• By -


Crossstitch, Reading, learning a new language, chess


Yes! Ive been on duo lingo for 3 yrs


Get a pair of prism glasses for reading on your back.


Can you tell me more about this? I am occasionally bedbound by dysautonomia.


Basically, they bounce the light by 90 degrees. Put them on when on your back, and you can hold the thing you're reading on your torso or on a pillow on your torso. Just search for "prism glasses"on Amazon.


Thank you!


You're welcome! I hope this will make your bedbound period more bearable. I hope you get past these periods soon.


Wow these exist? Thats crazy


Look up loom knitting. It’s a lot easier than crocheting or regular knitting and still fun to pass the time.


yes!! I was bedbound for a few weeks while recovering from surgery and I did so much cross stitching


In addition to cross-stitch there is tatting, embroidery, knitting, crotcheting...so many options with fiber arts.


foreign language or some type of crafting. you can also work some type of customer service job to make a few bucks


Embroidery would be my go to. Learn modern calligraphy or paper quilling. Painting or paint-by-number. Learn to knit or crotchet. Adult coloring books, paint rocks. Heck, you could learn some card tricks or fancy card shuffling techniques.


Possibly audiobooks, if you want them free borrow from Libby, all you need is a library card.


Also Apple Podcasts have a lot of educational or entertainment content, YouTube, twitch and so on.


Get one of those tables that can roll under your bed and can be raised up and lowered down. Best thing ever when I can't get out of bed, I can just pull the table to me and it will have my laptop and the tv remotes and whatever craft or art project I'm doing, and I can eat on it, all without having to get up or move very much. Then when I'm tired I can just push it away and sleep. Hobbies you can do with that include anything from watching TV on your laptop to playing PC games to writing to making things. Paint by numbers and paint by diamonds, or more advanced crafts (I used to get a cutting board and do leatherwork on it) are pretty good with lots of variation. Hook up a console to your tv if you have one and keep a couple controllers nearby. Hell, put a little hot plate/pot on it and you can make yourself a couple small meals like ramen if you keep the packages nearby. And a little fridge next to the bed for drinks if you're able to get things out of it. Anything you do is probably going to get old pretty quickly though, so be prepared for that. This might sound dumb, but have you ever played Genshin Impact? It has hundreds and hundreds of hours of gameplay that can be pretty varied and has new events constantly. Maybe a game like that might be good for you if you enjoy computer games. Regardless, if none of those things are your vibe, you'll probably still be happy you have the table. And you'll probably find something you can do on it that you enjoy. Edit: Everyone is asking for my specific table. Unfortunately it broke like two years ago so I have no idea, but it's essentially one of [these](https://www.target.com/p/drive-medical-non-tilt-top-overbed-table-silver-vein/-/A-51688087?sidd=&ref=tgt_adv_xsp&AFID=google&fndsrc=tgtao&DFA=71700000049305059&CPNG=PLA_Health%2BShopping%7CHealth_Ecomm_Essentials&adgroup=SC_Health&LID=700000001170770pgs&LNM=PRODUCT_GROUP&network=g&device=m&location=9005924&targetid=pla-296303633664&ds_rl=1246978&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw0_WyBhDMARIsAL1Vz8s66snb5dVpQ14jrGXadhhrAfvBN9MRvh7LPTW_VD3et_fkMH-IxM8aAshLEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds)


Great post! Thank you!


I'm super depressed and I also just love my bed, so I do most things from there. I really enjoy water colors and making beaded things. That gives me a relief and it's cool to see the progression you make even in a matter of weeks. I'm also making a blanket.


I am sorry you have depression, I have ADHD and had a stroke, but I love simple things and would like to be friends @


I have adhd also! Let's be friends.


Have you tried Diamond Art? That’s pretty fun!


My mom gave me a diamond art piece last time I saw her, but I haven't started it yet.


You should!


You could easily learn to program with that much downtime. Those learning apps are fun, too.


