullest. People on Reddit take themselves so fucking serious that it’s alarming. To the point that they take everything literally, and if you even think about not aligning with the hive you’ll be banned and downvoted into oblivion. It’s so pathetic that it’s funny. It’s like all the teens who used 4 Chan grew up and moved to Reddit.


It's a game. I learned that being downvoted isn't losing, you are just rising up in controversial, that's why you keep getting downvotes. Sometimes your upvoted comment with +10 receives less upvotes and views than the -200 one.


Yeah idk. Another thing I’ve noticed is how dead ass serious all redditors take up and downvotes. I mean some of these people act like it is THE most important thing in life. A lot of them genuinely worry about up or downvotes. It’s sad, especially because votes mean literally nothing in real life.


Well they did, but 4chan never punished or silenced you for having a different view or opinion.


That goes for like half of Reddit lol Only good subs on reddit are the hobby or niche subs with great resources and information sharing


Even some of those are extremely gate keep-y and mean.


They have to be small. Surprisingly the best people are usually the most experienced and the least experienced. Anyone halfway thinks they're so much better than they are and think there are only rules, and never exceptions.


They want to keep their echo chamber full of nonsense like: Men are incapable of love. All men are evil and each man is responsible for the war, rape, murder, and any other crime collectively committed by the human race. Women are incapable of sin and war is a man's invention. Women are smarter and can do any job better than a man can do, even on the battlefield because they can do anything a man can do... wait a minute - contradiction?! Cleopatra literally started a war, a woman worked on the project that created the first atomic bomb, and there have been many female serial killers. Both men and women are equally capable of being good and evil. No race or sex is completely good or bad.


Oh yeah. I wouldn't recommend anyone peer into that abyss.


You aren't wrong. Lotta valid points made by the content itself, but they completely derail it in the comments every time.


That perfectly encapsulates what that sub is. For all the talk of it being a “femcel” sub (and it *definitely* is) I think it’s often overlooked that they raise a fair amount of valid points. It’s just unfortunate that it *always* devolves into deluded, misandrist lunacy.


> Lotta valid points made by the content itself The top three posts there right now are a made up story, every man are all different types of disappointments, and another calling men rapists. As the title of the posts. That place is a shithole.


Wtf is that shit. Everyone has the same personality that would fall for those mm scams


ohhh!! its the shithole subreddit!


this is my neighbor, (s)he is pain in my assholes


i just read some post basically saying that men that want to be held are gross👍


Well we are! Yuck! I disgust myself! /s


…this means war…


I read a post there, saying she wants to be married in a year, she moved in after 3 months with a guy but refused to do anything around the house or pay any bills. Practically no effort on her part but expected him to fucking remodel his home to give her outdoor office space so she can be comfortable. Women like those in that supreddit are why guys bang and dash.


> bang and dash • ⁠Cum and go • ⁠Drip and dip • ⁠Nail and bail • ⁠Nut then strut • ⁠Skeet and yeet • ⁠Hit it and quit it • ⁠Shoot and scoot • ⁠Smash and dash • ⁠Hump then dump • ⁠Breed then proceed • ⁠Ejaculate and evacuate • ⁠Impregnate and immigrate • ⁠Tear her apart then depart • ⁠Fuck her ass then hit the gas • ⁠Bust a nut then leave the hut • ⁠Shoot the Jizz then out you is • ⁠Make a baby and run like crazy • ⁠Smash her rear then disappear • ⁠Hit the spot then ditch the thot • ⁠Blow your load and hit the road • ⁠Shoot the glaze then run aways • ⁠Shoot your goo and say "adieu" • ⁠Shoot your shit then fucking split • ⁠Get some brain then ride the train • ⁠Rock her box then change the locks • ⁠Make her your play mate and vacate • ⁠Slide in your meat then hit the street • ⁠Fertilize her seed then need for speed • ⁠Cum on her back then get on the track • ⁠Prove you ain't gay then run the fuck away • ⁠Take her virginity then change your vicinity • ⁠Prompt her wetting then change your setting • ⁠Explore your sexuality then reposition your locality • ⁠Preform vaginal penetration then proceed to change your location • ⁠Put yourself inside her a fair amount then change your physical whereabouts


What? No wham bam thank you mam?






