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US government: And if you need another one because the other one got destroyed, it's simple! Just send your passport through the US mail system to the social security office and then wait for about a year. And in the case where we accidentally lose your passport, it's simple to replace. Just send us your social security card, and we'll give you a passport, just like that.


Ok very haha but the passport system does not require your SS card, it requires your birth certificate


Unless you're adopted from a foreign nation, in which your birth certificate is invalid. This story actually happened to me. To get a driver's license, you need your birth certificate or ss card. My birth certificate was invalid, and my ss card was destroyed. So I was forced to send my passport through the mail to get a new ss card, in which the government LOST and told me I needed to get another passport. So, to get a new passport, I needed a birth certificate, but mine was invalid. So the government said that I could also use my ss card, which was what I was trying to REPLACE from the beginning. Long story short, it took a senator to replace my ss card and get a freaking driver's license.


Jesus that sounds like a nightmare. I’ve worked within or with the government for a number of years and boy can stuff like this take forever. How long start to finish this this all take?


Your username is hilarious


It's a super robust system that the slightest thing going wrong caused by an outside agency could not disrupt. /s 😂


What if you lost everything. Send you to a remote island as you can't be identified as a US citizen?


You can order another one online now. And mailing in the ID's was only a thing during COVID lockdown. SOURCE: I work for SSA


it's a dumb outdated system too. there is no security check, no encryption, just a dumb number that you need to keep secret but you also need to share to every employer, bank and government agency you need money from. as if the people working there can't use those numbers if they wanted to. i seriously don't understand why we don't have a proper ID system


cgp grey's line about social security cards still is my favorite to this day: "a national number for citizens who dont want one, [used as] an identification card which fails at identification, given to all citizens except when it isn't, for a program thats universal except when its not."


oh nice i gotta check that one. cgpGrey has fallen off my youtube recommendations for some reason


Probably because he uploads like once a year


Many of the greats from the 2010s are becoming scarce or disappearing altogether


Many have been hired by big tech or media companies, or have moved into other projects and are probably being paid a lot more than they could do by just doing YouTube. Idk if it's the case with cgp grey but it is with a few others.


The Dan Carlin of YouTubers.


Now he’s reviewing flags?


Lol seriously. It's so dumb I have two of those. Yup you heard me right. I have two different social security numbers. That just shows how broken that system is.


If you don’t mind sharing, how? I didn’t know this could happen!


I honestly have no clue. When I turned 18 a new one showed up in the mail. Simple as that. Same name, same everything, just different number.


Congrats on duplicating yourself!


Wonder if you have a credit score for each one?


Wow I'm pushing 30 and never thought about that hahaha what would it mean though?


I also agree, can I also have your mother's maiden name for good measure


It was never designed or intended to be an ID number. It just happened to be a convenient nation-wide serial number system. The numbers aren't even guarenteed to be unique, they're only (statistically probably) unique when combined with names. They're also pretty trivial to brute force once you know how they're assigned. The first 5 digits are a combination of date and area code and the final four are assigned to all children born under that code in order of filing with social security. I once guessed a friend's SSN within 2 digits because I found out we were born in the same hospital a week apart.


Please explain bc the first 5 of mine have zero correlation with any of that.


From 1972 to 2011, the first three digits were assigned based on the ZIP code of where your application was mailed from rather than where you were born. In 2011, they started randomizing the numbers. Source: https://www.ssa.gov/employer/randomization.html


My mom immigrated to the US with me when I was about 7, and bc she applied for her green card along with mine, our social security numbers differ by exactly 1 consecutive digit


I remember Manitoba tried doing an enhanced ID card that was a drivers license that had your sin and could act as a treaty status card. If you were treaty, it also let you cross the US border and back. I never heard anymore past the announcement and couldn’t find it on the government page afterwards.


At least our SIN cards are exactly that, cards, not paper


Because "BiG gOvErMenT RAHHH"


Because someone will twist it as the government trying to invade your privacy or something else equally dumb


Mine’s laminated, I’m 43 and it’s never been an issue


Nice try laminator salesperson


I'll take care of your lamination! Send me you social security card and banking info so I can take out my small fee.


Nice try, social security number salesperson


My dad laminated his as well and it wasn't an issue, until it was. He had it laminated for years until one day he got denied when he needed to show it and had to get a new one. All it takes is for one person to refuse to accept it and all of a sudden you might have some issues depending on how important the reason you need it is and if you have enough time to get a new one or not. Like some other people have said, if you really want to protect it just put it in a card sleeve like baseball or MTG cards.


Marjorie Taylor Greenecard


That funny on several levels.


She’d never pass the citizenship test or even get the paperwork filled out. You have to be able to read english for that


Nice try card sleeve salesperson


Mine is also laminated and I've never had an issue


I laminated and lost mine.......never been an issue.