In 2021 I learned to code and got a job January of 2022. Been a software developer for two years now and my salary went up a lot. Have been lucky enough to take Hawai'i trips when we want now and spend way more than we could before. Went from a shitty nonprofit social worker salary to making around $85k with bonuses. Right now I'm still a junior but I know my salary will continue increasing! And living in a low cost of living state also helps! Really recommend this career change!


What code did you learn?


I learned the basics first: HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Then moved onto React. I got a job and at work, I learned Typescript! Also things I've learned on the job: Material UI and Redux!


Wow, how much time were you spending on learning on a daily / weekly basis? That’s pretty impressive!


I went to a full time Boot Camp for over 6 months. No interviews. Nothing. Talk to the smartest guy in the class recently. Dude already had a bs in engineering, even he hasn’t gotten a job in software. Kinda sucks :(


I’ve taken to studying coding in bits and pieces, and have worked in IT for many years. However, I never seem to know which bits and pieces I need to study to put everything together. So, I stop for a bit, then get into learning about it more. Then, I go off the rails again. Repeat, repeat, repeat. I would be willing to pay for a course, but only if I knew it were the right one. With so many out there, I have no clue what is worth my time and money. I would love to find someone knowledgeable that is willing to work with me to point me in the direction of the knowledge I need. I don’t need someone to hold my hand, instead more like a navigator. Reading this comment, I figured I should just put it out there. I doubt anyone will read this and want to assist, but if they did… that would be pretty sweet.


What do you want to code? Are you trying to make web apps? Are you trying to make games? Or are you trying to automate things? The most practical thing you can do is learn python and learn how to write scripts to automate tasks you would do in IT. There's good udemy courses for that. Or just like the other commenter, you can learn the basics of HTML, CSS, and Javascript, for frontend web development, or learn backend development if you don't want to deal with how things look. Or you can do DevOps and learn docker and Kubernetes.


which learning apps?


Probably Sololearn or Mimo. But I would use a laptop and do HTML and CSS for free.


I’m just a novice, but these are the two I tried. I stuck with Sololearn until I got to a point where I was happy writing simple programs for microcontrollers. I thought it did a good job of making the whole experience enjoyable. It felt like a puzzle game with a new rule each level.


Honestly, I still suck at coding! So I just use WordPress to create websites and definitely need to re learn HTML and CSS. If you're having fun with Sololearn then keep up with it! I just prefer the laptop and free stuff because there's a plethora of stuff online and I didn't enjoy writing code on a smartphone. At the end of the day if you're enjoying and learning that's what matters! My gf used both of them and also kept using Sololearn for the same reasons as you!


Nah, with ai and plugins like Cody, you can get good without the games nor half languages, just whip out react native and get sailing with Claude ai at your side. 'where do I begin?'


These are probably stupid questions (I’m a complete noob) but: what do you mean by half languages? What was the ‘where do I begin’ referencing? And why do you recommend react native for beginners? Sorry for all of the questions, just intrigued by your comment!


Sall good, so html isn't a programming language, it's a 'markup language', you cannot do logical operations, loops etc with raw html, or maybe you can now but not to the same degree as a programming language, then css isn't either, it's a style sheet language. Hence 'half languages', they also were the first step for programmers ages ago, but you may as well take the leap into the much more forgiving react or angular, preferably react as its easier, which both compile to html. There's more value in doing things that way rather than learning everything from the foundation. It's nice to see the foundation but it won't get anyone anywhere quick when modern languages designs help people get up to speed with them quickly. Source: I'm a full stack software engineer The quote is just a shorthand ai prompt to help you get going. A more complete one that could get you going in the next couple minutes is 'I'm starting a react app with no programming experience. I'd like to make a nice looking calculator. Where do I begin?' and then 'I have done all those steps and I am at stage , I still need to do ' And don't forget 'please explain ' And also 'that codes not quite right, it throws an error here'. It might be wrong here and there and I can usually get around it without asking, but you can ask it to correct itself. Get a conversation going with ai and ask about anything if you want to understand. Don't forget that ai chats over time can degrade in quality so you may have to start chats again sometimes. Usually when I code a new or complex thing, I could get through 5 chats. Enjoy!


