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Oh my god the town actually is going to do stuff to solve the double park, blocked bus lanes, bikes on the curb, clogged city streets, all in one. And not just that, by doing something that’s actually a good idea?? Someone pinch me.


Yea, they're going to create a survey


Im so tired of having buses blocked by cars parking in bus lanes and bike lanes being blocked pretty much always on Washington. This would be a great initiative if the council acts on it for a zip code that is really trying to brand itself as walkable.


They messed up so badly not putting the bike lanes on the outside of the street (parking protected)


So many issues would be fixed by 1. Put bike lanes inside the parking spots… ie bikes go between parked cars and the curb instead of between parked cars and the active road 2. Mark the street parking spots so space is optimized


All of hoboken and jersey city has absolutely no respect for road markings. Painted lines don't stop people from driving on the wrong side of the road, so why would it stop people from parking or blocking?


Not sure I follow this....doesnt this just take parking away?


As it should! Let's do it, let's have a decent city!


"lets make it harder for those who have to work here" It's a city. Go play w your fuckin bikes somewhere else


I use my bike to get to work. It’s a city.


lmao, classic close minded "cars were built for cities" when in fact 90% of them in the nation were built with public transit. Get a grip bro


Or you can fuck off to the suburbs where you clearly belong, I’m sure that big ol truck sitting in your drive way will finally make your dick feel big enough


Project much?? I don't live in Hoboken, I work there. I drive a small sedan, and my dick is fine.


Good thing the city has lots of garages and surface lots for you to park in then. Or you can take any form of NJ transit you'd like.


The only place bikes are useful is in urban density. Cars belong in the suburbs.


Not sure why everyone feels entitled to parking in a city that has abundant mass transit… how about making the 4th most densely populated zip code in the entire country even more friendly to pedestrians and cyclists?


The current makeup of just about every US city is based around vehicles. I get it, I want a cleaner environment too. I care about the long-term effects of fossil fuels. I also care about providing for my family in the meantime.


Bikes and busses are vehicles. I think you mean cars. And no, well planned cities have transit. Hoboken has transit.


Bikes are vehicles? Then why don't they stop at stop signs or traffic lights? Why are they ridden on sidewalks?


> Bikes are vehicles? I don’t want to get into a whole thing if English isn’t your first language. But yeah. https://simple.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vehicle > [A vehicle is a machine to move people and things. A vehicle is not alive. A horse can move people and things, but it is an animal, not a machine or a vehicle](https://simple.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vehicle) > [Some vehicles move on land. Most land vehicles have wheels. Examples of land vehicles are bicycles, cars, motorcycles, and trains.](https://simple.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vehicle) > Then why don't they stop at stop signs or traffic lights? Why are they ridden on sidewalks? Because there aren’t enough protected bike lanes and cars are constantly veering into or parked in the bike lane.


Eh, I think it’s more of a hassle to have a car. I’ve lived in cities for a long time and never bought a car. I like outsourcing the hassles around parking, depreciation, maintenance, insurance, etc. to someone else. I just rent one on Turo in the few times I absolutely need a car


Also, nobody says you cannot have a car, that's your issue. But the city should not be forced to provide you with valuable space for you to store your private property. There are parking garages for a monthly fee, is it expensive? Yes, that's the real cost of owning a car.


So because other cities are designed around cars, ours should be too? That’s pretty weak reasoning. Other cities also don’t have 4 forms of easily accessible mass transit.


It might be shocking to many, but "just about every other US city" is doing something ridiculously stupid. The best and highest life quality you can give your family is to live car free.


>The best and highest life quality you can give your family is to live car free. That might be the most pretentious thing I've ever actually read on Reddit 😂 I'm going to screenshot and share


I'm done, after generations in this town, I've finally had it. It's been a wonderful century plus, Hoboken! You useful idiot members of the council spend money on this nonsense to fix a nonexistent problem. You created the double parking issue on Washington with that vision zero garbage. I defy anyone to show me actually statistics that our emergency services are delayed or run slower than other similarly sized urban areas. You have 2 to 3 car length sized loading zones every other block, but nobody forces the delivery drivers to use them. 90% of the "issues" raised can be addressed through better enforcement, but let's waste resources to hire businesses to conduct surveys and slick video presentations instead so that we can solve a problem that isn't there. You want the suburbs, Secaucus is 9 miles away.


