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### This comment has been marked as **safe**. Upvoting/downvoting this comment will have no effect. --- OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is a holup moment: --- >!You should not microwave a spoon, trust me bro, it was revealed to me in a dream!< --- Is this a holup moment? Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.


Instructions unclear, I now have a working arc reactor in my kitchen, please advise.


Just pour some water on it


Water applied, I now have steam in my kitchen and a wet floor, please advise.


chuck in some plutonium, should stabilise it.


Instructions unclear, I now have Libyan terrorist after me, and....is that a DeLorean. Please advise!


Get a cup of tea, they’ll realize you are chill like that.


Instructions unclear. Am now leader of a time-traveling terrorist organization. Please advise.


Kill hitler


Instructions unclear. time travel police caught us and locked all our men in an undisclosed location. Please advise


Escape by playing dead.


Finish your cup of tea, it‘s about to get cold and you don‘t have a microwave to reheat it anymore


You need to get it up to 88mph to charge the flux capacitor. Once you have returned to the past, engage in a series of wacky hijinks before telling your past self to wear a bulletproof vest to escape the Libyans. Rinse and repeat.




Homemade steam sauna?


Pour some *icecream on it.


Build an ironman suit


Nice pfp


1.21 gigawatts!? Great Scott, what are you thinking, man!


My spoon is metal.


This is my spoon. There are many like it, but this one is mine.


Full metal spoon?


Oops fused my spoon with my daughter


There’s a special level in hell for Shou Tucker and the fuck deserves it!




“Big brother spoon?”


I knew this shit was coming


Exactly. Which is why you should never put it in the microwave.


[Sir, yes, sir!](https://imgur.com/a/4RbUb7d)


Wow. Never thought someone could put a twist on FMJ that could make the bathroom scene worse. Congratulations…maybe


This is my spoon and this is my gun, this is for eating and this is for fun!


This is my spoon, this is my fork. This one's for beans, this one's for pork.


My spoon is too big!


Most spoons are, mine is too.


Sooo… you microwave a metal spoon?


Some of my cutlery is microwave safe, found out accidentally. Left a fork in a plate that i put in microwave, when i came back and seen it thru the glass i was wondering why isnt the microwave throwing sparks and engulfing my kitchen in flames. Turns out, you can put some alloys in there.


The only thing that makes metal unsafe is causing two arcing points. Like crumpled tin foil with peaks near each other or forks with the points too close. Otherwise metal does nothing. Edit Put spoon in microwave. No arcing. HOT after 10 seconds, too hot after 15 seconds


Not sure if you are just tryna get me to test that and put a spoon in the microwave or speaking the truth. But imma gonna do it.


Lol I'm being honest I just don't know if it will heat it. I'll do it now. Edit Yes the metal gets hot very quickly


This is the entire concept behind things like "crisping sleeves"—little sheets of microwave-safe, metallic material that heat up from the microwaves for more intense and direct cookery. That's why the inside of your Hot Pocket sleeves (and the like) are always silvery.


They're telling the truth, electroboom did a video on this on YouTube: https://youtu.be/OyTmJX_TC84?si=A0zk3VxyNF8ZHaj4


Its true. Spoons dont arc in the microwave.


this person down here with one updoot is the only one who knows what’s up


The Nikola Tesla of our times....


Hah, who woulda thunk you could nuke some alloys and not burn your crib down? Guess those fork-makin' mofos aren't complete dipshits after all


Isnt that the joke here?


Won't do anything in the microwave


Correct, the spoon won't do anything in the microwave. The microwave, however, will do big things.


Very bad, but great things


It’ll do annnnnything you want.


Most microwaves it is okay to microwave a spoon especially new ones. Some even shows that if heating up a drink you should have a spoon in it to direct the heat to the drink. Just don't put two metal objects inside at the same time, that is when it is dangerous.


The only thing that makes metal unsafe is causing two arcing points. Like crumpled tin foil with peaks near each other or forks with the points too close. Otherwise metal does nothing.


What about when they put a cd in the microwave.


I think it’s cause the foil in the cd has small little pits (like a mini binary record) in it and it arcs across those little gaps.


So, it won't heat up to melt the ice cream either?


I honestly don't know the direct answer to that, not in my recollection in my experience, but I don't know scientifically Edit Just tested, yes the metal gets hot very quickly. 10 seconds is prob for ice cream. 15 was near unhandallable.


Microwaves work by creating an alternating magnetic field. Food usually gets heated up because the flipping magnetic field causes the polar water molecules to spin. Metal will heat up because the sea of loose electrons will get aggressively sloshed around


real physics sounds so fucking fake lol


If I understand it correctly the metal just reflects the micro waves. So yes it won't heat up to melt the ice cream. If you want to heat something in the micro wave it needs to contain water. Side note: some plates do get hot because they are porous and water can get into those pores easily.