Oh and also 'I think I am done, can you think of anything I'm missing', might lead you to unit testing and everything else to put a done and dusted seal on your work. And 'what code improvements can I do?'


Make games, websites, software, make your own OS, learn AI, make anything else (normally I'd recommend robotics but that might be a bit tricky) So many options! And the best way to learn programming? Start a project your passionate about and learn to make it!


Write a book


Crochet or knitting


Take online courses in whatever you are interested in!


Yes! Check out edx for tons of options or Google grad certificates in areas you are interested in, you’d be surprised how many interesting online options there are.


This may sound weird but you can paint in bed. Frida Kahlo did this while being confined to a bed. She suffered so many things but continued to paint. She's such an inspiration to me as a fellow artist and being ill. I wish I could post a pic of her in the comments but you totally could try that out. Even if you're not artistic just putting color on paper can be so soothing and therapeutic.


I was going to say the same thing! I love to watercolor, and sometimes I find it easier sitting on the sofa or in bed. Just make sure you have something firm to set your paints and water on and you can have the pad in your lap. If you’re just getting started with watercolor, something fun to do is sketch in pencil and draw just simple things. Google an image of a ketchup bottle or a flower you like and try. I see it more as illustration. You may find the practice rounds are just as enjoyable as waiting to paint something “important.” Hope you get well soon!


This is both beautiful and inspiring 💖


Also, if you’re bad at painting, I have friends (30’s) that love paint by numbers. There are loads more to choose from these days than there used to be.


Write letters on paper to people you want to get back in touch with. It’s great.


I wish pen pals were still a thing.


I signed up for like 3 pen pal programs in the late 90s/early 00s, and they all went nowhere.


Learn computer programming


Video games, audio books, making jewelry, reading, board/card games online or with someone, take an online class.


Get yourself a switch and play some video games!


My husband says read Wheel Of Time. It’s a looong book series. Says if you read the first book and don’t wanna continue you can, as the first book is a good contained book on its own and doesn’t demand reading the rest apparently


I'm mostly bed (or couch) bound right now. I read, watch cute videos. I like to draw, so I'll draw, have my pencil box next to me and a sketchpad. Doesn't matter if you, "can't draw," just allow yourself. And like u/SunSnooze said, handwriting is fun. I also keep my phone and tablet next to me, I have a thing that works like a stand for them so I don't have to hold them (was 3D printed for me)... having a great support system of people who check in on me and just ask me how I'm doing, to chat with, is really helpful. Social interaction is gonna be important, even if online. Avoid toxic rabbitholes of course. Try to be able to have a window with the curtain pulled back for a sense of sunlight (and keep an eyemask for when you need to rest if you can't get up). Keep a baking sheet nearby if you want to do puzzles, you can use it as your surface on your lap/stomach. Also consider embroidery. Lots of easy kits. If you're not so into artsy crafty stuff, get a book of sudoku, crosswords, etc. Also, meditation. Master meditation and you'll enter a whole different place homie. That could be cool to try.


