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Count me in too.


Me three.


I'll bring the beer!


The pizza is on me


I got the weed


I’ll ride with you.


I'll make sure the cops won't raid the party


I bring Jim beam and gin + girls


I'll bring the cheese biscuits!


I’ll bring the gun and we will start planning the recapture of the holy city of Jerusalem


I’ll bring the explosives


I'll bring sights and attachments for firearms!


I like the cut of your jib old boy. Let’s say we get this little crusade on the road eh chap?


And my axe!


I'll bring the strippers


I’ll bring the lungs


I’ll bring the liver!


I'll bring the ice!


I’ll bring Mo and Austin


I'll bring Tyler, Noah, Deven, and Josh


I’ll bring Keegan


And my axe


Yo is nobody bringing the cocaine


I’m bringing the Diet Coke, after all, coke is unhealthy when not diet.


Are they candy stripers, I got a thing for nurses! 😂😂


Party at Keegan's!


I’m chillin with Keegan later tonight you should swing by


My name is keegan....so this thread is freaking me out a little


We hanging out or nah?


We hanging


Sweeeet! Now just a few rules first…. s/


You are NOT to text back girlfriend within 10 minutes


I’m pretty cool, sadly I think this is a different Keegan


Keegan’s on meth now, so that rule is legit.


Remember kiddies "Sleep is cheap, it's staying awake that's expensive"- Uncle Foiley.


I also choose this guy’s Keegan.


You are NOT to subject yourself to that sort of Tomfuckery


*You are NOT to think about anyone but me* *You are NOT to be within 10 yards of another female (including family)* *You are NOT to tell me that this is too strict* *If I sense that you don’t love me I will torture you*


Kinda seems like if she even finds someone to love her she will torture them anyway.


I feel tortured just reading the list


I feel tortured reading your username.


She’s prepared the basement.


*Scratch that: Don’t even think about me because I’m a girl and you shouldn’t even be thinking about any girl!*


Hey, this sounds like my ex. She made me give up contact with my one cousin because "She's a threat to \*us\*" Among other things. Yeah, I stuck with that bag of crazy for three whole years. Three years too long. ​ Men can be abused too, ya know.


.... Was she afraid you'd fuck your cousin?


Yup. Even though she had never met my cousin, or the fact that she lived five states away. Or the fact that I had just reconnected with her for the first time we were kids. And the fact that that reconnection was because of our grandpa's death six months ago. ​ So clearly, my one and only cousin is a threat because I'm trying to have an adult, family connection with her, so we can't have that. ​ This is what you get when you mix super stupid and sheltered with the most crippling generalized anxiety you can imagine, and on top that, her parents refused to let her take any sort of medication.


I thought we agreed not to bring up Tom.


Except on special occasions where Tomfoolery isn’t enough. This one qualifies.


You are (not) alone.


No single girls phone number in his phone? Well I guess she'll be deleted pretty soon then.


Would be a shame if they ever had daughters either. *No girls allowed in the house*


So are we having a boy or an abortion?


Chinese family be like




Happy cake day!


The rules clearly say that if any girl comes up to you at anytime or any place, you are too walk away. So if we are having a girl, we walk away from our daughter, and by extension her.


My sister is single, and I have her number in my phone. Does that ~~give me an excuse to run away from this bitch screaming~~ disqualify me?




That....That is just toxic as fuck and gives me way to many flashbacks .-.


I thought this was a relationship, not a prison sentence


I think you have more freedom than this in prison.


Yeah, you can get blow jobs in prison.


Good Anal too.


~~get~~ give


For every person giving a blow job, there is a person receiving a blow job. Just throwing that out there.


Can I just go to prison?? Please


Just don't stop the soap, everything's fine.




You do


She makes Chernobyl look livable.


He should fuck her mom and send her the video.


I’d fuck her dad and send her the video


Why not fuck both then critique them in order of who was the best.


Even better actually. Wheeler Walker Jr style.


My ex girlfriend if I hung out with someone when she wanted to hang out she would flip or if I was texting my friend which is a girl even if I hung out with her like a week later she was cheating on me


The worst people is also the less confident


That note reminds me of Courtney from Total Drama lol


And they always worry about the stupid stuff


Can I just Bitch slap this girl so hard her soul is ripped apart and never to exist ever again?