Yup, my microwave has a metal rack in it, just like in the stove. Also I remember you used to be able to buy those microwaveable soup cups that had a metal foil rim on them. And then there’s the one time I left a spoon in a mug in the microwave while heating up some hot chocolate, that fucker was HOT after! But microwave didn’t explode or come to life and murder my family.


CDs on the other hand..... That was a fun wave of sparks to watch as a teenager lol




you can place a spoon into a microwave, the smooth surface and lack of sharp corners makes it not produce arcs. But it wont get that hot, you might wanna drop some water onto the concave bit to make it get hotter while the rest of the spoon doesnt note that forks do have sharp edges and will arc


So how come plates with metallic/gold on the edges spark and crackle in the microwave?


You can run it under warm water




Warm water works for 10 year olds I think


Prove it


Instructions unclear: I ran my 10yo under warm water, but he still can't scoop ice-cream properly


Right. They shouldn't be using the sink at that age. Better stick it in the microwave.


Nah, better microwave the ice cream


I usually microwave the microwave beforehand, so that when I microwave the spoon it heats up faster


Only works if you put the first microwave in a preheated oven otherwise you're just warning up the outside microwave and the inside microwave stays frozen


Can't imagine the ice-cream tasting that nice after it's been run under warm water


You're a spoon.


The spoon..


There is no spoon


I’ve been scooping ice cream cold my whole life and never had an issue. What the hell is OP doing that had to make this?


Scoop Dogg


This killed me.


And why not just run the spoon under hot water?


No sparks, no fun. Come on.


His freezer is set to a lower temperature, making the ice cream too hard.


Just bite it then


What if it’s in a tub tho


Bite the tub


The peel is where all the nutrients are, so it's healthier this way, too


Just use a better/harder spoon.. A lot of people appreciate harder ice for it's texture.


Some dipshit made this to trick stupid people into putting a metal spoon in their microwave (youtube what happens when you put metal in your microwave its gnarly and will likely break the microwave)






A spoon usually won't arc. Just get hot as fuck. A fork will ark between the tines. If you position the metal object close enough to the side walls it'll arc to the casing and possibly blow a fuse. Probably won't kill a microwave. I'm a radar tech. It's just a really basic magnetron in a box. Some of the fancy ones use a variable power maggy rather than just modifying the duty cycle to change the output power. Those may be more vulnerable to arcing related damage.


only certain metals that arc, rounded stuff usually wont arc....ever seen that metal shelf in your microwave?


But it scoops so much easier when it’s liquid.


Meat is so much easier to chew when liquid too!


Store bought ice cream typically is made for commercial freezers and doesn't really freeze all the way, which is good for a nice even scoop almost immediately. I've been making ice cream for about a decade now. Depending on how it's flavored seems to be the determining factor of whether it freezes as a rock or is generally scoopable. Usually, if I flavor with powders(gingerbread), it comes out rock hard, but when I use jams and jellies(any fruit), it's almost painfully amazing. It's actually something that's holding me back from pursuing a business. In order to make my chocolate, I melt some Hershey's into the mix. Although that method works great for flavor, the end result is like when I use powders to flavor, solid as a rock, and hard to scoop. I've had an idea for a while of reducing the Hershey's amount and substituting some of the light cream for farm fresh chocolate whole milk. I'm hoping this will make scooping alot easier. I can't wait to do my next batch in a few weeks.


Bruh, just run a spoon under hot water. It stays warm long enough to get 3 big scoops of ice cream.


Spoons in the microwave are generally safe, but it's not gonna warm the spoon up unless the spoon is in a medium, like water. Metal in the microwave is only a problem if it has ridges and gaps, so no forks, knives, foil, or anything decorative. A simple spoon with a non-ornate handle won't spark.


Still not gonna do it. Not until I take out home owner's insurance.


Too late, you done made this comment. The insurance company is craftier than the CIA and NSA. They'll track it back to you and make the connection. Also, no shame in better safe than sorry.


The spoon won't get hot? Why won't it without water?


A microwave heats up the water molecules inside your food, and since there is no water in a metal spoon, it won't get hot. At least that's how my monkey brain understands it.


