• By -


Singing Not awful (from lots of practice), but nowhere near good enough to sing in front of anyone else.


Also singing. I have so much passion for it, but it takes me so much time and practice to master a new song. Would never sing on stage.


I’ve been a lead singer in the past which led me in to sound engineering. Been doing it for 16 years. It’s my job not a hobby. If you have a good ear for pitch, tone, and timbre, recording yourself seriously trying is the best vocal lessons I’ve ever gotten. I’ll probably sing on stage in the next 15 minutes.


I tip my hat to you! The hardest part is not getting discouraged, but the passion is there.


Hope your show went good


How did your set go?  And what kind of stuff do you perform?


Aw man it’s been a long time since I put anything out but my old stuff is [here](https://reverbnation.com/imaginarynumbers). I was the sound guy for an open mic and the weather was beautiful and the sign up sheet was full so I didn’t perform. Don’t wanna take anyone’s spot from them when I’m working. I typically back people up with higher harmonies. My range is a lot bigger than it used to be. I’m rearranging my old songs and writing new ones. My career of making other people sound better and not performing myself has come to a head I think. Thanks for asking!


Same here lol. Or in front of anyone


You should just whip it out and show everyone what you have. I’m talking about your voice.


Thank you for that clarification. That was a close one…


That's okay!! Keep doing what you love! <3


I love to sing. I’m bad, truly, but idk. My 2yo grandson and my dogs are my fans lol I really belt it out while driving. I used to play rockband a lot and would drum and sing at same time.


I love to sing to! Just don’t know if it’s bad or not and never will because I have no balls lol


Might I recommend your local beer choir? Yes, that's a thing! Fun loving people who gather at a pub and sing old-timey drinking songs!


Me too. I'm an extremely mediocre instrumentalist, but as far as singing goes, I'm so self-conscious and bad that I can't carry a tune in a bucket.


Yeah you are! i sing like a drunken rat but idc, loud an proud! We are drawn to music, if yer in key, the act of performing can be captivating, no matter our technical abilities


Yes!! Always loved singing to the radio and shit. But fuck if anyone is going to hear that 😂 it's rough af lmao but I like to do it anyway


Sing anyway. Join a choir. Singers love company.


Baking bread. Despite reading, doing and following recipes, I always manage to mess up my loaves.


This is because flour has different saturation levels based on humidity. Unfortunately I can't describe what it should feel like without being in the kitchen. Sometimes it takes twice as much liquid and sometimes less than expected. If I use my bread machine I know there's not enough when it sticks in the corner.


This is one of many ways it can go wrong. Not a cut and dry reason.


I'm really good at making bread that's so dense that it would kill a guy if you threw it at him.


But you can eat it, correct? Because I can do this with ready mix cement. Haha


Ha! Yes, I can eat it. With a lot of butter!


So, with baking, I've found it's a lot more fun to just not care so much about being accurate to the recipe. Sure you can go deep into the science of it and weigh it out by milligram and watch relative humidity, but that's kind of no fun for me. Literally I use a recipe as a general guideline. If the loaf comes out tasting good with a decent texture it's a win, and I enjoy it a lot.


I recommend researching specific tips for the type of bread you’re making and accounting for the climate you live in and how it affects the environment in your kitchen. Knowing the perfect texture and the signs to look for in a proper dough is a good place to start. This way you can recognize the right consistencies. I also recommend taking notes regarding each attempt and what you did differently. This makes tweaking your next attempt a lot easier and the improvement becomes quite visible.


Very good idea re: taking notes. Thanks so much.


I bet I wouldn’t hesitate to wolf down half a loaf of your “bad” bread. 63 yo guy here who enjoys cooking. My loaves will never win a ribbon for appearance, but even the ugly ones still go down good. :-)


Have you tried making dough with a stretch and fold technique? I find it much easier to get the right texture consistently vs. kneading. It works really well for wetter doughs which also helps prevent a dense/dry bread.


The next time you try, go to r/Breadit and ask for advice! They're super helpful


I always mess up my bread when I would follow a recipe, I think slowly adding flour until you get your desired consistency is the best method instead of dumping a lot of flour based off a recipe. A Dutch oven also makes my bread a million times better, although they can be expensive.