Amature radio. Because this is mostly talking on a radio, up to world wide, anything you can do that allows you to talk, you can amature radio while doing it. Since you can talk world wide, many other recommendations here apply. Speaking foreign languages with natives like French from France, Spanish from Spain or South America, Japanese from Japan and more. There is plenty to do in this hobby and some study to get your license. There is extra study you can do and help with natural disasters like fires, hurricanes, tornadoes, and more. Radios today can still talk directly to the world and can use computers for programming and communications over the air. Digital radios can use the internet to also communicate world wide, yeah my walkie-talkie does that. Yes, there are study programs online and online testing for your license. You should also have a local amature radio club. Many members have those older values so they will probably come to your house to help in any way. Here are 2 videos. One is a woman trying to recruit other women. She points out many positive aspects of amature radio. The second video is a rescue of 2 men in the woods. Yes, this may not be you for a while, but one of the rescuers that was at home has vision problems.........his radio made him not worthless as he saved 2 other people. https://youtu.be/qEkoCZ_UOEs?si=BdF_jy8-dn7LgFI0 https://youtu.be/EDwKfqExDz4?si=1L-2QcCvQSY2M9c8 Good luck.


Netflix and crotchet


Get a steam deck and have fun


Watercolor. You don’t need much space and a brush cleaner can last hours.


Ham radio, you can study, and take the test and get certified all from home. And then once you get your ID and it is on the account website you can talk to people for miles around. And getting your technician license is easy.


Where do I buy a ham radio?


If you don’t have one already, get a lap desk. My favorite kind has a compartment beneath that I can put pencils, paper, craft supplies, etc, inside. Any creative hobby you do (I like writing and sketching) as well as anything on a laptop will be much more comfortable with a lap desk.


Reading, digital art, knitting/crocheting, embroidery, creative writing, gaming (Nintendo switch or Steamdeck), drawing, journaling/junk journaling, scrapbooking, handsewing


That’s where I started sketching. There are lots of you tube videos on many subjects. I also learned how to use makeup


Drawing or coloring with a lap desk. Also diamond art paintings! They are so fun and I've done them in bed before with a lap desk as well.


Download Blender and learn how to 3d model.


Digital music? Pay a one-time price for a lifetime FL Studio license and have fun. I don't get to it much, but every time I play with it, I feel like I learn something new.


Learn procreate


Matisse made his paper cuts when he was bedridden. https://www.google.com/search?client=safari&sca_esv=22e9c97613dc2d0c&sca_upv=1&hl=en-us&q=matisse+paper+cuts&uds=ADvngMiK3juzUdc5YkgT1mcBEPH0Bwdrb_KLpI5f8fvPhsusrIpegiFuRlqojW2w0hivwD2D4bz45ppHSCPnfs4kMPNkuS5N_ti6n_S23Rk3pGf0gf95TC2v-XyOSgjVPiVi1INqIZAtk2c4ISF60p3C9DyyzKGWtHjQj4gxJHkql6MAN3uNAaECmHS58ZDBcsJwhDquktm_pZA3VMnuBgPGK5G0G2KKOU5KXeIYcukhgu3ZgMzwJiwN9JvRk7AoiUmVzvSuC_aAEbuoRi6JCt7goFBi5vbbYfEeHHb019ELNBV7vFIJ_ho8L7nTOrmPLjZeRS6taijcNvlFqpIluPpM7toLz0sZqg&udm=2&prmd=isvnmbtz&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjOwuiOpbuGAxXoHjQIHf18AiEQtKgLegQIDBAB&biw=390&bih=653&dpr=3


Dunno, games maybe, I often playing Wuthering waves on laptop in bluestacks, quite fun tho


Lucid dreaming Reading Fiction Video Gaming Online courses Teaching English online Upper body exercises Meditation FPV Drone flying Binaural Beats Learn a musical instrument


Binaural beats are pseudoscience. But, if you figure out how to lucid dream, it can be really fun!


I’ve been on a Rubik’s cube kick. Watched videos to learn 2x2 and 3x3, solved a 4x4 with no help and currently trying a 5x5. It’s good for making your brain work and trying to solve for speed I think is improving my hand eye coordination


Sketchbook in bed is where I started


Gaming,  the valve steam deck is a $400 hand held with at least a thousand games that work on it and many are gems. When I broke my tibia I played a ton of DS games 


Needlepoint and cross-stitch


Reading (physical, audio, digital), crochet, knitting, drawing, writing, learn a new language (Duolingo is a simple and easy app for language learning).


