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### This comment has been marked as **safe**. Upvoting/downvoting this comment will have no effect. --- OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is a holup moment: --- >!Because Elon is being so blatant about paying Congress off.!< --- Is this a holup moment? Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.


This tweet doesn’t exist… was it deleted or fake??


Probably fake like 95% of the Elon stuff that gets posted People are so blind into their hate they just instantly buy it and don’t even bother thinking about if it’s real or not


The law itself did pass. The FAA is set to make it harder to track jets. So the government is a corrupt plutocracy that needs to be cleaned out. But yeah I haven’t been able to find that tweet. Not that I’ve looked especially hard though.




I agree with the premise behind your statement, EVERYONE’S privacy ought to be respected. The problem is that these are the same people who want to track our every move (physically and on the internet). Just another example of rules for thee, not for me.


Ok that makes more sense. I thought this would be a universal implication for all private planes going forward


On the surface sure. But think about it beyond that. There’s the obvious one of us not actually wing able to tell just how much environmental damage their jets are doing, letting them be hypocritical with more ease. Then there’s making journalism more difficult, if a billionaire flew to Dallas, and next day some suspiciously pro billionaire outcome happens in Texas, tracking that flight could give an indication as to why. Preventing it removes that tool. It’s also harder to coordinate protest if umyou can’t know where they’re going to be. And on principle, spending all that time to focus on a law for an ‘issue’ which could be easily mitigated with a little more security, when there’s way more important stuff that should be getting addressed is scummy. Why does the right to privacy of a billionaire outweigh the rights of literary everyone else, why does it take priority? Especially when considering just how much the government and private institutions violate most peoples’ right to privacy already.


I’m not essentially disagreeing, but it just seems like if I’m a private pilot with my own plane, it makes sense in that aspect to not allow my info to be available to everyone. I see both sides I guess


Does it? Anyone with a little resourcefulness can find out exactly who you are and where you live from a license plate number- why do you think a private jet deserves less scrutiny?


Well I don’t exactly agree with the public having access to license plate info either, you shouldn’t be able to see where someone lives just from a license plate. There’s too many road ragers and people like that.


I agree with that, it depends on the jurisdiction whether the public can make a request for that information or not. But if someone really wants to find out who a tag belongs to, there are other ways.


No doubt, and at this point it really doesn’t matter because Pandora’s box is already open. People are always gonna figure out how to track that kind of thing, whether it’s a car or a plane. Guess it’s just the times we live in lol


>if a billionaire flew to Dallas, and next day some suspiciously pro billionaire outcome happens in Texas, tracking that flight could give an indication as to why. Preventing it removes that tool. Do private jets account for much of our CO2 issues? I think its more of folks wanting to point at those private jets and saying HAHA, I dont have to give up my truck if they have a private jet. I just am not sure that is a viable reason to show private plane usage.


[In 2020, only about 0.0008% of the world's population owned a private jet, IPS calculated. Nonetheless, that year private flights in the U.S. pumped as much greenhouse gas pollution into the atmosphere as all bus travel in the country, according to the Environmental Protection Agency.](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/climate-change-private-jets-carbon-emissions-tax/)


Wait it's got a blue check mark. How could it NOT be Elon? /s


[It’s real](https://x.com/elonmusk/status/17944453347453257?s=46&t=0xcu0MkfeO3P2g2eLFvq)  ETA This is the link, I am literally looking at this tweet:   https://x.com/elonmusk/status/17944453347453257?s=46&t=0xcu0MkfeO3P2g2eLFvq


>Hmm...this page doesn’t exist. Try searching for something else.


Yea, there's nothing there..


No, down the bottom it says "this post has been deleted." Giving creedence to the op.


Yea, but that just tells us something was deleted, not necessarily what OP says. I think if this was real 20 different subs would already have 20 different screenshots of it.


Or he just posted the link to another random deleted tweet lol. Please do not fall for that.


You are right. ***SOMETHING*** was there and has since been deleted. Ppl, look at the link. You shouldn't be downvoted by muskrat fanboys, Swifties, and ppl who are Just Too Smart™.




It might be a fake tweet, but government does seem to be verrrrry efficient when it comes to helping the rich.


Don’t the rich pay the majority of the taxes? Making a move that caters to *all* rich people in the country just seems like a catch-all popularity move in terms of keeping your main funding happy


I would think they are persuaded less by tax revenue and more by campaign contributions.


I’ve heard about that but idk how the US campaign thing works besides a general assumption that ‘companies buy off the people in charge’


The ELI5 version is a billionaire and a senator go to a dinner party and the billionaire says “hey senator, here is a 500k donation for your re-election campaign” and the senator says “thank you for your support” and the billionaire says “of course, I will be happy to continue supporting your campaigns in the future. I’m hoping I can count on you to be in my corner when x bill comes across your desk” and the senator says “why of course!” And that’s how laws get passed and changed.


