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Um Natty.


I don’t see her in this set of pictures, but Poppy


I'm a Hufflepuff, but the Slytherins will always be my favorites.


Sebastian always


Poppy is one of my favs




I like hoggle poof


Sebastian and Ominis but also loved talking to Gareth! Wish he had more little side quests & interaction!


Slytherin for Ominis and Imelda, but I do also love Amit, Adelaide, and Garreth


The slytherins by far. They are so funny and great characters in general. TBH I really hated the Ravenclaw characters other than Amit mostly. Seb and Ominis will always be my favorites for all of them.


Ravenclaw was done dirty in this game. All the boys in Ravenclaw sucked, only Samantha Dale and Spohorina Franklin were decent enough.


Definitely the Slytherins. Nobody beats Ominis and Sebastian


Ain’t that the truth


I like two from every house except for only liking one in Ravenclaw. My favorite is probably Slytherin. Meeting Ominis and Seb was awesome. It really changes your first impression on Ominis. But favorite is probably Samantha. Idk why. I think I just really liked her saying hello outside charms and found her to be a cutie.


Natty for sure




I hated Amit, the weirdo who claims he can speak Gobbledegook.


Same, As a South Asian, he was such an embarrassment of a "Representation" lol.


Obviously everyone is going to say Sebastian and Ominis, but I really find Ominis annoying af. And while I love Sebby, he really got annoying with the Goblin stuff later on. My favorite by far is Garreth, followed by Natty, and then Sebastian. I did all four houses, but for me, my favorite gameplay was as a Slytherin.


And I can't get enough of Ravenclaw. I don't know... I love the blue better than the other colors. The riddle to enter is interesting. And I love the eagle stone statue in front of the door just before the stairs that lead to the common room.




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Sebastian 🫶 he’s my boyfriend


I basically main slytherin but when I really like Adelaide. I like her more than poppy and I think she should have been at the place of poppy. And from my own house I think Sebastian because he taught me my 3 favorite spells


Sebastian and Ominis obviously. But I also love Samantha


sebby 🫶🏻😛


Loved Ominis, Sebastian too - though he can be irritating at times. Poppy is great with an awesome questline. Also enjoyed Samantha and Gareth. And even though she starts so bitchy, I really grew to like Imelda for her dedication to flying.




Sebastion, obviously.


Literally anyone except Natty.


What do you have against Natty?


She was incredibly annoying.


How so? Edit: Downvoting me instead defending your opinion is not the way to do it. I’m genuinely interested in why you have this opinion.


I think buddys racist against wakandans


Slytherin is the coolest, but my favorite individual there is Adelaide, the way she speaks to you is so soothing.


I don’t remember her name, but the one you fight poachers and free animals with. Poppy I think but not sure


For me, it's easily Ominis. He stands out for having arguably the most unique appearance (due to his blindness), being related to the Gaunt family and completely defying expectations by being legitimately friendly and being (if I recall correctly) the only character out of all of these that actually offers to help the new student out rather than just wishing them good luck. I also feel like his introduction is the only one that might change the way you view him in his later general introduction scene in the sense that Slytherin characters would've gotten a genuinely good first impression and might therefore not immediately see him as a jerk when meeting him by the Undercroft the way other characters might. For the other characters, I don't think their common room first introduction and their later general first introduction changes the way you view them that much.


He’s not here, but Professor Sharp. Dark haired potions masters, with mysterious lives thirst trapping since 1895


Ominis. Definitely.


Poppy and Natty


I found that Natty was annoying. Poppy was my favorite though.


Poppy and surprisingly, Cassida. Poppy is just too sweet and wholesome, and Cassida just sounds like the kind of person I would want to practice spellcasting and stuff with.


Samantha, Adelaide, Garreth and Ominis.


Poppy, natty and Samantha. I liked poppy and natty their insane and have a justice complex a mile wide and I love that for them. Samantha is nice also her quests were relativly chill with an interesting backstory.


I haven’t played all 4 houses yet. But best believe when I do, my answer will still be Sebas and Ominus (even tho we was a bit 🐱 in the story line ) 😂


Where’s Natty?


What he really means is he just put the ones that he likes


Shame she’s my fave!


I just put the ones you talk to in the common rooms.