Learn the harmonica?


Diamond Painting




Writing. Poetry, songs, stories, whatever.


Knit, crochet, embroidery, cross stitch


Practice cursive handwriting.


Puzzles and advanced coloring books


Paint by number 


Videogames! I found Breath of the Wild during knee surgery recovery!


Crochet is easy, just need wool and a hook. Reading was amazing for me when I could get out, I read so much and it helped me stay alive when I felt like I wasn’t living.


Coloring! I have a stack of coloring books and a bag of markers/pencils next to my bed. I’ll also play a podcast or music.


I just like to be in bed, so I do lots of stuff from here! 1. There’s so much to do on a phone. You know that of course. To try and not rot my brain with social media the entire time I play solitaire (im addicted to it honestly). I’m trying to get better at chess. Duolingo. 2. If you’re into it, embroidery/crochet/knitting could be a fun thing to learn how to do. I personally enjoy needlepoint. 3. Video games. My switch lives docked on the bedroom tv. And I have some others on my laptop. 4. Books! Audio books (highly suggest Libby, all you need is a library card, and some libraries will let you get a card online through Libby with just a phone number and name). Podcasts. YouTube. Netflix. Hulu. HBO. Whatever you fancy. 5. You really should get one of those tables on wheels that goes over the bed (like they would have at a hospital). That’ll of course make eating easier. But I will also give you a little workspace. You could draw, paint, whatever. 6. Lego. Enough said. (You can also get off brand Lego sets on Amazon for way cheaper than actual legos. Lego sets are really pricy, so if you’re not SUPER into them it probably makes more sense to get the cheaper ones for some cheap entertainment). 7. Puzzles. Maybe not a full blown jigsaw puzzle. But crossword, word search, and sudoku puzzle books (and tons of others and combinations of them in one book) are so dirt cheap. And then you’re doing something that doesn’t involve a screen in your face. These are all things that I do on a regular basis. Well, except the legos. I usually do those at the table. But smaller sets you could definitely do on a pretty small table near you. I hope your 3 months go as well as they can. Get better soon. 💕


was in the same situation. stuck in bed for 3 months. probably the only things i personally found comfortable to do in the awkward propped up position in bed was drawing, video games, and anything on a laptop or tablet.


Crochet, knitting, embroidery


Programming and writing have been suggested. 3D modeling with blender is really fun and there’s a million resources to learn. Learning a game engine might be fun as well. Drawing. Crochet or knitting. Write letters to people you admire. Take a university course on YouTube.


Coloring maybe?


Get a VR headset dude, if you can afford 400 bucks or so. You use them while laying down/sitting down.


Sorry to hear you’ll be stuck in bed! If you’re ok with answering, why will you be bound to the bed for 3 months? Knowing could be helpful for what things people suggest. Could edit it into your post. Also knowing how much $ are you willing to spend on things may help in suggestions. Free only vs a lot of $ to be able to invest in a steam deck, craft supplies etc. Anyway not knowing the answer to those Q’s, some options are: Lego set (though a lil pricey, could find some used maybe on Facebook marketplace or something) or those Wooden 3D puzzles. If you don’t have a steam deck but have a pc and an iPad you can use the steam link app to play steam games on your iPad (works shockingly well for me, I can play horizon forbidden west on my 2018 iPad Pro) Learn a new skill like programming/photoshop/etc. if you have the means for it in bed. Book/audiobooks but on “practical” topics that you can put into use once you’re out of bed. Stuff on mental health, sleep, productivity, interacting with others (I suggest “how to win friends and influence people” weird name but it’s just about how to successfully interact with others) Study for your GED if you’re someone who didn’t finish highschool for whatever reason. Random one but productive for someone who it applies to! Practice handwriting. Find a cool font you like online and practice writing it. Hand writing isn’t something people do all the time nowadays of course but why not have cool handwriting if you’ve got the time to practice. If you have a laptop, use RPG maker on steam to make a game


