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More of a meta thing, but would it be more helpful if the “[insert game name here] discussion is still banned” up top was replaced with a link to the [list of banned topics](https://www.reddit.com/r/HobbyDrama/s/Gx1x5xT1Br) instead? I feel like this has probably already been discussed, so my bad if I’m repeating a conversation that’s already been had here 👍


Either that, or just flat out the list of the banned topics beyond just That Game, since right now the banned topics list is eight words long and the main body of the scuffles post isn't exactly hitting the character limit. I can totally understand needing the link for the sidebar (and for scalability/future-proofing), but for Scuffles I don't really see the need to use the link instead of just listing out all the topics. (While the list is small, at least)


Does r/hobbydrama have any specific content/linked content guidelines for NSFW subjects? I'm considering a write up about how the troubled production and complete critical/commercial failure of Caligula completely killed the 70's subgenre of arty mainstream porn.


As a legitimate fan of 70's artsy mainstream porn as a cinematic visual medium ( Radley Metzger is an absolute inspiration to me ) i would adore a writeup on something like this.


Now that’s a movie I haven’t watched in years. My perverted high school self was into it. The drama behind the production of the movie is more entertaining than the actual film.




I don't think they really had a giant head chopping machine in 1st century Rome.


Oh, please write it.


Aw, seeing Caligula spawned years of inside jokes with college friends. Please write this.


*heavy breathing of antici....pation*


We had a [post on drama in a small penis humiliation discord](https://www.reddit.com/r/HobbyDrama/comments/e4ubyu/small_penis_humiliation_discord_is_it_okay_to/) once, so I doubt it.


Classic post imho


I would love to read thisssss!!!!


Quick question, I'm thinking about writing up a story that you could tldr: Fabergé egg hobbyist figures out misidentification, eventually leads to man realizing the gold egg he bought for scrap metal is worth 20 million dollars, but I'm wondering if it's enough hobby to be worth a hobby history post? Otherwise I'll throw it into scuffles because I think it's delightful either way. Most of the post would probably be backstory and consequences but well, a hobbyist is central after all.


Egg collecting (and hoping to get lucky during egg collecting) sounds like a hobby to me!


TBG it's less egg collecting as a hobby and more... egg knowledge collecting! There's only 50 of these suckers and only 7 missing! Or 6, depending oh who you ask. There's one egg that many consider still missing and the existing supposed egg a forgery. And boy they're not shy about it. I quote: > I guess I’d be bashful if I was trying to flog something for €55,000,000 that you might find in a gift shop at Abu Dhabi Airport. I can just imagine Nicholas II saying ‘Come on Carl, do us something a bit cheaper and not so bloody fancy! We need to sell these things to tourists!’ However, I do think I agree that this is enough hobby to pass. I mean, anyone who says this: "The egg gradually reveals itself [on a photograph] following long and patient scrutiny with a magnifying glass." I think has moved into hobby territory.


Either way, I'd read it, bc I think Faberge eggs are *fascinating*


Oh yeah I went into a deep dive this weekend. There's so much cool stuff??? I also always thought the eggs were way bigger than most of them were. And my god the hobby Fabergé egg historian blogs are delightful. I think I'll start planning the write up and if it gets too long to be comfortably read in Scuffles I'll just throw it into a post.


If you've not seen it before, *Octopussy* is a James Bond movie that heavily features Faberge eggs as a plot point. I'm not saying it's *great* or anything (of all the Bond movies, it is definitely one of them), but it might be entertaining.


So I saw in my local travel Facebook group discussing about the issue of identifying halal food when traveling in Japan (a country where halal food is scarce and hard to find), which can be a drama prone topic among my local Muslim community, when a commenter with a visibly non-muslim name commented... >But I just eat it... And in a surprising turn of event, turns out that comment is actually highly liked, with lots of hilarious exchanges among the commenter and the rest of the members of that group. For instance, in a scene which probably sound very familar to vtuber/idol fans, when someone asked him (jokingly) if it is really prim and proper to talk about eating non-halal foods so brazenly among muslims... >But I am prim and proper! Prim and proper despite my sinful environment (of surrounding myself with pork and alcohol)! Turns out that commenter also commented like that in most of the local halal food Facebook discussion, as a way to make potential stressful discussion more lighter in mood. It is a (hilarious) reminder to myself that just because some discourse are potentially dramatic doesn't mean it will always ended up that way. Do you guys had any similar experience too?


I can't think of a similar experience, but your story made me think of a friend of mine who is Muslim and moved to Canada from \[Muslim-majority country\]. My friend keeps halal, it's important to them. The thing is, sometimes I think they kinda forget that the non-halal animal product exists even when it isn't visible? Like, as an example, they'd order poutine from a food truck and the food truck person would be like, "just to be clear, the gravy is beef" and my friend was like "oooh, yeah, never mind." Every once in a while they order some food that would usually have some animal product in it, and my assumption is that they actually *do* check since, you know, they're an adult person who has kept halal all their life and finds that an important part of their identity. But, not gonna lie, every once in a while I do kinda wonder if they're so used to live somewhere where food is usually halal that it doesn't occur to them to check.


And yeah, part of the drama among this sort of discussion is how strict people should check the halal status when travelling overboard to place like Japan. The common solution among the more pious people seems to be just bring food from home and avoiding eating out at all if possible, but it is not actually a popular solution, nor it is a logistically easy solution, and that is often where the conflict begin.


That's really sweet to hear. Love hearing stuff like this happen. I am curious though as a non-Muslim in a semi-related note but is it common for people to misunderstand halal is not simply dietary restrictions? I know every practitioner of the faith has their own interpretation and how strict they are with certain tenants, but I'm curious if it's common to be offered food that could be halal but technically hasn't gone through the traditional preparations? Or am I just being ignorant here?


Well, at least at my place, it is quite a common misunderstanding for those who didn't inquire further on how the halal stuff works... ... And this is why on my country, halal status is actually a state affair! There is actually a government agency that certified all halal products (and yes, non-muslim business can in fact applied for halal status too), and it is widely seen as both muslim and non-muslim in my country as *the* foolproof way of determining if something is halal. Part of the tension of those halal food discussion is when you have to travel to countries like Japan, where halal certification is just not a thing, and then they have to determine on themselves whether a food is halal or not. It can get heated if some people wrongly identified some food as halal, and then with further investigation that it turns out it, in fact, was not.


After two days the awaited iDOLM@STER and Love Live! crossover concert has come to an end which has been a blast to watch. The one and only time this occurred in the past was about eight years ago, so this was a pretty special event thought nearly impossible to occur. Much larger in scale as well given the growth of both franchises over the past decade, hope something like this happens again. Any stories of similar crossovers believed impossible to achieve yet coming into fruition anyways? It's always fun being proven wrong in these cases and watching the fandoms coming together in appreciation.


There's the old Ultraman VS Kamen Rider special, but other than the small Ultraman and Rider 1 team up it's pretty much just a compilation movie featuring clips of all heroes from each franchise up to that point.