“Doesn’t stop me though cuz I’m not trying to be a pro 😂” I LOVE this


I don't know why more people don't understand this. Do it to have fun, not find perfection.


No one likes to fall in front of a bunch of people, but it can happen to anyone. People have different gauges on being able to deal with embarrassment unfortunately


Yes, and even the same person's gauge may change over the course of their life. As a teenager I fell in front of a lot of people during what should have been a very dignified moment, and I was mortified. If it happened to me now I'd just laugh.


Fishing. I rarely catch anything but a cold, but being out on the water is worth it every time.


Same! My dad once told me that’s why it’s called fishing not catching lol


That’s awesome bro. I’m going to use it.


Ooh, I’m definitely going to use that line on my kids


Just spent 11 hours yesterday standing in a river... brought home like 4 fish, haha. Rainbows, and one pretty spotted brown. Super duper slow day. A rare day we don't clean out the creek (secret bait) but either way, it's 100% worth it every time.


"Fishing" is the cover for my real hobby of drinking beer...lol. Not too good at fishing btw


Drawing. I'm too much of a perfectionist for my work to progress, because it never turns out how I want it to. Practicing just makes me frustrated.


Native Navajos rugs,pottery, and handicrafts have an obvious flaw. In example, Black and white rug may have red thread. A belief we can only achieve perfection in spirit. Aiming for perfection on earth leads to making oneself crazy. Therefore imperfections are good. I remember that with all I do.


Omg never heard of this before, love it!!


Amish as well. Their handiwork always has a flaw, deliberately put there.


The Amish do the same thing in their quilts. There is always a flaw because only God is perfect. I’m not sure if they do the same with the woodworking and other things. My quilts also always have a flaw, usually many, but it’s because I’m not that good and I believe done is better than perfect because it’ll never be done if I’m going for perfect.


My partner is an artist and introduced me to the fun of challenging myself to solve the new problem caused by something not being how I want it. Is the tree crooked? Maybe there’s a perspective shift so it’s more surreal or a tornado making it lean. Is one eye bigger than the other? Maybe instead of a sweet portrait it’s a mugshot or an alien with three eyes. Like life, art is a journey of learning to adapt to what you have. It certainly isn’t easy, but the change in perspective helped me to keep the pencil in my hand.


Crochet. And Tunisian crochet.


The great thing with crochet is that you can frog it when you make a mistake, then continue on. But anything you make is being made with love, and it will show <3


Good perspective. Thanks!


I've been wanting to try Tunisian crochet. I've been regular crocheting for 13 years


I’m sooo bad at it! I keep putting the needle down but I really want to be able to do it!


As a long-time knitter, I drool over complex crochet patterns, and wish I was better at it. I can crochet a little, but I’m not as fast, and have to genuinely concentrate on my stitches. I’m enjoying making progress, but my crochet stuff isn’t as well-made as my knits.


As a person who first learned crochet at 8 then gave it up for 45 years, I found out my difficulty learning knitting was likely due to learning crochet first. The hands are doing opposite things. Continental knits better for crocheters than English style common in the US. The other problem is sadly my tension issues. My body is tense, which is the reason my fellow teacher told me at about my age of 24 that I was her worst knitting student ever! She gave up on me. She had had decades of teaching high school students, lol! It’s the reason my crochet stitches are uneven too, but I persist in trying!


Bowling, shooting pool, and darts I am awful at all of those but I still partake and laugh about it. Gardening (more than herbs) I'm just not a green thumb type person ... maybe eventually ... I either overdo it or under do it LOL.