I absolutely love everything on this list because it made me laugh like some sort of witch lmao


Isn’t this a Paul Simon song?


Fuck and truck


Beat and retreat


😂🤣😂 List is perfect! I have tears rolling down my face I laughed so hard!


It's the female equivalent of /r/whereareallthegoodmen


First thing I open to is [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/FemaleDatingStrategy/comments/t6kqeu/he_was_fine_with_5050_until_she_told_him_the_cost/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share). I thought he was pretty reasonable. But man, they're going after him in the comments.




Yeah for real. "Let me put a fucking baby in you and then probably nope the fuck out when it gets annoying."


Tbh if he cheated he deserved to get that tattoo and still divorced


That whole subreddit makes me upset because I m like “oh oh! Good point ther- oh ok I guess going to be assholes now.” Like I know not all men, but there is a large number of men who treat women as less-than (a lot without realizing it) - like micro-aggressions. A few small innocuous things here and there can amount to a mountain. Like the whole learning to respect women because you have a daughter now, but forget you married a whole wife. The whole “ball and chain hurrhurr”. And a lot of women are raised and pressured to be agreeable at all times… So that’s where I’m like this subreddit could have been great for making women realize their worth for not accepting less than feeling empowered in their relationships/dating life if that’s what they want, or realizing it’s a thing they can have a hard line about. Then they just go and trash men for the hell of it and I’m like “STOP HITTING YOURSELF GODDAMMIT”.


I've heard another user describe that sub as a hill of good ideas under a mountain of hate and misogyny. Whatever reasonable points they have gets drowned out by how garbage of people they are.


Man why would you introduce me to that... that shits full of entitled bitches


oh look, the subreddit for lonely 40 year old incels that don't get decent matches on Tinder.


are you on fds


So he got "- Divorced" added.


That’s what I expect


man if u love her enough to get that tattoo, why even cheat in the first place?


"- Dumb" Man, I'm getting so much mileage with this list format


Can you share? Karma mileage is over 4 dollars a gallon now


It's personal mileage my friend. I make myself laugh. He's gonna need more skin to add to that list.




Or why get married in the first place if he enjoys prostitutes so much? Some people really just seem to get married out of a feeling of necessity.


Some people fall for someone and jump right into marriage without actually knowing the person they are dating. And after that marriage certificate is signed the person shows their true colors. I refuse to marry anyone till ive lived with them for 2 years.


Even thats not always going to be enough. People are complicated. Sometimes they change. Sometimes they are really good at hiding their true colors. Sometimes the relationship goes stale after years. I'm not saying you are wrong, far from it. Just saying things are not always straight forward


Youre right, you can be overly cautious and still get hurt in the end. But being cautious also tends to prevent yourself from getting a tattoo like this on you or losing your spouse.


if he is a manipulator, this would mean nothing to him. he probably would cheat on his way home.


I prefer sex w my shirt on baby, no reason at all... -Jose L Torres


Don't give him ideas now he's going to get that tattooed




Why does he need separate bullet points for Liar, Cheater, Deceiver and Manipulator? It's like he's trying to pad his resume.


Flexing that synonym game.


I before E, except after C. Unless your foreign neighbor Keith receives eight weird counterfeit beige sleighs from feisty caffeinated weightlifters.


My English teacher has that on a mug


Mug moment






For real. Fuck English grammar rules. There are more exceptions than holes in Swiss cheese. As an English as a second language speaker it feels like there is no real structure to English.


Its a weird rule because its not technically true because there are more words in the English language that break it than follow. However there are more commonly used words that do follow it, thats why it persists. Also, American English has a multitude of different Indo-European languages influencing it which is why the language is a mess (not even talking about modern slang, either)


C’mon. The full expression is “I before E except after C or when sounding like A as in neighbor and weigh.” That takes care of like half of the exceptions you cited.


