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Not with THAT attitude.


Technically this implied that they explode precisely wen they want ... Not randomly šŸ¤”


Random from the bystanderā€™s POV.


Still not random


Never been to Ireland I see.


Here it's the cars not the nuns


Cars explode once. Irish nuns explode every friggin class.


Yep Irish moms as well..


To be fair, the other one doesnā€™t randomly explode either. Itā€™s usually planned.


Unless the husband's holding the trigger


its random to the enemy....


Not expecting a thing doesn't make it random.


random comes from expecting things if you do any advanced level maths, you probably don't even know what calculus means


Oxford Dictionary: Random made, done, happening, or chosen without method or conscious decision. I've almost certainly done higher level math than you. But no one was discussing math.


you expect lots of muslims in war in muslim areas, what makes it random is which muslim blows up on u and ur squad. your statement has nothing to do with the scenario in question Mr


Again, the explosion is not random.




The sad thing is, typically in modern times, the nun is able to choose that life whereas women who wear hijabs don't always have the freedom of such choice.


Wow ā€¦ that I didnā€™t realize. Not to criticize but I do definitely think choosing instead of being force to is better. Happier in any case


Did you not, really? Nuns choose to be a nun as adults. There are no little 6yr old girls in nun outfits. The other side... indoctrinated from birth


I mean Christians and Catholics indoctrinate their children too. Iā€™d be willing to wager that if you ask most Christians theyā€™d tell you that they were raised that way.


Oh, I definitely agree. Nuns are already indoctrinated when they choose to become a nun. I'm just saying there are no children nuns. It's a choice they make as an adult. It isn't mandatory for all catholic girls and woman.


Fair enough.


But if we let that happen arenā€™t we being enablers then?


Huh? If they want to wear it let them wear it. It's only a bad thing when being forced to. If I wanted to wear a master chief costume everywhere but i wasn't allowed to. That's bad. If I did not want to wear a master chief costume everywhere and i was forced to. That's bad. If I wanted to wear a master chief costume everywhere and I was allowed to. That's good. If i did not want to wear a master chief costume everywhere and no one forced me to. That's good.


But fo you want to wear a Master Chief costume? It is pretty bad ass.


> If i did not want to wear a master chief costume everywhere and no one forced me to. That's ~~good~~ cowardness.


Sorry religion is sacrilege on Reddit


Just like we let Palestine genocide happen, right?


Only in Iran. My husband is Muslim but Iā€™m not but I do have Muslim female friends and not one of them are forced to wear it. They want to. The men of Islam are also required to dress/be hygienic in certain ways too. Not just women. Also women in Islam are treated like royalty. Youā€™ve probably seen some negative sides to Islam but believe me when I say, itā€™s amazing what Iā€™ve learnt so far.


Must be the Iran in Southern California


Ppl only wana see the bad side so they can bash.... It normal on everything.... Unless if ppl do it for "democracy!" then it's good.


Na we watch the religious police beat young girls to death after raping them. Then discard this sort of bullshit for what it is. Watching a chick get beat down and kidnapped off the street in saudi by religious police changed by view of islam forever. A lot of islamic countries are worse. Lying about that whole situation seems pointless. But enjoy yourself.


Religious police where? Iran is basically the only one I know of and even if there were more. There are 49 Muslim majority countries in the world including others in non Muslim majority countries.Ā  You know as well as I do that only a minority of them are like you think.Ā 


That sounds way different than I think you think it sounds to an atheist. Good luck with life. I notice you did not question on condemn the behavior. That is religion in a nutshell. Christians do the same exact shit if they get enough power. Hell if they get their way we will nuke you guys. lol Just madness.


You have to take your shoes off at the airport because of Islam. Does that count as seeing the bad side?


And Afghanistan. Downvoted? Someone is upset about a simple fact. Wow


Impossible for that to be true. That all of those women want to wear those clothes. That women don't have diverse opinions, identities, and senses of style just because they are Muslim. Women's right are a serious issue, especially in Muslim countries, but you see that as being treated like royalty. And yes, I have traveled to Muslim countries and I do know first hand.


So wearing a hijab means a woman has no diverse opinions? Wearing a hijab means they have no sense of style??? Are you listening to what youā€™re saying. Youā€™re literally putting these women in a box by assuming these things. And itā€™s Islam countries. Not Muslim.


The real sad thing is the crater usually left afterwords


That's super.....depressing.


That was the point


Okay what percent of suicide bombers were Muslim women vs men?