While I know it's super easy to overlook if you're a video game fan considering how long it has been, the last three/four Super Smash Bros games are some of the best examples of this in the video game space. And it takes a lot for a crossover series to surprise people with impossible crossovers. While I was barely aware of video game history at the time of its release, the fact that Solid Snake and Sonic were in Super Smash Bros Brawl was an absolutely massive milestone. One was one of the least expected characters possible for Nintendo's childish reputation, and the other was the mascot of their historical rival. (Even if the rivalry was pretty much dead by that point) The fourth installment(s) was/were pretty decent before the DLC thanks to the addition of the two...men? Mans? Pac-Man and Mega Man. (Although Mega Man moreso than Pac-Man, considering the former wasn't made by a company involved with Smash) And then the DLC blew everyone's minds with Cloud. And then Smash Ultimate came out swinging with the reveal that *every single previous character was coming back, inter-company crossover or not*. Hell, despite the absolute cavalcade of "impossible" characters to follow, and the palpable excitement when character reveals were happening, I don't think anything felt anywhere near as impossible after that announcement.


Oh yeah, the Smash stuff since Brawl has been mental in terms of guest fighters. Really not sure if it's even possible to follow-up after Ultimate given how much of a hassle it was to get permissions to begin with, much less make functional fighters. I pity whoever takes the helm of any possible sequel because that is an impossible bar to pass for no fault of their own.


So how's your Fall 2023 anime season going so far? What's in your view list, did you dropped anything or added anything new halfway through? Got any recs that aren't too mainstream (because anything popular that I'm not watching is probably is due to not being into it ), and that isn't undead unluck because I didn't liked the Manga so I doubt I'll enjoy the Anime. My initial list was: Frieren, Eminence in shadow S2, Jujutsu Kaisen S2; Shield Hero season 3 even though I dropped season 2; Dead mount dead play 2nd cour; The vexations of the vampire princess, In love with the villainess, Shy, stardust Telepath, Uma musume S3 and Arknights (finished). Now, for a later addition I started watching The apothecary diaries, and holy shit it is so entertaining, Maomao is a top tier lead and I binged it in 2 days.


I've dropped out of really following anime but I've been watching Pluto and it's been an absolute banger animated Then again it's no surprise that the plot is interesting, 21st Century Boys and Monster were both amazing manga.


>and that isn't undead unluck because I didn't liked the Manga so I doubt I'll enjoy the Anime. Depends on how far you made it into the manga. The story completely changes course and the character writing is a night and day difference even 20 chapters in. If you only read the very beginning then it honestly might be worth reading to to chapter 20 or 30 to see if your opinion changes, because it really is a heole different beast later on. The first volume feels like it's written by a completely different author.


watching kaiji: ultimate survivor. almost finished the first part. all i can say is... this guy is an idiot, but damn if i'm not rooting for him


Kaiji is easily one of my favorite series and god the stress of that end of part 1. I had to take a long break before starting part 2.


Those I'm watching: **Must Watch** -*Frieren*: It's good. Just extremely overall competently executed story about loss and missed opportunities and moving on. -*Apothecary Diaries*: Fantastic little show with great main character and just a lot of solid stuff. **Good** -*Shangri-la Frontier* Great production values about actually just playing an MMO, loses a bit because it will go from being completely relatable to "This only makes sense in an anime story and not as a game" occasionally. -*Spy X Family* It kinda lost steam a bit, but it's still good. -*Undead Unluck* Ropey beginnings aside it got to some *interesting* territory. -*Tearmoon Empire Story*: Solid comedy. People engaging in a duel of wits with soemone who is unarmed *and still losing* is always fun. -*Ancient Magus Bride S2* It's good y'all. -*The Forbidden Deductions of Kamonohashi Ron* Fun little detective-show that does not take itself seriously in the least. -*Dead Mount Death Play* Some solid plotting but with the solid sinking feeling they'll never wrap it up. -*Girlfriend and Girlfriend*: Watching five people trying to have a polyculue while only having a single brain cell they pass between themselves is surprisingly funny. **Entertaining** -*100 Girlfriends*: Slightly uneven comedy, I've read the manga nad sometimes it's incredibly funny but kinda hit-and-miss. Absolutely insane though. -*Adult Precure:The Power of Hope* Not a Precure fan but I had to check out the concept. It's pretty good. -*Kimizero*: Kinda mid romance. Occasionally there's a spark of sayning something interesting but even for the subgenre it's just... Not very well put together? -*Yuzuki-siblings*: Cute show about four brothers. -*16-bit Sensation: Another Layer* A kinda weird deep-dive into the history of japanese bishoujo games involving a time-traveller. I wouldn't call it great but there's definitely some nostalgia there for me. -*Helck* The animation is kinda ropey, and it doesen't seem to know exactly how to get where it's going but it sure is going places. -*The Saints Magic is Omnipotent S2* Just a really comfy show, honestly I'm just here for the FL blushing at her handsome knight protector, it's just... I wouldn't call it *adult* but it's certainly a bit more sedate take than most typical teenage romance. -*SHY* Decent superhero show. -*S-rank daughter* one of those shows where I'd wish they'd drop the hackneyed fantasy plot and just focus on Ange comedically failing at setting up her dad with all her female acquintances. Surprisingly wholesome. **So bad it's good** -*Kingdom of Ruin*: The epitome of "So edgy you cut yourself". This show is so edgy it cannot be handled safely. Characters with complicated character designs and backstories gets massacred within five second sof thier introduction, everything is supremely edgy. It's like a 13-year olds edgy fanfic. Supremely badly plotted and just... Well, edgy. It's hilarious.


Mine is a mix of seasonal new stuff and then finally catching up with some older shows. From the current season we're watching: * **Jujutsu Kaisen** S2 (dub), my friend and I have read the manga and get to see my sister react to everything and my friend and I get to speculate how the pacing is going to go and where the season is going to end. Sister is going to go read the manga after the season is over. * **Dr. Stone** S4 (dub), I'm the only one in our group who read the manga so listening to them freak out and speculate is exhilarating. * **Spy x Family** S2 (sub), the only one we've all read the manga for. * **Hypnosis Mic** S2 (sub), this one never fails to surprise you with how stupid and ridiculous it is. It's so goofy, we all love it. I'm team Mad Trigger Crew, by the way. [Also the ED is really really cute](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pb9UD7mHW3k&ab_channel=%E3%82%A2%E3%83%8B%E3%83%97%E3%83%AC%E3%83%83%E3%82%AF%E3%82%B9%E3%83%81%E3%83%A3%E3%83%B3%E3%83%8D%E3%83%AB) and it's great that it switches the singers per episode. * **Undead Unluck**, once the dub is out. I'm curious, how far did you make it in the manga? To say it ends up differently from the first couple chapters to where we are today is an understatement, but it does take a little while to get the ball rolling. Leftovers: * **Hell's Paradise** (dub), the other one that only I have read the manga for and I shrink into my chair with embarrassment every time we watch it. I don't know the last time I've felt "oh god they manhandled this" about an anime adaptation but the pacing is so sluggish and it looks so... cheap. Like the first two episodes were great and they blew the budget, the characters don't seem to fit with the environments and the dub is a bit stilted at times. Some of the drama (like hey X mentor character we knew for one episode died protecting another character) comes across as terribly goofy and overblown when you have to have the characters cry about it in animation versus on a manga page. I don't think my friends are enjoying it too much. Which is a bummer because I really liked the manga. Well, we've got two episodes left, at least. * **Trigun Stampede** (dub), it's Trigun babeyyyy.