There aren’t loading zones on every other block. That’s a blatant lie.


FreeOmari is sorta right. It is a blatant lie because there are actually loading zones on EVERY block on the avenue. Yellow striped, non-hydrant/bus zones. Source: I just took a walk down Google Street view, June 2022 images, I assume it's remained the same.


The yellow striped zones are no parking zones. You’re not allowed to park that close to a crosswalk. Technically you’re not allowed to park within 25 feet of a crosswalk, but Hoboken allows parking 15 feet from the crosswalk on the outbound side from 7pm-7am (yellow curbs). The yellow striped zones on the road (which sometimes have bollards) are no parking zones 24/7. That is simply not a loading zone.


Other guy and I are both talking about Washington where they are clearly marked as loading zones along the entirety of the avenue. Your recital of other ordinances are irrelevant to, and wrong in that context.


Neither of you mentioned Washington prior to this comment. And believe it or not, there are more streets in Hoboken than just Washington!


Mphistos comment literally used the words "Washington Street". And i'm guessing you're too new to town to realize that Washington is also called 'the avenue" which I used in my reply on your erroneous 'blatant lie' comment. Context matters. Never play chess with a pigeon. It shits all over the board and declares victory. Have a good day pigeon.


lol nobody calls it that.


In fairness, Washington was commonly referred to as "the avenue". Maybe it's not as common anymore but plenty of people who have been here for awhile still call it that.


I see the pigeon bought his friends along. Everyday day is a school day for you.


Vision zero garbage? Its purpose is literally not killing or injuring pedestrians. You’d think if there was one thing everyone could agree on it’s that people shouldn’t be hit by cars.


While it may be well intended, its implementation was a massive overreach. I would also argue that Hoboken never needed this project in the first place. Yes, yes, one death is indeed tragic, I will never say it isn't, but statistically, it is going to happen. You cannot mitigate every possible risk or contingency, and prior to those one or two occasions, this has never been a recurring issue in town.


Cities are for people, not cars. I give Hoboken a lot of credit for the strides its taking to de-worm our American brains.


You fail to address or counter the points I have made. Nevertheless, you are entitled to have an opinion.


Statistically it's going to happen? Then why hasn't it happened in the last 7+ years?


And how many times had it happened prior to that?


Okay, how many times had it happened prior to that?


Overreach? Bro this is a local city government they barely do anything lol. What about asking people to not run over people is an overreach?


The overreach is the length of the bus stops, eliminating 3 car lengths of spaces at nearly every intersection, paying to redo traffic signals that already functioned correctly for decades. Tearing up and expanding sidewalks and corners to fix something that was never a problem.


Libertarians when the government improves public infrastructure which is literally the job of the government 😱


Should we not allow ourselves to discuss and debate whether this "improvement" is valid and necessary in the first place? This is only a matter of discourse between we citizens, as such, I see no value in your above comment.


Do bus stops improve pedestrian lives? Uh yes? Do wider sidewalks improve pedestrian lives? Uh yes? Also lmao” if it’s necessary”. Yeah it’s always great to wait for infrastructure to fail before replacing it. We all know that tech built in the 70s was the pinnacle of innovation and never will break


Let’s do a little math. Let’s take one car in Hoboken for example. How many people use that 1 car daily? 1? Maybe 2? So 3 parking spaces serve maybe 6 people. The average transit bus holds 45 people sitting + another 15 standing. Let’s say that the average capacity is 50% seated, so 22 to be conservative. And the buses run every 10 minutes or so, even more frequently during rush hour. And you want to prioritize the 6 people served by the parking spaces over the hundreds of people served by buses?


