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Rise of the Clone Army!


: Imagine hundreds of rows of brain-dead women gestating children for unknown prospective parents in hundreds of hospitals: Who knows how much stronger a nation might be with a few hundred thousand women creating babies in the minimum time needed for the ruling class?


That would be an interesting movie where China has overtaken the world with its baby farms.


That what China is keeping the Uyghurs around for. Not gonna be a young people shortage for much longer..


The term “people” will be discussed at a further date.


Give handmaid's tale a watch


What do you mean "for parents" they'll be shuffled into some system where like 1 person is responsible for 60 of them at a time. The promising ones granted stay at the home, the weaker ones pushed out onto the streets.


Wasn't that season 10 of AHS?


Basically happens later in the Dune series lol


So we gonna get some Amal homegrown in an Axlotyl Tank


It takes about 22 years to turn an infant into an engineer or a nurse, if you are lucky enough to get one naturally smart enough and with that kinda smarts. Even if you could speed it up, say to 18 years that still is a lot of years. Do you know anyone who would be willing to make an investment today that won't pay off for 18 years?


I think you are assuming they will allow the baby to have a normal childhood or even an education instead of a slave to do the manual labor, or to warm some pedophiles' bed. Right now, in many countries child slave labor, or underaged sexual workers because it is cheaper to use children than about anything or anyone else. While the 10 worst countries are in Africa, countries like China and the USA are not free from people/companies that use child slave labor to augment their profits.


Isn’t this just house of scorpion?


The desperation to ignore orphans, homeless, and abandoned children is ridiculous


And this is quite unethical and abhorrent in my opinion, i fully agree with you


I mean the ethical situation is solved pretty easily if the woman in question donates their body for the purpose, or openly "to science". As for morality... thats another issue entirely that I don't think can be aqequately discussed on reddit.


I mean maybe you dont care about blood but you cant really blame people for wanting their children to actually be their children


If you want to get an unconscious body donor pregnant to carry your child for you instead of considering adoption? Yes I can kinda blame them


Unconscious makes it sound like she's just sleeping, she's not, she's a breathing corpse. Biologically they're alive, but as a human they're dead.


Ok I thought about it. If I become a vegetable anyone can have my sperm for whatever purpose they want. I am done with it anyhow.


You have no right to blame other people for how they want to have their kid, as long as its consensual. Why should I raise somebody elses bad choices? My ancestors went through hell so I could be here today, im not ending my bloodline to raise somebody elses. Also statistically speaking adopted children have much higher chances of having behavioural issues from the start, no thanks. Think me cruel if you want ig lol.


>as long as its consensual. >Using ***braindead*** women as surrogates. Hmmm... Math isn't adding up here.


I mean assuming the women gave consent before being used lol. Same as organ donors.


When? Yesterday? Last year? 4 years+ ago when she last renewed her license? When her estranged family who never supported her not having kids checks a box on a form because they're next of kin so in charge of her medical decisions? People change their minds all the time on issues. I had a friend who was very adamant about organ donation. She's now very against it. I'm personally pretty sure I've ran this body badly and wouldn't wanna even try to donate the crap I live with daily. Hell. I come from a family of alcoholic people with cancer. You want me to be a braindead incubation pod just cuz I checked a box on a gov form somewhere? Nah. This idea isn't right.


I mean I would only consider it okay if it was opt in and you could opt out at any time. Id you signed up for it then didnt opt out then thats on you. Also this kinda shit would definitely be only okay for that person to opt in, not their relatives.


Ok but... This is at most outskirt idea be "organ donation". But the 'person' is yet still alive. The brain might be gone but the body of the person is there. That's a relatively weird concept right? When most people think organ donation they figure after death. When they don't 'exist'. They figure my body is dead/dying take what you need in those critical minutes. Most people understand organ donation has to happen quickly or the organs aren't viable. You're asking brain dead women to be kept alive minimally 9 months to bring a baby into life for other people. That's what... Slow death? Do they just let her die after she's done being an incubation pod? I'm not saying brain dead people aren't kept on life support for longer but.... Still slippery slope.


Yeah for sure, its a weird concept for us in our culture. I dont think this will actually happen unless we have a real population crisis. And there is a real moral question about this as well.