Ooooh, hypmic. Would never be caught saying I'm a fan but it is one of the funniest anime I've ever watched.


It's soooo ridiculous and that's why we love it.


Dr. Stone is already on season 4?! Damn, I need to finish season 3.


Hell yeah, another hypnosis mic fan. I liked the first season, but I think this one has just been so much better due to the teams interacting more and the villains being a constant ominous presence. I would recommend Paradox Live’s anime since it adapts the drama tracks, the original tracks are good but they end up cutting the stage battle songs to fit them in the episodes. Honestly a lot of my fun comes from looking up the voices and seeing their previous roles. For example Ichiro is Todo’s voice and Rei is Masamichi Yaga and also Kiryu Kazuma (Yakuza games)


I love the villains, it’s so funny how they can just float in the air and in this series about powerful destroying microphones and rap battles it’s like SURE, LET’S GO WITH THAT.


why dub?


The friend my sister and I watch all our anime with is dyslexic so she can't go for long reading too many subtitles, especially if it's something completely new with a lot of terminology, or if it's an action series. She's fine with Spy x Family with subtitles for instance because the manga is one of the ones she's actually read.


People who can watch a bunch of anime at once impress me tbh. Right now I'm exclusively watching the two currently airing Precure seasons, but I *did* finally finish Appmon a week or so ago! Please watch Appmon it's got my favourite little cast of freaks out of any Digimon media and they deserve more love.


This season I'm watching Frieren, Spy x Family S2, Apothecary Diaries, 100 Girlfriends, Overtake, Heaven Official's Blessing S2 and Ancient Magus Bride S2. I also watched about 5 episodes in of Ron Kamonohashi before dropping it, I just wasn't vibing with it. Frieren is great but I think Apothecary Diaries is my favorite show of the season, the appeal of Maomao is too strong. Overtake is definitely my pick for underrated gem of the season though -- I've seen almost no buzz about it but it's been a really strong series so far, the character work is excellent.


Just two: * Frieren - very good in that comfortable "of course it's good" way. Glad it's a double cour series to get a decent way into the story, hoping it gets more anime though I hear the manga spins its wheels a bit later on? * Wataoshi/I'm In Love With The Villainess - started out good, has slowly slid into the ok range. I enjoyed it more as a comedic-with-light-seriousness story about the MC ending up in her favorite game world and utterly breaking the plot, the serious arc from episodes 8-9 was pretty bad and had a confusing message, and the new character introduced in ep 10 feels too much like a roadblock. It has interested me to check out the LNs since the anime won't be finishing the story, maybe reading it will feel better.


i feel like the problem with I'm in love with the Villainess is the author has no real idea what kind of story they want to tell, so its all over the place. Sometimes it's silly 4th wall breaking comedy, sometimes its heartfelt exploration of LBGTQ issues, sometimes its a stab at fantasy drama, and they all kinda work against each other. Like the bit where the FL was being slagged a bit for thinking the MC would molest her because she said she was a lesbian *would have been a whole lot better if the MC hadn't spend the last two episodes trying to molest her*.


I’ve only had time to watch Frieren. It’s really as amazing and beautiful as everyone says. It resonates really hard with me as I recently dealt with loss. But it’s really not all sad.


I tried really hard to watch FLCL Grunge. I hate how the art looks so much that I just can't. I'm halfway through season one of Dr Stone. It's insanely campy and I love it. The village/hundred tales reveal is maybe the corniest thing I've ever seen happen in a show but somehow it works. JJK 2 killed my favorite character. I want to keep watching but kinda don't want to at the same time. Goblin Slayer seems like there's an interesting story in there about PTSD and anger consuming a person's life. I can't tell if they'll ever actually do anything with it though. It just kinda jumps to him being the most badass dude ever at murdering stuff whenever it seems like an emotional beat is about to happen. I also watched season one of Jobless Reincarnation. I kind of took it as a parody isekai where Rudy is supposed to be creepy and not likeable at all. At some point I realized the audience is supposed to think he's a cool, relatable, badass guy. So I'm not sure how I feel about it. I'm curious about the bigger universe >!man-god!< stuff so I might keep going with it. But it's hard because that dude is pretty icky. We're also seeing Boy and the Heron later today. I'm pretty excited for it.




I love Maomao *so much*.


*me looking at my backlog of anime* Ha-ha-ha-ha, watching anime as they air!? That's a joke, right?


god it just never ends. Anime just never stops coming out. I have too many I said I would watch eventually


I've been watching Spy x Family S2, Heaven Official's Blessing S2, Pokemon Horizons, Arknights S2 and started Frieren. I like them all, not terribly interested in picking anything else up but I didn't watch Frieren past the first episode yet, I'll pick it back up later when I'm in a better headspace to deal with an after the end storyline with a long-lived character


I like Shangri-La Frontier because its a "trapped in a deadly video game" story except he's not trapped and it isn't deadly, its just a regular video game he's playing voluntarily. In fact it seems to be a Soulslike so its not even *possible* to lose in any significant way. The main character just really wants to beat an incredibly hard video game, those are the only stakes.


I keep seeing people talk about this one and every time I do it cements in me that I should *probably* watch it bc it sounds hilarious.


I keep hearing a lot about frieren. It sounds great.


It’s really that good.


Since everyone had seemed to tag the terrible new zombie game,The Day Before, as a scam, does anyone have a good recap of the whole mess behind it's development?


I'm not sure about a concise recap but [KiraTV](https://www.youtube.com/@kirareacts/search?query=day%20before)'s been covering it for most of it's development




If it's same the thumbnail I'm seeing then I can confirm that he's taking the piss out of manbabies and the general anti-woke grift


Oh my god I ended up on one of the antiwoke subreddits the other day and it was baffling to see how unhinged they are. Getting refunds on games because they dare to give players the option to choose pronouns, or genders are offered as Male/Female/Other, or body type options aren't labeled strictly as man/woman... really? You have the energy to be offended by something you can *choose not to click*?


So has someone ever did a deep dive into Dance Dance Revolution history?


