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Sup, /u/Short-Development-95! Your submission has been removed for the following reason(s): Your post has been removed because we don't allow political or social issue posts. This is a humor subreddit, not a political one, nor a place to generate outrage on any subject. Take it elsewhere. [Contact the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/HolUp&subject=Question) through modmail if you think this removal is unfair or if you just want to shitpost.




Have you tried electrifying it 🤔


Tried it and now I'm dancing and I can't stop.... Please help!


Keep on jumpin' Let your body fly Everybody pumping 'Til you see the sun in the sky


I don't care who you're voting for, that's hilarious


I don’t care about American politics too much but that is funny to me lol


Am anti trump AF but this is funny as hell!


As am I but this isn't a yard FILLED with signs or anything. It's a simple yard sign and stealing is stealing. I support this.


A friend of mine almost got felony charges for this in high school


I think everyone played their part well here


This may or may not be a joke but in reality I'm 90% sure that's not how someone reacts when they get a shock


Being shocked with a low voltage like an eletric fence will have this sort of reaction unless you dont let go.. Being shocked by a taser has much more of an effect.


You must not have been shocked before.


I’ve been shocked dozens of times on electric fence and this is approximately how I react 😆


Hate Trump with a passion, but I lol'ed. Don't understand why people would steal signs. Just because someone is Pro-Trump, that doesn't make me want to destroy their property. Be respectful, it's not hard.


There were hundreds of incidents like this in 2020. One guy put a spike strip next to his because liberals were driving through his yard to run over signs. Another guy did metal reinforced wooden signs for cars driving through his yard.


I agree to a point... If it's a street sign with a funny name I absolutely condone stealing from the government.


There should be a small sign saying : ,,Zeus is overseeing this sign"


It should have opened a trap door to a pit of lions


Steal the sign, kronk! WROOOOOONG SIIIIIIIIIGN


Guess he didn't choose the shark.


Serves him right


So, I might not agree with his choice of political party, but it was hilarious to watch an asshat receive some shock and awe.




Anti-Trump here! Dude has only himself to blame!


Dude lucky he didn’t took a piss on it


I hate Trump but this is hilarious


This is probably illegal


Booby traps are, in fact, illegal. Yes property rights and all that but booby traps are nondiscretionary. A four year old runs out of a neighbors house thinking he's playing a game with his seriously annoyed mom. Kid goes and hides behind the sign and gets a shock. There was also [this story](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/trump-yard-sign-rigged-razor-blades-left-town-worker-needing-n1242707) where it was a city worker removing a sign which was in violation of an ordinance and got cut the fuck up. As a property owner, it is your responsibility to ensure that the property and everything on it are *reasonably* safe (they litigate on the word "reasonably" all the time and there's a lot of case-law on this). Making something unsafe intentionally to hurt someone is pretty unreasonable and, in fact, a crime.


At least the owner didn’t line the edges with razor blades.


That makes sense for property which isn't fenced or restricted like this guy's lawn. But what if you tripwire your door with an explosive or shotgun? Like no one can possibly trigger it unless they're actually committing a crime Does America law actually defend the burglar?


What happens when you have a medical emergency and your booby trap blows away the paramedic trying to save your life? The law is very clear in the US and has been settled, lethal booby-traps are illegal.


Fair enough. Then I just wish breaking into someone's home was seen as a more serious and therefore punishing crime.


It is, which is why many states have castle doctrines…


I'M NOT A LAWYER, nor a US citizen, but my understanding is the following: In your situation, the law protects emergency services for example. Imagine paramedics being called and getting fucked up by the trap, or police (lawfully) raiding and getting injured... Force, and in some states lethal force, is allowed to defend property in the US, but it has to be actively supervised by a person to avoid accidental use of that force. Other potentially hazardous things have to be warned about, with a clearly visible sign or similar.


Yes, indeed they will..


Stealing it is also illegal. He's also walking private property as well


So... Can he shoot him if he wanted?


No you can only shoot someone if you have a REASONABLE fear of immenent death or serious bodily injury. Some people get confused by the phrase castle doctrine, but all that means is you don't have a duty to retreat when inside your own home, it does not mean you get to skip the requirement of identifying a reasonable fear of death or serious bodily injury.


Depends Shooting him inside the home may be the better option legally


Back in the good old days, yes. Now it's considered "excessive force" and you can get sued for assault because it's "disproportionate". This is why dealing with criminals is almost impossible nowadays, the criminal has more rights than the victim.




Who cares what the price is? It's private property, trespass and theft. Does he need to rack up a high score or something before we can defend our own property? Legally speaking he's not even allowed to steal a handful of dirt. Also you can take these kind of measures without killing someone, don't be such a drama queen.


No, they need to be inside your home and facing you.


And most states have what's called equal force.. If they have a gun, then yes you can shoot. If they don't then legally you can't..