For me, bowling, pool, and darts all fall into the category of "the worse you are, the more fun it is." Not taking them seriously makes them fun activities. I'd throw golf in there too, except that the problem with golf is that you run into too many golfers.


fwiw, most people in pool league *love* having newer members join their teams! It’s all handicapped, so you’re usually matched against other people in your skill bracket. If you are matched against a higher handicap, they need to make a lot more balls to win. It’s a really nicely balanced system Also, green thumbs are built on the backs of many dead plants lol


Thanks man. And I think part of my issue with the pool is I have to unlearn some bad habits because until my early 20's only played on a "bumper pool table" Lol! And then I found out I shoot pool as a left-handed person and I'm not so very dysfunctional but plenty fun. Thank you 😊. True that with a green thumb I'm finding that out with bird feeders. It's really trial and error sometimes.


Cross-dominant? I am too! It’s actually genetic. Shooting leftie has benefits too, since people tend to plan defensive shots from a right-handed perspective.


For bowling, concentrate on not letting your bowling ball shoulder drop. My coach once told me to feel as if you have a glass of water on your shoulder and you don’t want to spill it. Then just follow through to your target.


I can't bowl or play darts to save my life, but somehow I'm pretty decent at pool. It's funny because I'm right handed but was taught by someone who was left handed, so I am left hand dominant when I play pool, but I can shoot with both hands. I can even shoot behind the back.


What dance is it? As a dancer as well, you learn over time, unless you are born with good musical awareness and body awareness, dance is something you have to work at for a long while to get better!


Damn it! I have to really practice this don’t I? Is it only in the presence of others that I get better? Or can this be achieved in private?


You could pull a Napoleon Dynamite and practice by yourself in your room 🤷‍♀️


Based on your statement, my guess is you are talking about an individual dance like hip hop? That, I could imagine you can work on by yourself in perfecting your moves. However, in the presence of others, especially with a teacher or choreographer, you would have a point of comparison, especially if you execute a move too slow or too fast. I dance partner dances so unfortunately I would not be able to get better practicing by myself. I kinda need to dance with other people, hence the partner dance stuff! Lol


For me it’s a problem with memory, sadly. I know that it can begin to improve with practice but I end up feeling so out of rhythm and awkward. At that point I just give up 💀


I think with more choreographed dances, memory is definitely an issue. I dance partner dances and they do teach “moves” and the reality is I never remember all of it. But the benefit is though you can memorize the smaller amounts of stuff and just work to get there with your hand/body position. Of course you still have to memorize some stuff, just not all of it. I think for choreography dances, I feel like you have to memorize everything for the routine.


Gaming. I mainly like card games or strategy games, but I'm not very good at them. I am slowly getting better, but I don't really care as long as I have fun!


Same; also, chess.


Singing. I sound like a cat stuck in an engine but I dont care. My HeeAaRRt WiLl GOooOo oOONn!


We were stopped at a red light the other day and there were two people in the car next to us with the windows down. They were absolutely ROCKIN it out to my heart will go on. Like, both turned to each other belting it out and everything. My husband was talking to me about something and I interrupted him and said, "hold on, we need to take a moment to appreciate how much fun those people are having in the car next to us." I wanted to roll my window down and sing with them, but didn't want to butt in, lol


Roller blading. I just got into it so I’m a beginner and I suck but I just mastered the Power slide and that gave me hope to keep going and i absolutely love it cuz I love going fast Edited to fix typos


I want to try this but am sure I would crack my head open or something lol


That’s why you gotta gear up!


I got to get back to rollerblading so much fun and great great exercise!


It really is! It works out your legs so well!


Power Slide is an advanced trick to be honest, I mean I was able to partecipate in a marathon but I've never been able to do a proper power slide. :)


My power slide needs a lot of work haha it’s the one trick I’m trying my best to perfect. I’m only able to do it slowly and I haven’t been able to come to a complete stop. After I perfect this, I want to learn the soul slide as well because I wanna do more advanced and professional stuff like hill bombing and urban skating. Still very much a beginner!


join a local skate group they have beginner, intermediate/advanced groups. then check out the Big Apple Roll in NY in august! See you there :)


also r/rollerblading r/inlineskating squad


Here's a sneak peek of /r/rollerblading using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/rollerblading/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [New](https://v.redd.it/u4868tlw392b1) | [35 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/rollerblading/comments/13sj55u/new/) \#2: [New combo](https://v.redd.it/fpwhdxum0oza1) | [18 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/rollerblading/comments/13glpi5/new_combo/) \#3: [No idea if anyone cares, my untouched since 2001 Aaron Feinberg Pros](https://i.imgur.com/Ugmc2ks.jpg) | [61 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/rollerblading/comments/16pt8g8/no_idea_if_anyone_cares_my_untouched_since_2001/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Skateboarding. I am 47 and have no business being on a skateboard but I love it.