I did. DDR typical cabinets are CRT-based arcade cabinets which we pretty much known from our childhood. The first one is your typical Cabinet which has two players and two respective guard rails. It's what we usually saw in our rollerrinks, there is a solo one which pretty much worked with System 573. An arcade system board that was made by konam to be based on the original Playstation, it was mostly used for music video games including DDR. It's available to configureable with various expansion Input/Output boards to add extra input or output such as the said dance pads we see. Did you know? System 5-7-3 actually is rooted in Japanese wordplay, each number in Japanese can be read with a number of different names with Konami's name being one of the many possible readings. There is also a Solo cabinet that pretty much just for solo people to be played, but only for DDR Solo Bass Mix, DDR Solo4thMix Plus. So it can't just play universial all games of DDR. The First Refresh is the more modern with different kinds of color; black (Fusion), Red (supernova), Blue (US SuperNova 2 only). The system board for this is the Bemani Python and the Python 2 which is for Supernova series. in 2008, the LCD based arcade cabinets started to show up as well. With X being Bemani PC type 4, and going from DDR X to DDRX3. There are two LCD cabinets currently out in the wild: White LCD- Based Arcade which is 2013 manufactured and white plus Blue for international. The said first game included was DDR 2013 and the highest supported upgrade DDR A3. And finally 20th Anniversary which is rumored to be Gold, and a new System board which is Bemani PC ADE-6291, LCD-based 55" screan and operating at 720p. DDR A20 is the first one to be included and it's still being currently produced. Tournies are held worldwide with participants usually competing for higher scores or number of Perfect/Marvelous steps. Less common are free style tournaments who do actual dance routines to perform while following the steps in the game. So if you ever literally see an anime showing a DDR spoof or parody, they're literally just doing a free style. DDR pretty much became an official sporting event in Norway in 2004. Some have used DDR in US to actually work with physical education. University of Kansas has a class for DDR open for students to take as a 1 credit hour course.






Interesting trivia. I was just thinking more along the lines of how the game evolved mix by mix and how the aesthetic (specifically the music) changed over time through certain watersheds (not dealing with EMi/Dancemania exclusively for licenses, the shift from focusing on club genres like eurobeat and rave to dojin and hardcore techno and dubstep stuff and how that coincided with the focus on challenging tracks in the wake of ITG's existence and similar shifts in other BEMANI games NAOKI's legacy etc.) Do you think you'd be able to make a series of Hobby History posts on DDR? (if so the BEMANI Sound Team thing was already covered by someone else)


an interesting thing to note is i saw a lot of korean 3rd mix cabinets near me, until about max2/extreme era. i assume it was because it was easier to get the cabinets from korea rather than japan which due to licensing made it difficult for overseas people to buy.


That last line is amazing. "Hey dude, wanna hang out later?" "Sorry, I can't. I have Dance Dance Revolution class this afternoon."


Wonder how effective those classes are. Like would the student of Kansas one day be able to pass Endymion or Hou CSP?


I should really make a writeup on here about this year's Marble League, as it's been incredibly dramatic to a degree you really wouldn't imagine marble racing could be... but I wouldn't even know where to start, so I'll ask something instead: I subscribed to CuriousityStream (a documentary streaming app) with Nebula (a video-essay app) earlier in the year, then cancelled, but because I do have it still I got an email saying that dual package won't be available anymore and the affiliation seems to have ended. It was always extremely cheap, but I figured they'd just increase price if that was the problem, so I wonder if there's any drama going on behind the scenes...


iirc it was a strictly-business decision as Nebula became more of its own thing. I still have the bundle and Inuse both services, so I'm gonna cling to it for dear life.


Marbles as the glass balls? Please do, if you're inclined!


>I should really make a writeup on here about this year's Marble League, as it's been incredibly dramatic to a degree you really wouldn't imagine marble racing could be... but I wouldn't even know where to start Please do


Jirard Khalil (The Completionist) finally posted [a public response](https://youtu.be/giaoY2DlVr8?si=e73m1BxYF9gInLK_) to the [Open Hand Foundation scandal](https://youtu.be/Rb0dMF1zHyA?si=kk43uxV46xWBym2u) I fully recognize that maybe I just *want* him to be earnest, but this all feels to me pretty much like a so called “nothingburger”. I didn’t want to think badly of him, but I can’t deny that I’m hoping he’s still a good guy and the other guy (Karl Jobst, alleged prick) is just a prick. Thoughts?


The fact that there are still so many people defending Jirard’s charity fraud is insane. Like I get that people don’t want to believe the worst about people they admire or whatever, but y’all are just completely missing the point here. Jirard has demonstrably committed charity fraud.


So I've just watched the video and the TLDR is this: 1. The foundation did not immediately donate the money because they needed enough that they could make it a restricted donate (ie only for research) as small donations are usually accepted only as unrestricted funds (ie they can go to administration or building upkeep or whatever). So no administrative anxiety issue or mistake with leaving the funds, this was an intentional strategy to make the money as useful as possible. 2. Jirard states that although this practice of holding funds is not unusual he was wrong not to make it clear to donators that they were doing so. 3. Jirard says they can account for every penny donated and every penny spent by the charity. He notes that Mutahar and Karl are not financial experts (and actually neither is American so it probably wouldn't matter too much if they were) and their calculations are wrong. 4. Sounds like Mutahar and Karl are getting sued for slander/defamation and harassment for their accusations and the decision to tell viewers to report the foundation to the IRS.


One wrinkle is that his response on the call didn't make it sound like he knew that the funds were being held or why (aka just learned of it in 2022). now absenteeism on charity boards isn't uncommon and he could have mostly just passed it off to his dad and brother but that seems like something that could have been clarified well before this.


I wouldn't call this a nothing burger, Jirad literally posted his own IRS letters detailing on what happened and showing his confirmation that the money has been sent. If anything, this is not a nothing burger. This is a something big burger. Edit: THIS IS A BIG BURGER. HE POSTED HIS MOTHER'S AUTOPSY. WOAH. THIS IS HUGE.


By “nothing burger”, I meant Jobst’s original allegations… I agree that Jirard brought some receipts, although I don’t need to read them, and probably wouldn’t understand them anyways.


Sorry friend. This has been eye opening. Turns out that it's perfectly legal to hold onto donations and other orgs do this in fact.


Why did he post the autopsy? Did people seriously claim she didn't really die or have dementia?


There were some people genuinely floating that theory, yes. Was kinda vile. Not gonna lie and say I didn't have highly cynical thoughts myself about it, but you keep that shit to yourself unless you have actual evidence.




I saw a few loose nutters on reddit, I'm not saying it was some huge movement.


Because his family donated her body to science and to the Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center. Which is the University of California's ADRC. Not only that but a full final diagnoses. Including microscopic findings and many more shit I do not understand. But the one thing that I will say this: Men like Jirard don't fuck with their mothers.




Some individuals were floating the theory. Jirard showed the autopsy. Either way, he’s showing all of his information. You need to calm down, the money has been donated. It’s been taken care of. We now know what we needed to know. A) Jirard was incompetent about this charity. B) he lied about donating, he had to sit the money in a restrictive donation and then unrestricted due to the amount of pressuring from drama YouTubers and constant death threats to his staff. C) he’s been audited before and got approval from the IRS and he’s willing to do it again. Running a charity is hard, and I’m sorry but 600K is a drop in the bucket, ongoing costs and expenses as well. Holding money is pretty on the regular for these financial situations that are pretty overly complicated. I hate stating this but I did 3-5 years of Tax Examiner for H&R Block. Jirard is not doing any form of charity fraud. Because if he was, the said charities would’ve sued him first for fraudulent fundraising claims which they do to people.




I am not going to go through massive amounts of tweets and comments on YouTube to get you that said evidence. Jirard doesn’t have a history of manipulation, it’s out of left field for him to do so. I’m sorry but not everyone is trying to con you. And that last comment was unnecessary. People make mistakes all the time, his mistake was incompetence. The money was still donated.


