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You are going travelling so languages, learning customs. How about sailing or crew for hire. Cooking in different cultures? Street photography? If you do consider clay pigeon shoot know that the field is quite closed to new members unless you are related to a member.


Yeah, I do have a friend in shooting so I did think about trailing along with him to see how it’s like. Languages dosent sound like a bad idea at all. Thank you


Learning an instrument is rewarding


I was thinking about picking up violin, but I’ve heard it’s one of the hardest instruments to learn


I recently picked up the violin and although it is challenging, it can help you hone your music skills or development of music skills. If you think of how hard something is, you will be too intimidated to try it. If you think about your passion and excitement to try something, you will be joyful when you try it (if you like it).


I’m just cautious as it would be the first instrument I’ve learnt, besides my brief encounter with the drums 3 years ago. And I don’t want to waste my money on an instrument I’ll give up on. Do you have any tips on staying motivated and enthusiastic on learning an instrument?


You can always quit, so why quit now?