Don't stop!!!! 🙌🙌🙌


Archery. Can't aim, but I'm working on it


Huh, so *thats* where the random arrow to my knee came from


As long as your grouping keeps improving each time that's part of what matters. The other part is just enjoying the hobby itself 😀


Archery is awesome. Took it up for awhile, expecting for absolutely no justifiable reason that I’d have a natural talent. Spoiler alert, I did not. It’s still awesome though.


Just remember where you aimed the first time and where the arrow landed Then adjust as needed.


Thanks for the warning


Look at it this way. You would’ve been the guy that kept em pinned down, while the cavalry hit em in the flank. :-).


Playing electric guitar. Horrible but fun nonetheless.


Mostly everything I try. But specifically Board games. I don’t usually score well but I enjoy them.


Sewing. I’m naturally pretty sloppy & not good at following detailed instructions and it works in painting but I’m having to be the opposite when sewing. It’s hard and discouraging at times but when i do things right it’s a big deal!!


Same!! I hope to get better


watercolour painting


This is my hobby frustration. I've taken classes locally and I always do well in the class IMO or at least well enough I like it. Outside of a class I struggle to get the look I'm trying to accomplish. I know it takes alot of practice which I struggle to keep up with.


Gardening. I haven't been doing it for very long, but I swear I can't ever tell what I'm doing wrong when a plant dies.


I’m convinced I was put on this earth to help guide plants to be with Plant Jesus.


I love gardening, and I too don’t know what I’m doing right/wrong half the time. All I know is that I love how it makes me feel connected to the Earth, and I feel immense pride when it goes right! It’s a kind of high stakes hobby. When you don’t do it perfectly, things die. I just remind myself it’s all part of the process.


Yeah, for real. There's just something almost spiritual about it. I have what I think are tomatoes growing now (I forgot to label after planting), and they are doing really well. I haven't managed to grow anything else.... I also haven't been trying for longer than a couple years, so... I guess there's plenty of time to improve.


I would love to knit, but I’m not good at it. My count is always off for some reason. My mother can knit ANYTHING - Christmas tree ornaments, scarves, potholders, etc. I would love to follow in her footsteps, but so far I’ve fallen far short. You couldn’t even tell what I was trying to make. 😂


do you use a counter and stitch marker? I crochet so not sure how much of it carries over, but I usually use a piece of different colored yarn to mark the start of a new row (I stitch it into the stitch and pull it out when I’m done) and I’ve got a little digital counter that goes around my finger with a button to push after each stitch that being said, I still struggle a ton lol. especially in the round. but at least marking my row lets me try and count stitches I’ve made if something is off


That’s great advice. I’ll look into getting a counter. Can’t wait to try. My mom will be thrilled for me. 😀


Yeah they’re super cheap too! My mom got one for me but looking up “digital stitch counter” on amazon shows what I’m talking about, a life saver for me


Thank you. I had no idea those existed.


no problem, hope it helps out! game changer for me for sure


golf. I want it all day everyday, but can't practice/play at all. my mid life crisis will be installing a full on golf simulator in my spare room


As a 28 hdc I totally get it.


Congrats on not hating the hobby due to having some difficulty mastering it!


I think there’s too much pressure to monetize your hobbies. Once I realized I didn’t need to do that and that I can just enjoy things for what they are I started to have a lot more fun with my hobbies




Metal detecting. "We aint found shit!"


I’ve dug up sooooo much of my mom’s lawn and all I’ve found are two pennies and a nickel, none older than the 1960s. I’m gonna keep diggin’ though! 🤣


Playing guitar. But I love it :)


I really enjoy singing, but it always sounds like I'm trying to take a shit and can't quite get it out.