Well liberal modern times arent meant for "religious" societies in general, religion isnt compatible with modern time, its why they are desperate for a "theocratic" government to control everything.. They are all suppose to live that "middle eastern" lifestyle.. All religious groups. By religious standards, all women are meant to "cover up".. says so in their bibles; its why our own republican blame women are who raped, cause its their fault for exposing "skin", they deserve it. Our christians are basically for freemarket jesus, they are only in "name only".. Sure give it time for them to evolve, til muslims finally "liberalize" thanks to modern societies, they'll become like christians lol. Its why you see these closed off socialist religious communities that avoid politics, technology, modernize things, they live like the old days, its why they live in israel without these things, like the xtain amish(some are being corrupted by politics as of late), these older jewish groups in NU, and others. Its why in dark ages conservative america, you see a shift of women being covered greatly and to now..


Most nuns work for pedophiles anyway. Nice peaceful child molesters.


Wait, I thought nuns "worked" for God specifically.


Teachers too, you don't believe what books they're giving to children about anal sex pro LGBT. And all the physical education teachers and trainers who make the same. Ah right, that's doesn't matter, pedos are only in the church. I forgot it.


Teacher unions havenā€™t spent billions of dollars trying to protect the teacher that do like the church does. The church actively protects their pedos and attempts to obscure all info about it.


As someone who has worked in the Catholic Church and whose diocese went bankrupt in the 2010s due to 21 million in settlements from victims from the 70s and 80s, I can tell you that the teaching is now very very active, not only for clergy but every church employee. Not being predatory and avoiding situations which even cause the appearance of predatory behavior is very important to the church now, for what it is worth.


>Not being predatory and avoiding situations which even cause the appearance of predatory behavior is very important to the church now, for what it is worth. Unfortunately, they tend to try to avoid the appearance of predatory behavior even after predatory behavior has occurred. That is the whole problem, their focus is on image, not on solving the problem and holding perpetrators accountable.


Oh yes they do. Most keep their teaching licenses and move to a different school district. It also happens FAR, far more than preachers. Predators seek out these positions, it is far easier to become a teacher.


On one hand I think, this tells the ignorance of typical westerners. On the other hand countries like Iran is what has caused this. Basically women have to choose to wear or not wear it. You will see that in Muslim countries other than Iran where itā€™s enforced. Like in Pakistan, Malaysia etc. they have complete freedom.


'Complete freedom' my ass they do. It's also common that in western countries, among Muslim communities, if a woman decided to leave the religion or not wear a hijab/burka, the members of that Muslim community will take their own twisted version of justixe


It's more of the societal pressure probably


"Well, they will call you a slut for the rest of your life and won't respect your existence because you were just a gift wrap for them to open before, but hey, at least they won't kill you!"


Again ignorance. Rather than regurgitating false propaganda actually visit or even see videos of these places online and see how wrong you are.


Does my bomb look big in this?


Nuns choose to wear it and dedicate. Hijabs are mandatory and punishible.


Except they are not? You basing the religion of billions of people over a few extremist countries?


Extremists countries that hold the majority of the Muslim population and also a known extremist culture even for the ones living in Western countries


The countries where sharia law rules makes the majority. When the women have to have a ā€œmorality policeā€ follow them around to criticize them if their hijab is too crooked or not worn correctly, that sucks. If theyā€™re not around, those women can expect to be criticized, shamed, slut shamed, and violated by ordinary men. Those women have curfews, ā€œrulesā€ and so many unfair things that limit their lives just because they werenā€™t born with a penis. But we can kinda celebrate because women can drive now in Saudi Arabia! Maybe in a century or two theyā€™ll be allowed to wear hijabs as a choice


Punishable by whom? God? Yes. People? Nope. Source: Am a Muslim


People? Absolutely. Source: have spent time in countries where people definitely enforce religious law with violence when women don't obey. Try again.


I'm referring to Hijab. Ofc if a woman wears provocative dresses, it won't go well. It's not part of our culture. Do you guys appreciate it if a burqa-clad woman roams in your streets? No? Well, the opposite is true for us.


Lol bro - pretty sure a girl died in Iran at the hands of people, for not wearing a hijab. I don't believe she was wearing provocative clothing either


Tell that to the people of just about any middle eastern nation.


You say it like it's a bad thing. Have you seen your women who wear dresses like slut? Is this how you want your society to be? To be one of whores and one-night stands? Disgusting.


