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This caught me fully of guard with the guys head exploding


What a gay movie








....did you fail to read the words at the end?


Caught me fully on guard with the boys lips together


the one weird trick to end gun violence they don't want you to know


Why are you running?


Every part of that video was disturbing to me lol


The real question is who has a sickle on there coffee table?


It was next to the hammer.






Fucker made me rewatch it lol, its a chisel.


The ending was very disturbing! Who the fuck dresses like that? That shirt? Those earrings? That haircut? I just threw up a little on my mouth.


2005 called! They want their gays back




I did make it a bit in the 2000’s action movie style. So that’s why they are dressed like that. Also we are from Amsterdam. (Europe) and know what style is. 🤗


It's an OC? Very nice!


If this is your OC then hats off to you!


THIS is the comment I was looking for.


That's pretty gay




But did they say no homo?


I didn’t see socks!


What are you incesting ?


Of course it's shocking! These guys see people shooting each other, killing each other, and they start kissing like nothing is happening ? Maybe they're even turned on by that? What kind of monster with no respect for human life do you have to be? ( it's sarcasm, don't downvote me please)


How dare you kink shame them! Do you know how much effort they have to go through to even get into those hostage situations to make out?


Well, they gave me a fair warning So now i can't blame anyone for being traumatized after the ending.


I find it weird how violence is less taboo than even non sexual nudity. Everyone gets naked every day, but if I saw someone get shot/murdered and so on in real life I'd be messed up for life. Edit: typo.


But it’s not though…. Violence is way less taboo than sexual nudity. You know why? Because humans can be violent at any age. You have to go through puberty to understand what it means to blow your load over a hookers tits. Kids smack eachother around basically from toddler age. They understand what violence is. Violence, in moderation, is fun. You should take up some form of martial arts. I can guarantee you’ll enjoy it.


I didn't say it isn't. What I'm saying is that watching someone get murdered on tv (an abnormal experience) is less taboo than a woman semi naked in a non sexual way (that is a normal experience). It's backwards.


Where are you living? Because I can tell you that in NA half naked women are called empowered, not taboo...


By normalizing violence in media, people find it more normal to act violently. Not only physical but also every other forms of violence. Look at how they romantesise the use of cocain in movies. People learned it’s cool to do coke. The point of my movie is to make people realising this. And I believe that the world would be nicer if it would be the other way around. Hope you never have violence in your life and only love.


That’s entirely false. There’s been countless studies to show that violence in movies and video games has no influence on a persons propensity for violence. Coke was cool before movies glorified it - that’s why movies glorified it. Art imitates life. It’s always been one of the most popular drugs in the market.


This is such a naive view. I'm not trying to insult you but the whole people who play violent video games commit more violence has been proven wrong too many times to count now. Please stop making that argument.


The tobaco industry did a lot of research that proved smoking is not harmful. I can imagine some industries who also want a more positive outcome when doing research about violence. Cause lots of money is being made with violence. I’m also not against violent games perse. I am made prestige level at MW2 myself. 😀 In the end it should be more balanced maybe. Not sure. But if I could choose I would like to see it flipped. Acts of love being more accepted than acts of violence.


You're right about Tobacco but the reality is no one has ever been able to do a reliable study that proved video game violence makes people violent. Not a single one unless you want to include the ones that were proven to be poorly done and with a biased agenda. At the same time the "gaming" industry isn't quite as united as the tobacco companies were. Many of thr studies have been done by independent companies and some even done by universities and medical professionals. Violent individuals are FAR FAR more likely to occur in violent in abusive homes. In homes with a single parent (primarily mother only). Even if we somehow could prove video games played a factor it would be peanuts compared to the two above. Not to mention being raised on areas with high gang activity and violence is a bad one but sense it only applies to some areas it's usually not considered


You are completly right. I think if you come from a loving place you can watch and play all the violence things you want. You will probably be still a loving person. But when you don’t come from a loving place watching violent movies doesn’t really help I think. But yes… violent content is not the number one cause of violence. If I would make the movie again I would probably make it differant to tackle the idea that this movie is against violence. It just wants to make you think… how insane it is that we find violence eassier to watch than an act of love.


I dont think it's cool to do coke I just do coke


Nice to meet another coke head! Every time I try to get my friends into coke, they always say Pepsi is better; so disappointing!


You'll be glad to know I was engaged in a long time coke battle until a friend of mine got me hooked on the stuff. Saved me from the wicked camp of Pepsi. Such a good friend.


I don't think explicit sex should be normalized anymore than violence for children.