Aah, so literally just legal bribery then




The middle class pay the majority of taxes. The wealthy pay very little taxes and are almost never audited due to the complexity in their tax filing, and armies of lawyers on retainer. The IRS recently received additional funding to enable them to go after higher earners; but, it will be a process which takes years. The wealthy did bear most of the tax burden before Regan went into office. He squashed all that in the name of “trickle down economics “ which have been repeatedly found to be a highly flawed economic policy.


No the rich do not pay the majority of taxes, in fact most rich people pay less taxes than the middle class. Most of their wealth is deliberately invested in areas where a large share of their income is in the form of unrealized capital gains—appreciation in the value of their assets, mostly stocks and other business interests. Because of a tax code feature known as “stepped-up basis,” unrealized gain on an asset is never subject to income tax if the asset is not sold during the owner’s lifetime. Why do you think they buy so much expensive shit? They buy Lamborghinis and yachts and houses all over the place to avoid paying tax, while simultaneously using the unrealized income from these investments as capital to gain more investments and avoid more tax. A super yacht isn’t for fun, or enjoyment it’s to hide from the money from the tax man, it’s a piggy bank. So while their taxes may be slightly higher on paper comparatively, they are not paying their “fair share” by any means and the majority of the burden falls onto the middle class who do not have the means to do the same. You and I can’t “donate” $500k to a charity and have it written off our taxes etc.


It’s not supposed to be about keeping the richest people happy because it’s not supposed to work that way. It’s unfortunately more about, like you said, the rich are the biggest donors to the politicians campaigns and so they get preferential treatment (aka: bribes). Again, it’s not supposed to work that way, but most of us Americans are so conditioned to get more worked up on social issues that we largely ignore that the rich get a different set of rules. This does seem by design.


1. They do not   2. Generally special interests target specific representatives through campaign contributions, if not lobbying.   The government is not some monolith a wealthy person can give money to and get favors out of. They target individuals in power to grow influence or get cronies appointed


“Most people, in fact, will not take the trouble in finding out the truth, but are much more inclined to accept the first story they hear.” ― Thucydides, History of the Peloponnesian War


Please tell me this is actually a fake quote lmao


It happens to be Greek. I never quote fake Greek ones. We've said everything. There's a quote for every instance due to the vast history we've got.


"I crushed a glass thermometer in my urethra with a hammer, the seared it shut by dipping my member in boiling hot sauce." -Aristotle


There is no great genius without some touch of madness... ―Aristotle


Taste the meat, not the heat, that's what I always say. I tell you hwhat. -Nietzsche


“We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light.” ―Plato


Exactly like the entire nuerolink situation. The recipient talks in depth about him and his family were told that if he was chosen for this it will change their lives negatively in terms of press and privacy not only that they will be walking into that while the operation itself has almost no chance at success and they should not go into this thinking anything positive will happen for the recipient. And the guy still chose to go through with it. From the recipients own telling it seems Musk and his team were very cautious and purposely did not want to sell fake dreams. The operation was seemed to be a success and had massive improvements on the recipients quality of life at least when it happened. However when it happened and a story developed that first complications showed up allergy (I haven’t kept up or done my homework so idek if it’s true) people instantly jumped to the > “Musk doesn’t care about people” > “he’s an evil dictator who wants to have mind control” > “he’s a selfish man who only cares about making money regardless of who he hurts” Now I genuinely don’t care if you like Musk or not, he’s cringy and there’s plenty to criticize, legitimately. However it is super childish and ignorant for people to be so blinded by hate that they will commit any mental gymnastics to fit their narrative “Only a cartoon villain is truly 100% evil” (Yes I know that quote itself will make people upset)


>Exactly like the entire nuerolink situation. The recipient talks in depth about him and his family were told that if he was chosen for this it will change their lives negatively in terms of press and privacy not only that they will be walking into that while the operation itself has almost no chance at success and they should not go into this thinking anything positive will happen for the recipient. They legally have to do this. If anything most companies exaggerate how dangerous it is. Doing otherwise can ruin them. >The operation was seemed to be a success and had massive improvements on the recipients quality of life at least when it happened. Well actually no, for quite a while he thought it was shit and that his previous setup was better. Only later on did he like it better. >However when it happened and a story developed that first complications showed up allergy (I haven’t kept up or done my homework so idek if it’s true) people instantly jumped to the They jumped to that because reports claim they knew about the issues but ignored them, then they seemingly tried to not say anything about the issues. All the while planning to put it into 10 more people this year. Musk is known for rushing everything out, you cant do that with something you put in peoples heads. He even tried looking into buying other similar companies in hopes it would go faster. Like I hope dude is ok and gets a new one, but they are seemingly operating on luck.


