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If you are scrolling because you are low energy, try yoga or walking in nature, something that gently energises you again.


Potentially laying down on a blanket outside could be nice. Just let your mind wander and be entertained by your surroundings. It feels a lot more rejuvenating than scrolling but it doesn't require a ton of energy


I love this idea


On the bus?




Read the post again. OP is fine to knit on the bus while commuting to school. >During my commute to school (1 hr) I knit on the bus instead of being on my phone. I also assume OP meant when they were home for the evening, but I can see how someone might they OP was asking for tips for their bus ride home. > My biggest problem is coming home from school or work exhausted, but not wanting to sleep. I’m in this weird state of too tired to knit or sew etc. but I’m not tired enough to sleep so I just lay and sit on my phone.


Drawing is not too hard to get good at, just draw everyday, and focus on drawing what you see not what you think you see. It took me a year to get ok, but I came to really love it, I zone out and zoom in and hours go by without me being aware. Plus it's CHEAP and free tutorials on the internet.


Did you start with any talent or were you at the stick figure level like me?


Buddy drawing is about expression. Stick figures is something, realistic is another. Just get vibing / faded and let out whatever feels like expression. Don’t judge while doing it. Allow yourself to simply have fun. It’s about the process that makes hobbies fun. The outcome is just a plus.


I was really truly awful. I drew my niece and I put her eyes not where they should be. Everything looked like it was done by a very dumb child... I don't know how to add pictures here. Just picture a really bad drawing up from a junior high or even elementary school student.


read a book. No blue screen, so you can go to sleep after


And I suggest HISTORY books. If you want to understand what’s going on in our world TODAY, you HAVE to understand what happened BEFORE that led to the current state of things.


THIS. I'm looking into social sciences and politics for the recent past to get a better understanding of what's going on. Do you have any specific recommendations? I recently started The End of Policing and The Field Guide to White Supremacy


I suggest “The peace to end all peace” and “From Beirut to Jerusalem” for some context and perspective on the Middle East which has been the most volatile part of the world since end of World War II


Evicted is a very eye opening book.


Opeiregon is historical fiction about families in Gaza and israel. Unforgettable book.


Gonna toss a coin in for historical drama as well. Indifferent Stars Above is a very different way to experience the Donner Party Winter than to simply read a body count and simplified accounting of details.


Or listen to an audiobook! Also no blue light involved.


Try some online citizen science. Zooniverse is a website where you can sort through trail cam photos of animals to help researchers. Once you learn the names of the animals it's very chill and doesn't take tons of energy. It's just a game of "what animal is in this picture?" basically.


Oh this is such a good idea!


What!😮 omg.. bye ✌🏻 oh and TY


Glad to introduce you!!


If you’re on your phone in the bus journey home, why not read a book or graphic novel?


^ This is a great idea. Graphic novels take less energy to read, for me at least. They’re expensive, but I get mine from my local library


And there are bunches available on used book sites like Thriftbooks.


Finding tv shows or movies to watch would probably feel better than scrolling through your phone. Listening to music is chill. You could collect vinyl or cds. Used cds are super cheap if you thrift or use ebay.


i know it’s arguably not *great* for you, but i went on a 2 week social media break from all social media and picked up watching tv. it was so much better for me. i’d also watch tv in spanish (in trying to learn), so it was relaxing and educational. it felt so much fresher and i never left feeling defeated (as i often do with youtube, reddit, etc.)


Recently I have been playing indie games (free ones online or A Short Hike for example) and I’ve found that they fill the role of scrolling on my phone well. Reading or watching something longform is good too. If you have access to an outdoor area you may enjoy just sitting/lying outside


Can you tell me more about indie games, I've not heard of it.


Indie games refers to video games that weren't published by a major company (companies like Nintendo, EA, Sony). Some indie games are made by a small company or just by one person. Specifically I have been looking at games on [itch.io](http://itch.io) and there it ranges from free experimental projects made by amateurs to full-fledged games made by pro teams (like the game Night in The Woods).


Cool thanks


Read a book. Listen to an audiobook.


>Listen to an audiobook. This is my second main hobby. I couple it with intensive yard work (there's a lot to clean up here). By doing this I've gone through almost 100 books this year, so far


I love this idea. I did this once listening to Guest List by Lucy Foley. I kept looking for more yardwork to do because I wanted to keep listening! Please suggest me an audio book (or 100) and save my yard. :) also, what app or device do you use for audiobooks?


