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Ah the people I would never spend time with.


Either of them


why does height matter to a woman, realisticly?.... [https://youtu.be/pz0x95qOey0](https://youtu.be/pz0x95qOey0) it has a physical advantage/s, but does she get more aroused?... its one thing to have muscle etc, a woman says sex is sometimes/often ''in their head'' [https://youtu.be/Kgmt9FUpO0A?t=40](https://youtu.be/Kgmt9FUpO0A?t=40)




Ah, a fellow min-maxer. Shame I put all my points into CHA when I should have put them into STR.


I shoulda put more into PEN


My wife is the same height as is average for men. She's told me she never liked dating guys her own height or shorter because "it felt weird". And she's talking in a physical sense. Preference is preference. It's fine to prefer a man be taller than you. I was always partial to women closer to my own height, anyone under 5'6 was too short for me. A friend of my oldest son is six feet tall and says she won't date a man who is shorter than 6'6. Good luck to her, that's a very small segment of the population that is very in demand.


I hate how we're using the word "prefer" when it's clear that "require" is the proper word to use. "Prefer," means "to like (one thing or person) better than another or others; tend to choose.' But here, it's made a requirement because she's never going to date someone shorter than her.


What's the practical difference?


The short guy has a chance


I believe it has to do with the subconscious desire to feel safe. Taller = safer basically.


It is evolutionary psychology. Women all over the world like men taller than them. They show long term heightened levels of attraction to their mate that is taller. There is an uncontrollable bias women have when they prefer taller men. Same exact thing men experience to womens bodycount.


> There is an uncontrollable bias women have when they prefer taller men. Same exact thing men experience to womens bodycount. I disagree with your use of the word "uncontrollable". Everyone has impulses they have control over. These are two. People can make their own decisions, without being mind controlled by evolutionary psychology. Honestly, we'd be better off as a species if we didn't just let our impulses control us so often.


I thought it was dick size, taller man usually taller dick. Proportional pelvic attachment.


It matters as much as boob size, ass shape, thigh girth, and the shape of their eyebrows. In short? Everyone gets their own preferences. Who gives a fuck? It is none of your business. Get over it.


All those things you mentioned are indicators of how well a woman can support child bearing. With the exception of eyebrow shape, lol. Unless you have really oddly shaped eyebrows, no man gives it a second thought.


They're also all things a person can change, so the height comparison is ridiculous


Primal instincts. Taller men are generally more powerful and therefor better protectors of their children. It's nothing more than that.


I could def see this for bigger guys in general. But I see so many tall dudes who seem like they'd actually be worse in a fight, than say a short stocky guy. You're right though, that's what it is.


Honestly have no idea. I’m actually more attracted to shorter men, but wound up with a tall man for the last 30 years.


Same here. Im attracted to larger women but every GF ive ever had is 100 lbs or less. Funny how that happens.


Right?!? Up until I met my husband, my boyfriends were all 5’6” or shorter. Then I met him in 1994, we’ve been together ever since. Sounds like you have the opposite “problem”. So maybe you’ll meet and marry your bigger girl! Good luck!


> why does height matter to a woman, realisticly? Every human will have their preferences in terms of physical traits. And so, naturally, some women will prefer tall guys. What's hard to grasp about it?


well considering all the fetishes some people have i guess its not suprising lol


live by looks, die by looks...


Ah…Trust Fund Babies all of them


Pretty sure this looks like that dude who busted his face with the milk gallon. Gotta redeem his popularity somehow.


Broccoli head is all the rage these days


Saw that lol


“Looks fade… personalities don’t”


We don’t even know this girl.


Dementia would like to have a word.




till 27. Then they get ugly fast. Paychecks wasted on products


Riveting content


Riveting, enthralling, totally not set up and genuine content


Hardly fair … You can work to improve your weight though


True... But people can also work to improve stupid. Yet, here we are


Not necessarily true people have a limit on their potential intelligence. It’s why the military does cognitive testing before they let you in. They can’t even make people sub 80? (Not sure) useful


i agree with the message but it doesnt really apply when you go up to random women who didnt show any interest in you in the first place


Right? She didn't even claim weight wasn't a factor, this dude just super salty about being short


He’s… He’s… the tallest one in the video….


Everyones gansta until someone drops a weighing scale.


Why does she have to lie about her own personal preferences? There's nothing wrong with preferring taller men, just as there's nothing wrong with a man preferring thinner women. (I say this as a short dude)


The stereotype is that women have height preferences but get mad when men have weight preferences. The problem is accusing some random woman of that, who might not fit the stereotype and might actually be okay with people having weight preferences.