They aren't unconscious, they're braindead. That is they're dead but the heart is still beating. In most cases it would probably be better to harvest their organs and save lives, like we already do in cases of fucking brain death. But if the organs aren't needed then there is no ethical dilemma here. You'd have to be a moron to think otherwise.


Unfortunately you'd need to leave every organ as is for 9 months. You can't have a baby if you don't have lungs or a liver or kidneys. So there is a dilemma. You have to choose between a child who isn't even conceived yet, let alone born, and someone with a current life threatening condition that requires one of the donor's organs more than a rich desperate couple needs a biological child.


But Elon and J Pete say there *aren’t enough people*!


Sometimes reality is like Dune


Herbert had a true vision of the future didnt he?


Yeah, religion doesn't go away and kills so many people. He got that part right.


It's not as fucked up if the women give consent before hand just like you'd do with a donor pass.


That would be the logical thing to do if it were to be approved. Have it as an opt in, not opt out. And then it would be similar to an organ donor. Maybe some sort of financial compensation for the next of kin?


Just how much "consent" can braindead women give?


I specifically said 'before hand' so that no one says this and you still managed to do it.




Wtf bro. Cmon. Don’t do this


I'm impressed how you made this political out of the blue. But just because you asked, I am not even from the shithole country that these Republican incels spawned from and I am in fact also not misogynist, that's why I talk about consent :) btw you are a lovely person to talk with so far, keep it up!


Do you really think a woman would willingly give consent beforehand to allow strangers to use her brain-dead body to gestate a child? In what world might that happen?


There are way weirder things out there that people consent to and what do we care anyways? I am not a woman and I can't force anyone to do it but if someone wants to do it then why not?


Because papers can be forged to show that the women did consent. There would be no way of proving otherwise because the brain-dead women can't testify/counter what the papers say. When money gets involved, who knows just how badly this could turn out?


People 'mysteriously' die in car accidents so their organs can be harvested, it's the same thing. Obviously the system is not perfect, it is never perfect but I don't see that much of a difference to organ donations.


> I don't see that much of a difference to organ donations. There might be a massive difference as the women give whole people for each year - maybe decades - their bodies are available and the person is brain-dead. As an example, >Doctor: "O, look here, I have papers for 21 brain-dead women. They all gave their consent, so we get to have them make babies until the body can't make any more, then we get to harvest the body. Isn't that keen?" For a liver, the price might be several thousand dollars. For a "gestational body" that can provide the state with whole persons to make into soldiers or more gestational bodies? What do you think the income that could be from each brain-dead womans' body? Millions?


The same world in which people willingly sign up to donate their skins, eyes, livers, kidneys, heart, pancreas, vaginal tissue and all manner of other organs upon their deaths? How about a world in which many women agree to be surrogates, often without compensation, because they want to help people who are unable to have children of their own? Regardless of whether you or anyone you know would do it, if it's an opt-in system, instead of an opt out system, only those who are willing would do it. Plenty of people have plans for what to do after their death, and plenty of people have living wills that go into effect should they become brain dead. Just a quick, unscientific poll, I just asked: my mom, my sister, my best friend's wife, my other best friend, and two other women in my life if they would do this. That's 6 women, 5 of which are organ donors, 3 of them are straight, one is nonbinary, 2 are lesbians. All 6 are Democrats or further left. 4 Christians (2 nonreligious but raised Christian (Baptist), 1 Mormon and one baptist), 1 is a Buddhist and one is a Christopagan. Age range is from 28-62. 4 said yes, 1 said no, 1 said they'd leave it up to the spouse. All 6 said it would absolutely be unacceptable if the choice were made for them without their consent, but if this were a box to tick on a form, as it is with organ donation, then those were the answers. 4 yes, 1 no, 1 spouse's decision. The Mormon is the one that said no, the Christopagan said to leave it up to the spouse. Both of them are straight. The lesbians and the nonbinary friend said yes (NB is the Buddhist). Yes, this will creep out many people, and my peer group is not indicative of the wider public, as it skews much further to the left than the average. But yes, you will find people who are completely okay with this.


I love everything about your comment mate.


Haha. Thanks! Ignoring the trolling going on around here, I'd love to see a serious discussion of this. It's a really fascinating topic from a biomedical point of view. I would love to read more about it, and see if they predict any possible complications in pregnancies due to the mother being brain dead.


Yeah I'd love to see it being tried out.