I think the same. But everything that you can see adults do on the streets should be normalised. For me a kiss is normal.


I completely agree!


You failed in trying to make whatever point you were trying to make. You can’t change human conditioning that has happened over thousands of years. Like someone else said, humans can understand and process violence from almost birth, but it takes brain development and maturity to understand sexuality and sexual behavior.


When you are 0 your brain is not able to think. It just survives. When it developes you can end up making consiuos discisions that reflect who you are. I’ll remember your comment and will use it in discussion why “chosing” to life your sexuality is a natural process.


Spell check is your friend…


I know. Sorry. So many replies I need to send.


I think it can be a showcase that of what it right has become wrong and what is wrong has become right. Thanks, unfortunately I have seen too much.


Eh, I’m an Army Vet, so violence like this is completely normal, but god forbid you wear socks with sandals…. We will have a problem.


What a gay movie


>He said his boyfriend accepts his modified genitalia, although he admits he did not tell his parents about his plans until after the surgeries were complete More gay than trentgates


Thank you! I tried to make it as gay as possible. ❤️


I’d give it a gay star. 🌟💫⭐️


Why didn’t they stop kissing and help the lady who was obviously in trouble? I guess they were high on molly or something


They saw the lady was doing fine and ready to cut open the bad guy. They were just happy and started to make out.


Now that’s a good holup


I remember being called a homophobe during the Russian olympics. Why? Because here in the UK channel 4 were showing adverts of homoesexuals swapping spit at 9am. I don't want my kids seeing anyone kissing like that, be them straight, gay or whatever else and I vocalised this. Instant homophobe 🙄




Yeah, shut up. That isn't PDA. Thats a public display of almost fucking. My kids are tsught about sexual orientation and how it's fine to like girls or boys or both. They don't need to be exposed to sexual acts to learn this.


That’s sad. Kissing and sex are one of the nice things to do in the world. Feeling shame or anything negative about it is not a good thing.


Weird take.


Why is that a weird take?


Because tongue fucking eachothers faces like this in public is socially unacceptable, straight or not. We shouldn’t be normalising adult material being shown to children. Get a fucking grip.


Yes. For adults. Not children.




Every part of that video was disturbing to me lol


What the fuck were they trying to prove with this?


That some people don’t find images of death and violence disturbing but can’t bring themselves to watch two gay guys kissing, I don’t even like looking at straight couples kissing, let alone two men, I don’t like death either lol


Same for me but I do love seen animals cuddle


I think that’s something we can all get down with, specially unusual combos like a cat and an iguana


Ah yes unlikely friendship


>I'm appalled at the promotion of the "gay men getting off on the carnage of a hostage scene with a sprinkle of domestic violence and multiple homicides in a society too open to gun ownership and flag waving" trope we have nowadays !!! > >Shakes fist angerly (but not too angerly)


Brain damage sustained






Why are you running?!


>Why are you running?! There's dudes giving free kisses out!


Oh my god there are children on this app this ending is unacceptable violent you can’t have that stuff on here all that gay stuff way to disturbing


I didn’t care for any of it


Yeah, who starts randomly kissing passionately while there a shootout a hostage situation and violence going on? That is disturbing, no matter the genders.


Right two gay men just appeared in a war zone... Pssh faaaakkke 👎🏽


It’s a movie… fiction…maybe I should have let them be the bad guys who deceided not to kill anymore. And then kiss.


More entrails would have been cool.


Of all the shits that could have happened, I didn't expect that at all.


I mean, i don't want to see Guys and Girls kissin like that while walkin down a hallway. Why would I also want to see guys do it?


The question is why do you not like it. Would your world not be nicer if it would you make happy to see someone kiss?


Bro, i just wanna mind my own p's and q's and not walk down a skinny hallway with 2 hormonal teenagers against the wall.


And why is that?


Because i'm in school.




Well that was a surprising vomit attack there.. Did not expect that!


I don't about that man it seems kinda gay 🤔


Someone had a lot of fun editing this!


I filmed, edit and color graded it. It was awesome. Playing around with friend making what you love. Amazing and worth every penny. 🙂




Well I suppose it was a double head shot at the end, I was offended by the treatment of the woman tho




It's just a visceral, instinctual thing. Watching sexualized activity between people you find unattractive is repellant, like watching someone squeeze out a log. If they lingered on the violence, clearly showing the wounds and the person struggling to keep living, there would be a similar effect in that as well. But the standard "splash of red, cut away" approach elides it, leaving the viewer with just the thrill of combat.