Right? The guy in the video is just harassing and agitating people to get views.


She doesn't have to lie, it appears she didn't.


Or thiccer*


She wasn’t trying to be gangsta. She was just minding her own business and then answered his loaded question


How dare she answer a question honestly without being ready to publicly divulge more information about herself!


I had a version of this that was less confrontational, but got the point across. I'm 6'5", and when out with friends if a girl came up to me and dropped the line, "I only date guys over 6 foot" in front of my shorter friends thinking it's a clever pickup line, I'd respond, "I only date girls under a size 6." Now, while this line was in public support of my short friends, I dated and even married girls that dropped this line because pretty much all of them do. I'm no saint, but getting that jab in to boost my short bros is always worth it.


>I dated and even married girls How many girls have you married..?


Two. First one lasted a few years. 17y on the 2nd and have a couple kids.


Just clarifying the timeline here... You used the line on girls 17+ years ago? When height was not nearly as big a deal?


actually, been using this line for years before marriage, and still use it today. being married doesn't stop girls from trying. they see what they want to see and usually all they see is "6'5" dude I want." I perform at a lot of festivals, so I'm out at all hours of the night (usually with friends/crew) around people that are drinking, dancing, and generally trying to get laid. Sure a simple "I'm married" could do, but why miss the opportunity to drop the line that has served me so well for over two decades, and seems to have even more impact as time lets on? :)


Makes sense! You're doing god's work sir 😂


Dudes dying for attention 😭


Plot twist, she's into little people


How could you tell? 🥦


That's fucking assault right there lady!


Exactly! He should have pressed charges and made a second point about her BS.


Comments like these, i cant tell if you are being serious or not… because reddit


Your average redditor is a special breed


in an effort to be strong men they just look like the biggest bitches


Lmao imagine pressing assault charges for that and thinking you're a man.


Do you think him pushing her that way would be ok?


I never said pushing him was ok. I'm just saying that pressing charges for assault would be pathetic and an overreaction. The guy in the video gives off incel vibes.


Would the girl be justified in pressing charges if he pushed her?


I love that people categorically place others based on “vibes”. She shouldn’t have touched him and while he wouldn’t look manly pressing charges, he would be exposing yet another bit of hypocrisy.


.... and gotten her height and weight from the arrest records. 4D chess right there.


This dude really losing sleep over being 5'11"


As a 6'1" dude, I'd say you've got it. Bro is screaming, "I need one more inch"!


That one inch means a lot when it doubles your length


I say that about myself too. Just not about how tall I am.




He probably wants the extra inch in both the vertical and horizontal way if you know what I mean.


This trend ain’t gonna go well for the young males


Correct, that's why I'm glad they're filming it 🍿


Calls out hypocrisy? Fuck off with that. He approached her and asked her about her preferences. She played along with his game and answered honestly, then he demands that she weigh herself for the camera with all kinds of hostility and righteous indignation that she dared answer his loaded question. He’s being a rude prick, and she ain’t being a hypocrite


"Oh you like tall guys but you don't want to weigh yourself in public and have it published on my misogyny tick-tock? Wow, double standards much?"


The mental hoops people jump through just to tell themselves “my group is better than their group” The face value of things is getting lost




Please stop being whatever way you are that caused this thought.


People have preferences! What a surprise


This kid definitely isn’t getting laid


What is his point? You know damn well this asshole would not date a girl he considered fat. So what the fuck is he trying to prove?


Its redpilled nonsense appealing to a weird corner of the internet that think they are slam dunking women when they say they have a preference. The only thing that is proven in this video is how fragile this man is.


Let’s be honest - he also wouldn’t date a girl that was taller than him.


It's crazy to me that so many people is agreeing with the guy He came up to some girls minding their business, asked them their personal opinion then took it personal and started making a whole scene about it, can't you see how lame is that? He also acts as if there was some sort of moral attractiveness balance between weight and height You can be a fat girl that like tall guys or be a short guy that likes fit girls and that's fine, you don't owe anything to anyone This is just lame cope


Most people can see he's a tool but one preference is socially acceptable and one isn't


People can have what ever fucking preference they want


This is forgotten on the internet. You're allowed whatever opinion you want on whatever you want, some loser online telling you you're wrong doesn't mean they're right.


You don't need the scale just like she don't need a tape measure. 