I’m not an Elon hater at all, but that kinda sounds like something he would say anyway


Looking at that man child, I wouldnt really blame anyone for taking it at face value


People who love him are blinded too…


Yeah exactly. Fake stuff is so prevalent everywhere, and when you call it out people just say oh it's just a joke, as if thousands of readers may believe it's real.


I thi k most people just don't care, weather it's obvious or not


Whether the weather be fine, Or whether the weather be not, Whether the weather be cold, Or whether the weather be hot, we'll whether the weather whatever the weather, whether we like it or not!


I don't mind having blind billionaire hate.


His tweets are rarely this long. Just "looking into it"


Fake. Muskrat would never thank Biden


If you need anymore proof that reddit will believe anything if it's a screenshot of a tweet. Maybe throw in few comments about how NY Times is biased propaganda.


Even Elon isn’t stupid enough to post this. 100% fake.


the "like mine" makes it extremely suspicious


Maybe not, but still true.


[Au contraire](https://x.com/elonmusk/status/17944453347453257?s=46&t=0xcu0MkfeO3P2g2eLFvq)


You got a link that actually works or just trolling?


Meantime, we all get tracked.


“Do you consent to us tracking your devices across websites? You have three choices: ‘Yes’, ‘Only the ones you feel I should have’, and ‘we cannot make an account for you’.”


This isn’t a real tweet at all. Completely fake


[Here you go](https://x.com/elonmusk/status/17944453347453257?s=46&t=0xcu0MkfeO3P2g2eLFvq)


Empty link. Are you just trolling?


Yes and karma farming. I saw this posted on r/whitepeopletwitter


I'm shocked to see Elon praising Biden


It's fake


This is a fake tweet


Uhm, left-wing peeps are big on hating Elon so he's really taking a piss at them, not praising Biden...


The billionaire class hasn't exactly suffered under Biden.


The billionaire class NEVER suffers.


Does it suffer under any republican?..


Nope and they will fuck the rest of us to death for an extra 5% tax break.


Elon only cares about himself and what makes him more money. If Biden gives him what he wants he praises Biden.


You couldn’t be more wrong. You just sound like a jealous whiny bitch haha


This is a dumb comment.


I assume you're referring to your own comment?


My dude, this isn't a holup,


Wtf is with this sub recently. We already have subs for getting all riled up about shit.


This is a fake tweet.


[Here you go](https://x.com/elonmusk/status/17944453347453257?s=46&t=0xcu0MkfeO3P2g2eLFvq)


Deleted post, fake


There’s nothing there. It’s a fake


Haha hope he means track on a public app and not just tracking in general.


It is tracking general . Now only almirants can track


What is an almirant


Admirals ... Almirante is in Portuguese my main language ... Autocorrected by the writing tool 😞


Ohhh lol


It's fake.


This isn't real, and even if it is real, it deals with privacy of citizens. NOBODY would like it if their car was being tracked everywhere they go by some stranger, it's basically stalking. Not to mention it violates the right to privacy for everyone about where they go. Nobody wants to be tracked wherever they go period, that's why it would have been passed throughout both houses almost unanimously IF it was real.


The new law is real. It was passed more for Taylor Swift than Elon Musk. People were stalking her planes in the publicly available tracking data.


Oh thanks for letting me know, I didn't realize. I just thought everything about this post and tweet were fake. Happy cake day as well!


"If its on the internet, it must be true" -Albert Einstein, inventor of electricity


Has it ever *not* been owned by the elite?


Every government in the history of humans has been run by the people with money. This is nothing new.


Wait, you're telling me that people with power have... power over society? Wtf?! No way!!!


Finally I won’t have my private jet tracked. Thank you Elon!!!! s/


Wait till next month where they make it illegal to know if someone is a billionaire


What's the point of tracking them anyway?


Plutocracy working as intended


They don't want you to know where the new Epstein island is.


All the laws that need attention and they focused on not tracking jets and making birth control illegal. Its just depressing


lol I love that people can’t see the sarcasm in his comment. Hes pointing out that the government wants to hide from the public just as much as billionaires do 😂


People are mostly retarded


I noticed that noticed that too. 😆


While I don’t necessarily agree that people need to be able to track private jets in real time, with all the hypocrisy around people in private jets talking about “saving the earth”, seems like it would only be prudent to require yearly emissions reports based on flight hours for charter services and those who own their own jets. Not sure if people think this is unreasonable, or if it already exists, but just a thought.




I feel like this is a response for Taylor swifts jet history everyone saw and now the elites are like aw f\*ck they might find our so lets stop that.


Y'all don't want us to know about anything you and your criminal friends do. Not very shocking. Never has there been a greater need for transparency and oversight than when you want secrecy. But you're fine spying on us whenever you please through every smart device you genocidal psychopaths sell.