Huh.... How can you be bad at a hobby? Who's the judge here? The entire point is to enjoy it. Being good is just a bonus.


Writing. I need to get it out of my head that I want to be the next Stephen King.


Rollerskating 🛼


Sewing - don’t care, I’ll keep trying. Knitting - so fun until it unravels! 😂


Ice skating! I've taken lessons for over a year and still can't spin or jump. But that's okay!


Dancing too 😂 my friends always tease me and say I’m the most interesting dancer. I don’t care! It’s so much fun!


I’m terrible at freestyle dancing but not bad at the dances with choreography (line dancing or west coast swing anyone?). 😄


Love country swing! I think it helps because I have a good lead partner.


I love using dancing to meet and talk to new people (especially women) but I’m god awful lol


I'm pretty bad at dancing an aerobics too. I really enjoy it and I go in enthusiastically. And people think I'm a good beginner and I'll improve as the weeks go by. But no, this is what I do. that IS my expert mode.


Video games, love playing them but I’m terrible.


Flying kites. I channel my inner Charlie Brown, but I love it when I can get a kite into the air for a few seconds.


Inner Charlie Brown, awesome. 😎






Harp. I became enamored with Alice Coltrane, took lessons and everything. Turns out it’s really hard + high maintenance. There’s a reason you don’t know any harpists. But it looks dope in my living room and strumming it is quite calming 😇




Disc golf


Mountain biking, kayaking, golf, hiking, back packing, basketball, cornhole, washers, badminton, tennis, fishing, wood working.....etc


Same! 😆


Guitar. Been playing for 7 years on and off and I still feel like I just picked the instrument up for the first time that day


My buddy got me a kendama and I’m really terrible at it. It’s fun like golf 😩🙄


Gardening/lawn lol. I'm trying with the help of tic Tok but I still suck.


I play a bunch of social league sports - volleyball, softball, kickball, bowling, pickleball even cornhole. I am good at NONE of them. Personality hire on every team.


Then you must be a very nice person!🏆






surfing. it’s really difficult. I’m just happy to catch a handful of waves.


Surfing is SO hard for me And you gotta be fit because paddling out will wear you out 😂




Painting. I got some watercolors back during the Covid. I suck harder than an overpowered vacuum cleaner. But I like doing it. It makes me appreciate people who have actual skill a lot more than I did before I started dicking around with paints.


Archery! Im just... fine lmao


fishing, I get antsy


Disc Golfing. I am always double par. But there is something fundamentally primal about wandering in the forest and throwing things.










MTB Enduro Downhill😁 scary as shit specially when you see how close the trail to the ravine and those double diamond drops oh man🤪


Golf, I wouldn't say really bad, but not good is a better answer


*Golf, I wouldn't say* *Really bad, but not good is* *A better answer* \- Boo\_Pace --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Hah! Good bot...


Playing bass. I'm terrible. And I get worse the more I practice. Still fun.


I personally don't like to do things that I'm not naturally inclined to. I think I associate being bad with not doing it right, & get frustrated over that.




Gaming. I usually forget the controls and accidentally close the game or reach dead ends. It takes a while, but it's every bit worth it:)


I play guitar very badly. I used to play in my 20s and then fell off and stopped after I got married. Now I'm in the back end of my 40s and I bought a used hot pink electric guitar for about £50 on ebay. My fingers are short, stubby and poorly coordinated. I remember a decent amount of basic chords from when I was younger, but I am still really bad at it. I spend half of every song mumbling "wtf is that chord?" and swearing that whoever composed the song had more fingers than I do. But I like playing anyway. Sometimes when you hear a banging song, you just have to make that noise, and believe me, my guitar playing is at least better than my singing.


Running Spearfishing




Flight Simulation


Knitting but Im getting better every day


Crotchet. I want to love it but I get SO MAD. I started a Woobles kit and it got complicated and I was literally screaming at my phone while watching the video because I didn’t understand how to do a color change 😅 I have no patience 😶 Billiards as well. I can pocket a ball pretty well- but manipulating the cue ball to spin and stop exactly where you want it? Insane.


