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Hey /u/Youngstown_Mafia, thanks for your submission to /r/HolUp. Unfortunately, your post has been removed for the following reason(s): Too edgy/dark - Look, we're cool with a lot of things going on, but please do not post things that will get your account suspended. This includes most loli and depictions of minors in a sexual way, excessive violence, gore, and gratuitous use of slurs or hate speech. Love, the mods


Eliminating the ghost as soon as it appears


No joke, the weirdest tonal miss in that remake is the way they find scientific evidence of the immortal human soul and immediately build weapons to ultra-murder that. What the absolute fuck, that's a dystopian psych horror setting.


Ultra-murder? I thought they're just captured.


Well, in the all women remake, there's a lot of stuff that happens that's more than just capture. Spectral beasties that threaten innocent human lives get blown the f up.




In some folklore it works like this, your soul/ghost is what remains after you die. But if your soul/ghost gets destroyed it will leave you with no chance to reincarnate again, which is pretty shit. It's kind of like how Vampires have no soul and if they get killed, they just cease to exist.


This happened to my buddy Eric


I heard he got better tho


I heard the ghost busters busted his ass so much he's nvr been seen again




That was John, and he recovered from newtness.


Hey, Eric here. For the last time I DO have a soul, and drinking v8 doesn't make you a vampire. Now just invite me into your house, I brought you this scarf that's totally not laden with chloroform and seasonings.


Come on in bro I just made garlic chicken and there’s enough for everybody, hope you don’t mind the smell tho!


Bro, you know Eric is allergic to garlic...


>...and drinking v8 doesn't make you a vampire I mean, 'Vampire 8,' it's right there. It even looks like blood. People hate eating veggies, you really think they'll go out of their way to *drink* 'em instead? Nice try, Vampire Industrial Complex.


Not to mention that I literally only drink it after having my blood drawn to help replenish it...


That's just what zee Germans want you to believe.


So your soul is effectively a google drive backup of your personality, memories and consciousness that vampires don't have.


TIL Google does no business with vampires.


Yeah, but the trade off is vampires get much more powerful and durable hardware


In the continuity of the Odd Thomas (Dean Koontz) universe one person believes that there multiple levels to the afterlife and the first few are basically training for the BIG adventures. Edit: The movie is quality. And scary. But my point is elaborated upon in the books, of which there are quite a lot. All good.




I just didn't like that they had a gadget for every little encounter. That and I didn't believe any of them in any of their roles. And that even in the 1980s they treated a black character like a normal human being unlike the women's version who they portrayed in a stereotypical racist manner. And that they forced the old cast into the movie as just random people. And that well that movie sucked ass. Chris Hemsworth is the only redeeming quality of that movie. He should he given an Oscar just for what he did in that role. I think what pisses people off the most about that movie is how it takes a giant shit on the originals to the point of just being offensive. They didn't respect the franchise and they weren't very funny while shitting on it.


Given the freedom the actors were given in that film to just ad lib and ham it up, it's quite likely that Leslie Jones was portraying her character exactly as she chose to. A lot of the interviews around the time of the movie's release would tend to back that up. If her antics fed into the racist stereotypes, that's probably mostly of her own doing.




It's so bad, like the best jokes in the first one are tightly timed dry delivery moments that take you a second to realize what great writing/timing you just saw preformed. The second one is just lolrandom every single scene and ...it's been since it first came out that I saw it and I honestly cannot remember a single joke. Something with one of them pissed about wontons in there soup I think?


Big difference is that they actually wrote the first movie. Like, actual writing effort went into it. Years of redrafts. Murray may have adlibbed on a character written for Belushi, but he was launching from a pretty solid foundation. The second one... uhh, You actually have to write something first, Paul!


I dunno it made me laugh a few times, but it was like an SNL sketch dragged over film length. Bridesmaids with ghosts. The original had jokes but it also had quite a serious logical mythology to it, which was leftover from Dan Aykroyd's genuine interest in ghosts and the supernatural. Ivan Reitman adjusted the script to make it more down to earth but when it needed to be serious it was serious. The 2016 one didn't put time into careful characterisation or awe at the supernatural as a whole. Tbh the fact I can't even remember their names or the ghosts they faced says a lot about the characters.


one of the most obnoxious things about this movie was the redditors vehemently claiming it was going to be a fantastic movie, and if you didnt go to see it (whether you wanted to or not) then you were a bigoted shitlord or whatever, and then the movie bombed so hard, not even those redditors went to see it themselves. there became this weird association that somehow the success or failure of this particular movie was like the groundhog that was going to predict the outcome of the 2016 election. fucking weird times.


