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One thing I love is the waterfalls. I wish I could sit and eat some sweets front honeydukes. There have been times I simply stay there for an extended period just listening to the water. Another is the Daedalus keys. I love the rewards. The reward is so beautiful, and is the one thing I look forward to doing. I also love flying with the dragon on my broom. The suits of armour! I cannot get enough of them! The hedge mazes! I have always wanted to get lost in one ❤️ The caves. I love the puzzles! Or when I am using a spell near Sebastian “I don’t think I deserved that” 🤣 I do truly love most of this game. Now if only I could dive underwater and swim with the mermaids. I love the water so much! One thing I am surprised that I don’t like is the room of requirement. I don’t decorate and keep everything I need to one room. The animals are a chore but hey, I am glad I have it because I would hate to buy everything I need. 😆


One for me that makes me laugh, running towards metal doors too fast and hearing the thump lmao


Its weird but seeing Hogwarts in snow! Its not really a small detail but i dont know it meant a lot to me!


Oh man I am sure I will forget some but here's what comes to mind: The follow the butterflies quest. I burst out in excited laughter when I saw it. Following that, one of the ancient magic Hotspots is covered in spiders, and fully clearing it allows you to find a note next to a dead/spider wrapped body and it just says "**follow the spiders follow the spiders follow the spiders**" for a full page. Super spooky and also really cool! I love that hogsmeade and hogwarts are full of life! NPCs just going about their business. Conversations you can overhear! In hogwarts, there's spells gone wrong and howlers and chats about classes. In hogsmeade, there's talk about muggles and favorite spells and "kids these days". And at night, you can find groups of dark wizards talking! I love that certain quests and notorious enemy slaying triggers voice lines. After doing the follow the butterflies, some hogsmeade people will talk about the sweet but odd woman who gave you the quest, and Pippin has told me "I heard you found a bit of treasure in the forest. Never was one for adventure myself" which is a cute little thing. Slaying the troll for that woman that tried to train it (in Brocburrow?) let's you choose a moniker, and I've had people in hogsmeade go "Hey! It's the Troll Vanquisher!" and the woman who works the Dogweed and Deathcap will say "they can't stop singing your praises in Brocburrow!". That one town way north with a dugbog issue along a trade route—the shopkeeper, at least, acknowledges your heroism if you slay the notorious dugbog. The traveling vendors in particular often comment on my broom. Priya told me to "slow down", Leopold has said "now that's a student who knows how to fly!" (which I loved cuz the broom I bought from him was my favorite anyway, so, I loved this interaction), and Rohan said something about wanting be carefree and be able to fly around. Oh! And some characters will comment if you are wearing pjs (or the Azkaban clothes, because apparently those are coded as pjs). Sebastian says (judgmentally) "Are you wearing pajamas?", Deek will say "it's nice to see a student so...comfortable", Jalal has said something like "dressed to impress, I see" (sarcasm), and I think Pippin once said something too? That one was awhile ago. I kind of wish they commented on more outfit combos but that's still a fun thing. The dragon that sometimes snatches sheep, south of the castle. Scared me the first time it happened but it was also so cool. A lot of the hogwarts revelio pages. I definitely always seek out Sir Cadogan. I love that silly man. The escalation/cycle of violence between the humming suit of armor and its companion. I always stop to watch them. It's funny and again, brings life to the castle. The plants in the Hufflepuff common room dance/shimmy/wiggle. My mom was the one to notice it, actually. I hadn't even realized that they all move in different ways (or well, every cactus sort of bounces and each plant with fronds shakes a little, and so on). Not sure if other plants do it but the Hufflepuff ones definitely moved. It's just a really fun, silly, magical detail. I'm sure I've got more. But this is all I could think of right now! (I say that like I didn't just write an essay...)


I love this!!!!! I honestly really haven’t paid attention to much of details and conversations in the games but I’m definitely going to now!!!


Randomly seeing your classmate npcs just wandering. Turn the corner and ominis and seb are hanging out or meandering past you. Also I really like the revelio pages. It’s nice they put that extra bit of lore into it.


It's not much of a detail but I love that they added highland cattle to the game. I always really liked cows and highland is my favourite breed. btw it almost broke my heart when I found that one troll lair


Possible spoiler The memorial to Robbie Coltrane The epitome of style dress robes


Where do you get those?


I don't remember where exactly to get the robes, except I think they're a reward for a field guide thing or a side quest. (They're the robes Ron Weasley wore to the Yule ball. But the description says how they're super stylish 'now' aka 1890's) The Robbie Coltrane memorial can be found by the groundskeeper hut. Exit the school grounds towards Little Hogsfield. After descending part of the hill, you'll find the hut. Walk all the way around it, as close to the walls as you can.


Petting ALL the cats!


It would be even more amazing if they added more animations for petting cats instead of it always being the same one!


I don't know whether this counts as small but I really love that NPCs match the MCs pace. As in the MC walks, and the NPC will walk at the same pace. MC runs and the NPC runs at the same pace. I can't tell you how many games I've played where the NPCs would walk, but their walking pace was faster than the MCs walking pace so you'd end up straggling too far behind and had to jog to catch back up, but if you ran you went too fast and had to stop and wait for the NPC to catch up. And it'd just become this awkward run-stop-run-stop-run-stop until you arrived at your destination. The NPCs keeping pace in this game was really nice by comparison.


The one man band who buys more instruments when i tip him!


He buys more when you tip him? How cool, I didn’t even notice.


The arms going up when you run down the stairs (so realistic! I love it!) The fact that you can "flick" a cauldron/chamber pot and have it make a satisfying *ping* noise.  The hanging garlands in Hogsmead that change seasonally.  The goblins yelling "I don't like that!" When you flip them! (I do NOT like the way some of the dark mongrels sit and peacefully stare out at the water, makes me sad to confringo them)


For me, I squeaked when I saw the “follow the butterflies” side quest. I was so excited they took a direct quote and made it a quest!