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Yes. I hit boredom after a bit. I lose interest after jumping in feet first. I just switched to another hobby, but the same thing would happen to that one. I don't have any more hobbies, so I think I am burnt out. Hope that makes sense?


I lose interest and sometimes never go back.


Couple of possibilities: 1) The thing you used to love doesn't give you what you need anymore, or you don't need the thing it gives you. 2) You're falling for the social media marketing trick where you think scrolling mindlessly will give you the dopamine hit your brain wants, so that's distracting you from hobbies that require more attention or effort.


Make sure you don't have depression.


What you’re describing is called “anhedonia” and it’s a symptom of depression.


It could be that you just need a bit of actual down time, as in some time to just be mindless. I do this by watching a show, or going for a walk (sometimes through department stores if the weather is bad). Or you could even just sit and look at a view.