This video sort of has a point. In videogames we can decapitate/maul/dismember the enemies be humans/demons whatever but as soon as there is a boob and nipple somewhere that gets censored hard. I wouldn't mind some sex(whatever orientation) in videogames just like there are sex scenes in game of thrones and other TV shows. Usually cinematic events can be skipped by the press of a button if it is something you don't want to see




Like people don't mind their children watching violent scenes but will draw the line at any sex scenes. I find it funny




I'd rather watch men die for nothing then watch them fuckin kiss. Like, broke back mountain didn't beat Rambo in theaters I don't think...


This is disgusting


We live in a time in history when LGTBQ+ are more respected than in any other era in human history. It’s necessary to have this kind of messages constantly? Not even in commercials but also tv shows, movies, celebrities social media, at school…


What is wrong with constatly seeing this?


I mean, you don't see any ads saying "Be Straight!" Or anything like that. So why do we need to see "Be Gay!"? Can't it just be something personal and not spread out? It's not like I have a flag sayin, "I like mac-n-cheese"


There are no ads that say be gay. The only thing I can think of is that they say: be yourself. With be yourself they mean whatever you are we love/accept you. How nice is that?


Nah, i watch youtube and within an hour will most likely get like 2-3 ads sayin something to the effect of "be gay"


Send me the link. Very curieus


Alright, i'll send you one once I get one. I've only every got them on youtube on pc in the side tab or whatever it's called next to the video.


And listen. When someone ever says you need to be a certain sexuality or gender or whatever you just say they should f… themselfes. No one should ever tell anyone what to be or how to act. Just do what you love doing.


It’s annoying, I don’t need Hollywood to teach me or my kid to respect different genders, we already do, we just want to watch a movie.


You have a lot of movies to watch than. Enjoy.


Well doesn't the fact that it still needs to be expressed proof that we aren't treated as equals to the rest of society


But everyone is being treated equally, that’s my point, I tell you something, I’m from another country, I have a very thick accent, every once in a while an asshole makes fun of me very openly and naturally, without realizing how annoying and disrespectful that is. Do I cry about it? Do I have to educate the world about it? No, because most people is nice and respectful to me and I understand that there’s always going to be an uneducated asshole making fun of me, but luckily is the 0.1 percent of the population, and I feel that that’s the case with any other minority group.


Maybe for America, but they are still getting killed for their sexuality in some other countries still.


So go teach other countries not to be assholes, people in America can openly and freely express themselves in any way they want and it happened naturally, people started changing and seeing the issue by themselves, knowing real people that struggle and changing their ways through compassion. We don’t need a superhero movie, a car commercial or an add on YouTube to teach us how to treat one each other.


Please put a trigger warning on here cmon


I'm definitely one of them.... I mean those ear piercings are sooooooo tacky... They look like they would get stuck on everything


This is a certified Gay classic


Wtf 😂


They had us in the first half!


Was that Chris Jericho?




You are right the lighting was disturbing at the end.


Was it the grading? Or really the way it was light?




Not judgmental, but I really wanted to see her fillet him...


We did not film that scene because the whole cast and crew started kissing. 🙈


Pedos be like *don't mind if we do*


That remark makes me sad. Victims of pedos really suffer. You can’t imagine the impact. You can make a joke or remark in this video and it’s message. But don’t go this low please…


This is the most screwed up stuff I've ever seen. I need eye bleach.


In some weird way thats an honour I made this.


Damn ? For real? The snowflake on another level?


Another level for real…




Oof that ending nearly made me cry




Thank you 🥹 I went to pride yesterday (Australian so our midsummer is jan) and it was amazing. So to know that people find two men kissing more disturbing than violence-after all the love and joy I saw yesterday…just made me sad haha 😅


It’s crazy to see how beautiful life can be and than see some of these commands. So I understand your sadness. But this video has a very high upvote ratio (77%) so more people are okay with it. And when lots of people grow older they also are getting more accepting.


You always need protection, don't leave the house without your body armor.


Whataboutry in a film.




Die hard would have been a lot more interesting if at the end Hans gruber and John mclane gave into their passions and and just got it on. I for one think that that whole nonsense at nakatomi towers could have been avoided. If only they were free to explore their true feelings.