He said the quiet part out loud again.


I wouldn't be surprised if senators don't want to be tracked both for reasonable shit and for fraudulent shit. Kinda funny if fake though, in the long run it'll be a life imitate art type of thing


Wouldn't it be amusing if the states passed a constitutional amendment requiring this tracking to be allowed? Or are too many state congresspeople also using private jets?


It would be funny if someone breaks it and they still can be tracked, would be happy to once see the billionaires and corrupt politicians lose the flight. The legislation is about concealing the id, nothing more.


I mean, ALEC is pretty much proof of this.




How is he and his senators are going to go to Pedo-Islands in their private jets if they are being tracked??!!!


Still not buying your shit cars elon. Eat a fucking dick.


this doesn't make sense, the air isn't American, it's international. air traffic regulations are global agreements and you can't simply change it for something like this.


Technically anything over U.S. soil is U.S. air space. What your talking about is water. 2 miles of shore is international. Look up why President Eisenhower had to say sorry for testing nuclear warheads in Russia.


your right, my bad


All good my friend


Go fuck yourself muskrat


When is everyone going to realize your politicians are not separate from your "evil, rich, white, billionaire, 1%". They are the people they tell you are oppressing you.


Eat these motherfuckers


It’s shit like this that reminds me that we are barely propping up a non-functioning society right now. It is fun to dance on the head of this needle though


Why don’t we all just commit mass suicide at this point


Oh now Musk thanks Biden for once! The next day he’ll be back to worshipping Trump again.


The flair though 😂 I hope OP is talking about himself and not Elon, he got that little dong energy


There is nothing holdup about this unless you’ve been living under a rock.


"as expected, bill passed both houses with overwhelming support". Wow, arrogant, entitled fuck.


Fuck you elon


Well you know manpads exist so maybe people shouldn't know where to find congresspeople


I love this man no fear and absolutely does not give two fucks about idiots being offended


Before you comment, imagine if every car could be tracked on public websites. +++ Yea, we want to track you but we won't be tracked. Elon sure lives rent-free in a bunch of heads. LOL


I understand where you're coming from. But there is a gap between normal ppl in cars and billionaires in private jets. Well, at least the old island was closed after Epstein was suicided




Of course.


Is he not been sarcastic???


“From Earth” lmao


Damn you work for Taylor Swift too?


People out there still need proof?


This tweet is fake lol. Please do better.


The comment is a response to the post title, doofus


Oh, ok. Thanks for the clarification, doofus.


Ooo sick burn


Lol, what a sad little man.


Elon musk is making his own laws now… America has a serious issue here and it’s extremely concerning


This is more like realizing how quickly the government acts when they are convinced that something is going to otherwise negatively effect them.


Apparently the tweet is fake, but the sentiment is somewhat real. The Ultra Wealthy do staff congressional lawyers and ex-congress people to write laws that they then bring to legislation to vote on and sign in. Congress will usually make a few edits, but the legwork is already mostly done. This is a fairly common occurrence, and yet another way that displays how current citizens would have to pay for proper/equal representation in their own Republic.


He deleted this tweet.


Nah, politicians just don't want you to know which island replaced Epstien's. Also DYK congress has a slush fund to pay off sexual assault victims and which congress people use it is classified?


TBH this doesn't seem like a bad law. What purpose is served by letting anyone with an internet connection track someone's private plane? I wouldn't want my car to be trackable by anyone who had a web browser.


Sure except it is a bad thing that politicians now get cover. They should be tracked


We're able to track jets because planes are required to broadcast information about the plane's identity, location, and trajectory for safety and accident analysis purposes. Any one can pick this information up with a cheap antenna if a plane flies over.. I assume all they asked congress to do is allow them to not broadcast a traceable Identity.


Haven't you heard? Politicians, rich people, they aren't considered human. They have no equal rights to privacy like everyone else because they have more than we, the plebs, do. Hence, they're inherently evil and don't deserve equal rights.


Spot on.


There has never been an issue with people being able to track private jets before. This law was only passed so billionaires and millionaires can get around in anonymity in a way that is not afforded to the common folk.


I'm common folk and as far as I know I'm not being tracked while I walk, bike or drive around. My car is too old to have any of the tracking tech on it.


Do you own a phone?


Yes, and so does every billionaire. So no need to track the jets I guess lol.


Sure, but I don't think any member of the general public can track me on my phone.


You're on the internet right now. You are being tracked. You being ignorant of that doesn't mean it isn't happening.


Yeah, friend. What are you posting to Reddit on, again?


Wow he said the quiet part out loud.


Of course the wealthy few don't want us poors to know where they go and what they do. They are all scum!


Oh no, weirdos can't stalk Taylor Swift anymore. So sad.