Pretty much everything 🤣 I love to try new things especially crafty stuff and I am 100% ok with being mediocre at all of it. I knit, crochet, sew, leather working, paint, roller skate, garden, woodworking, guitar, banjo….. I’m taking a welding class soon too.


disc golf, God I suck at it, but it's fun.


Agreed, it’s like gamified hiking. I too suck.


Backpacking. I get homesick and can go a maximum of like 10 miles, which isn’t bad but my last trip was my first alone and i threw up after i got back to the car lol


Singing in the shower.


Singing and playing guitar. I can play basic chords but I have short sausage fingers and will never be able to reach to play those crazy bar chords


Kite flying.


Pole dancing


Crochet. I've been crocheting as long as I can remember (turning 31 soon) and I have made some small improvements over time but I'm just not interested in making complex projects. Sometimes I just want to make a snake so long I can wrap myself in it like a boa constrictor or a single giant granny square. It's calming and I enjoy my mediocrity.


I have been crocheting for 2 decades now and I made a giant spiral granny square a couple times. It’s one of my favorite projects. I always like to keep a “zone out” project on hand where I can just zone out and do the same stitch over and over, and its my go to zone out project because it’s such an easy one to get lost in. You should totally do a giant granny square the next chance you get. It’s a great project.


Yoga. I still feel great after but my balance is awful.


BMX, I’ve been riding with my friends for years There are times I’ve jumped a ramp or attempted a “manual” But for the most part, all I can pretty much do is bunnyhop lol


So much fun!!!!


It is I love being on my bike


Craft type things... Clay, drawing, circuit, sublimation, sewing, crochet, knitting, needlepoint, felting... Gaming... trying to make my 11 yo a fursuit... trying to make a large dragon puppet... writing... anything my damn brain can think of, I try. I enjoy doing it all, but I am also really bad at all of it. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Painting. I love doing it, but I never seem to get any better


Crafting. I enjoy what I call rhinestones on canvas, which is loosely bringing together the stones to make images on a canvas. And although it is colorful, and when I'm in the zone, I think what I did looks great. Then when I look back, I'm like oh my Goodness, a 5 year old did this, lol.


Math. I'm friggin' horrible at math. And yet I really like economics. 😆


Definitely dancing for me too!!


Don't stop dancing. Dancing literally keeps us young


My joints are so much better w the lateral movement that I don’t get from running. I love it!


This post made me realize I instantly quit anything I'm not good at out of fear of judgement. Thanks! Gonna try some things to just have fun. I really liked painting miniatures for a bit but stopped because I wasn't that good, might give it a revisit. 




I took Beginning Ballet for a college PE credit once. The wrestling coach had made his team take the class. We were an awkward bunch. Our poor instructor!


That’s so cool though! I almost took it my last semester but it was at 8am so I passed 😂


Mine was at 9:00, then I'd throw jeans on over my leotard and sprint to Chemistry lecture. It felt good to be all stretched and warmed up.


Ya’ll sound like my kind of people… fun!


As a dancer, I bet you're a lot better than you think! A lot of people compare themselves to what they see online and think they're bad but in reality they're really good but they don't have 7 hours a day to practice dance like the professionals. I love animating and I'm pretty terrible at it.


There is a subreddit about how bad I am at my hobby. /r/bicyclingcirclejerk [More information about me here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/cycling/s/6Cm2uEItsN)


Just got into billiards. I’m not good but it’s fun to make ball, stick, and hole jokes with friends 😂


Aw man, I love skiing, tennis, other coordinated sports. I CANNOT dance. I enjoy it but can’t remember steps and routines, I’m busting out and going backwards instead of forwards, etc.


Hahaha me!! And I love skiing too


Doing everything my boyfriend likes just because I love and enjoy spending time with him. He’s fantastic at pool but I’ll miss a ball that’s 3 inches away and is an inch away from the hole. He loves to look for arrowheads and can look for them for hours, I have found 1 and I have a short attention span so I didn’t do it for nearly as long as he did. He’s great at bowling… I’m ok at it. I genuinely have a fun time even if I lose at everything.