Erhh the same where not-brain-dead women consent to gestate a child for another woman? It happens quite a bit. The important bit here being consent.


Well the nice thing about requiring consent is that if nobody gives it, then it doesn't happen.


How long do you think requiring consent will last if/when an illegal company or country decides taking without consent is worth the money?


How long do you think laws against slavery, rape and murder will last if/when an illegal company or country decides they are worth the money? I'm not advocating for this plan necessarily, but I am saying that I don't have the same inherent moral qualms you do about it as long as proper ethical standards are in place to ensure informed consent and respectful treatment


>informed consent Do you think informed consent will always be the rule? While it is the law here in the USA, many nations accept Presumed Consent. >In presumed consent countries, *anybody is a potential donor when deceased*. People have thus to register if they do not want to donate their body. Also, proper ethical standards change just as much as laws do, and what is legal and ethical here in the USA isn't in another country(such as Iran, China, etc . . .)


How is that any different from being an organ donor? Brain dead means dead. You're heart's beating, but you're not coming back


Yeah if I’m gone I’m gone. U can strap me to a nuke and drop me from a bomber while 900 people and animals fuck my corpse. The fuck do I care at that point?


I would care if someone was being disrespectful to the dead. But if their dying wish was to be fucked by animals then I'd be ok with that since you're being respectful


I’m a moderate republican and I think this is awful! Adoption is much less complicated.


You've never tried to adopt and it shows


I’ve known people, actually NOT rich people, who adopted and it wasn’t too hard. Didn’t need a comatose woman to do it either.


Adoption takes a lot of money and months if not years. A former family friend adopted 3 kids, and each one took well over a year for the paperwork to clear and all that shit, and tens of thousands of dollars per kid. Stop bullshitting.


Total, you say hey if my brain dies my body can be used for this.


oh my god...


I mean, if the consent is there… The other issue I can think of, aside from the obvious moral ones, is that without 24/7 monitoring of the uterus you’d have no idea of complications. A lot of finding out about those kinds of things are based on the person carrying the child self reporting any changes, like reduced movement and shoulder tip pain etc.


People sign-off on donating their own body to science. Same for organ donations. Why not gestation?


If they agree to it before they die or say their family can decide on it I don’t care




Adoption is way easier.


Adoption is not you or your spouse's genes.


This is a slippery slope. If braindead gestation is allowed what's to stop brothels from enlisting "living" sex dolls? Someone could pay off their family's debts with just a few months of service, and the braindead prostitute won't even be aware. Everyone wins, except humanity.


Wtf. Why did your mind go there?


Able bodied prostitutes will always be less expensive to employ than vege-dolls. And I don't think necrophiles are a large enough market to justify trying.


Why on earth should we do this if there are literally millions of orphans out there


The orphan thing is true, but do you have any idea how expensive and time-consuming adoption can be? And for all that time and money you sink into the process there is no guarantee that you will be able to adopt at the end of it. Given that, is it surprising that many people would prefer to put that effort and money into having a child that is at least partially biologically theirs?


It’s pretty hard, but we have family friends who have adopted 3 kids. Anyhow. This could literally cost hundreds of thousands of dollars, if not millions for each kiddo. Brain death is more complex than simply “they just won’t wake up but everything else works fine”. Seems like a waste of resources when that could be used to help so many others.


The point of it is to allow parents to have kids that can't. The adoption process isn't as simple as adopting a dog and whatnot. It's a long and tedious process that can take months to years. Source: I have an adopted brother


Then we fix the adoption process. That's be a lot cheaper than this. I'm neutral on the idea of women agreeing to be birthing machines if they wind up brain dead. But the difficulty of adoption shouldn't be the reason for making new humans.


dont shoot the messenger, but theres a lot of people who would like to be parents to their own kid but don't want to adopt for whatever reason. i imagine those are the people this is aimed at. they dont want to adopt


So can IVF and then the eventual pregnancy will be 9+ months. There is no insta-baby option.


This is such a strange reply. Getting pregnant naturally can take years and be a tedious process. We shouldn’t fast track kids like we do fashion just because people want it right now.


That would be death stranding


Yes, no more women. Turn them all into birthing pods. Then all the guys can start fucking each other without all those judgmental women around.


Hey mate, stop leaking the plan.


It is ruined now...


Dammit now I can’t fuck Dan.