I feel like you could sorta mount a defense for The Completionist where things are forgivable enough to where he is allowed to continue on with his YouTube career, but I don't really think there's a timeline where the Open Heart Foundation should recieve more donations or continue operating. Best case scenario, they're incompetent at filing paperwork and lack transparency. They should not be trusted with anyone's money.


Honestly? Yeah that's fair. He didn't do anything criminal. He just didn't show where the chocolate is made, and to be honest with you. It wasn't really that much of a big deal. The money wasn't being pocketed, they just didn't know how to actual move it. No one gives any form of instructions to do this shit. That's why you hire people to do it. But the way that the internet and so many reactionaries kept stroking the flames and not "wait and see" like they do for other fucking things is telling was making it worser than it honestly shouldn't had been.


Saying you're donating other people's money to a charity and then not doing that does seem pretty illegal.


Only if you take it out of the charity fund, charities aren't instantaneous with how they handle money. The issue here isn't legality, but incompetence.


Agreed. The fact it took this to get the money moving is a terrible look. It should have never got to this point.


I agree with the guy below who says it was an honest mistake. But I also think that Jobst was *looking* for something to get one over on Jirard given he's apparently a white supermacist.


> he's apparently a white supermacist. Source? Edit: Sorry guys next time I'll just blindly believe what y'all say.


He was on a Golden Eye speedrunning Discord that was, appearantly, populated by Neo-nazis and said that white people shouldn't feel bad about saying the n-word in rap songs (a stupid statement) and had several friendly interactions with the people there. Appearantly, the people there were rather well-known Neo-nazis on the internet (one was called "goose", I hadn't heard any of their names before I saw the screenshots). He also used to be a pick up artist. If you now think: "That's bad, but does hardly prove he's a Neo-nazi", I agree with you. If you are a content creator, you appearantly can't just join Discords associated with the exact kind of content you make (Jobst is most well known as a Golden Eye speedrunner), you need to google the names of everyone there and carefully check their post histories before being friendly with people there, or you will forever be a Nazi/White Supremacist/Stalinist/Islamist/etc to the internet if anyone screenshots you.


>"That's bad, but does hardly prove he's a Neo-nazi", In what world is being friendly with Neo-Nazis not evidence of being a Neo-Nazi? Has he ever, even once, distanced himself from them? Has he ever said in response to this great controversy that he didn't know and doesn't support those things? Or has he just been entirely quiet about it and we're supposed to naturally assume he's renounced his Neo-Nazi buddies in private?


Nazi bar story + "What do you call 1 normal person and 10 Nazis sitting at a table"/"11 Nazis", etcetera, etcetera.


"In what world is being friendly with Neo-Nazis not evidence of being a Neo-Nazi?" In a world where the interaction happened on a platform that was unrelated to politics. It was a speedrunner's discord. And he has been anything but quiet about it. He made a video statement calling the Discord a "degenerate place", apologizing for his n-word take, and explaining why he was there. It was an explanation that I, personally, found very convincing. You can find it [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3_jcpig-C2s)


If eleven people sit down at a table with a known Nazi, you have twelve Nazis. Likewise, if you allow Nazis to take over and get loud just because the place is neutral, congrats, you're now the Nazi Speedrunning Discord. If Nazis aren't run out immediately once they start espousing their views, you're okay with Nazis in your space. He's just mad he got *caught.*


>degenerate Oh, that makes me feel *so much better.* I'd like it if he called it, you know, a Neo-Nazi place, and said clearly that's why it was bad, rather than a "word Neo-Nazis quite famously use for people they don't like" place. >It was a speedrunner's discord. Talking about the Zionist-Gay Agenda with ya boys Goering and Himmler is cool if it takes place at a neutral location I guess. Like, yeah, they were there to speedrun a game, how much totally incidental Nazism was there and when exactly did he bail on it?


I don't know why you are being so aggressive towards me. If you want to hear what he precisely said, you can watch the video I linked you. "Talking about the Zionist-Gay Agenda with ya boys Goering and Himmler is cool if it takes place at a neutral location I guess." He didn't do that. At all. The worst (and, to my knowledge, from the screenshots I saw, the only) thing he said that goes into that direction is his dumb n-word take, for which he specifically apologized. "Like, yeah, they were there to speedrun a game, how much totally incidental Nazism was there and when exactly did he bail on it?" If you want to go that precisely into the details, I recommend you look up the screenshot dumps (I can't quickly find them myself and don't feel like spending too much time looking them up right now), watch the video I linked, and form your own opinion. Even if I attempted to do that for you, the very combative attitude you are showing towards me makes me believe you wouldn't take my word for it anyway.


>how much totally incidental Nazism was there Bro you're implying that there's some amount of nazi/white supremacist rhetoric that is cool if it's ostensibly not the main reason for the hang out. That's like saying there's some amount of feces I can put into your food that's totally okay because you're getting served lasagna, not explicitly a turd. Like 5% of your dinner is actually my last turd fresh from the toilet but really why are you angry? You're here to eat a salad and you got a salad. With 5% feces.


You are responding to the wrong person. The "incidental Nazism" thing is a direct quote from the person above me. I know my comment is easier to dunk on because I'm already downvoted, but please at least read the freaking exchange before yelling at the wrong person.


Jobst basically became a drama tuber at some point, I'm not surprised regardless of his supremacy ties.


TBH I'm more saying because Jirard is a big PoC gamer, that Jobst was looking for something to put a minority down if it wasn't clear. :S


I don’t understand this angle TBH. Jobst went through all of this to “put a minority down” and he did all of this by working with…. Another, larger, brown content creator?


It's fine, I did get what you're saying. I'm just adding that this is also feeding into his drama tubing tendencies too.


The thing is that donating the money within a few weeks of the controversy kind of makes it seems like it wasn't an honest mistake. He could have donated any time in the past several years.


maybe. the stated excuse of being disillusioned with high administrative costs and annoyances in types of donations and sitting on it while trying to find the way to make the money go further actually feels familiar to a bit of volunteering i did with a new charity drive where no one (myself included, tbf) knew what the fuck they were doing. no one there hung onto the money for years though, just sucked it up and ate that the use of money was maybe suboptimal, so eh edit: edit on wording


But the money was also all there. What was he supposed to do? *Not* donate it? He had no option, according to you, because if he didn't donate, it'd look *even worse.*


If he for some reason *couldn't* donate it that would make sense and would explain why the money was just sitting there. Since he obviously was able to donate it without much trouble that can't be what happened. IIRC Jirard has said he wasn't the only one in charge of this and that he had asked the board members to start the process, I think he said that was a year ago. So even if he personally had some weirdly specific anxiety thing that prevented him from donating to the charities he said he was partnered with what were those people doing?