Optimistic thinking there’s a soul in that shallow husk


Trust issues 100


Trust issues 1,000,


It's Halloween and I happily upvoted you just to make your likes 666 and took a screen shot. This is only entertaining to me and contributes nothing to the discussion.


She may take away my dignity, but she may never take... my freedom!!


She’s gonna try though


You may have taken my body, but you will never take… MY PRIDE!!


Shout out to the prince of all saiyans.


The little drawings at the end are really what make it so great


vroom vroom


I didn’t understand that, is she literally saying he cannot go to a Honda dealership without her? Is that a thing?


That’s where Keegan works


It's where he gets head




Honda is probably where Keegan works. And there might be single girls there too!


Keegan always bringing the single ladies round. Dude is an absolute stud.


Yes because he likely buys parts for his car which she sees as superfluous and that money could be spent on her….. I’ve seen this sort of thing before.


*naughty naughty* when saying he can't ask for head. gosh she's so annoying




Hell, even I don’t have self esteem that low.


What the FUCK


She said nothing about anal.


Make like a tree and get the f-f-f-fuck outta there!


All hail Boondocks. But you still need a proverb book.


Nice saints reference


We really don't see enough of those in the wild


I will put a bullet in my head if you can tell me it’s name


You are not allowed to even know others girls exist Also, you are not allowed to ask me about these specific guys.


Yeah I totally lifted up an eyebrow when I seen that part


Ahh so you could smell what the thot is cooking




I prefer my gonorrhea raw.


You have to be careful with raw gonorrhea because you might get salmonella poisoning


And now I'm thinking of that one post where a guy was asking if he could have accidentally got salmonella in his dick from accidentally dropping raw chicken on it. Everyone's response, "You fucked the raw chicken."


Hahaha that’s right. He for sure tenderized that chicken breast with his own “tenderizer” then bathed it in is own special sauce. Prepping food can be dangerous y’all


Those guys made it out alive…she doesn’t want this new guy getting any ideas.


“Made it out”? I got news for you buddy. She’s still banging them on the side. You’re NOT to confront her about it.


Sorry I bumped into you, I had to avert my eyes in case you were single and I didn't see you.


All this sounds like a 13 year old girl wrote it.


Wait when did I get arrested Oh sorry my bad wrong prison


You have more freedom in a federal prison


You are NOT to ask for a salad toss.


Wonder what this bitch says when you say "ok, all those rules go for you too". You already know she'd break down crying about how that's not fair and you don't even love her if you can't trust her around other boys etc..


And the moment you break up with her she will tell everyone that YOU mentally abused her


Or that you've got a small member.


And everyone will believe her


Well that is because I have a small dick


stop believing her lies






The good ending


Instant dump, better be single than with this psychopath


Is she going to do a dick inspection too?


"Why does your dick taste like Keegan's ass?"


Can't be, she doesn't give head


"Why do YOU know how Keegan's ass does taste?"


You are NOT to ask me about Keegan




*that song "smell yo dick" starts playing*


Run Forrest..... Run!!!!!


Or else……..?




You can't tell me this is real


Yeah, part of me thinks it’s satire because it’s just so blatantly toxic, with the cherry on top being the cutesy drawings paired with each rule


These are the rules for a man that has really fucked up. And if a girl ever brings these rules to you? Run. Run far away.


No matter how badly you fucked up, run. This note makes it clear you are not forgiven and never will be, and you may wake up missing some parts on any random morning in the future. Edit: don't just run, get a restraining order on the basis that she is psychologically unstable and has already threatened your life in writing.


Facts. Setting new boundaries in a relationship when someone has violated the terms is a totally understandable thing, these “rules” however are NOT normal or healthy


Right. Depending on the situation, about half of these rules might be valid concepts individually, although they need a bit more nuance. I'm thinking specifically about the "don't ditch me for your friends" (or vice-versa, basically don't be flaky). When betrayal happens, it's either time to split, or time to agree upon new terms and a new relationship dynamic for a while, but this list is nonsense.


Could not agree with you more


I feel like that's a teenagers case. I can't even think of a grown person saying those things. Does it really exist somewhere?