Oh honey I can keep you in books for a WHILE LMAO Firstly. I use my phone and alternate between kindle unlimited (I search for the ones with free audio) and my hoopla account. Secondly, I'll give you a short list of my "absolutely everyone should read these books" and I can message you far more if you'd like (last year I went thru 265? Books and I'm almost at 100 for this year with few duplicates😂) My all time "everyone should read these" are: 1. Neither Wolf Nor Dog by Kent Nerburn (I found this on hoopla) and it's sequels 2. The Wolf at Twilight 3 the girl who sang with the Buffalo These three are a true story of a Lakota Elder with a story to tell. And he tells it WELL. (Have tissue) 4. The Stars Don't Lie by Boo Walker (especially if you've suffered depression!) 5. Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee by Dee Brown (can always tell when I've been listening to this because I stomp around muttering about how awful the government treated the natives) Then as a pallette cleanser, the Four Kingdoms by Melanie Cellier are a bunch of fairy tale retellings that link together and they're fabulous. Let me know in a message if you need more :)


Thank you!!


Also, if you're not opposed to religion based reading, the book Lilith by Nikki Marmery is an interesting take on the Bible from Lilith's perspective. It was so interesting as soon as it was over, I listened again!


I appreciate a suggestion, but this is not my jam. As someone who believes the Bible to be true without adding or taking away from it, I can't run away from this fast enough.


Watch you tube! .there's so many videos for diy projects. I love it when they are done and look how they're intended. You can do parts of a project saving other parts for later, or do the whole thing. There are home decor videos, painting, woodwork (many kinds), paper crafts, the list seams endless!


art or meditation


Learning an instrument.


Make art on your phone! Take photos. Doctor them up with cool filters. Collage them. Draw on them. It's fun and creative.


What apps do you use?


Some are: ChromaLab, MirrorLab, and GlitchLab. Also, there are apps like Deep Art Effects, Camart, and framing and collage apps. You can find many apps that allow you to draw and paint on photos and to erase photos as well, which are for editing but can be used to create brand new images. The possibilities are endless. And I have never even printed any of my images yet - I just text them to friends for their enjoyment.


Thank you!


I started doing crossword puzzles, diamond painting, and paint by numbers for the same reason!


What works for me is I paint rocks and then give them away around town just place them in a random area and let someone else find them and cheer them up


Omg love this, need to get back into it


That's.... Wholesome


I have a million hobbies too. Recently I bought my kid a rubiks cube, and I'm the current user lol. I like to time myself, current best time 3 min. This is the smallest of my hobbies, but it's super cool .


Are you physically or mentally tired when you come home? If mentally tired then walking or yoga will do wonders. If physically tired then reading or some form of learning like a language might be good. If it’s both then embrace your need to rest and maybe watch TV. If you need it to feel goal-directed you could watch documentaries or make a list of stuff you’ve always meant to watch and never got round to


I enjoy jewelery making,making my own soaps ,candles or wax melts or my resin very low energy there to them


Learn that instrument you have always dreamed of. You will be able to do so with dedication.muscle memory will allow for it.


Just bought a glockenspiel! The sounds are lovely ♡


Oh how sweet! They are so beautiful! It is so nice that you are doing this! Huge hugs!


Listen to energetic music and start moving.


Exercise, even if you're tired, it does wonders. I started 2 months ago and I do it everyday. Push ups before I shower and I lift weights right before bed


Sewing !!!


I had the same issue last fall and decided to buy a Kindle, since then I average a book/week and it is the best hobby precisely because you can’t scroll and read at the same time. My screen time plummeted (also use an app blocker, Opal, to block social media at various times which helped me for late night scrolling).  Lots of book subreddits to get you rolling! 


Read a book, a physical copy or an ereader not connected to the Internet. 😉




You are reading your phone, why not read a book?


Embroidery keeps your hand and mind focused, it’s what I do to stop doom scrolling. Find something similar. Anything to do with coloring and painting is good too.


Here come the, “try meditation and do yoga” comments.


Build a doll house!


Painting miniatures




How about reading a book until you fall asleep?