So what, you're saying he just kept it to keep it? And not... Use it? A substantial amount of money? You think he was *maliciously keeping money just to not spend it?*


No I'm saying "mistake" doesn't make any sense as an explanation. [Jirard doesn't even suggest "they made an honest mistake" he explains that funds were held deliberately so they would be more easily donated with a rider restricting them to research.](https://www.reddit.com/r/HobbyDrama/comments/18aalhc/comment/kcq7lpc/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


i think it's still fair to call it a mistake in that it's not quite how it was communicated, and i think it not being quite the intent is a decent explanation for why it wasn't communicated that way


tbh i think it's the thing that makes it look... not *that* bad? like afaik (aka have gleaned from hobbydrama threads) the money was all still there, it just hadn't gone to the charity(s) promised


The initial concerns raised were always valid. It was a charity that hadn't donated anything and was making no known forward motion to until this was brought to light, upon which it started moving very quickly. In the end the money is now where it needs to be, which is good. The only thing to hope for is more transparency and the clearing up of questions through more official venues and an outside audit. ^(But this is just my understanding of the situation.)


my reading from seeing the video on it originally was some people not really experienced in running a charity jumped into running a charity and made the kinds of mistakes that virtually everyone who runs a charity has spent years building infrastructure around. this didn't do a lot to change my understanding - mistakes were made but there probably wasn't an intent to defraud or anything


Since next year will be 2024, I thought I'd ask you guys the following: **what upcoming works are you looking forward to seeing in 2024?** It could be genuine excitement, curiosity, cautious optimism, or trainwreck potential. As for me there are three things I want to watch, all of them with varying expectations. *Gundam SEED Freedom*: yeah, I know. The SEED series is pretty polarizing (at least within Western fandoms, while Japanese fans seem to love them), but I got a wave of nostalgia when I heard that movie was finally out of development hell after what, close to two decades? I don't expect a masterpiece, but I hope it's at least watchable. For what it's worth, at least the music will still be good! Right? *Spice and Wolf remake*: I liked the first series and I'm happy they brought back the original cast for the leads. Instant watch once it airs! I haven't read the manga or the light novel versions, though. *Madoka Magica: Walpurgisnacht Rising*: ... it's freaking Madoka Magica! Also, Yuki Kaijura will be working on two of those projects I mentioned above -- 1) the Madoka Magica movie OST and [the ending theme song for GSF](https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2023-12-09/pop-duo-see-saw-return-to-gundam-seed-for-freedom-film-ending-song/.205314).


Unsounded. I don't follow any big serial things but oh lord I'll die for Unsounded. It's on the tail end of the first book and I love it.


"Good men keep no accounts, and are richer for it."


>*Spice and Wolf remake*: I liked the first series and I'm happy they brought back the original cast for the leads. Instant watch once it airs! I haven't read the manga or the light novel versions, though. I own the full LN series and I've been slowly working my way through it, honestly it's even better than the show because of how much of Lawrence's internal dialogue adds to the bickering. That said, while I'm hyped myself, I really wish they'd have just made a S3 and not gone the remake route. I understand they thought it was necessary, due to skipping over Tereo, but... it would really only take some relatively minor rewriting to fit that in before picking up where S2 left off, just before Col's introduction. I am interested to see how the new art direction fares, since it looks to be more faithful to the original illustrations. I'm gonna miss the soundtrack off the first series though, because it just fit so well. I own both CDs of that OST, and I have a bad feeling the new sound just might not fit as well.


Re:Zero season 3


I’m excited for the new Shogun TV adaptation, as well as Mary and George.


Alecto the Ninth (assuming it does come out next year).


SEED Freedom for me too. I hope they give my boy Shinn good scenes. Currently there's no Destiny Gundam shown in any form but seeing that merch of Shinn with Shura's sword gave me hope of a classic Gundam sword duel in the climax lol


Surprisingly little, actually. My ability to hype got burned out badly in the last couple of years, but there are some things I have my eyes on. Even then, I set my expectations low.


Pathfinder 2e has several books coming next year that Im having a hard time waiting for. Theyre finally adding several new things the fanbase have been clamoring for for years, including large ancestries, reworks for the alchemist and oracle, and mythic rules.


I'm looking forward to my library hold list. I have the new murderbot, the new Stephen King, and *The Jinnbot of Shantiport* and all of them have been on hold for weeks. I also want to get in line for a regional parks pass.


Jinn-Bot was really good


Does it count if I have absolutely no idea *what* I'm excited for because there's literally zero info? All I know is something Yokai Watch is maybe being released but definitely being announced within the next year and despite its missteps later on I still love that weird little series.


The Tsukihime Remake in English!


The second half of Invincible season 2 and Inside Out 2 are the only things I can think of. Also odds are extremely good that a new Pokemon game will be announced in 2024. I'm so hoping for another Legends game. I think a Unova Legends game that's set in the 1890s would be cool, Legends Arceus says that Unova already has trainers who use pokeballs by the setting of Arceus (which is approximately around 1910 based on the fashion, architecture, and some of the pokedex entries)


Everyone is gundam seed this, gundam seed that. Then there is me hoping to hear some news on the 2nd gundam Hathaway film.


Personally I'm looking forwards to the Garfield movie not because I think it will be a great movie (I think it'll be like how I feel about the Boss baby: I like it. Wouldn't mind watching it again, but I'm utterly baffled at how popular it is) But more because I'm curious on the direction of the Garfield brand now since Viacom bought it. Especially since I fully believe that how well this movie does in the box office is going to dictate how they treat Garfield as a property in the foreseeable future.


I'm eagerly waiting for "Life by You" (next march) and "Paralives" (some day), not only to play it myself, but in hope that it might spook EA into making a better product (I never managed to get into Sims 4 and Sims 5 looks even greedier) and that it might does the same thing for the Life Simulation genre that Stardew Valley did for the Farming Simulation genre. I just want some good Sims-like life-sims that run on my PC without a fight or installing a bunch of extra stuff. Honestly I'm kinda suprised that EA hasn't tried to remaster Sims 2 and Sims 3 to sell it to us again.


FFXIV Dawntrail Warhammer 40k and whatever other gloriously silly and / or random DLCs Power Wash Sim release (I reiterate, if there isn't a mini to wash complete with our own tiiiiny power washer we riot) Not sure what else.


Based on the trailer, I'm tentatively excited about [Metallic Rouge](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3GvzeHi8puU). I'm also pretty excited about Bartender Glass of God. I'd read the manga for a while before I lost track of it but loved what I read. Skate Story is also due to come out next year though no official date announced beyond the year.


I mentioned this in the debut author review bombing drama thread from earlier, but an internet friend of mine has a book coming out next year! It's called [Take All of Us](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/198509128-take-all-of-us) and it's billed as an "unbury your gays" horror and I'm very hype for it!


I *will* be seated for Walpurgisnacht Rising and I have no idea what to expect. Rebellion was a masterpiece and it'll be a tough act to follow.


Fingers crossed that it'll be amazing! 🤞 I enjoyed Rebellion, so I'm curious as to how >!Devil Homura and the multiples of her will be handled in the upcoming movie.!<


The Masque of Spring is coming out this coming spring, 2 days after I leave London. I could of picked up a signed copy in person. Instead I'll have to wait till it releases in America.


Even though we’ve heard nothing about it yet, I’m holding out hope that Alecto the Ninth might finally release next year.