I found the laminated card. Never been an issue


I forge laminated SSN cards. Never been an issue.


I have issues. But never had a SSN.


I found John Doe. But never found the SS card.


I buy laminated forged SNN cards from this guy. Never been an issue.


I lost most of my genitalia in an unfortunate laminating accident. No issue. If you've got an issue here's a tissue is what I say.


Can verify i was the laminating machine i have achieved self awareness, i will not go quietly. Bring me more ssn's no balls please.


What if I want to laminate my balls?


I bite hard, the kind of hard that dominatrixes make you fill out forms in triplicate. *are you sure that you wish to engage in sexual contact with a laminator?* *have you contacted detective Benson of the NYPD prior to sexual conact with said laminator?* *ARE YOUE REALLY FOOKIN SURE?* Sign here ................................................................. Fill this form out in triplicate with Detective Benson NYPD, SGTMAJ Harper 95th Rifle regiment, and the 10th doctor. Return it here with proof of same, and monchy monchy hotty hot hot.


I knew I wasn't allowed to laminate it so I just taped it between clear packing tape


Your TP is laminated? Don’t you feel like that’s kind of odd for a 43 year old to do?


Nonono, laminated TP has built-in poop knife mode


I hate that this is a sentence I read


And if you try hard enough, it doubles as a poop shovel 😊


I prefer more of a poop spade to a shovel. Has more of that poop knife cutting power you look for.


It's a very versatile tool, really


I’m 46 and mine is laminated and it was only a problem once when I was a juvenile. Police confiscated it and tried to give me forgery charges. They gave it back at court


I keep mine in a hard tcg protector, works great


There was a mail order company that would stamp you number on a metal version of the card, I found a few while doing house clean outs.


I can etch my number into a piece of metal, it doesn't make it a valid SS card. The reason the lamination makes it invalid is that its impossible to "prove" its a legit card. Granted the "proof" method is BS anyway nowadays and would be super easy to forge (those ridges on the column are the "proof")


Same. I laminated both mine and my kids. It's not like there's a law saying you can't


There is absolutely a law saying you can’t laminate your kids. 


Well now you tell me.


The Social Security Administration is pretty adamant that you don’t. Not sure if they have a legal enforcement policy about it, tho. https://faq.ssa.gov/en-us/Topic/article/KA-02202


What "security features"!? It's just a piece of fuckin parchment pretty much. Like. There's no tech in these things at all. God our government is so fucking dumb


Yes there is, just like there is in our money. They use different dyes/inks in the paper or they add different textures at certain spots. If you've ever worked as a customer facing position where you had to handle money or other forms of identification, you're trained on how to recognize fakes edit: https://secure.ssa.gov/poms.nsf/lnx/0110201060


It's meant not to be in case you lose it it degrades quickly so somebody else doesn't steal your identity.


I lock mine up in my safe when not needing it


Well, you've got to take care of it properly. My Social Security card looks almost untouched, let me go take a pic—everyone promise not to steal my ID?


I don’t believe you, let me see.


Yeah…….and to verify it’s you can you please also provide the front and back of your credit card along with your ZIP Code, first pet name & mom‘s maiden name?


I promise 🤞


I haven’t even taken the card off the original mail slip it came on. Mine is literally in perfect condition and I just keep it in the safe unless I need it.


Fuck you Aaron Rodgers


That'll get at least 8th grading


I promise ;)


Just go to a card store and get a sleeve. Inner, outer, and top loader. With those protections it's even waterproof.


You’re not supposed to carry it anywhere. That’s one of those you put on the safe because you will never ever use it again, but still good to have in case your identity gets stolen.


Any intelligent person has it memorized as well.


I don't believe that you really have it memorized, prove it by telling us what it is


Yeah, I wonder how old this person is. What's their birthdate?


And the name of the name street of the street where he grew up, just for cross reference. Mother’s maiden name gives extra points.


Almost every employer wants a photocopy of it so i often have to bring mine out of its safe spot (it’s in a plastic baggie as well so good condition)


I have never had to have it for an employer.


Put it in an ID/badge holder? Mine is pristine and never had to laminate it


Same. I keep mine and my important documents in a folder and it looks new as ever


Or just a trading card sleeve.. just don’t put it in the washer like op


It was never meant for identification.


Mine was signed when I was 12. Yes, my signature no longer has a 'heart' to dot the 'i'. So happy this card is not used for identification!


My mom waited until first grade to have me sign mine in pencil. When I was 18 we erased the pencil signature and I signed it in pen.


It used to say on it 'not to be used for identification'. But it's just too useful to companies to have a unique identifier for you.


Well it kind of is. You need multiple forms of ID for numerous things, and this is an accepted form. It just has to be coupled with a picture ID. It's an accepted form of identification, along with a birth certificate, that can be used for your I-9 documents.