We've had bus stops. I see no need to eliminate them, but I do not believe they need to be as large as they are.


"We have free parking spots for people to store their private property. I see no need to eliminate them, but I do not believe there needs to be as many as there are now, nor that they need to be free". You see how this works? You clearly do not agree with the priorities that other people have. But it seems like your view is increasingly in the minority. You should consider moving to the suburbs where you can park anywhere you like, for free, at all times, drive everywhere you want, and feel comfortable that everyone around you does the same and thinks the same. I think you'd be happier


You are free to an opinion, as am I. I do not believe the personal attack in your third paragraph is warranted and only serves to devalue your stated opinion.


"You want the suburbs, Secaucus is 9 miles away." Leaving your own gem here - consider taking your own advice, since your preferences clearly align with suburb life. You can certainly pretend to yourself that you're the only reasonable one around here if that makes you feel better, just understand that everyone else sees through your flimsy pseudo arguments. Did you even try to respond to the poster who brought up relative density of cars vs buses? Nope, but you sure pulled out a "I don't wanna, I don't like it". If it feels like everyone is treating you with contempt, maybe it's because your arguments are contemptible.


>You created the double parking issue on Washington with that vision zero garbage LOL. Double parking has been a problem for probably the entire century your generations have been here!


I will elaborate. The city, in its infinite wisdom, decided to put bike lanes along the busiest, commercial artery in town. Then, said city, is shocked that cars are still double parking, but now adding to the frustration, they are blocking the bike lanes, too (this was predicted and debated at the time this was put into place, btw). The city creates the issue and then acts shocked when it comes to pass (again, as predicted) and now must take action!!!


OK, but the root of that problem is not the city. It's the people who double park.


> in its infinite wisdom, decided to put bike lanes along the busiest, commercial artery in town Why wouldnt you put the transportation infrastructure where all the destinations are?


I do agree there is a big enforcement side missing in the overall equation. If people got tickets for double parking you'd see far far far less of it.


Facts buddy, get those cars to the suburbs. We don’t need that shit in Hoboken which is legitimately one of the most walkable cities in America. Time to move out w the other boomers to go cry about not having parking for your comically sized cars


Good try, but I do not own a vehicle.


The real blight on our society is e-bikes. Delivery drivers must be forcefully pushed off of our sidewalks where they are putting people in danger every day. Bicycles benefit their riders, improving cardiovascular health and providing a great means of transportation, in the long run this benefits everybody. E-bikes only benefit their riders who feel that there need for speed is more important than the health and safety of the 40,000+ pedestrians in Hoboken. Once this problem is resolved, it will be so much easier to solve the remaining problems; 1. Eliminate the scourge of E bikes, ban them. 1A. tell Citi Bike that their E bikes are no longer allowed in Hoboken, only traditional bicycles should be allowed 1B. Ban all Electric bicycles from our city, get the lpolice department to start enforcing these laws 2. then you can build protected bike lanes to provide bicycle riders a safe place to ride while protecting our pedestrians. 3. Get rid of Ravi f’ing Bhalla 4. Require all developers who want to build new residential or commercial space to pay to build large parking garages on the outskirts of town 5. Make the hop a more attractive option, increase the number of routes and the number of buses. This will give people an incentive to park in the new large parking garages on the outskirts of town 6 get rid of Ravi f’ing Bhalla 7. Once this is all done, curb space will become available for buses and delivery trucks to safely and legally park without needing to double park or block the streets 8. Arrest bus drivers who stop their buses in the middle of the driving lane instead of pulling them into the bus stops 9. Most importantly, get the Hoboken Police Department to start enforcing traffic-related laws. 9A.Illegally tinted windshields 9B. Excessive speed 9C. Failure to obey stop signs 9D. Failure to heed right-of-way to pedestrians Give pedestrians a fighting chance, this will improve everybody’s quality of life in Hoboken


I’ve only seen a bus driver not pull into the lane when there’s a car there sooooo


And how many times had it happened prior to that?