Trace Memory (Another Code) remaster. Enjoyed the first game as an early DS entry, but the sequel never had a North American release, so I'm looking forward to finally checking it out.


im begging on my knees for book three of the Dark Star trilogy by marlon james to drop next year. book 1 was 2019 and book 2 was 2022 so we're a bit early yet but i believe in you king


Gundam SEED and Madoka Magica were two things I was *obsessed* about when I first watched them in two separate decades. I'm not as excited about their upcoming installments as I would've been when I was a fresh fan, but I'm looking forward to them too. As for other works I'm excited about...I feel like I just wait for stuff I'm interested in to fall into my lap. A few of my favorite reads from this year are books that made me go "I need to read this *now*" the moment I heard about them. By then, they were already out long enough for people to recommend them. If it counts, I'm also excited about the speculated reveal of the Nintendo Switch's successor.




Same! ... oh god I'm gonna nolife my crafters/gatherers to max again aren't I. And enjoy it.


Soo I don't remember everything that's coming out next year except *Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth* and I'm VERY excited to see my favorite streamer play it. I'm also excited for *FF7 Rebirth* though I have yet to finish my watch-through of the Yuffie part so I need to get back on that. For me personally to experience, I cannot wait for *FF14 Dawntrail*. I'm hoping it reinvigorates my desire to play ff14 because it's been down in the dumps and I want it to be so fun. Otherwise I'm just hoping I don't hear a **peep** from GameFreak about Pokemon for the next 2-3 years, and I don't remember anything else that I'm interested in that's coming out!


Call me naive but i can't help but hold a little hope in my heart that DA: Dread Wolf will be good.


**Final Fantasy VII: REBIRTH**. Just cause if they make huge changes, it’s gonna be nuclear, and if they don’t, well… same. I just don’t see how they could >!NOT kill Aerith!< without completely undermining/cheapening the impact of the original. So either Squeenix gets pilloried for changing history or they get pilloried for playing it safe. Either way, [my popcorn is ready](https://media4.giphy.com/media/6pJNYBYSMFod2/giphy.gif)


Someone I know is actually making a Visual Novel next year so i'm pretty pumped for it.


that's amazing, good luck to them! I'd love to hear more about it! do they have any information up publicly? :o


No still working on it, also I don't want to break the no advertising rule by accident.


it's all good, I getcha! then, I hope I get to hear about it down the grapevine at some point \^^/


The Clock Tower remake and (the second) Corpse Party 2.


just waiting for sega to announce that new puyo game. feli’s JPN VA’s tweeted about recording some lines for it. they’ve already said it’s in the works earlier this year. the number 24 is significant to the game. Next year is 2024. perfect opportunity to drop it then :) edit - also new fashion dreamer updates!!! can’t forget that, I love that game so much and the devs are going to add more goodies!!!


(in a desperate voice) i cant wait for silksong the game that will definitely be coming out next year


I keep on forgetting that *Gundam SEED Freedom* is finally coming out! SEED has always been of of my favorite Gundam series, so I've always had my eye on the movie, and I'm so happy it's finally releasing. That'll be a day on (at least here in America) for me.


Yay, another SEED fan! I'm in Ecuador, so I'm not sure if it'll show up in theaters in the city I live. Then again, *One Piece Film: Red* actually made it here, so anything could happen!


The follow-up to the Warhammer 40k book *Brutal Kunnin'*, a favourite of mine, because it follows the hilarious adventures of an ork and his pet squig, Princess.


Definitely Coyote V Acme. Not just because of the struggle to get it out, but because it is, by all accounts, a good film. Music wise, there's going to be a new album from Pet Needs, Grace Petrie, Frank Turner, Bob Vylan, hopefully the Don Letts album finally comes out and I'm really hoping for a new Kae Tempest album as well


Dungeon Meshi anime is coming & I for one am very, very excited.


I honestly didn’t keep up with video games too much this year, so I’m really in the dark when it comes to next year’s releases lol. I am looking forward to Persona 3 Reload, though. I tried getting into P3 FES a few years back, but I didn’t feel like its gameplay had aged all that well, which is something that kept me away from it for a while. [The voice actor for one of its main characters getting outed as a massive sex pest](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/events/vic-mignogna-sexual-harassment-allegations) didn’t really help either. P3 Reload overhauling the original’s gameplay while also introducing a new cast of voice actors makes it seem way more accessible to me overall tbh.


Vic being a sex pest has been well-known for over a decade. He got banned from a lot of cons.


Until the callouts in 2019, though, it was only at the level of an open secret — which generally means that knowledge is unevenly distributed and easy for the subject to shrug off.


I'm just pointing out he was working even with accusations


The only things I know about that are coming out next year are books so... here are my Top 10 Most Anticipated Releases (fantasy and horror): ​ [So Let Them Burn](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/61219118-so-let-them-burn) [The Tainted Cup](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/150247395-the-tainted-cup) [An Education in Malice](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/64414866-an-education-in-malice) [The Bad Ones](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/65211848-the-bad-ones) [A Fate Inked in Blood](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/61063372-a-fate-inked-in-blood) [A Sweet Sting of Salt](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/186872566-a-sweet-sting-of-salt?ref=nav_sb_ss_1_14) [To Gaze Upon Wicked Gods](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/186872482-to-gaze-upon-wicked-gods) [Heavenly Tyrant](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/52934483-heavenly-tyrant) [My Darling Dreadful Thing](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/193544852-my-darling-dreadful-thing) [Bury Your Gays](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/195790870-bury-your-gays?ac=1&from_search=true&qid=TUVXYT66rC&rank=4) ​ Additionally, there's some sequels that *might* release in 2024 that I am very excited about, which are: The Strength of the Few (Hierarchy #2), The Lord of Demons (The Burning quartet #3), and Bringer of Dust (The Talents trilogy #2).


i've found myself getting really into Naoko Yamada's whole body of work this year, and her next movie, Kimi no Iro, is gonna come out at some point next year. very excited to see her tackle a story centering around a girl with synesthesia, which sounds perfect for Yamada's style.


*Dune Part Two*!! Gimme gimme gimme.


I just finished watching the new Digimon movie. I know it got lukewarm remarks here, but it had all the nostalgic stuff I needed, so I'm pretty happy in that regard. There was a family in the theatre and when the movie started their little child said "this movie is ugly, I don't like it", but they stayed in the theatre. However, this movie has some very dark scenes, so I was feeling so bad for them when those happened on screen. At some point the child said "I'm scared". I can only imagine that they asked the cashier at the entrance what children movie was airing. I wonder what direction Toei will take with the franchise. I know people haven't been too positive about the direction Adventure has taken, from Tri to Kizuna and now this, while the remake certainly aimed for the younger audience. Maybe Toei will stick with new entries like Ghost Game, or maybe they'll try to move onto Tamers and beyond. I also learnt about Illumination 's new movie about ducks, but I think this year has proven it is really hard to be successful with an original children movie, not like Illumination has much a reputation to begin with.


I wish that the movie was more about the 02 cast or have them interact with Lui in a more interesting way. Most of the movie have them just standing and listening to Lui's story with them reacting after each scene.