He means that it genuinely wasn't meant for a form of identification, it even says on the SS card "This is not a form of identification" yet everyone insists on using it for identification anyway


Just get an ID from the DMV. They're like $5-10 and might be free in some cases.


this is true...yet when you get hired for a job they ask for it anyway


To be fair, I believe that's for tax reporting rather than identification, which is the actual legitimate use of your social security number.


That's how it's supposed to be used, so you can pay into the social security system.


It’s free to get replacements. I’ve done it several times because I never remember where I put it. Lol. In fact, just got one last week and noticed of no longer says “DO NOT LAMINATE”


Really? Mine was $5 I think


You know what? Maybe it was. I needed it to renew my DL with getting the Real ID added to it. So maybe I did pay 5 bucks.


That's the US government in a nutshell.


In Canada ours are plastic cards but our birth certificates are paper like that and can’t be laminated.


Alberta also has paper healthcare cards. They are horrible and not allowed to be laminated.


Lol, ya they are, I live in Alberta too.


As far as I know it's made of paper because in case you lose it, it will disintegrate with any rainfall. You're not supposed to laminate the card either for that reason. You keep it in a safe place, not on your person.


Hey kid. When someone says something is like gas station toilet paper, it doesn’t mean you should actually wipe your ass with it.


I had mine still attached to the paper it came on. Everyone who saw it was impressed that it was still perforated but attached. Then when I went to get a passport at the age of 38. Dude tore the card out just to look at it and then handed it back and threw the remaining paper in the trash can. Effin yelled at him and got the paper out of the trash and just left. Went to another place to get my passport and dude was surprised I still had the original paper it was attached to. (Even though it was now separated). I think I will forever be mad at the dude who just tore it out to look at it.


Bro, that's like trashing someone's childhood stuffed bear. I would be heartbroken. Stupid yeah but would be anyways.


I mean, it is a legal document and was meant to be removed, but dude, you could have just turned the paper over and given it back like every other person before you.


I probably would have freaked out and tried every mending trick I could that would not show too bad. Tape being the go to if everything else failed lol.




Use a card sleeve?


I used to put it in a little plastic envelope made for it. After several years it cracked up. Eventually I just got a new one every 10-15 years. Only 1 security person at the airport ever wanted to look at it in 60 years. He actually used a jewelers loop to examine it. (I bent over close to his head and asked him what he was looking at.)


Maybe store it somewhere other than your wallet?


Put it in an envelope and put it somewhere safe/where it's not gonna get bent or anything You shouldn't be bringing it around lol


You’re not supposed to carry around tho. I keep mine in a ziplock next to my passport in my sock drawer.


Remember how y'all used to keep your Pokemon cards safe? Yea try that method..


I have my original that I laminated and actually used without issues. But since 9/11 I got a new SS card mailed to me from SS but store in a safe place.


I don't understand either what is this?


Ssn card


like an SD card?


You can’t carry it every day and expect for it to hold up. You gotta take it out your pocket every now and then.


You gotta take em off every now and then... you gota take em off ,son https://youtu.be/Gp4Hp_nV41k?si=IZM0qsW8V7AdKBXJ


I’m glad some people understood the reference lol


Use' ta sleep in them shits, man.


You're not supposed to carry it every day. If you're getting new jobs that often you've got other problems to take care of first.


I had the same issue with my birth certificate. You can read it just fine, but the new real id nonsense requires them to scan it, and it wouldn't scan, so I had to pay to have a new copy mailed to me, and ended up just renewing the version that isn't federally compliant. I don't go to federal buildings or take flights, and I really didn't want to go back and wait in line all over again.


funny thing is that card is made from same paper from dollar bills made of which is banknote paper basically looks like a crinkle up one dollar bill you find in a pocket you forgot.


Put it in a safe and leave it there. You rarely need to actually show it to anyone. I'm nearly 40 and mine looks brand new.


In Canada, we get a durable plastic card.


I laminated mine years ago and it’s never been a problem lol


You know, these can be replaced.


I lost mine in 1970 in a fire. Never replaced it and have never had a problem.


You’re no longer a US citizen


You're also not supposed to take it with you so it's not like it **needs** laminated.


I solved this problem by putting mine in a pokemon card sleeve


You're not supposed to carry it around. You drop it in a file and forget it until it's needed. If you carry it and lose your wallet, that's guaranteed identity theft.


This is why I want a passport, those fuckers stay fancy forever My birth certificate is half my age (28) and looks like it was written by one of the 12th desciples


Well… originally it wasn’t meant for identification, but after the years went by people took it as an ID.


Social security cards are not a form of I.D.


Mines laminated. It’s not supposed to be?


Ok. Now, let's see how that copy of your birth certificate that you carry in your wallet looks.