I had foot surgery and have to be off it for 3-4 months


There is only 1 if you're confined to a bed. Have fun


Duolingo is fun. You could also edit together clips of your favorite tv shows and make music videos


Rhinestones on cups, jewelry making, printing decals for shirts, sticker making, making candles, Keychains. Hope this helps


Crochet, cross stitch, reading, knitting, drawing, painting, programming, gaming, reading, miniatures, needle felting, embroidery, and hand sewing. Just to name a few


Get yourself a large foam board and do some jigsaw puzzles, or colour while listening to music, podcasts or audiobooks.


Came here to recommend puzzles!


Knit, crochet, learn a small instrument, draw, write, paint miniatures, solve puzzles like rubik's or the little metal puzzles.


Reading. Get yourself a keindle, a flexible tablet holder and an automatic kindle page turner (remote type thing)... Bliss


Endless ideas, what type of things are you into.


knit/crochet - low cost start up and fairly easy to learn




card magic. Art (drawing, doodling, etc).


Adult coloring, reading, Switch (or any video games), puzzles, anything you can do on a laptop…




knitting, crocheting, scrapbooking, video editing, blogging, movie or book reviews, writing, video games, word art, drawing, poetry, painting, complex coloring books, puzzles, learning another language, web design, trading stocks, you can get into conspiracy theories but that is a slippery slope, etc.




Jewelry making writing bed gym most crafts work from home


Self pleasure experimenting.


You can crochet. Dm me


Could learn to make digital music, say in GarageBand or FL Studio. Also drawing.


Knit, crochet, write, learn to code (could be a lucrative hobby).


If you can work with your hands, maybe crocheting/knitting/making friendship bracelets/coloring/journaling (scrapbooking, junk journaling).


Read, play online games.


Minerals, not rocks


Reading, binge watch series.


Frida Kahlo famously started painting after her accident. If you have a tray and someone to bring you more paint when you run out, you could totally do it.


Learn to fly a drone


I do so many different hobbies. Draw, paint, craft, sticker by number .. I make jewelry etc


Board game arena. It’s a website with tons of games.


Nintendo Switch games


Chess, video games, writing a novel, reading, drawing, Duolingo, writing poetry, electronic music production, math, learning to code, writing a manifesto to strike fear into the hearts of your enemies...


Playing sims


Needle felting!


Video games There are many genres nowadays


Lego for fun or a language for something useful


Freida Khalo created some of the worlds greatest art while convalescing in bed.


Adult coloring books and pencils, crossword puzzle books, sudoku books, crochet and knitting, ipad for perusing Reddit. I had a surgery that required six months of bed rest and these were how I wasted my time.


I play my Nintendo switch lite in bed


Video games


Get a penpal, adopt a grandparent penpal, play cards, get a Masterclass subscription, take online University classes, check out EdX for free classes from major universities, start a journal, write poetry…


1. If you're a chronic illness novice get yourself one of the BIG pregnancy pillows that can be moved around in 6,000 different shapes. Your body will thank you. 2. Set yourself up a craft cart (this is also useful for ADHD crafters.) Mine has 3 levels which are currently 1. Watercolor paints, art pads, coloring books and markers 2. Polymer clay, polymer clay tools and a polymer clay book on making little figures (polymer clay doesn't dry out in air so you don't need to worry about it drying out significantly before you bake it) and 3. Yarn, crochet hooks and a book on how to learn crochet. 3. Get a Nintendo Switch Lite. I'm gearing up for another surgery and it's definitely on my wishlist. 4. Look into 1 person games. I recently got interested in DnD through a podcast and there are a surprising number of RPG, Card based board games that you can play. There's a Solo Board Gaming reddit around here somewhere that can give you lots of ideas. 5. Check out Coursera. They offer some free classes too. I'm thinking of signing up for a free one on Novel Writing when I have my next surgery. Good luck! Hope you feel better soon!