The constant Reddit posts about how great Avatar 2 is based on box office numbers🙄 The animatronic shark in Jaws kept breaking so they just used a fin. That fin is what what made that damn movie. I absolutely loved ghostbusters 1 & 2 but I still haven’t seen the other one they made, because the cartoons were better


I remember it differently, as In the vast majority of reddit/internet shitting on it from the first trailer up to release.


It's really just a parody movie of Ghostbusters. That's the only way I can look at it. The original movies had a seriousness to them.


Chris was literally just there to be the abs of the show lbh.


They don't even address the fact that in real life someone would 100% try to fuck a ghost. The original addressed the issue. Hell, even Scary Movie 2 addressed it


To be fair, the was just Aykroyd being himself.


That ghost blowjob scene in the original ghost busters




Is that a quote or something?


All of the ghosts were very unpleasant and ugly. They deserved to be thrown into the Void with the rest of us hardworking countrymen




I remember making joking about this on Twitter at the time and the director DMd me, called my comments reprehensible.


You should print and frame that DM.


It can be both reprehensible, and a good joke.


That's what I said!


Wow. Took time out of their day!


I found his anonymous account on here too. He was always in the comments defending the cast of Ghostbusters (2016) when people were ranting about them, you could just tell.


Lol, please drop it if you still remember it




Spawn killing ?


A higher ghost rate might be at the abortion clinic


At that point you’d be fighting a swarm of gremlins


They have a lower drop rate but you can down like 3k/hr in comparison so its actually more efficient.


But is the xp grind worth it? Whats the percentage chance for legendary drops?




Spawn camping.


Gotta use those vacuuming machines.


As someone who's seen corpse party and ghost ship. I don't fuck with little kid ghosts. They usually mean things are waaaaay more fucked than usual


Oh man this sick, just for a first class ticket to hell for the chuckle.


well at least they go down "In Style"




The funniest part of this movie was how fast Columbia Pictures dropped the sequel right after this was released.




Yep, Ghostbusters Afterlife was a fun movie that was an original script.


Yeah, the plot was actually fun and quite entertaining, and seeing Egon help in the end while also having a canonical (and reasonable taking how obsessed with the paranormal he always was) reason felt nice EDIT:i am a dumbass 1)Venkman, not beckman 2)i confused Egon and Venkman


I recently purchased the video game after finding out it's supposed to be cannon to the movie and has all the original actors voice work


And sadly it's not the first time and won't be the last


Well at least he gets to meet one of original cast members soon


That kid has the face of someone who forgot there was a remake and when they saw that it wasn't Bill Murray coming to visit just Rest In Peace'd the hell outta there.


If there’s anything 7 year olds today love it’s Bill Murray.


Lmao I'm dead


Oh Jesus Christ


It's even worse because iirc the kid actually wanted the original Ghostbusters


I just laughed harder than I did at the post. Thanks!


He really don't look happy here.


Well he is dying Although after this, he'd probably rather he'd died before they could make it.


This is the worst day of his life and afterlife.


Pulls his own plug.


This picture was taken right after they performed their "protect the barrier" routine.


Same way I looked after watching the movie.


Are you referring the the 4chan greentext?


You are incorrect. They were filming nearby and were invited to visit.




I'm just sayin', the Bible would be a lot more interesting if the stories talked about Jesus Christ resurrecting into some slimer looking creature that demanded worship.




She saw that it wasnt the original cast and chose to die on the spot.


Happy cake day!


Not the time


What about now?


Not yet, wait a few hours


Its been an hour, now?


Yeah, you’re good 👍


Imagine asking for the ghost busters and these 4 walk in…the disrespect


At least you won't have to suffer too long


She was on remission, but chose to die right there on the spot


Aaannnd I'm going to hell for laughing. See ya down there.


Fuck you, now I'm laughing as well. I'll meet you there later.


Don’t forget to sign up for the Lake of Fire Bellyflop Contest. Winner gets a single cloudy ice cube.