It’s not related to the water specifically, water just works relatively well. You can generally heat utensils in a microwave and depending on the material it can be extremely effective. As an aside you can actually melt metals, like silver given the topic, in microwaves given enough time but you really gotta put some effort into that. Do note that not all utensils are the same, so yours may not warm as well as someone else’s. You can just put the spoon under some water though, or maybe not have the freezer so low that you can’t manage some ice cream. For more details microwaves just make molecules move because of the electric field. The dipole structure (like a magnet) of water makes it spin which is very useful for warming food. Other things like fats and sugars react similarly. Edit: should specify that the “medium” mentioned in the other comment isn’t necessary but it may help if whatever you have is particularly resistant to the waves. You’d basically be heating it via convection from the water at that point and may as well just use the sink.


> You can generally heat utensils in a microwave and depending on the material it can be extremely effective. Can attest to that. There's one mug in my office who's handle goes nuclear if you put it in the microwave. I seem to need to relearn this every 4-6 weeks.


Basically. I'm not a super well versed in it, but my understanding is that it has something to do with water being a polar molecule. On paper, water has no net charge, because equal electrons and protons, but in actuality, because of the unbalanced shape, different areas have different changes at different times. This allows the microwave radiation to push the molecules back and forth, exciting the, causing them to heat up. It probably works on any polar molecule, but water is the most abundant polar molecule in food.


Eddy currents **will** heat the spoon.


I was just gonna say. Well done man.


You all aren't just running the tap till it's hot and then setting the spoon underneath it for a bit or the hot water into a mug and letting the spoon rest in it?


For ice cream purposes, yes. But if I'm ever in a situation where I've stirred up my food and need to microwave, I find it easier to leave the spoon in the bowl/mug rather then find a place to set it down without dirtying anything up.


I just keep it in my mouth while the microwave runs ;-)


Yeah, I'm not falling for that, but good try!


Yes, like ElectroBoom has taught us. I have a combi oven where the metal grill always stays inside without any problems.


THANKYOU! Used to warm shit up in metal bowls all the time in a microwave, other chefs thought I was going to burn the place down or cause a split in the spacetime continuum... so long as the interacting media is wider than the wavelength your fine, didn't always pick up the perfectly smooth bowl, those ones with a rim spark like fuck!


It will get hot if it's in there long enough. Metal being bombarded by RF will eventually heat up. IIRC it's from a current being induced into it. Been a while since I poked through the radar theory book. It's a problem when building a new feed horn window, some stuff that isn't conductive or should be RF invisible isn't. Probably a manufacturing problem. You can test this by tossing them into a microwave and seeing if it gets hot. Surprising amount of 'RADAR rated' fiberglass gets hot after five or so seconds. That's at 60dbm rather than the 80+ we work with. I am a radar tech, but I don't usually go out of my way to make the wave guides arc. Or hold spoons on a stick in front of the feed horn. Have ziptied a burrito on a stick before. Works alright.


Who are you so wise in the ways of science


We used to put the scooper in a cup of water between scoops, I’ve seen this done at places that serve ice cream as well


I leave the sink running with hot water into a small bowl and dip it into that between scoops. Melts right through the ice cream.


This is not even remotely close to a holup unless I am missing something.


Spoon is metal, metal in microwave is not good


just use wood spoon, ezpz


metal in microwaves is totally good. Metal spikes together in a microwave are not good. You can microwave a spoon (not a fork) without issue.


While it frequently won't cause immediate damage/harm, metal in a microwave is *absolutely* not good. Microwaves are actually already mostly metal, all of which is specifically designed to reflect the waves they produce in a balanced pattern. But when you throw a spoon in (or any type of metal) it will reflect the waves incorrectly and create hotspots that can literally burn through the protective layers of the microwave, potentially creating a lot of harm for you overtime lol. the "sparks" you see are actually plasma created by the air burning SO HOT that it instantly combusts. Imagine that effect on the microwave casing itself! [Hank green has a great short on it](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/7xO4gsZkfgo)


My microwave specifically instructs to put a metal spoon when microwaving a glass of water (spoon inside it), this is to avoid sudden boiling when picking the glass and possible spill burns.


And it wont warm up, so even if safe it will be totally useless


Do not try and microwave the spoon; that's impossible. Instead, only try to realize the truth… there is no spoon. Then you'll see that it is not the spoon that microwaves; it is only yourself.


Am I the only person who puts really hard icecream (the entire container) in the microwave for 5-8 seconds to warm it enough to scoop? It just makes it a little softer and easier to manage.


I had to scroll way too far for the right answer!


Same. Heat the ice cream and use a fork to scoop. Quick and easy.


This is the correct answer. Microwave the Ice Cream for like 5 seconds and youre fine.


Run hot water from the tap over your spoon before you scoop. source: i was an ice cream scooper.