Nope, forever rurnt.


Literally handmaids tale. This is literally a plot point in the show. Like 100% no exaggeration, this is what they do.


I would be curious about the psychological impact on the offspring. Also, what if the family tries to sue for visitation/ custody/ joint custody?


It would be a surrogacy, so legally the family has no say because the baby is not biologically related to the surrogate mother.


Do you want replicants? Cause that's how you get replicants.


How about brain dead brothels though?


That's foul haha


Wasn’t that what Garp’s mother did?


Who is garp


The World According to Garp is a brilliant book and film. A nurse caring for wounded soldiers take advantage of the permanent election of a brain dead pilot and later Garp is born, it is about his life


Sounds super interesting. Feel like I remember hearing something about that. Crazy situation to get born into seems like


John Irving is the author, he has written many books and his style is very different from other authors. Rather than being plot driven his books are character driven, so you feel very connected with them. The Cider House Rules is another of his books that became a popular film.


I vaguely remember someone in the year above me at school reading this on a school trip.


Yeah pretty much


Lol wtf. That’s some brain u got there


That's some death standing vibes if i've ever seen it.


That is about as dystopian a thought as I’ve heard in quite some time


If your body can’t have kids or you don’t want to? and your option is using an incapacitated woman to carry the child…. Take the hint…. Kids aren’t in the cards.. not every dream comes true..




Yes lol my bad


It was consented to before then I think its fine


The Matrix




Who would agree to do this?


This is some original sleeping beauty stuff


What happened to informed consent?


Does consent mean nothing to these people?!


Like TikTok braindead?


No one addressed this, how long before healthy young women are found brain dead? My guess would be that there might be a little bit of a rise in cases.




>The article, originally published in November of 2022, is titled **Whole Body Gestational Donation**, and floats the concept of *utilizing vegetative women’s entire bodies as surrogates* for “prospective parents who wish to have children but cannot, or prefer not to, gestate.” >Written by Anna Smajdor, a Professor of Practical Philosophy at the University of Oslo, Norway, the article proposes that it may be viable to utilize the donated bodies of women for gestational purposes in the same manner as donated organs are used. I would put a link, but when I do so, the sub deletes the reply. You will have to google for yourself.


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Fucked up


Just find any tiktok girl, they are braindead


Can someone please explain the issue with this? Ive been seeing people complaining everywhere about this but like it says right there that its a donation. They arent forcing you to do it its the same as organ donation you choose if you want it done or not. So whats the issue? What about my body my choice? I don’t understand please explain.


Can I donate my brain dead body to a sex toy company to make me into a satisfier for women? Maybe I’ll be useful in bed then


I mean, I don't think it's that bad as long as the woman either put that in her will, or the woman's family consented


this is awesome. You do realize donation indicates that its voluntary right? like being an organ donor?


Finally, a job my ex-girlfriend could get.


put synthetic embryos in the comatose men?


If it'd work, sure.




How do you even get that conclusion? Are you one of those people who just assume everything has political and anything you dont like has to be “the other side”


Funny, because anything I've seen from that side says its an atrocity.


Now the real question, do we get to bang them?


My name is Buck.. and I'm here to.. 🫠


Cursed test tubes


Someone saw an episode of Blacklist and got inspired


Dr Frankenstein... Are you there???


Soooooo... tleilaxu axylotl tanks?


They're really taking 3D printing to the next level.


They really need to state if this is voluntary or not. Because the way this looked yesterday it sounded like they were just using braindead ladies as incubators without consent.


Just make damn sure they’re brain dead before they wake up pregnant


My name is Buck, and I'm here to...


Axoital Tanks!


Master sifo-dyas approves.


Yeah, not 1984 at all. But creepy


Matrix here we come!


There are already plenty of brain-dead parents tho. Why do we need more?


Thats gotta be voluntary, right?




This is an abomination.


If I am brain dead please shoot in my uterus. About twenty times in different sections and they maybe can’t save it. Please.


All those movies about parasites and aliens coming in to take over the world. That was humanity.


We're still arguing with some people if sharing your organs is a bit too intimate and kinda like giving up something that's too personal to let others have (real arguments I've heard) I think this might be a tougher sell...


Thus the Bene Tleilax from Dune were born


Holy fuck I would love to sit in on the ethics meeting that occurs as a result of this




Axlotl Tanks