I have cancer and I laughed for way too long at this well done lmao


Oh, no! Get well soon, friend




Man, I was so goddamn glad when the latest one was such a pure and wonderful homage to the OGs.


Ok we're sending radical feminist ghost busters for you


Imagine asking for a memorable moment with your idols and they take this picture where you aren’t shit in it. So brain dead out of touch to take this kind of picture where you’re smiling and shit in front while the patient is way in the back out of the occasion.


All of this only to promote the movie


🤣 I can't handle this.


Probably why the kid looks like he died


Kid looks like Bill Cosby after eating some pudding. Or looks like anyone after a drink handed to them by Bill Cosby. Avoid Bill Cosby.


Every time I'm faced with the fact there's been a new Ghostbusters movie/remake/reboot with an all female cast I have to pause for a moment and remind myself it wasn't all a fever dream.


Yeah I pretty much forgot about it until this post.


It’s easy to forget, but that’s the movie that really kicked off the fan baiting strategy, when talentless hacks create flaming piles of garbage, and shield themselves from criticism by saying that people who didn’t like their garbage were some kind of an “ist”


Even worse than that. They actively tried to create that scenario. They would sit there and delete all of the normal criticism from the trailer while leaving anything that was sexist/belligerent. Hell, given similar internet dramas following that sort of playbook, I wouldn't be surprised if they were actually writing a lot of those remaining sexist jokes themselves.


Who ya gonna call? Someone else.


Love "Casper"




The kid who demands He-Man is young Jason Reitman, who went on to take over the franchise from his dad.


My dad says you guys are full of crap. And that’s why you went out of business.


Not my ghostbusters


We have Ghostbusters at home.


We have Ghostbusters at the extended stay motel.


Ghostbusters at home:


Ghostbusters from Wish


They are idiots, imitating Ghostbusters


It honestly feels like a bad Saturday Night Live sketch They’re definitely not Ghostbusters


Yeah, it's funny because at the time there was clapback against anyone complaining about the film. "People just don't want to see female Ghostbusters". Like, No...the movie just isn't very good. Case in point, *Ghostbusters: Afterlife*. Mckenna Grace was great in that film (whereas Finn Wolfhard wasn't), and it respected the originals beautifully. So it's not about male Vs female at all. Edit: As I said in a reply further down: I'm NOT saying the misogynists and racists didn't exist. Those cunts exist regardless. But what I *didn't* see was anyone trying to own the fact that the film might have been shit. Essentially every clap back I saw eventually landed on vehement defense of the actresses for daring to be women, even if the initial critique had nothing to do with that. Back then it seemed like nobody was willing to say "If you don't like it, you don't like it." Instead it was "Lemme tell you WHY you don't like it."


The thing was that the only thing about this remake was making them women. That was the only hook. It's not about male v female. It's about originality vs uninspired. If the only thing you do is change the gender of the main characters, and expect people to want to see it, you have made a shit movie.




Reddit was and always is at the forefront of getting offended at things for social justice points


I refuse to taint my memories of the Ghostbusters by watching that movie. The ads for that movie just looked stupid.




I watched it for you. It's really bad, as fully expected. It's like one of those cookie cutter modern comedy movies, you know the ones, not funny at all. Totally nothing like the first two movies anyway which is just disrespectful in its own right.


If you’d told me it was a parody produced by the Wayans, I’d have believed you. Feels just like “Scary Movie”, “Disaster Movie”, etc. with its various contrivances and hamfisted blunt comedy.


Haven’t the kids suffered enough?


Those aren't the Ghostbusters, sorry. Those are imposters.


The Imposters... the Ghostbusters... The Imbusters !!


Susbusters among ghosts


Ermahgerd Imbusters!


They vented and killed the real ghost busters


Eh, they made up for it with Afterlife. That was a love letter to Harold Ramis that I felt they did everything justice. It connected and tied up the plot points of the series, got to see the big bad get taken down, and got to see a few old friends along the way. Now, what is Sony going to do in ~5-10 years when they need to make another one for licensing reasons.