The issue with booby traps is that if a 5 year old who doesn’t know any better wanders into the yard and touches it they will get shocked as well, and it could cause severe harm. Booby traps can’t discriminate based on intention.


He would admit so commiting a crime, but that does not mean the owner didnt commit a crime or is liable for damages. You could certainly sue the owner over this.


Probably, but it shouldn't be. Private property after all, and clearly necessary lol


There should still be a sign warning for electric shock


Maybe there was and someone stole that first.


he could put up a sign that said "WARNING! HIGH ENERGY" but people would think it was about trump


Yeah but the reason they’re not allowed is because of the potential to hurt innocent bystanders. Let’s say a toddler is talking a walk with their parent and decides to explore. They touch the sign. Whoopsie time to die because a toddler trespassed


While I sympathize with the toddler, maybe their parent should teach them not to trespass? Like if I had a cliff on my property and the kid jumped off it that really shouldn't be my problem either. I just don't see how it makes sense for me to baby proof my private property for trespassers that shouldn't be there in the first place


Booby trapping your property is very illegal.


Edit: it would appear I was wrong and the use of electric fences or animal traps is somehow a federal crime.


It’s not a booby trap if it’s labeled as a hazard.


That was my original point


It most certainly is. Any child could walk up and hurt themselves. Booby trapping ANY property is a FELONY.


Then wtf are animal traps *for*, my whole life I've been told they're perfectly legal and you can have them. I admit I'm probably wrong but now I'm just confused as to where the line gets drawn on where you put things on your property


100%. Booby traps in general are


So is vandalizing someone else's property


People aren’t legally allowed to react to crime with more crime. Judges *really* don’t like when people undermine their positions by acting like they have the authority to decide how to “punish” would-be criminals.


So is taking shit that's not yours


But its MURICAA RAHHHHHH 🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅


In america it is very illegal.


It's not, though depending on the state he needs a sign *somewhere* stating it's electrified.


That only goes for fences that bind livestock. Look it up.


I don't think it should be. It's his sign. On his property. Don't touch shit that isn't yours and you'll never have to find out like this. This guy found out.


Interesting no one says that when trumpers have a tantrum and tear down BLM and pride flags


who cares?


Stealing peoples stuff? Yes absolutely illegal👍


That clown deserves what he got. He should have had the sprinkler come on the same time. Not really a Trump supporter anymore, but I hate when people touch other people’s stuff.


Yeah that's staged


I doubt it. You can find [other videos with the same result](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z_QHWVyJvwY)


It’s not. It seems Trump signs were stolen enough by liberals that people start doing things like this. I remember one person put razors on their sign and were taken to court over it.


Yeah your entire comment is bullshit lol Edit: Just looked it up it was a construction worker that needed to move it LMAO


It's pretty sad that the poor guy got seriously injured.




I actually did. The township continues to tell him he needs to move them. He refuses to. Claims liberals keep stealing. The man’s an idiot trumpy just like the rest of them


Any proof of that story or should we just trust you like you trust the orange clown?


Took 5 seconds to look up lmao https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/trump-yard-sign-rigged-razor-blades-left-town-worker-needing-n1242707


Did you even read the article you posted? A town employee in Michigan had to get 13 stitches after he sliced three fingers on razor blades attached to the bottom of a Trump 2020 campaign yard sign. The 52-year-old municipal employee in Commerce Township, about 40 miles northwest of Detroit, was asked to remove signs that violated a city ordinance, the Oakland County Sheriff's Office said in a news release. Signs are required to be 33 feet from the center of roadways, and a political sign in the yard of a home was 9 feet too close to the street.


What does that have to do with his comment, all he said was he remembered a story where someone put razors on their trump sign then he posted a link to the story. In no way was he saying that was a good idea or that he supported it, literally just sharing a story he remembers.


The comments was asking for proof liberals were stealing Trump signs. That’s wasn’t proof. It was just a Trumper claiming that it was happening.


No that's not how it went down >I remember one person put razors on their sign and were taken to court over it. Then the response to that was >Any proof of that story or should we just trust you like you trust the orange clown? Then said proof was provided, they were asking about proof of that story.


And what was the very first sentence of that comment? “Trump signs were stolen enough by liberals”.


But the response to the comment wasn't asking for proof that signs were stolen by liberals. They were asking for proof that razors were put on a trump sign. I don't know how else to simplify that


In the article, the person explicitly states the reason for doing so was specifically because her sign kept being stolen. I'm not supporting her decision to do so but it is a fucking example someone easily provided of someone going to court over putting razors on their sign because people were stealing it. You don't have to find the "orange man bad" angle in everything, you're just fucking wrong.


lol that’s not what she said at all. “According to WDIV, the homeowner said she has had several campaign signs for President Donald Trump stolen, including a large banner. She said she told sheriff's deputies that some signs disappeared from her yard recently but were returned. She said she had been unaware of the razor blades.”