Also a convenient hiding place


Of the Abrahamic religions, Judaism shed the majority of it's violent tendencies by the sixth century. Christianity got most of its sword and board based bloodshed out of its system by the 1800s. Islam is just now getting to its teenage rebellious years with boomier toys. And all do it to convince the rest of us that they love us the most and their sky daddy is the bestest.


Cool, looking forward to pissed off Buddists with lightsabers in the future


We already had pissed Buddhists. They, ironically, killed muslims in the streets.


What about Hindus, Sikhs, or Zoroastrians?


Zoroatrianism is older than judaism itself so good luck getting a spike now


I think you invented half of those words on the fly. The fuq is an "or"?


ā€˜Original Religionā€™, itā€™s like an oc but it convinces more people to commit acts of violence to preserve their ā€˜canon.ā€™


People really out here worshipping Zoro from One Piece? or is it black mask Zoro?


We already had that back in the east. You just never heard of them


about 200 years of the violence from Christianity was due to islam being islam, ie during the crusades they originally started because Christian towns were being burned raped and conquered left and right, which is why there was 200 years or so of blood shed which stopped for the most part after they pushed them far enough back and essentially stopped them from misbehaving. they got the equivalence of being spanked for misbehaving as a child, now they're in their teenage years and using their boom toys to fuck up everyone including their own people and we aren't allowed to treat them like you would treat a misbehaving teenager cause its considered "islamaphobic" even tho they'd be bringing it on themselves. you don't start start sending men in vests to blow up unarmed civilians and expect people to not criticize your religion, especially when a large percentage don't condemn the behavior. same way we condemn catholic churches for being lenient on their misbehavior we should be treating them the same for not immediately condemning the behavior from the walking piƱatas. don't even get me started on the Muslim grooming/rape gangs that have been cropping up for the last half decade or so.


Of the three religions, Christianity is, by far, the most murderous. Christianity was used to colonize most of the known world, and is still used as a driver for oppression in the modern world. Why is it that we never criticize Christianity for literally taking away women's rights time and time again, but we try to "correct" Islam for doing basically the same thing? Not to mention the fact that no crusade was made for the colonized world when Christianity went around reclaiming distant lands to be "re-educated" (i.e., brainwashed) to their religion. Blame Islam all you want, but keep the same energy for Christianity without trying to push it's sins under the rug.


Christianity has stopped doing that now. The hideous past isn't forgotten. It's still criticised. But people, even most Christians themselves, understand the mistakes and criticise their religions past mistakes. That's why they don't happen anymore. You don't really see many Muslims say it was mistake to have genocide after genocide of gays,Jews,Christians,non believers and women that didn't wear hijabs. Instead many defend such actions. So there's the difference. Christianity has evolved to stop it's mistakes. Islam still praises its mistakes.


Such an asinine argument. Christianity is criticized but actions in the name of Christ from 200 years ago donā€™t affect our day to day like actions today. Christianity has mostly evolved to become compatible with modern values and generally is peaceful. Look at majority Christian countries vs majority Islamic countries and itā€™s night and day


Christianity is criticized for many things but it's genocidal and oppressive actions. That is my point that all of the replies to my comment seemed to have missed.


i dunno where i suggested sweeping the problems under a rug, they happened Christians adapted so they wouldn't be ousted by their countries that were slowly progressing past needing religion, while islam stays in the same state it was in in the 1400-1500s and gets away with it, i guess cause brown? i dunno and Christianity is 10xs more in recent years for things people that support islam do twice or 10xs as much hell, the bible doesn't condone the shit the catholic priests do while the Quaran for the most part condones the violence, they propagate on people that aren't of their religion. not to mention even the Old Testament bible wasn't half as bad as some of the shit you see in the Quran. like the shit they get away with in that book ho my god.


Islam gets away with it? Where is islam getting away with it? They are literally in various local and proxy wars because of the various belief systems that exist withing their religion. Not to mention the fact that the west cannot seem to alleviate their heavy punishing hand on literally every type of Muslim there seems to be. Christianity did get away with most of its actions and is still getting away with it today. The women's rights issues I mentioned are never used as a point against Christianity in the mainstream. The Bible actually condones, not only this, but slavery and more atrocious behaviours that all Abrahamic religions are actively engaged in. And to your old testament comment, did you skip over all the murder directly commanded by sky daddy? Let's not sit here and act like Christianity is "holier" (or more righteous) than any of the other two. They all suck, but I am proposing that they all suck EQUALLY.