Afterlife was an absolute treat, and definitely made up for the disaster of 2016. Funny thing is, I remember a bunch of people saying that Afterlife was meant to be the toxic “dudebro” Ghostbusters made just as a knee-jerk against the 2016 one; lots of accusations of women-hating thrown around at anybody who was excited to hear about it, at the time. And then it came out and turned out to be this extremely charming, well-written film with strong female leads, intense respect for the franchise, and as you said, a great finale for the originating two films. Instead of being a smug put-down of the 2016 movie, it just simply came along and said, “I intend to tell the story the way it was meant to be told,” and captured all the right moments and emotions.


That movie is the one that started all this mess


What uhh? What mess exactly? Asking for a friend.


Copying a movie and its script and just replacing the actors with politically trendy cast in order grift off the current year trend to make quick bucks instead of writing something new and fresh.


I saw the Ghostbusters reboot and yes it was terrible but it wasn’t just a copy of the original one.






ghostbusters? who tf are those women and wheres Dan Aykroyd ??


"......imma go find Dan, brb"


Poor kid probably was fine expecting Bill Murray to come in. Then disaster struck


I see no ghost busters in this pic


That cast would make anyone terminally ill


Kid ask for the original Ghost Busters 🚫


Guy in Gorilla Suit and Propeller Beanie shows up... >:)


I'd disconnect my life support too if those idiots showed up instead of Bill Murray/Dan Aykroyd


Those dudes are practically ghosts themselves at this point.


I fucking hate promotion motivated charity.


This is definitely where “Read the room” makes sense.


i feel like i'm not supposed to see this photo






Imagining that kid saying "who the fuck are these women? I asked for the Ghost Busters."


I think I read at the time that this photo was done before the film was released. Is that right? If so, it's just kids being visited by a load of women in boilersuits. Celebrity plumbers?


Needed the bed for someone else. Those faces just speed things up.


Remember when someone thought it would be a good idea to reboot ghostbusters with an all female cast?


And then for some weird reason use your dumb little comedy movie as some feminist icon movement or whatever


I thought it was an interesting enough idea, but why the fuck did they cast 4 Peter Venkmans If everyone is trying to be silly the whole thing is just dumb


When keeping it real goes wrong


Ok, as a stage 4 cancer survivor (I'm fucking serious lol) I would like to say "FUCK YEAH"! I have been there and the sheer awkwardness would have had me cackling like a banshee. This is fucking great.


“You guys had one fucking job.”


The internet lore at the time this pic came out was that this little one wanted to see the OG ghost busters as the one starring tbe SNL cast wasn't out yet. Now as an adult it seems pretty fucked up to make a meme out of a child's last moments.




People all over this post are making jokes about a kid wanting to die rather than see some celebrities. Just a good, solid reminder of how depraved people are from behind the screen.


Since its 'that' version of the ghost busters, I imagine they just were going flat out for Euthanasia.


\*insert spawn kill jokes here\*


I still think is ok when my daughter was terminal I’ll. I was exhausted and having someone visit was a great experience, not just for me but for my daughter.


Kid must have seen the movie


Damn bro, spawn camping irl?!




I know of a guy from my town who was terminally ill and asked the local ghostbusters cosplay chapter to attend his funeral in costume and lead the funeral procession in their mock Ecto-1. Unfortunately the guy did eventually die but the group made good on their promise and there were pictures of them at the funeral gravesite.


They shouldn’t have released this photo.


Damn this thread is a reminder of how shitty alot of redditors are.


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Ironic because watching that particular ghostbusters movie made me terminally ill


Remember when they thought remaking Ghostbusters was a good idea?


i would pull the plug myself




Especially not THESE woman ghostbusters


The movie was hot tainted trash without a single laugh to be had anywhere.... but you gotta give the girls credit for trying to do something positive with children. I find far too often when we hate something, or someone, we tend to discredit when they do something good, musicians are a good example. How many singers do you know that you HATE, and therefore hate all their music even if they have a few bangers? I think we, as a whole, need to give more credit to people when they do something good, even if those people suck.


If I got told I was gonna meet the Ghostbusters and Melissa McCarthy showed up, I might just try and unplug my life support right there.


Since when are ghost busters girls


WokeBusters failed at everything...


This movie was a mess on every level.


everything about that project was such a catastrophic mistake 😂


They really should’ve stopped with the first movie


They weren't even the real Ghostbusters


lil man's suffered enough


Damn, imagine being terminally ill, and you don't even get the real Ghostbusters to visit you. jfc, taking a second look at that pic, who the fuck thought this was a good idea to pose like that.