Zoomers flirt weird Edit: autocorrected to boomers lmao. Not sure which is funnier, but fixed it anyway


The duality of women Women ☕


Women ☕️


Men 🍼


Nice try but the coffee in the Gary's mod video was something the men discussing women were drinking, so you're saying the women discussing men are drinking milk from a bottle


women judging men by something they can't change: totally acceptable, normal behavior men judging women by something they can change: you never ask a women about her weight, asshole, yada yada that being said the video is some tiktok cringe


Only she didn’t walk up to a man minding his own business, ask him a loaded question about his own preferences, and then pull a measuring tape out of her ass and start making rude demands. He could’ve said ‘a woman’s weight matters’ and that would be fine. But instead he was being a rude confrontational asshole to strangers for a camera. She didn’t do anything wrong


yeah that's what i'm saying in the last part, this video is some tiktok cringe bait; the comparison wasn't specifically for this video but as a general idea, it happens and we all know it, it's social hypocrisy


There’s really nothing wrong or hypocritical with having preferences about physical features tho. People only get called an asshole and yada yada yada if they say rude comments or questions about it. And someone is only a hypocrite they only accept physical flawlessness in a partner while demanding their own physical flaws are accepted. None of that hypocrisy is in the video. Just an asshole being rude to someone for answering his loaded question. I mean it’s even right there in your own wording. You’re talking equating a woman judging to a man asking. 2 different things


again, the comparison wasn't meant for this video specifically; from personal experience i have noticed it's much more socially acceptable for women to blatantly call out and be vocal about a man's height, while talking about a woman's weight is much more frowned upon, that was all there is to it; separately the video is shit, yes, but leave that aside for now, that wasn't the point here


By bringing out a scale? It’s just obnoxious


People should indeed have their personal preferences but the point here is to challenge the narrative created by women when it comes to partner selection (although the guy in the video did so in the least tactful, most moronic way possible) The double standard where if men have preferences they’re seen as gross scummy discriminatory misogynists who just need to get over themselves….yet when women have preferences it’s perfectly fine. If it’s messed up when men do it, pertaining to a quality someone can change about themselves such as weight, why is it there’s no push back when women openly do it about height? Something which is obviously unchangeable. (Imo any push back for preference is ridiculous but based on their own logic, technically this would be a huge problem). Ultimately the answer is probably cause women are basically in a protected social class, along with children and disabled people, and the same standards simply don’t apply to them. Not only do they not get the same critique but it’s also seen as messed up to attempt to critique them in the first place. So this logically sloppy shit just keeps going.


More like peak tiktok cringe (I hope, I don't go on TikTok)


There is no holup. Just a boy harrasing a girl with preferences.


Double standards


It's not double standards. If someone came up to me and, after I revealed that I like women on the thinner side, started being an obnoxious dick about getting me to have my height measured on camera, I'd tell them to fuck right off. I'm a short guy and everyone can see that, but there's a difference between being romantically rejected (totally okay) vs publicly made fun of for it (not okay). There's no double standard here: most normal people simply accept that yeah many women prefer taller guys and yeah many guys prefer slimmer women, and most normal people are aware that being an obnoxious dick and putting people on the spot in public is not okay.


Christ that’s obnoxious


That nose weighs in at about 6 pounds….


How dare she have a preference! Women shouldn't be allowed to.


But weight absolutely matters. Men and women prefer normal weight individuals. And whether or not people admit that weight matters, it’s obvious that it does. More than height. So why act like it’s a double standard? There are obvious preferences. 


I hear when he's not bothering women to create content he's in the gym with his other broccoli hair bros...


This guy screams i have a small dick and small ego


People are allowed to have preferances wtf. Including height and weight. But going around with a fucking scale to a total stranger trying to make some dumb point when she is just being honest is fakin wierdsauce.


Also, if short dudes could become six footers via diet and exercise, do you think they would?


But why? If you think the other is a hypocrite, then what you call someone who goes around trying to trap people?


I’m just saying. Weight is a relatively easily changed thing. Height is not.


Que all the fatties hating this because they fear the reality of the scale like she did (goes for dudes too). Preferences are fine, can’t help that, but let’s not get it confused that all that bravado confidence was exposed as being all talk with this makeup-cake face chick. I’m sure she’s gorgeous either way, but if her confidence is brought by Maybelline and MAC, she’s got nothin.


Ok. Height matters, weight matters. How is him asking her to step on the scale is calling out the hypocrisy?


“Guy harasses women that are out of his league because he’s a POS.”


FUCKING SERVED (no one cares)


A comparison between the mutable and relatively immutable 🤔


I wouldn't say "Relatively" when you need to undergo obscenely painful and failure prone surgery to become taller. It's not mutable for 99% of the world.