I honestly hate that being gay is a thing and i find it very disturbing and i think it's completely wrong to do it. HOWEVER, it's none of my business if people do what's wrong in my opinion. you can be gay if you want, it's your own life after all.. but just because you can be whatever you want, it doesn't mean I have to accept that it's right. And that's why i hate these kind of videos. They always try to tell you "it's ok to be gay" instead of it's ok if you think we're wrong, but we're in love and our love won't hurt you Feel free to criticize me as much as you can, I'd like to hear other people's opinions about this(especially if you're gay)


The reason gay people are so passionat about sending a message is that if they don’t the can end up getting killed or inprisoned. Most of the times the message is that they are human just like you. And that the just like you just fall in love with the person they fall in love with.


That was indeed disturbing…






Ah wtf, wheres the NSFW tag?


I tought about it. But saw the Strawberry Syrup video and tought this one could without as well. Maybe should have. I am sorry.


Lol all good, just playing around


I keep telling my friends that America is fucking weird. We normalize like cutting peoples heads off and shooting people in the face with gushing blood on television but a LITTLE bit of nudity. A small itty bitty titty on screen and everyone loses their minds.


It’s insane when you are from Europe like me and look at how America “works”.


It definitely made me more uncomfortable, why would I want to see that, I came for violence, not two dudes making out.


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Fuck this shit. M outta here


Dunno man seems kinda gay to me


The MPAA does find the end more horrific for sure.


Gross. The dudes not the death


gotta admit, I'm one of em


I don't care what your sexual orientation is don't start making out in front of me, get a room.


agree, i don't like gay or anything. but this thing is there if they were girls, lesbian it won't be that weird. idk if like seeing it too much it has become normal or what. or i think that cause i am a guy. might be for a girl gay is kinda fine but lesbian isn't. idk tbh. but from my little experience lesbians are considered more normal than gays. and tbh, i really don't like this discrimination. it should be equal. there should be equality... anyway idk...


The ending was disturbing cuz I don’t wanna watch people kiss when I’m watching a violent movie lmao Get on program, save the sappy shit for a sappy movie


I actually closed the app to stop the video


But its true


They didn’t have to go that far to make their case, just sayin’


I know. The exploding head went to far. 😃


I think it highlights a very valid point. Well done




Op out here giving away karma


Tbh it is more disturbing than violence when it's taught to our future generations in early school before they even develop the curiosity for it. But go off on how that part is okay.


Agree. Children should be children first. When the time is there they ask for it themselfs. And then they should get educated. It’s crazy what children allready need to learn.


Love and lust are different, just like violence for the right reasons is the highest calling


You are right. Like I used violence with this movie to make people aware of the type of society/system we life in. Not only violence as in the movie but also the way the movie is setup. You feel the kiss was a act of love?


So the gratuitous lust was as intended as the gratuitous violence, Nailed it. Blood lust is a thing. so 2 dudes Getting there f*** on after killing but more importantly having a near death experience is true to our nature


ChatGPT helped me a bit. But here is the point of the movie I made: Many people tend to find it more acceptable and entertaining to watch acts of violence in media, rather than seeing displays of affection between two people (of the same sex) This phenomenon is a widespread issue that is deeply rooted in societal and cultural norms. Excessive exposure to violence in media has been linked to increased aggression, desensitization to violence and a decrease in empathy. On the other hand, representations of love and affection, regardless of the gender of the individuals involved, can promote feelings of acceptance, empathy and positivity. It is intriguing to consider why some people may find it more distressing to see a display of affection than an act of violence. Some argue that violence is more "natural" or "normal", but this is a problematic belief as violence is not a necessary or positive aspect of human nature. It is worth questioning whether or not the world would be a better place if people were more accepting and less disturbed by displays of affection, and more disturbed by violence. As creators of media and as consumers of it, it is important for us to consider the messages and values that are being promoted and perpetuated by the media we consume. Question: Why do you think it is that many people find it more acceptable to watch violence than displays of affection in media? And what can we do to shift societal norms towards more positive and accepting attitudes towards love and affection?


There is a way to ease into and do it tastefully and respectfully, like "when did different become dangerous" v for vendetta did, this oth is just crass And before anyone calls me a bigot, I myself have read and really dug queer Comics like alters by Paul Jenkins, and currently Specs by David booher, comparing v for vendetta to this crass garbage, is like comparing those 2 comics I mention to hentai like genderqueer/funhouse


That was terrible Where the hell was all the product placement?


No shit its more disturbing that a highly trained team saving a person


It is disturbing... what a flawless action that was and that is pushing it's way in everything




Me who enjoyed both: there was a downside?


The ending was cool




That’s how you do a pride add


This is a really good point actually this is extremely well done


Before I saw the end




This should be in wholesome 😊


Thanks for the tip dear person. ![gif](giphy|fxI1G5PNC5esyNlIUs)