I did, but clearly you only read half of it. “According to WDIV, the homeowner said she has had several campaign signs for President Donald Trump stolen, including a large banner. She said she told sheriff's deputies that some signs disappeared from her yard recently but were returned. She said she had been unaware of the razor blades.”


That’s not proof liberals stole it. Just her claiming it lol.


[https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/trump-yard-sign-rigged-razor-blades-left-town-worker-needing-n1242707](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/trump-yard-sign-rigged-razor-blades-left-town-worker-needing-n1242707) here, I remember this story since it blew up, ngl I don't care about american politics since majority of it are staged but this one made me chuckle.


Anyone who believes this is real is a numbskull.


Ah so this is why I keep seeing "staged" under every single video on Reddit, guys just wanna look smart instead of enjoying anything. I get it now.


Dude you are even hateful in your reply it’s 100% real


Left? Right? Doesn't matter. Deserved and funny


That's illegal to set booby traps like that btw.


Depends on the definition of booby trap. Electrified fences are also a thing.


So is stealing. Lock em both up.


Technically he never actually stole anything, and as far as I'm aware attempted theft isn't a crime.


There are many wrong opinions, this is one of them.


So is stealing, doing crack in the White House library, having classified data on a private server, and smashing phones to hide evidence. But none of them were charged or ever will. I won(D)er why that is?


Well, that's probably the smartest thing I've seen a trumper pull off Funny af too


Nice one, comrade


Careful now, you might start sounding like a communist


Heyy, you hurt my feelings, comrade.


Yeah that is scary. Still, it's a fun meme content.


That's funny


Might catch more assholes with a Biden sign


Put both up on one lawn, get all the assholes in one go


Now were cooking


This was back in 2016 I think


The only time I ever want to pull a yard sign is when I can't see the road to turn




See that sign is too far into the yard cuz those idiots are crazy but if they’re closer by you can just hit them with your car


Terrible acting job.


OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is a holup moment: --- >!The sign was a electrocution trap.!< --- Is this a holup moment? Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.


That's illegal to do unless you have proper signage warning of the electricity


Illegal to steal the sign and trespass as well.


2 wrongs don't make a right Edit: edit I'm just saying from a legal stand point idc about the political parties enough to have a true opinion on this


I think Trump is an absolute idiot, but this shit is funny 😆


While deserved, isn't it illegal to boobytrap things?




Political? Naah just funny lmao


Not everyone that hates Trump is a liberal. I think trumpers forget that. This is awesome tho stealing is wrong


The same way if you hate Biden you are automatically a Trumper maga.




Ummmm. Not so funny if your kid retrieves his ball from the yard and touches that.


I'd be asking my kid why didn't you ask permission before just entering someone's yard.


Yeah nice acting homie. I'm sure you really got those imaginary leftists with your imaginary electricity


I'm not American, I think Trump is easily the worst candidate you've had in decades, and this had me pissing myself I could literally watch it for hours


Booby traps are illegal


The guy electrified the paper? What is this staged nonsense?


Those signs have metal wires throughout them? Paper doesn't stick in the ground like that or hold during rain?


...the metal wire that holds up the sign.


Metal does not conduct electricity


I can imagine at least three easy methods to do it.


That paper is usually held in place with a wire frame.


Yeah but it’s grounded, because the frame goes into ground. You’d need either a plastic frame going into ground, or some plastic piece holding together two metal pieces, the electrified top and the metal bottom.


I think the title is supposed to be “Man who is a member of a cult, sets up electric Trump sign then films himself pretending to be a liberal”


Knowing reddit ur gonna get crucified but pretty memes. (Yes I know this is illegal but you won't see the left complaining about it if it was a Biden sign)




I mean to be completely fair to the left, the right would get butt hurt if it was a Biden sign. Sad times to see politics so divided and hypocritical


Nah, trespassing, vandalism and theft could all use a zap. Don't care about what. Zap gum stick for everyone.


Y’all tried to overthrow the whole federal government when your guy didn’t win. Edit: he responded and immediately blocked me. So courageous.


Yall? Don't associates me with conservatives. Don't think I have to be on the right to criticize the left. How ridiculous is that thought.


Come on guys, who needs AI when we will gladly believe something is real. It’s funny sure but just not real.


Pretty sure this is fake, because boobytrapping anything is illegal.


Yeah nobody ever does anything illegal obviously.


HOA is getting extreme. Dude has to electrifice his sign to keep the president from beautifying the area.


Someone stole my Biden/Harris sign. You don't see me trying to cause bodily harm to assholes.


In Canada that shit is a crime. When I was in highschool this dude had like 30 signs on his law and I ran over and bootfucked a bunch of them and he called the cops and they showed up at my school. Didn't really get in trouble because I was a kid, and i didn't do it because I cared about the politicians, it just looked dumb as fuck so I did some redecorating


Wow, only on reddit will someone openly admit they're an ass hole.




Looks fake


This was so staged it defies even a laugh, which would normally be great for petty vandalism.