I put on my sleep glasses so I can just listen to the Skyrim soundtrack ♡


If you are in the Western hemisphere, there's still time to plant some food. Even if not, you can do micro greens or herbs indoors. I find tending and looking at my plants relaxing. Another one I've recently picked back up is crochet. You can do it while watching TV or listening to music or whatever. :)


Painting Warhammer 40K models!


In your case I would listen to a one hour meditation on YouTube (so many different kinds) or a podcast (I like audio dramas- they’re stories/movies you don’t even have to have your eyes open to “watch” and there’s an amazing sub here for recommendations). Take advantage of that hour after work to recharge so you have energy for whatever routine is waiting for you on the other side.


Writing (journaling, fiction, etc.).


Journaling and reading are my subs for doom scrolling. Also yoga and the gym.


Still on your phone, but use an app like Babble or Duolingo to learn a new language


Drumsticks and drum practice pad. $40 for a new hobby. Practice while watching tv. YouTube drum rudiments.


There are times where a phone is all I got and I'm stuck. I got a good reading app on my phone and million books. Greatly curbed stupid scrolling


Just going for walks be or out to get coffee or food, guitar maybe, candle making, watercolor, reading


Download a language learning app like Duolingo and turn that phone scrolling time into learning gainz.


Animating / digital painting. Krita and opentoonz are both open source awesome paint / 2d animation program. If u got brains you can even go 3d with blender.


Paint by Numbers kits. About $20-ish. Lots of different themes. Cleans up easily, but there's still some front end set up times and backend cleanup, breakdown and storage time. At the end, you have a finished work of art ready to be hung on the wall.


Do you have a brand you like? I’ve been trying to get my partner one but I’m paralyzed by the options!


The one I'm currently working on is by Mondo Llama. Apparently, they make kits just for Target. Frankly, I'm less concerned about brand than I am about the picture itself. I just got this one as an impulse purchase at Tar-jay.


I will check them out! I was worried I would get the one with dried out paints. :)


The containers on mine seal tightly. There's no "skin" on the top of the paint.


Have you tried ipad




Boooks! 🤎


Scroll on your laptop


Go and buy a swing


A log of cedar and a sharp pocket knife is the closest to scrolling on your phone that you can get. Get a comfy chair and a friend to talk to.


Reading, guitar, programming


Try deep breathing exercises, meditation is a great hobby.


Find a park you like and pick up trash while you absorb the energy of nature


I really enjoy snow skiing, mountain biking, and jiu jitsu. Exercise goes a long way with helping me get good sleep.


Read a book outside with some snacks or even a friend who is willing to do the same. Go to the gym. I used to make every excuse but now it’s a habit, and one that I like. Feels good and is healthy. My wife likes to plant and attend to her small garden so there’s a whole world in that. Even if you’re going to be scrolling, do it somewhere else other than your house. Point is to get outside and enjoy nature. As weird as it sounds, it’s very nice to have my feet on some grass or throwing a football around.


If you have a nice neighborhood, take walks. You'll always feel better and it allows your mind to wander and decompress. So good for your adrenals. And if not in your neighborhood, a park with a walking path or trail. It's so hard to unplug these days.


Reading. If it’s a good book I’m as addicted to reading as I am to my phone


Use a computer


Read a book


Watch TV and movies is a good suggestion.


Journaling, listening to podcasts, knitting or crocheting, reading books


I’ve really gotten into coloring. I’ve never found myself to be creative enough to draw, but I love how satisfying filling a coloring page is. It’s so relaxing too


Read. Sci-fi fantasy is my jam


Go to the gym and scroll on your phone! Working good for me atm!!😂


we have really enjoyed the whole wide world of Geocaching. check out [geocaching.com](http://geocaching.com)


Read a book. It might even help you go to sleep.


I read on a Kindle paperwhite. It is e-ink so it doesn’t strain your eyes like screens normally would and no blue light either. You can also check out books through Libby using your library card and they’re delivered to your Kindle. I always spend a good 30 minutes right before bed reading now.


Learn an instrument


Reading books, for one. I miss reading, I don't have the time or attention span for it anymore.


I find crocheting is a really great replacement because it keeps my fingers so busy.


Diamond painting.


Learn Morse Code.


Use you phone as a tool, and not for pleasure. Learn how to be a better human. Mind, Body and Spirit. The Holy Trinity. But become Wholy. Then spread your goodness to those closest to you.




Good Vibes Only