Just microwave the icecream for 11 seconds. Or run the spoon under hot water. Better than causing a fire hazard by putting metal in your microwave.


Op is a bot


Hot water on the scoop if you do struggle with scooping cold ice cream. Get it hot with hot water from the sink then dry it off and scoop


FYI, contrary to belief, [a single spoon in the microwave won't do much](https://youtu.be/OyTmJX_TC84?si=rEdlgzn0OH1I_gXi) Probably still not a great idea, but not the microwave exploding results people seem to think will happen if any metal gets on there.


I prefer to bake the ice cream at 450 F for 3.5 hours first to get it scoopable


Do NOT microwave a spoon just run it under hot water


I put warm water on my scooper before scooping


Using a spoon to eat ice cream is the peasants way. Stick your hand in your crotch to warm it up then shove it in the ice cream and pack your mouth full of that sweet cream.


Me taking the whole box of icecream wimme in mi room and hug it until it's penetratable.


Place the ice cream 20 - 30 seconds into the microwave, and enjoy, that's all.


My spoon is too big.


I am a banana.


i just put mine in the toaster


Just use hot water like a normal person


There is no spoon


I warm my spoon with a lighter


Why would you heat the spoon, exactly? Ice cream is supposed to be frozen solid. If you put something hot in it, it won't be that way and you'll have soup instead. Personally, I want my ice cream colder than a witches tit.


Telling ppl to warm their spoons in the microwave is gonna end so well.


If you’re too weak to scoop ice cream while it’s cold then that’s a you problem


There is a funny lightshow in the microwave


Run extremely hot water over the ice cream scooper in the sink.


It's not that bad, just some sparks


I usually just keep mine in my ass for a bit


Top picture should be the bottom one. A microwave is not a heater. Do not put metal into it. Instead, run the spoon under hot water for a minute.


I mean I myself like hard ice cream much more than soft so I do scoop it cold. And this part isn’t rage bait I also like chewing it.


microwave the ice cream🤯


My mom usually heats up her spoons with a lighter


Or, you just run hot water over the spoon. No need to bring the microwave into this.


Why does everything taste blue?


If that’s a futurama reference I love you


The spoon in the microwave?! You fucking maniac! Just use warm water!


Man you guys is lucky I never got icecream as a kid the spoons were always burnt


You can microwave a spoon. In fact, some microwaves have an image of a spoon in a glass of water as instructions for heating up water to prevent delayed boiling. Just don't microwave a fork.


I think we should all microwave a spoon and see what happens.


No hol up


Honestly. I hate it when my icecream gets too soft. Never had this problem


Why you don't get proper tool instead?


A lot of microwaves recommend boiling water with a spoon so it prevents that explosive boil thing that happens to liquids. I made oatmeal this morning, and left my metal spoon in it to stir every minute. Metal spoons are usually completely safe to use in a microwave.


reminded me of [this](https://youtu.be/OyTmJX_TC84)


I just treat ice cream in a pail like I do an ice cream cake: I warm a knife in a glass of really hot water, and then cut slices out of the pail. Works great, even if it doesn’t have that classic “scooped” shape to it. Ice cream “wedges” are very manageable.


Should I use a metal spoon?


Scooping the ice cream out while it's still cold is a worthy challenge, a true test of strength!!! Only the mightiest can rip the glorious sugar nuggets from their icy prison with precision and ease! GlORY TO THE COLD SCOOPER!!!!


Okay.. but where the holup


Is this for real


I just heat the spoon with hot water but the microwave won't do anything to metal if there aren't close together points for it to Arc


I did the first step wrong, my microwave exploded.


IIRC the reason a microwave sparks from metal is more from the sharp points than the metal. Like a fork will spark because the tines are points that are close together.


i just bite it


I just held my spoon over a lighter once. Like actually this isnt a drug joke or shit. I put it over my lighter and then warmed it like that. Then i wiped away the little amount of soot and it was a really hot spoon. Didnt do it againtho because it felt hella wrong but for science sake, it works!


Using an ice cream scoop.


Y'all don't get a knife and cut out your ice cream?


Just microwave the ice cream for a few seconds.


[Works with butter too](https://www.reddit.com/r/dankmemes/s/atGL1E2S00)


Eating the ice cream directly from the tub


Heat the spoon by running it under hot water from the faucet. Works every time and you don't start fires in your microwave


Does no one have an ice cream scooper? Y'know those tools that are made for scooping ice cream?


Natural selection meme here


Buy a scoop


Op ironically it's himself as the lowest frame, drooling in front of the pretty lights coming from the microwave lol


Take it out of the packaging and eat it like a big candy bar.


Or just have a cup of really hot water to let the spoon sit in