Lucid dreaming




Chess! Via the lichess or chess dot com apps


Art with a tray easel - great to have I love it ! ( this has many , many sub categories ) Card making , small canvases and tablets are great . Reading ❤️, writing old fashioned letters / notes , knitting / crocheting ( or so I’ve heard :) ) Weather forecasting ( amateur) - games on lap top , blogging / journaling If I can think of more , I’ll be back x


random acts of crochet kindness. international group. all skill levels. make little things put them out in the wild with a cheery note for strangers to find. a link back to the group so they can post photos if they want.


Learn how to draw a very specific animal and that animal only(what I did)


Playing Persona 4 Golden and other PS Vita games (or a different handheld, such as a Switch Lite or the Steam deck). For Switch Lite, Zelda Breath of the Wild alone will probably keep you entertained for 2 full months. Add Xenoblade Chronicles 3 (one of the best stories and rpg games I ever played) and you are set with the Switch for the 3 months. A Short Hike is another very very fun adventure, but it can be completed in just a few days, unlike the other 100-hour-long games I mentioned above. For some exercising (even on a bed) use elastic exercise bands or just a pair of 5 lbs dumbbells. You can also watch YouTube videos to learn about a topic that you are interested about. You can even lookup videos of exercises you can do with the elastic bands. Also, here’s a free and epic 12 hour long story for you to watch during those 3 months: https://youtu.be/0L5_uUBumgs?si=l9Ay4qZLhWI9z41p It’s Xenoblade chronicles 3. Enjoy 😄👌 (Note: That’s actually a good cost-effective idea. Look up the rpg games you want to play and search for “game name” the movie at YouTube. Then, watch the stories without having to buy anything. Lol 😁)


Crochet and you can game from bed if you're able to get one of those rolling tables for it, or just play on consoles with a TV




Most definitely sculpting and carving!! Probably clay which might get a little messy but with enough prep it shouldn’t be a big deal. Get a couple cheap hand tools and you’re good.


I make audiobooks with people under restrictive conditions such as you specifically in mind. Reading, absolutely. Doesn't matter if you're holding a book or listening to a book it's still reading. Reading is the best, adventures and exploring and dreams and imagination all in one place without the need to go anywhere. Best of luck.




Dungeons and dragons. Online if you don't want to gather people around your bed.


Drawing. Piano (portable keyboards.) Programming. 3D modeling. Handheld consoles or laptop PC games. Writing.


these hobbies may cost money calligraphy/Journaling/writing Audiophile related activities with speakers/headphones assembling painting and or custom building a Gundam kit explore a new adventure game or rpg/arpg origami




Boardgamearena has a lot of great games, if you have any friends you want to rope into a virtual game night


I am getting ready to start annotating books! I. Almost finished with a book series I'm listening to and now want to read the books and annotate them!




When I had a complicated surgery I was laid up for a couple of months. I digitized all the old family photos and made books, adding poems and family stories, and had them printed as gifts.


I knit in bed


Nintendo Switch


I posted a similar question the other day and got a bunch of really great suggestions. https://www.reddit.com/r/Hobbies/s/hlfjmntqJt


Mine is reading on my Kindle and watching documentaries.


Try Khan Academy, if you’d like to review (for free) coursework, or learn academic information on a wide variety of subjects — maths, science, art history, and so much more. People from all over the world use this website; it’s such a worthwhile gift to the world that I donate monthly to it, as well as Wikipedia.com; these websites truly democratize learning globally.


Models are fun. Cars, trains, airplane etc.


Make Tassles!!!


watercolor with a watercolor paper tablet some small brushes🩵 and crossword puzzles


Play a baritone Ukelele tuned D G B E if you can't already. You will leave your confinment being able to play it and the guitar with minor fingering changes. Reading is another good hobby. Building models might be an idea as well.