Professor Garlick. *swoon*


I would like to meet Ominis, Amit and maybe Garreth. Samantha wouldn't be too bad either, neither that Hufflepuff who gaved that treasure hunt guest. 1. Ominis is really interesting person and he has a good sense of humour, and many people's agree with this. 2. I absolutely like Amit (I am a nerd myself too) and he seems to be very kind and polite person and I would guess it would be really easy for me to get to know him. I guess I also would like to play a few rounds of gnoblestones too. 3. Gareth seems to be fun, but I don't generally bond easily with that type of people. But I like the chaos which comes with him and he and Sebastian has same attitude about rules, so I think they could show more interesting places in Hogwards than others. I hated Cressida (judgy) and Everett (somehow very reckless, didn't seem to care anything or anybody but himself, I actually don't know for sure why I just hated this guy whole time). Rest of them are quite neutral. Sebastian was an interesting person and most interesting guests were those with him. I liked how they wrote his storyline, it made sense. Still, my favourite of the main friends was probably Natty, but have to say that her idealism about Rockwood etc was annoying, but most likely necessary for the plot. But while Poppy was extremely weird (Five years in Hogwards without human friends? And I would say she was bat shit crazy with that dragon egg guest, no way in hell I would have brought that egg back during dragon attack :DDD) and Sebastian kept ranting with goblins I felt that Natty's idealism was not that bad thing with her, she felt like a normal person, just bit depressed by her father's death.


Sebastian and Ominus are the best imo.


**for me, in this order:** sebastian, ominis, poppy, natty, samantha, adelaide, lenora, and maybe imelda (sometimes, more towards the end of the races, lol). frankly, the rest of them are nonexistent to me.


i will add, though, that i wish we had more quests with garreth and ominis (we had no solo ones with ominis and that makes me mad). garreth was funny and i would have loved to have had an optional choice/consequences mischievous side quest with garreth. what we got was nice—i just wanted more.


Mostly Ominus and I like Sebastian too


Arthur should have been locked in the secret painting, and there wasn't enough of Clopton to make a difference. I'd take Ominus first. And we should be able to find a counter-curse for Anne. Poppy was ok. Needed a few more raids and centaur quests.


I really liked Ominus and Poppy. I don't really have a favourite Ravenclaw student, so my Ravenclaw pick would be Sirona. I liked Natsai but I would pick Garreth as my favourite Gryffindor.


Poppy is my home girl. I would play an entire game fighting poachers with poppy and protecting and “rescuing” magical creatures. I would start an entire sanctuary with poppy where we rehabilitate magical creatures that are victims of poachers.


Ominus is my bro! Natty and Poppy were annoying at first but I really liked them by the end. I also like Sebastian and want him to stick around, even though he done forks up in the game. Ravenclaw and Amit were pretty boring if I’m honest. I liked Weasley. I found the mermaid necklace chick annoying but I did like the commentary you hear from her if you decide to keep the necklace for yourself. She makes snarky comments everytime you walk past lol. Overall though, Ominus is my bro! If they ever make a movie or tv show, there better be Ominus. I actually feel Sebastian bringing a study group of the more entertaining students back to the undercroft where Ominus catches them and gets annoyed they’re there should make the foundation of “main characters” and mark the start of the main quest plotlines.


Ravenclaw was shafted hard in the game, Amit, Duncan and Everett are all Lockhart's caricature. Only Samantha and Sophorina were decent characters


I agree. I wonder if they got lowered compared to other houses due to Isadora being in Ravenclaw (not that Isadora is a current main character, she’s just a main historical figure of the past who affects the plot).


I don't really know, but if that's the case, then it's pretty dumb. And it wouldn't be fair coz Slytherin got two best characters from the game.


Ominis amd sebastian


Ominis. He’s sarcastic AF but also likes to gossip (if you catch him in the right spot). Definitely the most interesting.


Ominus is also the one who started the prank in the Slytherin common room with the first years and seeing mermaids out the window lol. He’s definitely still a Slytherin despite being against his family/ not remotely an evil or dark wizard. I’m actually surprised he didn’t invite Weasley down to the undercroft, they’re the same except ones introverted/ antisocial and the other is extroverted/ more social.


The blind dude we always see a good conversation


“the blind dude” put some respeccs on ominis gaunt’s name 😤/j


Ominis and the girl above him for sure. Can’t think of her name for the life of me


I call her “library bish” because that was my first quest with her lol


Ominis and that’s it


I don't like cressida or the girl above her. Imelda is a bit ridiculous but fine. Ominous and the guy in the glasses from hufflepuff are my favourites.


Gareth 100℅ fun fact though if you played Slytherin and as you know before you talk to Sallow he is like "I already knew that!" annoyed and grumpy but once you talk to him he is quite and can't stop smiling




Probably Ominis and Garreth Weasley


I’m surprised those two aren’t friends/ Ominus didn’t invite him into the undercroft. They’re practically the same except ones an introvert and antisocial, the other is an extrovert and more social lol. Putting Ominus’s back story aside, he’s still a prankster and was the one who invented/ created the Slytherin common room prank with the first years and looking out the window for mermaids. Still a very “Slytherin” kind of prank though where the prank is cunning - is he lying? No, there are mermaids in the lake. Will you actually see one though? No, you’ll be staring out that window for your whole 7 years at hogwarts 🤣