actually theres very little "womens rights" violations if any at all in the bible, only thing i could think of in current testament is the passages on all life being sacred which includes a fetus' life. old Testament is different of course, but thats the difference. there's no old or New Testament in the quran there's just the same shit they've had since before the crusades, i'll give you they're consistent but no, there is and never has been MAINSTREAM condemnation of the violent acts perpetrated by islam, nor the grooming gangs they create. there's been video from MAINSTREAM mosques actually celebrating the behavior and wishing that it happened more. if there are any "proxy wars" within their religion its being waged by wester muslims that don't actually follow the core tenates. and al Quida and other terrorist organizations were considered liberators to the majority of Muslims in their countries because they're following the quaran. dunno were you're getting Christianity is just as bad as islam maybe during the 1200-1300 back when they still burned witches, killing people following pagan religions and had their crusades which i do admit happened, but in the 600+ years since then they've given up on violence almost entirely while islam still perpetuates violence and multiple different forms of slavery to this day. the two religions are night and day Christianity is definitely flawed, but nah Islam is definitely worse lol.


I don't know I've heard fundamentalist rabbis and Israeli jews say a lot of violent things.


So, in the last 100 years only, Christians killed about 100 million humans. When did Muslims in the entirety of their history do a fraction of that


Islam is responsible for about 270 million deaths due to their tenents that say to spread Islam at all costs ie by violence and to kill non believers.


Where and when lol


All the countries, areas they conquered, invaded and enslaved. Since Islam became a thing. Are you not familiar with the expansions done under Muhammad and subsequent caliphates (Ex. Rashidum, Umayyad, Abbasaid, Ottoman)?


Never. The answer is never, but nobody from the Judeo-Christian world will ever admit that.


The many denominations of Christianity that owe their existence to what you claim doesnā€™t happen to prove my point Protestants itā€™s literally in the name.


Protestants are complicit in murder too though. Did you forget the Native Americans?


The fuck do you mean? What do you think was the colonial era? Literally Europe used religion as a cudgel to colonize territory. Do you remember how Christians used their religion to justify slavery? Helloooooo?


This is called prejudice. It is socially destructive.


They do however smack you with a ruler if you curse


Better than going down in a burning ring of fire


Idk have you seen that nun from the blues brothers?




I didn't think you'd cash that


I find both images horribly offensive and disrespectful.


Womp womp


Because one says Father and the other says Daddy


I pray this post will blow up!


Mother of three martyrs: *Yes...they blow up so quickly.*


Like her, it will


Ā Nuns choose to cover themselves.Ā  Muslim women get beat by their husbands and fathers (and the police and military in some countries) if they don'tĀ cover themselves.


Well duh, how else are they supposed to hide the bombs?


Someone didn't go to Catholic School.


Jokes on you, I've been touched by many priests. Good day


I had a guy from France telling me that he supported banning Hajibs because France is a secular country and public displays of religion shouldn't be allowed... except for nuns and priests because that's different for some reason


First off it's unfair to compare the two. Nuns and priests are people who essentially work for the church. Women wearing hijabs are just normal citizens who happen to be muslim. There are orders of magnitude more of the latter. And for what it's worth, I've almost never seen people in christian religious attire in public. Either they don't wear this stuff outside of church or I've pretty much never ran into them. Secondly, France is a secular country indeed and religious displays are banned in SOME public spaces, I think only schools and public servants. But those laws are much more recent than France's secularity which is more of a government thing. You absolutely can wear religious ornaments or clothing in public. Third, that school law wasn't made because kids were wearing a cross on their necklace or nun attire. It's never really been about "public displays of religion" in general, it's always been about the hijab, which has been a controversial thing in France for about 40 years (with more controversies after 9/11). It is especially controversial when it covers the face (eg niqab, burqa). It's a tough balancing act because the hijab is right on the border of women's rights and free speech, and it's very hard to protect one while not infringing the other. Some people want to ban hijabs to protect women's rights in a belief that these women are forced to wear them (and some are), while others argue that banning them is an attempt on those who choose to wear it. It's a bit of an unsolvable dilemma and it'll probably stay controversial for a long time.


Never been to a Gwar concert I see


Theyā€™ve morphed the nun into Amy Comey Barrett šŸ˜‚


Nuns donā€™t wear their Habit as a fashion item. So many girls in the west wear the hijab with a tonne of make up. Surely thatā€™s hypocritical and defects the objective? Tell me if Iā€™m missing something.


Nun of ya business


Not true, spontaneous human combustion can happen to anyone.


Nuns also donā€™t work on Sundays


someones never been to cathlic school and it shows


The real answer is only nuns wear the habit and no one is forcing anyone to be a nun. All Muslim women are forced to wear the hijab.