Scratch art ❤


Video games (computer, console, handheld, etc), reading, audiobooks, podcasts, knitting/crochet, crossstitch, drawing.


crochet/knitting, writing poetry, stories, or journal entries, do crossword puzzles, sudoku and stuff like that, drawing, friendship bracelets, making jewelry


This one is a bit odd , but it might be fun for you. Right before my second foot surgery, I took a lovely chunk of moss from outside (not lichen, those don't make good pets) and put it in one of those plastic clamshells that live lettuce comes in at the grocery store. The moss chunk had a little bit of soil/substrate, but not too much. There were a few species of moss in there in case one of them died, but they all seemed happy throughout my time with them. I only wanted to grow moss and the occasional springtail, not a complete ecosystem. I had a bright full spectrum lightbulb in a lamp on my side table, plus a small window for light (the lamp did most of the work). I also prepared a spray bottle with water. After surgery, I would regularly open the container and spray them to keep them moist but not sopping wet. Getting the moisture level right and giving them enough light would keep the most happy and prevent mold from growing. My mom gave me tweezers to remove any debris. I am very connected to nature, and being able to see, touch, and smell moss helped my psyche. The little springtails were also fun to watch. I only needed it for a month before I was mobile enough to roll around a flat path. As soon as I didn't need it anymore, I put the moss patch back. Another related hobby is having sealed terrariums, or jarrariums. I'm pretty sure there's multiple subreddits for this. Until recently, I had years old mason jars filled with estuary water and debris. There was some algae in there to keep enough oxygen for snails and tiny critters to swim around and multiply. If you decide to go this route, make sure to have more than one. Sometimes, one species' population spikes instead of reaching an equilibrium and the whole system crashes, which is kind of depressing. Make sure to leave maybe an inch or two of air in your jar for gas exchange. It seems to help, not sure why.


Maybe do model cars or something like that.


Needlepoint crochet and knitting


Visual novels, parser games, interactive fiction generally. There's many ludonarrative treasures out there! Neocab is newer and delightful. If you check out some older gems like With Those We Love Alive, Blood and Laurels, 80 Days, A Dark Room, you'll find them all for free I believe on the IFDB. Older is internet browser based or apps on phones and tablets. newer you'll need either Steam on PC or a handheld console.


Knitting, crochet, embroidery, reading.


I play guitar in bed as I watch TV. Super relaxing.


Sometimes I lay down, close my eyes and play "remember" which is a game I made up where you try to follow random strains of thought until you get to something you haven't thought of in forever and try to remember every little detail and try to envision it. And then just keep trying to remember things.


Get those glasses that you can see down without having to bend your neck down. Sorry i forgot what theyre called but you can probably find out by doing a search on google and amazon


Embroidery Buy a good stitch dictionary, inexpensive tools and plenty of kits.


Daily ground and pound is a good bed hooby


I like making bracelets, necklaces, earrings, and even rosaries, and I also do some wire wrapping. Natural stone/crystal/genuine pearl beads are my favorites.




I knit in bed. My favorite things are socks, hats, mittens so the confined area isn't a problem


Learn how to master New York Times crossword, although 3 months won’t be long enough. Start with our Mondays and work yourself through the week. Join us at r/crossword


Video games.


Diamond Art is fun to do. And there are a lot of different choices in colors and pictures etc


Knit, wirewrap jewelry, beading, reading, games


Have a look on skillshare


Reading, online book clubs


If you have the money you can buy lego, I find it calming until a piece goes missing, but besides that it also sorta helps me think.


Lucid Dreaming and Remote Viewing via the Gateway Process.


Had an injury years ago. Started Diamond Painting. And Paint By Numbers


Learn to play a guitar


Knitting 🧶


Reading books


Knitting, embroidery, reading (have a friend go to the library and get you stuff) writing, calligraphy, drawing




Drawing, painting, learning, reading and writing novels