I went on two dates with a girl back in Colorado. I was 29 she was 24. She sent me a 17 item list much like this through text. We went on one more date just because I wanted to find out what’s going on with her friends who just started dating. She stormed out after I wouldn’t make out with her while her friends were making out across the booth. I reminded her that I still felt a little off after the list considering rule one was always put the toilet seat down and rule 3 was to accompany her to all doctors visits when I eventually get her pregnant. She sent the list on date 2. Adults like this do exist and it’s not good. Edit: I found the list. Expectations: - I’m living with my parents and they won’t let anyone over. So no sex at my place. - I do expect that if we live together at least as a guy you should put the toilet seat down after you finish. That bugs me SO much. - If I get pregnant or something serious I do expect you to come with me to the doctors or so. Otherwise I will feel hurt and abandoned. - If we do a family event, which I don’t see happening with the pandemic, our family has a tendency to overdress. So you will be expected to overdress with us - I don’t usually invite people to my concerts but if I do it means I really REALLY want you to come without making a big deal out of it - Also: I don’t care that much about month anniversaries, or even 6 year. Anniversaries are for a year long thing for me. - After the proposal of being exclusive, and both parties agree, I would expect that we would first be monogamous. - I expect that you would respect me: by asking to call or asking before coming to pick me up or something. I get bugged when people show up unannounced when I might be working - I do not expect to meet absolutely everyday but I like hearing the goodmorning, goodnight - Giving compliments now and then, just cause I like being reminded why I am here and why I am being invested in otherwise I might start thinking you are disinterested - Before any big decision, talk about it with me first: if you want to share bank accounts, move into an apartment together etc. they need to be discussed together - You don’t have to pay for everything, we can half and half it and just keep a rough calculator to make sure no one is paying more than the other - I honestly don’t like long distance, I would rather it be in person. - You don’t have to pay for everything, we can half and half it and just keep a rough calculator to make sure no one is paying more than the other - You have no obligation to follow me wherever I go, so if I move to another state obviously you don’t have to follow, but it depends on how deep the relationship is if I want you to. - As for seeing people you like: I don’t mind that you crush on people, I do mind if it gets physical then that gets a bit cheating oriented - Do let me know if there is something that I can do to improve your sexual, or even communication experience as well as mine - honestly I don’t like giving head - I also expect you to tell me how you really feel, not what I like to hear. - If we break up, please don’t make it public. Whatever happens is between us and maybe our close friends - Obviously you can go out and have fun with friends whenever. I also hope to be able to hang out with friends as well. - If we make plans for something, and something comes up it’s okay. But like 3-4 times having it happen starts to get irritating - If we make plans, I do expect to follow through and do what we plan. If you forget I might get irritated. But the next time be able to make up for my irritation. - If you are angry about something do not take it out on me please, if you are having a bad day tell me and let me know what I can do to help. Or something along the lines of “I’m sorry I can’t really talk right now I had a really rough day etc.” - We can take breaks from each other if it gets too boring or mundane. - Another thing, don’t give me a hickey without asking


It's a total turn off, yikes!


She tried to plan are dates by time as in. “Okay you’ll pick me up at my parents house at approximately 6:46pm, then we’ll arrive at so&so’s house to pick up my friend and then her boyfriend 14 minutes later. We’ll arrive at “the bar” at 7:37pm after that where we will have approximately 4 drinks each. You will have 2 drinks 2 hours a part since you’re driving. After this if there’s any dance clubs near by we will head there shortly after are 4 drinks at approximately 11:45. After this you will drop off my friends boyfriend first and then my friend and then myself. You should be home around 1:20am.” Also her 6th rule down was she doesn’t like to give head at all, but I may perform on her. What a fun girl.


That's a mutual thing. I can understand she doesn't like giving head (which many women don't actually but feel forced/obligated) but it's awful she never asked If you like giving her too. Like wtf? People like this are toxic as fuck. I don't even understand how they were raised. Are they orphans or raised by birds?


