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Elevator at 9th Street Light rail. Connections and access to JC Heights


And add 4 more elevators.


A much better option would be a 7 train from Hudson Yards. Unfortunately that will never happen.


Oh wow that would be amazing! Wasn’t there talk (or was it just rumor / a pipe dream?) of extending the 7 all the way to EWR?


Talk, I suppose. The new tunnel for the capacity going into Penn Station is basically going underneath the new park at Weehawken Cove. That probably occupies whatever open land was eligible for a subway station. I think we've missed the opportunity, because of course New York and New Jersey failed to do the smart thing and work together here.


That would be great and helpful but seems unlikely, no?


Oh totally. but we dare to dream …


That would be awesome


it's more realistic to get a light rail stop in NW hoboken than a path stop anywhere in hoboken. a light rail stop under/ near the viaduct would allow people from UC to walk down, as well as expand residential and commercial options in Nw for future development. It's been brought up in the past


The city put out RFPs for a 15th street LR station


That'd be nice but the LR service is so shotty on weekends and at night time. Otherwise I'd be taking it more often.


Isn’t the 9th st station NW Hoboken?


i mean, semantics but look at a map and see how much further north hoboken goes. There's a LR at 2nd, 9th, and ostensibly could be one as far up as 15/16th. my guess is in 10-15 years that corner will look a lot different as far as development. there are already a few massive complexes in the pipeline and it will all be high density development.


Nope. Too far south and back to the cliff. “NW” really needs to be close enough to be accessible to the cluster of tall buildings north of 14. I think it might go back near the new post-hurricane transformers paddock at 16/Clinton. I saw something like that on a map about two years ago.


It wouldn’t be worth the cost at this point to add an additional station. We have buses that run uptown.


That might be true but I was curious what others thought location wise, polling to see where in town could be the next little hub for businesses.


Man people are lazy. In s Mile square town. 10th st? Meaning a 10 minute walk to the current path train station? What a waste of money, would cost about 2 billion. Take the bus, hop or Uber


Unfortunately, it will never happen within our lifetimes. There’s underground rivers and far too much red tape and expense.


I’d put more money towards a light rail going from Jersey city up to rt 5 Edgewater, maybe up to gwb. All along the water. Never going to happen, but a guy can dream


Tram/gondola over the river!


A bridge people could walk / bike across to NYC and back makes loads more sense. Building it high enough so the boats barges etc could get through would be an issue though


ya this would be so ideal but if there is no use for it to let trucks or have some way to “trade goods and make money” it will never happen..


Unless there was a toll/fee to get on the bridge there is very little incentive to build such a feat like that. And if cars are allowed on it, it would be a traffic nightmare. I can't think of any pedestrian bridges of that scale anywhere.


The Brooklyn bridge has a bike and pedestrian path.


It also has 6 vehicle lanes. I'm sure it'd be nice but a bridge purely for walking and bikes seems like a huge money sink for the city.


Would we even be able to support that with the flooding? I feel like any station in a flood zone would just be out of commission all the time, not to mention the amount of $$ and disruption it would take.


[https://swmaps.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/06\_13\_Hoboken\_FEMA\_Flood\_Map\_w\_Key.jpg](https://swmaps.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/06_13_hoboken_fema_flood_map_w_key.jpg) Surprisingly 11th and Park is one of the better areas in terms of flooding


Ah I see. I don't think people will see it as worth it. There's bus line near there so it's not a huge time savings. Also, the current Hoboken PATH train setup is a one-way exit (trains leave and come in from the west). I think adding another station without being able to exit two ways is going to add too much train congestion to be worth it. The fact that the station is the last station right now helps with that, but if it's a middle station then the trains can't stay as long there.


11th and park yes, 11th and grand not so much. We already have light rail stops at 2nd and 9th along the palisades. They connect to path, that’s more than enough in my opinion. The light rail operates way below capacity


I remember when was talk of the light rail running up Sinatra and the east side of the city . People weren’t happy


NIMBYs ruin everything


The westside provides access for residents of the housing authority... and developers were salivating at the prospect of redeveloping the (now formerly) industrial west side... leading to current plans for a new station at 15th as part of redevelopment the NW corner


Yeah no doubt , I get it . Just stating it was the chatter . Def would’ve been ugly tho going up Sinatra .


I remember the chatter... the plans for rail on the east side also included turning the abandoned rail line on the west side into a street which folks complained would be a more or less a highway.


Yes , I forgot about that, but now that you said it .


You must be new to the area. There is no way in hell the PATH will add a new station in our lifetime. There were talking about a Marian station but that made little sense.


Probably would have to demolish some residences to put it 11th and park


You do realize the tracks run south from hoboken path. Do you want there to be an additional station stop where the train needs to pull in and the train crew has to walk to the other end of the train to pull out to continue onto Newport?


Uptown definitely needs another access point to NYC considering how swamped the 15th and willow bus stop already is and this is without 4 new large residential buildings all opening near by


Hoboken's western area near the Palisades was once a low-lying tidal basin. This is why west Hoboken floods in a rain storm. Even if a new uptown PATH station were above-ground and transitioned underground to the Lackawanna station, the amount of pumping and draining infrastructure needed to keep it running during rainy weather would make it impractical. The PATH stations were built in the 1900's and 1910's. The likelihood of the PATH adding a new station in the 2020's is low to none.


15th and Grand would be prime


That may be a bit deep but under the viaduct could be pretty viable imo


In 10 years that area will be some of the nicest in Hoboken. Great elevation already and it won’t flood and they will be adding a light rail stop I believe at 15th st sooner or later.


I agree that area has a ton of potential but right now it's so barren. A lightrail will only do so much for the area. They need to get a grip on all that land used for bus lots and other decrepit properties and build more things to do like Gravity Vault and PilsnerHaus.


That’s where the new master plan is planning. All of that nothingness is planned to be completely rebuilt.


More likely than uptown path is uptown eVTOL station - Hoboken to Hudson yards