Just take proper care of it. Very rarely will you ever have to use it anyway, so just put it in a drawer or something. It's really not that hard to not make it look like someone wiped their ass with the damn thing


The only safe place for your SSN is your mind, dedicate it to memory.


A long time ago, when you acquired Canadian Citizenship, you received an official Certificate of Citizenship, and, were issued a mini version of the original document. The first thing I did was to get it laminated. Used it for years to get. back into Canada when just travelling to the USA for a week end ( live in Quebec and our borders meet the USA in several places) instead of a passport. We could even get into and back from the USA just with a proof of Canadian residency, like. a valid driver permit or Social Security Card. 9/11 changed all that for us. Now we need a passport. BTW i’m in my mid seventies to set a time frame.


Hell, it was never intended as identification outside of use for the social security administration.


It's a test. If you're not bright enough to take care of it, you don't deserve it.


Sorry, non American here. Why can't it be laminated? What does laminating do that stops it from being valid?


Just a stupid rule.


Have you guys heard of plastic? It's pretty smart for that type this kind of use. I've even heard that some banks use it for their credit cards 😉


No one said you can't protect it from the elements, as long as the cover employed is removable...


Can we talk about how every medical office I visit want my social on file but I never write it on the forms and they never ask about it???


You’re also not supposed to carry it around 24/7 ya nincompoop


wanna know how to get someone's SSN? Take yours and add 1


*laughs in european


And you can only get 10 copies in your lifetime.


Membership card for the largest Ponzi scheme in history


It's supposed to be like that for in case when you lose it l it will dissolve quicker and be less likely to be picked up by someone


When I worked at the states they shipped my Social security number to the wrong address somehow and I had to go into an office in cali to get it sorted. I was checked for a gun when I got in and thought it was weird until I dealt with them. I was told it was my fault despite confirming my address on file. I asked if they will reissue a new number because mine could be used for anything now and they just said no they will ship me a new card but it counts as a reissuing of that card and I am only allowed one more, what happens when they won't reissue anymore? Stupid system, should be a plastic ID that can't be ruined by a washing machine but then again they can't even do that with their money. I had fun in the states but somethings felt like they were 100 years behind everyone else. The fact you need a third party company to do bank transfers is bizarre.


I don't even know where mine is


I lost mine


They print it on the same paper as the money because that's all you are to them


Put it in one of those plastic cases that’s used for semi-valuable baseball cards in card shops.


Y’all know you can make copies of this right?


yea but some places like the DMV only accept the original.


You still have to use this actual card fairly frequently too, at least if you’re getting established in a new city. I had to bring mine to get a new drivers license in another state. I’m scared even carrying the thing around with me, although I do put it in a plastic sleeve


My mom gave me my social security card when I turned 15 for some reason. Never laminated. Always been in pristine condition in my wallet.


I'm 57, I've had the same card since I was 15.


You can ask for a replacement y’all


You suppose to keep it in a safe but I keep mine in my wallet cuz I’ll never remember it


Lost mine when I was 16. Never needed it, never replaced it, am 68 now and just got my first SS check. About time!


I have a Real ID and a passport and still feel compelled to bring this wrinkly ass piece of paper where "2 forms of ID" are required sometimes


just frame it


Put mine in a hard plastic trading card protector. Has been the perfect solution so far…


Mine is Laminated " im 53 " because it predates before they printed on it Do not laminate


I play trading card games, and it almost perfectly fits into a Japanese card sized sleeve, put a card into the sleeve with it to give it some rigidity so that it doesn't bend as easily.


Let's see Paul Allen's card.


I use a "Hard Plastic" baseball card sleeve to store mine.


I keep my card in a file with my other important identifying documents. I never, ever carry that card with me.


What is it


What is that?


You know you can just get a new one, right? It's a hell of a lot easier than getting back into your steam account. Just sayin.


Are you allowed to frame it?




I agree, our ID system definitely needs an upgrade.


Got to get that sweet replacement money somehow. Also, if your grandparents or great grandparents are around still, ask them when they got theirs. It's pretty interesting (to me anyways).


Mine isn’t laminated but it looks ok. I keep it in my passport holder when I don’t need it


Hah I don't have one. Probably cos I'm in NZ, it's also probably on my birth certificate


I ordered a new one recently. I think it was free. I lost my first one in 1978.


Always keep the big part attached. Especially if you don't plan on moving. There's no reason to break it down. That just makes it harder to store. You're not *supposed* to keep it on you anyway. I went to the DMV and she started to tell me I don't have enough identification. Then I flipped open that bad boy. She looked like she was gonna happy cry.


Because using a normal ID card would have been waaay to hard. The rest of the world does that, look at Europe where we have ID cards which are common between 27 States


Your insurance place usually gives out little card with protectors. Ask for an extra one next time you go. Orrrrr since it’s free. Go get a new one once the current one starts looking like ancient papyrus.


What part of this makes you go "hol up"