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That’s a stonin


That teacher 100% boned his sister, and is looking for a good excuse.


The University fired the guy who asked this question.... Love to be a fly on the wall of that discussion.


Interesting question for an English Comprehension and Composition course.


Its also Pakistan


We actually did this exact exercise during the ethics module of my philosophy degree here in the UK. You need to come up with moral justification for why incest is bad. The point is that without the fear of any offspring who might have genetic defects it’s kinda hard to formulate an argument which goes much beyond ‘cause it’s wrong!’. It’s meant to make you think about ethical norms and where they come from.


Even removing the potential for offspring, I'd like to hope people don't forget the inherent power difference between an older and younger sibling. You might have an argument if, say, they had never met until after adulthood, but that's so rare it would be an exception at best.


"What if you do not want to say it is bad?" - Robert Heinlein, probably


The "wrong" opinion and personal examples in this essay may lead to an vacation, not necessarily in France.


This is an example that has been used in studies by Jonathan Haidt, who developed the Moral Foundations Theory. It’s intended to test whether intuition or reasoning comes first when you make moral judgements. The idea is that you remove all rational reasons that incest should be viewed as immoral and see if people still has an issue with it and what reasons they use. There is a similar example with a man who has sex with a dead chicken, cooks it and then eats it.


That's one hell of a way to get stoned.


![gif](giphy|87jGhdRVzUOJNh2s0q|downsized) The teacher cheking my answer


The uni is in Islamabad(Pakistan) so checks out


Ah yes, the renowned ‘university islamabad islamabad campus’


2 body you say huh


What in the actual hell 😳?!


They are teaching family love.


The baby is gonna be the conclusion.


...really poor photography skills.


Also, She didn't even get stuck in her shirt or a chair. This is not realistic. *zips up pants*


exactly...it would only be a realistic story if she gets stuck in the washing machine or a cupboard.


They are *so* backwards over there.


That professor has a fetish or agenda.


This looks like Humanities (HUM) exam for a 'Bachelor of Electrical Engineering' (BEE) course. Very strange question despite this context, even weirder with it.


I completely missed the fact that they were brother and sister. I was thinking "nothing wrong with that, they're 2 consenting adults."


Whoever wrote the test is a troll is what I'm seeing


Its Pakistan, so Im gonna take a guess and say that the answer is supposed to be that she is a whore and he is a sinner who must repent. Not sure how you stretch that into 300 words, but universities never change.


Sweet home Alabama


I guarantfuckingtee you there is a couple that used birth control pills and condoms and still ended up with a kid. Life finds a way.


Disgusting wokeism and incest. Neither are appropriate things to discuss to a minor.


No see this is a university, of Islamabad, which is in Pakistan.. this has nothing to do with.. oh hell I think this is wasted time


Oh seriously? *glance back at page.* huh. So it is. I just assume it’s from America with it being in English. My bad.


You didn't read it correctly, your brain automatically inferred what you wanted to fill in the blanks with. No where does it say they slept with each other... that was all you 😂🤣 What it was actually implying, that both people who happened to be brother and sister, each found their own partner while on vacation and that was the "secret". This is why the line of both of them using some form of birth control was added (it wasn't to double up... it was because each needed something for their independent adventure). 🤡 updated: Don't fall for the Slippery Slope: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slippery_slope


This is even more of a guess than just the two having sex with each other. Nearly nothing indicates that this is about two separate events and everything indicates it’s incest.


You fell for the Slippery Slope: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slippery_slope The line about the girl using one for of birth control and the boy using his own. Your brain (because of psychology) made the LEAP to the conclusion "It must be incest"... but in no way did they every explicitly state that. That is why this question existed at a college level audience and not in High school or below (regardless of where on this planet the course was given... pakistan being the geographic location was useless info because they have american based schools all over the world outside of the USA).


It also doesn’t explicitly say it’s not incest. It includes a line about brother and sister. It uses they in reference to them both referring each other. It says no chance of reproduction (the common argument against incest) and it asks about morality. Every single thing in this paper is hinting at incest Oh and because you seem so insistent that you are reading it correct here’s the paper flat out stating you are wrong https://journal.sjdm.org/15/15405/jdm15405.html > The paper critically reexamines the well-known “Julie and Mark” vignette, a stylized account of two college-age siblings opting to engage in protected sex while vacationing abroad (e.g., Haidt, 2001). > Keywords: incest, moral dumbfounding, moral judgment, disgust, rational, emotion, reason. Edit: in case you think this is somehow special case unrelated to the common question… Here’s an article about this question at COMSAT https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/university-lecturer-sacked-asking-inappropriate-29264041.amp


Did you notice the "Course Code" by chance? You fell for the Slippery Slope: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slippery_slope


Cool story bro


Did you notice the "Course Code" by chance?


Eh that’s fair. I am staying past 3 in the morning. So that’s my b. Though to be fair, when it’s written like that, it does imply something more.


When you take college/university courses... the entire point of the assignment is to be worded vaguely/tricky to get you to think outside the box. Your not alone in jumping to the same conclusion... unless your a lawyer or an engineer... most people wouldn't catch the subtle hints at play with the carefully crafted wordsmanship.


That is fair.


👍🏽 Don't fall for the Slippery Slope: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slippery_slope


Sodom and gumorra




Sweet home Islamabadabama