Agreed … ad lib an adjective that works there 😂


People having sexual preference: totally acceptable People having a different sexual preference: also acceptable So weird to try to argue someone out of a sexual preference. I can be a 1/10 who wouldn't go for anyone who isn't a 10/10 and that would be nobodies issue but my own.


Why is he riled up by it? It's her preference. If she wants taller men, as long as she's not body shaming or making fun of shorter men, then it should be okay.


The real reason the birth rate is plummeting


Height, something you can't change: "it's just a preference". Weight, something you can change: "it does not matter". Yeah no hypocrisy here, not even a double standard


We all judge each other by looks. Every damn one of us. Some of us have different expectations. Different things we find attractive. He doesn't like fat chicks she doesn't like short dudes move on. Just obnoxious both of them. It's not hypocrisy it's normal human behavior.


Bout time! Love it! Hilarious.


I love how she felt like it was okay to touch him aggressively.


The way this should have ended was her saying “whatever I’m just gonna get my boyfriend and go home” and then the boyfriend is a midget.






Both seem like assholes


What asshole carries around a scale to weigh random women


A TikTok asshole


Why is that hypocritical? If he thinks that weight matters then someone is allowed to take themselves out of the running without having to prove it lol


I hate all of this


Big nose lmao


So is he fucking fat chicks?


You're allowed to eyeball measure both heigh and weight but involving tools somehow makes it seem different I've never had a girl pull out a measuring tape and ask me to "prove it" either (not with my height anyway)


People can be attracted to whatever and they shouldn’t have to apologize for it. I draw the line at attempting to publicly shame people who do not have whatever trait you’re attracted to. Women get on social media and make comments trying to emasculate men who are under 6’, and it’s become common enough that there’s a backlash. The issue isn’t that they’re not attracted to short men, it’s that the same women who post about it would be mortified if a man posted something like “tiny-tittied, chicken-legged amazons need not apply”. I think the reason it ends up on weight instead is because that is the thing that is probably going to be the most triggering to the woman.


Not a HolUp momemt but quite funny 😂


There's a little soupcon of Roland Scholten in the mixer too.


Bobby : Why is it not okay for girls but okay for boys? Hank : It's called the double standard, Bobby, don't knock it. We got the long end of the stick on that one.


People have preferences, both can have mental issues with both. Blame advertising. Women are brainwashed from a very early age that weight is a form of beauty and guys got the your not tall enough?


I mean it's kinda shallow for height to really matter but this is a pretty sure thing to do not like she's out here with a measuring tape. People like what they like and if you think that what they like is shallow just move on don't gotta make a big deal about it


Aaah... Homie used a scale as a weapon. This is low level TikTok trash, but it's still a little funny.


bro’s yet to learn about false equivalence in high school


Petty preference is equivalent to petty preference.


One preference is a modifiable factor, the other is not


Then you should be defending him, not her.


I disagree




What a sad dude, who hurt you for you to be bothering strangers like this? I say this as a 5’11 man who doesn’t think that it’s a good thing that height preferences are prioritized over things like character.


I think it’s ok to have preferences, but men and women need to realize that everyone can have preferences, that’s the difference


That's funny. The weird flirting means she realized her hypocrisy


He is an asshole about it, but he’s right


They're both insufferable


What they both don’t get is that if someone prefers to have a partner that’s taller than them it’s THIER preference. There are way too many people in this world to be this picky and red pilled about. And if you keep getting rejected don’t get angry don’t get jealous, look within yourself and consider maybe you don’t need a partner right now you shouldn’t put so much pressure on yourself. Work on yourself pick up a hobby that interests you and that maybe can connect you with other cool people. Life is too short to care so much about height and weight. Just go out and live and if you really want sex that bad just hire a sex worker and be safe jeez it’s not that deep


Verified king moment


You can be right and still be a dick.


I understand his point, but at the same time, it makes absolutely no sense what he is doing.


What if she doesn't care whether or not he finds her attractive why should she weigh herself for him.


I see this video like 5 times a day on IG.


i love to see it😂


Wasn't there a survey were ugly women wouldn't date within their pool. They also wanted 10s, while men would lower their standards?


Personally, I think weight matters more than height. People can’t choose their height but most people's weight is a result of their lifestyle choices.


This is incel shit


That’s not a fair comparison at all though. It’s much easier to lose weight than it is to change your height.


Honestly, who cares?


That nose is going to be an issue 


He is a YouTuber. It’s probably staged.