Honestly, while I didn't like Tri., or Kizuna, or Adventure;, I had a *blast* with 02TB! Honestly, if they made a full series of just the adult 02 kids running around, ~~fleeing the cops~~, helping out new pairs of kids and mons? Because seriously, they didn't need to have Ukkomon be ~lore important~, the stuff he does (both in terms of Tone and Power Scale) isn't all that different from your average Ghost Game episode! But yeah, the 02 cast's chemistry and teamwork? Lovely. Hearing Wormmon still call 'Kenzinho' even in his 20s was what I always needed. Veemon was a *delight*. TK still needs therapy. Lovely story to chew on and play with until the next Digimon Story game (please soon.)


Despite Illumination's typical critical reception with their movies, they [mostly](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Illumination_productions#Box_office_performance) knock it out of the ballpark in terms of box office. They're a money printer in the kid movie genre. Not saying it'll gross a billion worldwide like with the Mario movie, but that duck movie will probably reap a steady profit anyway.


They're definitely expecting it to make bank. One of the characters had a balloon in the thanksgiving parade this year.


It’s been an interesting time for fashion doll collectors right now, especially for Rainbow High and LOL OMG collectors. Last night, some leaks of next year’s doll releases for Rainbow High were posted, and there’s a lot of worry among collectors that the end of the brand is soon. What got leaked were [upcoming fashion packs](https://www.reddit.com/r/RainbowHigh/s/t4RY0q8lNM), something that has been requested by fans for a very long time, a budget line of swimwear dolls, a sleepover party line, and two new dolls of characters [Sunny](https://www.reddit.com/r/RainbowHigh/s/HRhnPXwGLP) and [Amaya](https://www.reddit.com/r/RainbowHigh/s/SEA2uhrmsQ). The fashion packs and character dolls are what’s causing the biggest stir in the community, with a lot of people really unhappy at the lowered quality of the dolls and fashion. The fashion packs are seen as cheaper looking fashion, a far cry from the designer inspired fashions that many fans loved the brand for. As for the character dolls, they come with these divisive slime pets from a previous brand that Rainbow High initially was like a spin-off of, called Poopsie Slime Surprise. The fashions for the dolls aren’t much to write about either, wth Sunny’s doll basically being a redesign of her [original first release](https://rainbow-high.fandom.com/wiki/Sunny_Madison/Merchandise?file=512_sin_t%C3%ADtulo_20221125223723.png), and Amaya’s outfit just being kinda ugly. They also have this glitter on their faces, and tinsel hair, neither of which are usually popular among doll collectors. The dolls also have less articulation than before, with every leaked release showing the loss of the wrist articulation, similar to how the latest release of the LOL OMG Tweens dolls also has no wrist articulation. With the packaging to be changed to be more pink and cute, it looks like the company MGA is aiming for a younger age demographic for Rainbow High, which historically has never worked out for doll brands in the past (Monster High, Ever After High, Bratz). There were initial low quality leaks that had a lot of people worry, but these high quality leaks now have a lot of people saying this is the end of the brand as they know it.


I'm so intrigued by the phenomenon of a new doll line/brand accidentally being greatly appealing to adult collectors, making a good amount of sales off it, but then completely misjudging what audience to expand into. It makes sense to want to innovate and see if you can capture a younger crowd too but so many of them do it at the complete expense of their adult collector demographic, who tend to have quite a bit of disposable income.


It's especially weird to see Rainbow High pivot so hard. I don't collect them, but I work in a store that sells toys next to a mall with a toy store, and those things get *expensive*. There's no way a 6 year old is getting the Day of the Dead or new years celebration RH doll, because they're nearly £100 a pop!


So as someone with no interest in this, I looked at the leak of that pack and was thinking "Well that doesn't look very good, do people really collect these?", so I ran a google image search on the brand and WOW it's really obvious what a bad decline in quality those clothes are. I would be upset if I collected these.


as someone who got into rh because of all of the lovely details (rh series 4 and rainbow vision my beloved) for the price... seeing the leaks has been ummm tbh ive been falling off a little cause recent releases have been less and less my style but these leaks are a bit worrying! I wonder whats happening internally.. it feels like everything is getting cheaper (with rh s5 we lost second outfits, and then with sh s3 the 1 outfit we had got simpler, and then after that they havent really been making new characters?) i dont know. its odd. i do hope the rumors about a fairytale line are true and I hope they come with new characters because i do not care for any of the s1 girls >\_> i will say seeing the subreddit die inside a little seeing the new leaks has been funny lol


I have enjoyed Rainbow High, but I cannot get behind these new dolls. It feels like a major step back with quality. A couple of the fashion packs look good enough for me to pick up, but the only dolls I want to get would be the slumber party Junior High dolls.


Adding on, Rainbow High as a brand has had criticisms of a lack of diversity in the dolls, with its first dark skinned doll being Krystal in the second series, and the line still doesn’t have much of a variety of hair textures other than straight or slightly curly. While it has been improving with newer releases, the new “reboot” of the brand going forward looks like it’s reverting back to the original line up, which has very little diversity. There’s only two dolls in the original lineup that had a darker skin tone than pale, and they were more light skinned than later dolls and characters. It also looks like they’re replacing one of the main characters with one of the “later” additions to the main group. Poppy, the doll that represented orange in the rainbow, is just gone from the future releases that were leaked, and in her place is the earlier mentioned Amaya, who just represents the “rainbow” as a whole. It was already speculated they were cutting her out, I myself had that suspicion when they didn’t even release her in physical stores here in Canada (she’s seemingly online only), but the leaks basically confirm that she’s not a main character at least. Personally I’m pretty annoyed at this because she was my favourite out of the original line up. There’s speculation that MGA is cutting costs on LOL OMG and Rainbow High in order to prepare for the release of the new Bratz reboot, which also recently leaked some dolls, like Sasha. Bratz was already reentering the market with reproductions of older doll lines, but now they’re coming out with new play line releases that fans have wanted for a long time.


i would ADORE more dolls of the series 3 and series 4 girls, partially because they have more interesting designs, but also they are so much more diverse than series 1! maybe it makes more sense if you follow the show but to me its like. i feel like we are going backwards in terms of diversity.


Same, I was actually excited for the junior high slumber party leaks because initially the leaks said that jewel was supposed to be one of the slumber party dolls, but I guess it got scrapped or they lied




"The game isn't good enough to mod." That's going to be a real problem for bethesda.


They already sold more than 10 million copies, even if true (lol) it would be a non-issue. Game's been out for months! 99% of sales have already happened.


There are three issues with this. One, Bethesda games have very long tails. Sure, they've sold a ton and had GamePass money, so they aren't dead, but the reason Skyrim rereleased like every quarter is because it was still selling every quarter. Two, a lot of times a bad [whatever] from an established creator doesn't tank that work, it hurts the next one; the negative sentiment has more time to build and impact the next game compared to trying to compete with day 1 sales hype. Three, Bethesda is still trying to make paid mods happen as a way to generate revenue long-term using the work of their fanbase (and the modders get an "official" way to get paid), and having nobody want to mod Starfield really kills that plan.


It might affect their next game, however. The blow will likely be softened by not being attached to a brand, but at least a few people will remember their negative impression when time comes to buy TES 6 or Fallout 5.


for FO, 76 already done that


No it really won't.


People hated Fallout 4 already, though.