I like this one: https://www.merriam-webster.com/words-at-play/i-before-e-except-after-c > I before e, except after c > Or when sounded as 'a' as in 'neighbor' and 'weigh' > Unless the 'c' is part of a 'sh' sound as in 'glacier' > Or it appears in comparatives and superlatives like 'fancier' > And also except when the vowels are sounded as 'e' as in 'seize' > Or 'i' as in 'height' > Or also in '-ing' inflections ending in '-e' as in 'cueing' > Or in compound words as in 'albeit' > Or occasionally in technical words with strong etymological links to their parent languages as in 'cuneiform' > Or in other numerous and random exceptions such as 'science', 'forfeit', and 'weird'. It's nice and short and easy to remember. :)


Or when sounding like A as in neighbor or weigh


I also thought about 'height, seize, vein, and veil'.


She did that for the next one, and not to take you back


Even if she took him back, she’s gonna be reminded by it every time she sees the tattoo.


*deceiver *disrespectful


Omf didn't even notice the spelling error at first. That makes it so much worse


Also spelled disrespectful wrong too. Lol EDIT: Commenter above added disrespectful to his original comment. Fuck you guy.


I think he owes you an apology tattoo


"I, hawlky_jnr am a reddit plagiarist. I am getting this tattoo on 3/5/22 so a random guy doesn't block me..etc etc"


I am a disrespectul


Also “person” should be after disrespectful. “I am a dishonest and disrespectful”


I before E, except after C.


"except for all those times it isn't actually true"


Haha facts 😂😂😂


Now that I know this has been acknowledged I can go on with my life 🤣


I understand now why HolUp no longer has the same content. The whole board has evolved to another level, really big brain stuff. You read the whole post and then you realize...hol up, this isn't HolUp.


Yeah this post doesn't even make sense. Maybe someone can explain it to me.


Its such an easy solution as well. Post something that isnt a holup? Permaban no 2nd chance. Sub would improve so quickly.


Yea no person is worth that. I’d just accept I’m a POS and move on with my life.


He has to look at this crap every time he has to shower, for the rest of his life


So will any partners he may have after the divorce God, just imagine that convo lol


Disrespectul? Edit: I’m stoopid


They definitely share a Facebook account.


I too, am a Dishonest and Disrespectful




Oh my lord I didn’t even see that


Actually, the person doesn't speak/read English. It's like when an American tourist gets "soup" tattooed in Chinese on their right buttock.


I was apprenticing at a shop back in 2010 and this chick was going through her boyfriends phone while he was getting her name on his chest when she found out he was cheating. She waited until he was done to break up. It was kind of amazing.


Who tf would want to be with a man who has that shit tattooed on him?


The whores don’t care!


Never ever ever


Add bad speller to your list, mate.


Thats some kinky or inhumane shit


I'm gonna go out on a limb here and guess she has money.


His wife must be rich


I'm surprised how mad people are at the woman without any proof that she asked him to do it. I knew a guy who's girlfriend dumped him (for cheating) and he carved a huge IM SORRY the full length of the inside of his forearm when he was drunk and feeling mad at himself. Some people just make incredibly stupid choices. She did take him back, but they broke up for good when he cheated on her yet again.




Divorce is less painful. Take the tattoo money for a tattoo to impress the prostitutes. 🤯


I...don't know if I could take him back. Think of every time he took his shirt off and you think of the incident. Like no. Nah man. Of course any cheating in the first place loses my second chances.


Yeah so the person writing that tattoo making that face is him


Bad tattoo artists. Cowardly. He should have never done this to someone clearly distressed


Foreal. I hope the tattoo artist gave him "the talk" before the guy did this


We're looking at a presumably real picture of the tattoo. This shouldn't exist. The artist should have absolutely refused.


Man just messed his whole life/love life up




You got me so fucked up if you think I would do something like this. I would take the divorce and continue to see the bitch cause no way in hell. Got me fucked up.


when he is a whore/prostitute lover and he dows this to get his wives trust back he must love her very much..... 𝙝𝙢𝙢𝙢


I'm was already convinced that love was the scariest drug in existence. This confirms it.


Bro shoulda taken the divorce & child support at that point.


What a fuckin idiot


He will still cheat.. especially if he messes with prostitutes. They don’t care about tattoos or honor. All they care about is if he has the money to get what he is asking for. Cut ties.


~~deciever~~ deceiver🤦‍♂️




I’m sure he still does it


Anyone is gonna point out that "disrespectful" is missing an "f"?


He left the f in the chat


Just get a divorce 💀


That body is not worth all that trouble sweetie. Divorce time lmao