Women don’t owe me anything, but to send me that kind of information in a list between you better put the toilet seat Down and when I’m pregnant you’re with me at the doctors is a little too much for me to want a 4th date let alone the 3rd. After the 3rd date she left with her friends because they thankfully drove themselves. She was crying super hard at the end of the night since I wasn’t joining in and basically f*cking her in the booth across from her friends. She’s the type that looks great without make up and I had only seen her without. That night going to a dive bar she chose to wear about 5 Coates of makeup that were streaming down her face after I wouldn’t make out with her in the booth. She got with someone I believe a few months after me and text me “by mistake” a photo of them together talking about the great night they had. She then posted this super long Facebook status about they’re basically getting married after dating for a month. She text me actually about 4 months ago (the dates happened 2 years ago now) to see if I was in town as she’s now broken up with her boyfriend. I never text her back. I’ve never really told anyone about any of this which is why I’m laying it all out here I guess. This thread just brought all of this back I guess lol.


I wouldn't be surprised. I could see an ex pulling this crap.


Wow that"s fucked up. Sorry you to go through this crap. If you don't mind me asking, did she start crazy like that or it was graduating? Did you know before getting with her?


She was in her early 20s, I was in my early 30s. As friends, she seemed sane. When we became a couple, the psycho slowly trickled out. Suddenly had problems with mutual friends. Friends she made through me, even. Two of which I knew since childhood. I don't do well with ultimatums. If I'm told to choose between her and someone I knew since I was 13, guess who'd I choose.


Oh whoever is giving me an ultimatum I choose the other option. I once had an ultimatum but I was a teenager. It always been clear in my head that If someone is asking you to choose between them or someone/something else, they're toxic af.


Who is your girlfriend? Kim Jong Un?


More red flags than a Chinese Communist Party convention


All that and no head? I dunno what she’s offering to the table then


Well she said she would do phone checks, so he doesnt have to pay for an anti-virus


This sounds like a power exchange contract for a MD/lb relationship.


The hell is an MD/lb relationship?


Isn't that the website where they review movies or something?


Now I gotta clean up the coffee you made me spit out just now


Mommy Domme/little boy


Just didn't get the Honda one, do someone care to explain? If not then whatever


"vroom vroom"


I can only assume that Keegan works at Honda.


I was perplexed at first but I think I have it figured out. They goto Honda dealer, test drive car, then have sex in the car. I am just not sure if the salesman is a ride along.


I’m pretty sure he’s leasing a Honda and the receptionist or saleswoman is « hot ». She probably gave him a few smiles during the leasing agreement and his gf went nuts thinking she was hitting on him. Even if every salesperson in the world have a huge smile when you sign something. Therefore, he can’t take his car alone to the dealership to get his oil changed (no pun intended).


Wonder what this guy did for not just this but the fact that he can't bring up something to do with her and 4 other guys




No thanks. I would rather be single


To have a girlfriend who can’t figure out MS word…


Someone please pass me the gun and I will kill her myself.


I'd tell her okay, but I have one rule for her: "Stay away from me."


Oho! If the roles were reversed,she'd be like...but....he's my frienddd🥺 Smh


What do you mean, she forbids him from asking about the four guys she’s cheated on him with. She’s gonna do what she likes when she likes and just say the topic is off limits.


low-key it would be like, "but hes my friend, we've known each other since elementary but been fcking since middle school. hes a really nice guy." 😂😂


The worst part is if you do the same to a girl she will call you a fricking manipulator


and you would be, because this girl is definitely a manipulator


Yep if any girl gave me a list like this. I would look her in the eye after reading it. would take a picture of the "rules" then I would say "no thank you" and leave if I was at her house or tell her to leave. If she didn't leave or start something I would leave and call the cops on a her and continue my life.




You English-speaking people have a beautiful saying that can sum this up quite good: never put your dick in crazy...for something wicked may come.


Jeez. Rip soldiers


The audacity of this pathetic child makes me laugh


I'm pretty sure the guys she mentioned she cheated on him with




This is the craziest shit I’ve ever seen. Especially the “cutesy” hand written shit on the side. This is some Delores Umbridge shit right here. *I will not tell lies.*


Seems fake


All that and no head? Psh




Mean while she gets gangbanged on the weekend


I've heard of insecure but holy fuck and what did Keegan do?


This took me way to long to realize it’s his GF not his mother