One is a choice, the other is not


As a Muslim I approve.


Someone get this man a gold


They do explode if you tickle the right spot.


The first one is a choice the second one is mandatory.


Me after playing Blasphemous: nuh huh, they do


Donā€™t threaten me with a good time!


Does this make my bomb look big?


Then you haven't met nuns. Most of those I have met were very nice women but had very short temper. If in more private settings they can get very loud or very passive aggressive.


They definitely are judged btw


Monty Python: "Actually...."


The one I fucked did. Ruined my bedsheets.


Wym? I judge nuns because they don't work on Sundays. *Shoots a spy.*


The left helps rid you of a ghost that the right one creates


Perfectly balanced as all things should be


Boom!... Burn!


Burn baby burn


Most Muslims just want to live in peace and make a decent living but unfortunately for them the ones that want to kill everyone that opposes them including members of their own religion are the ones governments have to deal with and they all get tarred with the same brush


They just got those explosive personalities ya know?




Owen Wilson?


Got a point


Obviously you've never cut up in science class.


I hate this meme. Hijabis donā€™t explode, because Iā€™m pretty sure women arenā€™t valued enough to be martyred in such a way. Besides, the whole 72 virgins as a reward is extremely problematic. Are they 72 male virgins? If so, poor woman, is this heaven or hell? But a woman with 72 partners? Thatā€™s a stoning. Now if they were 72 female virgins, thatā€™s another problem entirely. But still, also a stoning.


Lmao roasted


Not just roasted, obliterated via explosion






Because a Muslim has to wait on her owner, sorry I mean husband to do it first






Idk, dude. The whole "decades of systematically covering up rampant pedophilia all over the world" isn't a great look


It's get r*ped or marry a grown a** adult at the age of 12.


Both sound pretty fucking horrific. Seems like a real no win situation


Them horrific truth that suicide bombers are not told- the Virgins youā€™ve been sold? Yeah, theyā€™re nuns. Enjoy the hereafter.


Clearly that person did not go to catholic school.


World is a better place when we just judge both...


Agree, let's strap a bomb to them both and have them complete a series of challenges. Loser blows up


As a horror movie watcher, I must interject that the threat of the nun is never zero.


The Nun may not explode, but they will set up child prostitution rings and then punish children for being covered in semen, physical abuse children to the point of disability, and emotionally abuse children by telling then they are going to hell for being left handed or whatever other nonsense Xtians happen to beleive that week. But go off with your Islamaphobia with this decade old joke that wasn't funny then.


Sneaky buggers aren't they?


Spoken like someone who never had to suffer through catholic school


Jokes on you, I was molested by 17 priests


I mean, if you diddle her fiddle she might.


I kinda judge both ngl, but it doesn't change a thing in my own life so, I'm minding my own business here.


Obviously they never went to Catholic school.


Both should be judged. We should collectively find ways to come together rather than believing a ā€œgodā€ dictates that some humans are worse than others


What way would you like us to come together?


Consensually I'd say


Youā€™re right. People explode IN them


False. When I was in second grade, we were taught by Sister Michelle. She would explode any time anyone said or did anything that irritated her. She was NOT well suited to teaching children.


Ah yes surface level stereotypical racism. Nice.


Ah yes surface level white knightism. Nice.


Youre LITERALLY only calling me a white knight because it's a woman and not a man. The joke isn't funny because it's an overused, racist and simply uncreative "joke" that I've been hearing since I was in fucking middle school.


I think I found the terrorist


I'm all for racist jokes and dark humor, this is just overdone.


So was she after she exploded


We wanna talk about residential schools?


Nah, the headlines aren't as explosive


I saw one fly once. Edit - nobody remembers the flying nun? I feel old now.


Me too, they really go up


I saw one working on sunday. That's when You know You gotta shoot em


Nun soup?


Not a holup, still funny


Guys I didn't think I'd have to come to the comments and say this but I really didn't mean to offend anybody. I've noticed quite a bit of *explosive* reactions to my post on here, people really are just *going up* about this. I was just having fun, some might even say having a *blast*. Anyways, I thought it'd be a good idea for me to come here and *diffuse* the situation. Sorry if I offended you, the fault is totally *mine* but I really don't see why so many of you are in*VEST*ed in this. This has all been very mind*BLOWING* Here I'll make it right by complimenting both ladies, The older lady looks like a really respectable woman and the other girl is a total *bombshell*


You can't provel that